3013: MATED (3013: The Series) (13 page)

BOOK: 3013: MATED (3013: The Series)
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Alexis looked down at Brydan and
if a dragon could smile, she clearly was.
“Come on, Brydan!”

A sound had Brydan turning and he
saw four soldiers walk out onto the rooftop watching the dragons in shock. His
eyes narrowed, watching the soldiers for any sign of hostility, but the
soldiers made no move towards them. They simply stood in place by the doorway,
watching the dragons with awed expressions.

Satisfied that his family wasn’t
in jeopardy, Brydan shot them a grin as he altered forms and launched himself
into the sky, letting out a triumphant bellow as he followed the other dragons
as they flew away from the city that lay spread out beneath them.



Chapter Eight


They landed in a clearing not far
from the waterfall, and Alexis shifted back to human form as soon as her feet
touched the ground. Looking down at herself, she was amazed that she was still
wearing the clothing she had put on before they’d left the suite.

“You were not paying attention,
mate,” Xavier said as he strode over to pull her into his arms. “I clothed you
when you changed back. You must remember to use your magic when you shift. All
you have to do is think about what you want to wear and will it. I would not
like for anyone else to see your naked form.”

She rolled her eyes at him. “It’s
not like I want to go prancing naked in front of strangers either. But, I did
pretty well for my first time, didn’t I?”

Xavier looked down into her
beautiful violet eyes and felt such love and pride swell inside himself. She
truly was a gift. “Aye, little one. You did very well.”

He lowered his head and brushed
his lips against hers in a tender kiss that had her melting against him. She
wrapped her arms around his waist, holding on as he took the kiss deeper.

“Enough of that,” Galan said
playfully, pulling her out of his brother’s arms. “I will be taking our mate
for a walk while the rest of you set up camp. Come, mate. Let us go explore a

The three other males grumbled as
they shot him the evil eye, but Galan simply winked at Alexis, making her
laugh. He took her hand in his as he led her away from the group. “I am very
proud of you, sweetling. You have taken to being a Dragon Warrior’s mate as if
you were born for it.”

She smiled as she bumped her hip
against him. “I thought you said I was…born for it I mean.”

He lifted their joint hands to
press a kiss to her knuckles. “You were. In all the long years we have traveled
the universes, we have longed to find the one female that would complete us.
From the first moment we saw you we knew you were meant for us. Finding you has
been a blessing.”

“But how?” Alexis didn’t mean to
push the subject, but she really was interested in figuring out exactly how
this mating worked. “How did you know I was the one for you?”

“We felt it the moment we
arrived. Perhaps it is our magic that leads us to our perfect mate. One look at
you was all it took, but it was more than that. I felt as if my very soul was
reaching out to yours. Our race is one that feels deeply, far more than humans
are capable of due to our ability to blood bond. It is a sacred thing, allowing
someone else access to your mind, but it also allows those who are bonded a
deeper relationship. We cannot hide anything from one another. There is no fear
of deception or untruth between us, and you never have to doubt our feelings
for you.”

That was true.

Without the blood bond Alexis had
felt as if she had been going crazy. Anger, jealousy and hurt had ruled her
emotions, sending her careening into a dark place. She had feared losing them.
The attraction between them had been there as soon as they arrived, but she had
written it off as pure lust instead of understanding it was something more. She
was used to betrayal, of people thinking that she was unworthy. With her mates
everything was different. She had no doubt that she was their first priority
now. It was going to take some time getting used to, but she wanted it, wanted
the life she would have with them more than anything.

They walked through a break in
the trees and came to the waterfall. To Alexis this had always been a magical
place, and she was glad she could share it with them. The waterfall was set
back into a large pool of crystal clear water that was where the area had
gotten its name. Lava rocks heated the grotto area, making it lush with moss
and ferns that hung down from the stones.

“This is beautiful, sweetling.
Thank you for sharing it with us.”

“This area is on the border of
what we call the safe zone. South of this is mostly ocean and desert land that
we call the badlands. The Alliance still hasn’t really expanded with major
cities through those areas. There are outposts there, but rebels are still a

“And these rebels do not like
living by Alliance regulations?”

“No, they don’t. But then again,
the separation between the elites and other citizens makes it pretty hard to be

“Enough serious talk. I want to
enjoy you while I have you all to myself,” Galan growled.

