3013: MATED (3013: The Series) (14 page)

BOOK: 3013: MATED (3013: The Series)
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He snarled as he came, filling
her pussy with his hot seed and his cock swelled, locking him inside of her. He
moved his hand between them again, stroking her clit, so she bucked against
him. Her cries of pleasure were muffled against his skin as waves of ecstasy
slammed into her. She licked the wound on his neck closed then Galan gripped
her hair and jerked her head to the side. He sank his fangs into her neck right
below Xavier’s mark on her and she let out a scream as another the brutal
climax rocked her before the first one was finished.

“Wow, that was…wow.”

“Aye, sweetling. Every time with
you just gets better,” Galan whispered tenderly as he stroked a hand through
her pale locks.

She nuzzled against him, loving
the scent of him surrounding her then froze as she remembered something that
had her rearing back. She slapped his arm, shocking him even if it didn’t hurt.

“What was that for?”

Her eyes narrowed. “Something
else you forget to mention to me? I have fangs, Galan!”

“Ah…aye, you do.” He shot her a
sheepish smile as he stroked her cheek. “Forgive me for not mentioning it

She relaxed against him again,
stroking her hand up and down the corded muscles of his back. “Somehow I have a
feeling that there are going to be many more things that I’m going to find you
guys forgot to mention.”

is up,” Brydan announced cheerfully as he strolled out of the trees. His eyes
sparkled with mirth as Galan let out a low curse. “I have been patient long
enough. Since you are finished now, I intend on taking our mate on a ride.”

that a euphemism for more sex? Because you’re going to have to give me a minute
to recover if it is,” Alexis said, making Brydan laugh.

slowly pulled back, making her moan as she felt his cock leave her. He was
still hard and she could feel his frustration at the interruption. She would
have been embarrassed for anyone else to have come upon her and Galan while
they were still locked together, but Brydan was also her mate so she was just
going to have to get used to it.

blinked as she looked down and suddenly found herself wearing a pair of tight
leather pants and a thick gold-colored tunic. She looked up at Brydan as he
held his hand out to her and allowed him to pull her to a standing position.
She gasped as he produced a thick, fur-lined cloak out of thin air. He draped
it around her shoulders, tying it at her neck as he winked at her.

do you think to take her, Brydan? It is dangerous—”

will not let anything happen to her, have no fear, Galan.” He looked down at
her and the challenge was clear in his eyes. “Are you up for a little
adventure, Lexie?”

course I am!”

stepped back from her, ignoring Galan’s protests, and shifted into his dragon
“Climb on, mate. Let me take you flying.”

did a little happy dance then raised up on her toes to press a kiss to Galan’s
disapproving mouth. When he remained unaffected, she pouted. “I want to go
flying with Brydan.”

sighed. “Then go, sweetling. Enjoy yourself.”

ran over to Brydan, using his wing to help boost her into position on top of
his back. “Where are we going, Brydan?”

is a surprise.”

care of her, if not Xavier, Thorn and I will have your head,” Galan warned. 

nearly had her falling off Brydan as he let out a plume of fire from his dragon
nose. Galan didn’t even flinch.

on, mate,”
Brydan said a second
before he launched into the air.

let out a whoop of pure joy as they flew up into the sky. Brydan’s large wings
expanded, effortlessly propelling them over the land below. It was different
then flying as a dragon herself. There had been a sense of power as she had cut
through the sky as a dragon earlier. It was as if nothing could hurt her. But
now, sitting on Brydan as he flew her toward the mountains there was an
exhilarating feeling of being out of control, of being at the mercy of the
elements. It didn’t matter though because Alexis knew that Brydan would never
let anything happen to her.

mate. I would protect you with my life.”

smiled as she leaned down to wrap her hands around his large neck. It wasn’t
possible because he was so massive, so she simply laid down on his back and
enjoyed the ride. Brydan took her high into the skies and finally landed on a
mountaintop covered with thick snow. As soon as they touched down Alexis found
herself in the arms of her mate.

pressed a sweet kiss to her lips and she smiled against him. “Did you enjoy
yourself, Lexie?”

much. I can’t believe how stunning it is from up here.” Alexis moved to the
edge to look out over the beautiful mountain vista then turned back to him.
“How did you find this place?”

went scouting while you were busy with Galan. Come, I have something to show
you.” He took her hand and led her through a crack in the mountain, into the
dark interior.

blasted her like a slap to the face as Brydan lifted his hand and made her
cloak disappear. She automatically adjusted her body temperature to the new
terrain so she didn’t overheat. Talk about awesome. She could really get used
to having magic.

led her through a dark tunnel, into a cavern filled with crystal stalactites
and stalagmites that refracted the light filtering in from cracks in the
ceiling. The room was filled with a kaleidoscope of rainbow colors, making it
look like a fairyland from another planet. It amazed her that a place like this
actually existed here on Earth.

is absolutely amazing!”

am glad you like it. I wanted to bring you somewhere beautiful,” Brydan said
with a seriousness that surprised her. He was usually the most playful of the
group and this sober intensity was new coming from him.

you.” She reached up to cup his face with her hands, drawing him down so she
could kiss him. His arms wrapped around her waist, enfolding her into his
embrace. The kiss was heated, filled with all the love and passion that they
felt for one another. She wanted him. Wanted to feel his hands on her, to feel
him inside her. She felt his steel-hard shaft rubbing against her stomach and
it had a flood of wetness spilling from between her thighs.

