Across the Music (Across the Ocean Book 2) (17 page)

BOOK: Across the Music (Across the Ocean Book 2)
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Her back arches off the bed, and she begins chanting "Yes yes yes," quietly, almost to herself. The rippling in her pussy tells me she's ready to blow, and I know I'm going to follow the second that she clamps down on me.

"I can't wait to feel you come around my cock,
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. You feel so good, so hot around me. Fucking you is everything I imagined it would be." I pump several times more and then feel the firm clamping on my cock as she begins to convulse almost violently on the bed. Her toes curl, and her feet wiggle crazily on my shoulders, her loud, open-mouthed moans filling the air. I feel my balls tighten, and the arrow of pleasure shoot down my spine and all the way out through the head of my cock explosively. I see stars, and the world around me fades away except for the heat of her pussy around me tethering me to this world. I know I must be making noises, and I vaguely hear Loki moaning as well, knowing he is probably came a few moments after us.

I open my eyes to see that I'm right, and Sophie is pumping the last of his orgasm onto her own stomach, even though she's still spasming helplessly on the bed with her aftershocks. My pace has slowed to only the occasional and involuntary thrust as I try not to push her too much, I know she's sensitive from such a huge orgasm.

All of our breathing is labored and heavy, as we say nothing and come down from the high of our orgasms. Sophie is absolutely delicious.

"So, I came in here to let you know that dinner is ready." Loki murmurs lazily, and we all laugh in response.

Chapter 9






My legs have turned to jelly, and Gunnar is sweet as he gently pulls out of me and tosses me a towel from the floor to clean myself up with before discreetly removing the condom. Loki is still on the bed next to me, and he takes the towel and begins to clean up my stomach for me. I'm happy that Loki didn't get more involved, but was still incredible to have him there, and part of the whole thing.

We all get dressed in a comfortable silence, me in a dry pair of jeans and black tank top, Gunnar in jeans and a blue basic t-shirt, and Loki in jeans and a white shirt with some obscure music inspired graphics on it. Once we're all dressed and decent, we leave the room and make our way to the patio where everybody is eating and conversing, seemingly to not even have noticed that we were all gone to begin with.

We grab plates and put an assortment of grilled lobster, halibut, sweet potatoes and regular potatoes on them, with salad and a delicious feta cheese dressing. I'm absolutely famished, and eat mine faster than is decent for a lady. There's a cooler chest sitting against the wall to the summerhouse, and Gunnar grabs all three of us a beer to wash it down with. We don't talk much, yet it's comfortable to eat and watch everybody else talk and laugh around us.



Once we've finished our incredibly delicious food and tossed our used paper plates into one of the large black trash bags resting against the wall near the hot tub, Loki makes his way inside to grab his guitar, and Gunnar follows not far behind him in order to grab his laptop and a small mixer for music making. Gunnar sets his equipment carefully up onto the large wooden table we had been enjoying our meal at earlier, while Loki sits on the wooden bench next to him, tuning his guitar. The twangs of the strings as he listens to them gives me a strange thrill. Those fingers of his, covered so beautifully in art, were on me earlier, and now they‘re touching the guitar like a lover as well, attentive and thoughtfully.

The partying seems to calm down once everyone notices what‘s going on. The people without a seat quickly grab a folding chair from a small storage room at the end of the patio and continue their conversations on a quieter level in order to enjoy the music they know will come. I'm excited to listen to them as well, as I find nothing sexier or more entertaining than men who can play beautiful music. I haven't had the real pleasure of listening to them play except for two times before, and Gunnar had only participated once. Since I had been singing both times, it wasn't the same as just letting the music ebb and flow through me. I wonder what type of music they'll play, but I have a feeling that I‘ll enjoy it anyways.

Once Loki is satisfied with the tuning on his guitar, he begins to strum a simple tune, the same three chords over and over again in tempo. Am, F and C if I am hearing correctly. They sound beautiful and simple, and due to his repetitive glances at Gunnar, I assume he‘s waiting for him to finish setting up before going into more depth. His fingers play with the chords, picking a delicate melody out of something so simple, seeming to make it up as he goes along.