She laughed as Galan lifted her
onto a large, flat rock, sitting her in front of him. She automatically parted
her legs, allowing him to move closer to her so his erection was pressing
against her core. She felt a throbbing between her legs as her body reacted to
his closeness. Stars, he felt so good against her that she wanted to feel their
naked bodies pressed together. She wrapped her arms around his neck and tilted
her head back, inviting his kiss.

Galan didn’t make her wait. He
kissed her softly, brushing his lips back and forth over hers until she
couldn’t stand waiting any longer. She opened her mouth and thrust her tongue
into his, loving the deep growl that rumbled in his chest. She felt her nipples
harden, aching for his touch. His expression was harsh, so serious as he gazed
down at her when he pulled back. The intensity in his glowing silver eyes made
her insides flutter.

Gathering her courage, she tapped
into the magic inside her and will both of their clothing away. His eyes
narrowed as his cock slapped against her bare mound. The power she had been
gifted by them was amazing, and talk about easy access when she wanted it.

“You sway me from my purpose so
easily, mate,” Galan growled.

“I would think your purpose would
be the same as mine,” she teased as she wrapped her legs around him, trying to
draw him closer. She looked down at the thick stalk of flesh throbbing against
her. His enormous erection slapped against his rock-hard abs and she wanted to
feel it moving inside of her. A pearly drop of liquid seeped from the tip of
his cock and she reached down to swipe at it with a finger, bringing it up to
her mouth. Her lashes fluttered at the sweet taste of him and she hummed in


He tilted her head up so their
gazes met again. Nostrils flaring, he looked like the warrior he was. She felt
the strength of his need for her battering her system as if he was already
inside of her. Confusion filtered in when he simply stared at her and she let
her legs drop down.

Old habits of self-doubt seeped
in as she studied him. “Is something wrong?”

“You are my dream, Alexis. On our
world we would show everyone that you belonged to us by placing a mating torque
around your neck. We do have one made, which we will give to you once we are
back on our vessel, however there is something else we would like to do to bind
you to us.”

“All right,” she said.

Galan smiled at her immediate
agreement. Reaching up, he stroked a finger over the mark she wore on the right
side of her face, right near her eye. He watched her flinch and anger surged
through him at the thought of what the mark meant to her people.

“Don’t be mad,” she said, smiling
at him. “The mark no longer matters.”

“But it does. Close your eyes for
a moment, sweetling.”

Alexis closed her eyes and waited
as she felt him press two fingers to the mark on her face. Her skin heated
where he touched her and she could feel his magic flowing into her in a
concentrated stream. When he stroked those loving fingers down her cheek she
opened her eyes again. She didn’t have to see it to know that the star tattoo
that had labeled her as infertile was now gone. Galan had done that for her. He
had erased her mark of shame because he knew how she felt about it. Tears of
gratitude filled her eyes and he shook his head.

“Nay, sweetling. Do not weep.”

“Thank you,” she whispered

“We knew the marking upset you.
As our mate you will wear no mark but our own. As I said, we will place our
mating torque around your neck to wear, however as Dragon Warriors we have our
own mating ritual we would ask of you.”

She nodded her head. “Okay, tell
me what you need me to do.”

“I know your aversion to the
symbol you wore, but we would ask for you to allow us to mark you like us.”

Her eyes widened. “Mark me…you
mean like your tattoos?”

“Aye.” Galan held his arms out,
showing her the dark lines he wore proudly on his arms and torso. “When Xavier
and I bound our lives to Thorn and Brydan we had our colors combined on our
skin. The silver lines represent the House of Tesera and the gold represent the
House of Volis. You are both now. Each of us will take a private moment with
you to brand you with our magic if you agree. It is our way of sharing all we
are with you.”

“On Earth, elite soldiers mark
their chosen woman with a tattoo next to her left eye when they claim her. The
mark is a stylized design of their initials, but they themselves mark their
left shoulders and arms as a sign to the world that they are bonded. I
understand the meaning behind markings, and I want that with you. I want to
belong to you. I would love to wear your mark, Galan,” Alexis said softly. She
took a deep breath as she prepared to lay her heart on the line. He deserved to
know how she felt about him, and she wouldn’t waste this opportunity to tell
him. “Galan, I…I love you.”