was shocking just how quickly the desire flared to life. She had just been with
Galan, but now all she could think about was mating with Brydan again.

hands moved down his chest and she pulled back, startled to find that he had
removed their clothing while she had been lost in the kiss.

she rubbed her body against his, causing his erection to swell further.
“Someone is in a hurry.” 

yelped as he picked her up, but she instantly relaxed in his arms and she
continued kissing him. He carried her a few feet then lowered her onto what
felt like a soft blanket he had placed on the floor, covering her body with
his. Shifting, she tried to move so his massive body was cradled between her
thighs, but he resisted. His large frame trembled as if the effort to deny her
pained him.

love your breasts, mate. They are perfect,” he purred as he cupped them. His
head lowered and he sucked one of her nipples, making her shiver as it hardened
from his attention. He moved onto the other one, nipping at it lightly. He
pulled back and his glowing golden eyes seared into her straight to her soul.
When she reached for him he shook his head, holding back.

hand stroked her hair away from her face tenderly to soften his rejection. “There
is nothing I want more than to spread you wide and take you like the beast that
I am, but first there is much that I have to say and I vowed that I would
before I took you again.”


huffed out a breath and looked away. “I do not know where to begin…”

this be easier for you if we had clothes on?”

I need to feel you against me.”

also got the strong impression that he wanted her in a position where she
couldn’t run from him. Uncertainty poured through their bond and she stroked
her hands over his golden skin, wanting to soothe him. Brydan was never
hesitant. She wasn’t worried about what he would say. Whatever it was wouldn’t
affect their relationship or how she felt about him. She loved him and knew
that he loved her. “Tell me whatever it is you need to say. I won’t run.”

lost hope.”

whispered words were spoken so softly that she barely heard him, even with her
enhanced hearing. Understanding that this confession was difficult for him, she
waited, giving him the time he needed to say whatever it was that was weighing
on his mind.

mate is not just a companion, Lexie. Mates are the other half to our souls and
from birth finding a mate is the driving need for every male. As a Dragon
Warrior it is even harder to be without a female to balance out the darkness
that exists in the uncertainty of our lives. We travel, exploring different
worlds, and even though I had Thorn and my blood brothers to keep my company,
the long years were difficult for me.”

looked back down at her, their eyes meeting and she saw his were dull with
sorrow. “I gave up hope of every finding a true mate. For the last fifty years
I faltered in my belief that we would find you, even when the others held their
faith. I am two hundred years old, and that is a very long time to be without
the other half of my soul,” he said, almost as if it were a plea for her to

nodded slowly, stroking her hands over his shoulders. “It is.”

took other females to my bed, more than the others. I tried to find someone
that I could feel something for, but it never happened. I could never find a
way to break through this barrier I seemed to have around my heart…until I saw
you. I knew you were the one as soon as we arrived. I could smell the sweet
scent of your skin, and I saw my future staring back at me through your
beautiful eyes. It agonizes me to confess to you that I did not believe.”


wanted to take you.” The words burst out from him as though they pained him.
“The very first thought I had was that I wanted to steal you. To transport you
back to our vessel as soon as we saw you so no one could stop us from claiming
you, even you. I did not care if it would have caused a war with Earth. I only
thought of my own selfish need. It was dishonorable for me to even think it,
but I had been prepared to do it. If the others had agreed, I would have taken
you and given you no choice.
Knowing this about myself is not something
that sits well with me. It was dishonorable.
are my life, and I did not want to risk losing you.”

felt the shame wash through him as he told her of his past mistakes. He knew in
his heart that he didn’t deserve her. Feeling the love and acceptance of all he
was flowing from her through their bond humbled him and he vowed that he would
never take the gift of her in his life for granted. Being with Alexis showed
him why males of his kind wished for a mate from their birth. She was his joy,
his heart, the other half to his soul.

you are my mate now. You don’t have to worry about that. I forgive you,
although I don’t really think I need to. You didn’t do anything wrong. I had a
life before I met you too, and all that matters is that we are together now.”
She cupped his face with her hand and his eyes closed as he pressed against it.

eyes opened again. “You undo me, Lexie. I love you, my mate, my heart. Now that
you know my faults, will you consent to wear my mark?”

will. I love you and will never leave you, Brydan. I will wear you mark with

for Brydan filled her.
He was a warrior who felt that he had somehow
failed her by giving up hope that he would find her through the long years, but
she didn’t blame him. Not at all. There was a gentle heart that he hid beneath
his wicked sense of humor and his façade of not caring. The truth was he felt
too much and he tried not to show it. It astounded her that he loved her so
much that he would have risked war to have her.

How could she not love him in

golden eyes were somber as he
placed a fist over his heart. When he laid his other hand over her heart, she
placed hers over his to strengthen their connection.

you are my light, my love and my life. With this mark I share my magic and my
heart with you. I vow to protect you, to ensure your happiness above all, and
love you for all the days we are together in this life, until we are reunited
in the next.”

saw the light and felt the heat of his touch running through her body as she
had when Galan had placed his mark on her, but she didn’t look away from his
eyes as she felt his magic seep into her. When the light faded, she lifted her
arm and saw golden lines twined through the silver tattoo Galan had left on the
right side of her body. She saw the dragon’s claw tattooed on her right breast
had dark gold threads woven through the silver. It was almost like she could
feel Brydan and Galan touching her as she studied the design and she absolutely
loved it.

BOOK: 3013: MATED (3013: The Series)
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