Brooke and Ari pull chairs up, and sit near me to my right, with Brooke between Ari and I. Brooke‘s expression is full of glee, and Ari is smiling in anticipation as well. Emilía and Sóley are sitting a small distance away next to Baldvin, their small talk so quiet that I can‘t understand any of it. Katla and the guy Pétur are sitting in the hot tub together, neither near or far away from each other so I‘m unsure if they have a relationship, or are just friends. Pétur is a good looking bloke, who has a closely shaved head with a dark fuzz growing back over his smoothly shaped skull, a shortly trimmed beard and mustache. With bright, large blue eyes, he‘s quite a handsome guy, even if he is quite a bit shorter than Gunnar. Pétur‘s eyes are so intense that I‘ve been intimidated by him and the fact that he‘s been hanging out with Katla, therefore I‘ve avoided talking to him or even meeting him yet. He doesn‘t seem to mind. From what I remember earlier, he has quite an eclectic taste in fashion as well, donning clothes that have all seemed to come from the early nineties.

"I love when they play like this for us." Brooke leans over to say in a hushed tone. Ari nods in agreement and wraps his arm around Brooke's shoulders, pulling her close to him. "I can't wait until you do this with them, too. It'd be the icing on the cake, having a great singing voice to accompany them." She tosses a glance at Loki and Gunnar before turning back to me. "Ari says that they've been playing together since they were young teenagers, and they've never found a singer that clicked right with them. I think it's mostly what is holding them back from releasing an actual album. Maybe you can help them get over that speedbump." Brooke winks at me before turning to listen to something Ari says to her that I can't hear.

What if I was to become an actual member of their group, and finally have a chance to make music like I want? It's what I had hoped would happen; that some door would open that I could walk through to a path with music. Could it really be as easy as it seems? I've only been in this country 6 weeks, is that a long time or too short a time for opportunities to arrive?

I'm brought out of my thoughts when I hear a sudden beat coming from one of Gunnar's mixers. A steady, low bass is pumping a 4/4 tempo, while Gunnar pushes several buttons, and swirls a few knobs around to get the sound to warp and twist to his liking. My foot taps in time with his beat, and my head bobs along with it. Gunnar's mixer is very neat to look at, even from my distance. On the middle bottom of the square device, is a touch pad with where bright red squares light up in response to his finger pressing on it. The squares follow his finger, and the tone of the beat changes into someone else, something grittier. Releasing the pressure on the screen, the sound returns to how it had been prior to his touch on the pad.

Gunnar tosses a look at Loki, eyes glittering with excitement. He obviously loves to play, and in front of an audience even more, I imagine. Loki nods slightly with a small tilt of his head, and his fingers instantly start to flow over the strings, plucking delicately as he strums along. Within moments, their notes merge together and mingle harmoniously and perfectly. A mixture of acoustic and electronic music, I'm rather impressed with the outcome. The beat keeps our toes tapping, and the acoustic guitar pulls on the heartstrings, causing strange sorts of feelings to flow out of me in response. I could sing to this, I realize. I could be a part of this. It's unique, this type of music, and it calls to me, begging me to stand up and lend my voice to fill the void that is missing from the song.

Not realizing that I had closed my eyes in appreciation of what I was hearing, I open them to see with some surprise, that Loki and Gunnar are both looking at me directly from their places at the table. Their expressions are hard to read, but surely they must be thinking about adding singing as well. Gunnar twists a knob, pushes a few buttons, and the bass begins to pump a heavier, more sultry beat that I can feel deep within my body as he turns his equipment up louder. Loki is working magic on his guitar, the high notes complimenting the deep bass as everyone who is watching moves their heads in time.

I hope that this is what I have to look forward to in my life, as a frequent thing. It feels like a simple life, just filled with music, and that's exactly what I think I need.