Out of all of her mates, Galan
was the first to touch her heart. He was a warrior through and through, but
there was something sweet about him. He was caring, and never hesitated to show
her exactly how he felt about her. Through their bond she could sense that he
had a sensitive heart, and his love for her was absolute and unending.

silver eyes burned like twin flames as he
solemnly placed a fist over his heart. He laid his other hand over her heart
while he stared into her eyes, forming a connection so it was impossible for
her to look away. “You are my light, my love and my life. With this mark I
share my magic and my heart with you. I vow to protect you, to ensure your
happiness above all, and love you for all the days we are together in this
life, until we are reunited in the next.”

felt the warmth of his touch heat up then she felt his magic flowing into her
again. Looking down she saw a bright light shining from underneath his hand
over her heart. Thin lines of silver swirled and flowed out from under his
hand, up over her shoulder then down her back. She felt it moving over her
right arm, trailing down to her hand so that her entire arm and upper torso was
engulfed in his light.

the light faded her right arm, shoulder and back were covered with a tattoo
similar to his own. The design was beautiful. It looked like a silver dragon
claw was cupping her right breast and it made her feel incredibly special to be
able to wear his mark.

were streaming down Alexis’ face by the time he finished his vow. “I love you,
Galan,” she whispered.

I you, sweetling. You own my heart,” Galan swore.

His mouth came down on hers, hot
and hard. He gripped her hips, jerking her forward so she was sitting at the
edge of the rock and she wound her long legs around him again. His hand slid
down between them, stroking his fingers down her slit, spreading her juices
over her lips of her sex.

She was soaking wet and ready for

“I need you, Alexis.”

“Then take me. Mate with me,

Galan’s lips claimed hers again
as she guided his cock to her tight, wet pussy. His cock was rock-hard, and he
felt ready to burst already, but he wouldn’t come yet. Not until he was buried
deep inside her. Fitting the bulbous head of his cock to her entrance, he slid
forward, burying himself into her with one thrust. He froze, eyes going wide as
her body accepted him with ease.

Alexis grinned up at him. “I
think I’m getting the hang of this magic thing.”

A chuckle rumbled in his chest.
“Aye, you are. I was worried that I hurt you.”

“I’m fine,” she promised. “But
you won’t be if you don’t start moving.”

“Then I best get to it,” Galan
said then growled as he jerked his hips back, only to surge into her slick
pussy again in a slow, steady thrust. He cupped her breasts with his large
hands, pinching her nipples and he growled when her tight pussy clamped down on

Alexis drew his head back down to
hers as they moved together. He was pumping into her slowly, driving her wild
as he shoved his massive cock into her over and over again. He let out a low
growl of pleasure as his lips moved down her neck. His fangs nipped at the soft
flesh there, sending a shockwave of lust straight to her clit.

“Oh god,” she moaned, letting him
know exactly what he was doing to her. “It’s so good. I love how your big cock
feels inside of me. Faster, I need you harder.”

“Slow, sweetling. I want to enjoy
your muscles gripping me tight.”

She could feel the strength of
his control through their bond and she knew he was close to the breaking point.
Squeezing her muscles on him, she tried to push him over the edge.

Galan let out a vicious growl as
his hips bucked, thrusting into her with startling force. “Naughty, mate.”

“Give it to me, Galan. Claim me
hard and fast like we both need.”

“You want me to claim you, mate?”

“Yes. Show me how much you want
me, Galan. Do it. Fuck me and show me who I belong to.”

“Mine,” he snarled as his control
snapped. “You belong to me!”

“Yes!” she cried out.

“Your pussy belongs to me. You
are mine!” His voice was thick with lust as he pounded his hard length into

Alexis wrapped her arms around
him, burying her face into his neck as his hands gripped her hips, pulling her
to him as he stretched her tight hole with his cock. Their mutual pleasure
collided inside of her through their bond, and she fed it back to him so that
he was as crazy as she was. Shock filled her as she felt her teeth lengthen
until she had fangs. An overwhelming urge pushed her, wanting the taste of his
blood. Giving in, she sank her fangs into him, feeling their bond grow even
stronger as she drank from him.

BOOK: 3013: MATED (3013: The Series)
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