Sophie has just been sitting there with her eyes closed, swaying her body and head with the flow of the melody, her foot up on one knee bouncing along with the beat. The way she seems to lose herself when she listens to music touches a private place inside of me, and also turns me on. I don't think I've ever met a woman who appreciated music the way that I do, where it literally grabs onto you and doesn't let go for the whole ride of the song. It takes to you to another place where the real world fades to nothing while you're lost in the abyss of beats and melodies.

I need to take a step back from Sophie, I think. I need to see her more clearly without this haze of lust and need to claim her that I can't seem to work around. For having known her for only a small period of time, I'm really rather ridiculous for allowing myself to think that her and I are something so much more. She hardly knows me, and sex doesn't equal a relationship. I glance over at Loki, who has been glancing at Sophie so often, that surely the rest of our friends have noticed that he has an interest in her. Embarrassingly, I think that I've been no better than him, glancing over at her with zero control over myself, like a guy who is head over heels for a girl.

Our song comes to a close, and we fade out of that one, while I prep the next one to begin playing with a few turns of knobs. Loki decides he's done playing for the moment, and stands up from the bench, sets the guitar on the ground carefully against the table, and after a walk to the shed to grab another fold up chair, plants himself next to Sophie. She seems rather surprised, by the start she gives and wide eyed expression when she opens her eyes and realizes that Loki is there with her instead of playing over with me.

That bastard. I know all is fair in this supposed game we are playing, but I can't help feeling the jealousy creep through me, heating my neck and cheeks with it while I try to focus on my mixer with a bland expression, while attempting to sneak glances in their direction from the corner of my eye without appearing too obvious. I doubt anybody is even paying attention to me at this point, but I have my reputation to consider. Right, my reputation.

I set the song on a loop so that I don't have to pay too much attention to it, turn and walk to where the large cooler is sitting in the middle of the porch for everyone, open it up and pull out a beer for myself. Baldvin comes up beside me and pulls a beer out for himself as well, following my gaze to see who and what I'm looking at. He elbows me in the ribs, chuckling softly. I take a step back, thinning my lips in annoyance.

"You've got it bad, huh? Why are you letting Loki get an upper hand over you?" Rolling my eyes at his question, I pop open the top of my beverage with the loud hissing sound of carbonation fighting its way out, and take a large gulp while still watching the couple chatting and laughing.

"I highly doubt he's getting the upper hand, Baldvin." I say with a confidence in my voice that I don't feel. "Have you met me? Surely you'd know the ridiculousness of your question if you had." We both laugh a little at my obnoxiousness, but it's how we always are with each other.

"If you're not careful, he will get one up on you, you know. He's a smooth one with the ladies. I know he never keeps any around for very long, but I would bet money it's just because he can't find one that he could stand to keep around for very long." I nod along with Baldvin at those words, knowing them to be true. Rubbing a hand over my face briskly, I lean down and grab one extra beer from the cooler, nod to Baldvin and walk the short distance across the patio to where Sophie and Loki are sitting, with Brooke and Ari nearby. Extending the beer to Sophie, I plant one of my more attractive (so I've been told) smiles, and try to turn up my charm. Sophie looks over at me with a warm and welcoming smile that makes me feel at ease as she takes the beer from me. Lifting it in the air towards me, she raises an eyebrow.

"Cheers?" She says softly. I lift my can to hers, and we tap the edges together with an aluminium clank, and both take drinks.

." I add when I'm finished with my sip. "Do you mind if I sit here with you two?" I include Loki in my glance this time, also addressing him with my question. His face doesn't say much in the way of what he's thinking, but that's not unusual. At least the corners of his mouth are lifted in good humor. Sophie's smile grows even wider as she looks up at me, gesturing to her right side that is open.

"Of course, you're always welcome to come and sit beside me, Gunnar." I turn and walk over to the storage room with extra chairs, and pull one out for myself. I'm surprised at how Sophie's smile had made me feel so at ease, and I'm surprised at how my jealousy seems to grow more with each passing hour. If I'm honest, it's making me rather uncomfortable.

BOOK: Across the Music (Across the Ocean Book 2)
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