Across the Music (Across the Ocean Book 2) (20 page)

BOOK: Across the Music (Across the Ocean Book 2)
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My hands grip the back of Gunnar's neck tight as the edge of the world looms within reach, and I prepare to catapult straight over. All fingers on my body only double their efforts, speeding up their tempo, pounding fingers inside of me, rubbing the upper walls of my pussy in such a perfect way. One of Gunnar's hands lifts up to continue pinching and rolling my nipples, and it's the final straw that sends me on my journey to ecstacy.

I am murmuring incoherently as it rolls over me; the pleasure consuming me, filling the space behind my closed eyes with ever changing bright lights as though I'm in a warp speed tunnel passing galaxies. I'm vaguely aware of my body convulsing in the safety of their arms, and in this moment, I don't have anything to be afraid of. I don't have a care in the world other than Gunnar and Loki.

I have no idea how much time passes before I come down from my orgasm, but Gunnar and Loki make no move to take their own pleasure from me. They smooth their hands over my body in a calming way, over all of my limbs as my body cools down and the throbbing is but a low thrum in my blood. Exhaustion is overcoming me, and as Gunnar moves out from behind me, he lays me down with my head on the pillow, tenderly tucking stray hairs behind my ears. Loki also moves from the bed, pulling the duvet cover up to my chin and smoothing a hand down the length of my body.

Leaning down to kiss my forehead, Gunnar murmurs softly into my ear "Rest now, we're here to watch over you while you sleep." And then there is nothing but a nightmare free sleep that takes me.



The next morning was pleasant, albeit filled with a steady and heavy rain that left a peaceful calm within me. The clouds have been hanging low in the sky, pouring out their woes upon those of us who decided to take a dip in the hot tub when we woke up.

I rose near noon, feeling extremely refreshed and even giddy with the events that happened the night before. I think there might even be a little bounce to my step today. Feeling light within myself enough to perhaps take a walk upon the clouds that feel close enough to reach out and grab a piece of it's fluffy, wet substance.

While we were eating a breakfast of cereal, Gunnar received a phone call from his work, demanding he come in that night to do an important project of some sort, which means we have to leave the summerhouse earlier than we had anticipated. On one hand, I'm rather sad since this means I won't get another night to share with them in our room, but also my time for getting to know everybody here on a better level is also shortened.

On the other hand, it also means that Gunnar, Loki and myself will have more time to practice music; something I'm looking forward to immensely. I can't wait to sit down and just create, to let the music out that has been begging to be realized for a while come to shine.

We have a small amount of time before we leave, so I've used it to quickly shove all my clothes back into my duffel bag, and spend the rest of my time with Brooke. Sitting together at the dining table next to the big windows overlooking the porch and far off mountains, we're chatting amicably about what it's like to come to Iceland for the first time.

"It was wonderful for me when I arrived," She's saying, shrugging her shoulders. "I've heard some nightmare stories and I've heard a lot of good ones. Most foreigners think that Icelandic people are amongst the friendliest they've ever met. I'm inclined to agree. My situation was special, in my reasoning for coming, and the group of people who were waiting for me. How was it for you?"

"It was frightening to leave home, but I can say I've had one of the more pleasant stories since I've arrived. Meeting everyone in Tálknafjörður was a huge highlight. Thank you, by the way, for inviting me through Hilary to the party. I can't even express how it's changed me to get to know you better, and to be a part of this close-knit group. Is everybody always like this?" She smiles widely at me, nodding at me.

"Oh yes. It's incredible, isn't it? All of the Tálknafjörður men have known each other since they were little and are very close. It's enviable, isn't it?" She scrunches up her face in apparent jealousy. Laughing, I nod in agreement.

"I've never seen anything like it. Such a small country I guess is the benefit, as well as growing up in a town with so few people; a town with limited options on things to do, where you're required to go outside and play with your friends all day long. To have so many life-long friends is something I find fascinating." I pause for a moment, taking a deep breath and releasing it; ready to change the direction of our conversation. "If you don't mind me asking, you mentioned you have lived a hard life. How did you move on, past the emotional trauma of everything? Do you think it made you a better or worse person for it?" Brooke's eyes widen at my choice of subject, but her face shows no sign of discomfort in the topic.

"Well," she begins slowly, thoughtfully. "We are who we are not because of what has happened to us, I think. We become who we are because of how we allow ourselves to deal with the cards that are dealt to us. Those things; the tough things in life that we have no choice over, we have to live those things. But we do have a choice as to who we allow ourselves to become in the aftermath. I took it one day at a time, tried to think of it less and less, but mostly I tried to be a supportive hand to others who were struggling. We all have our ups and downs in life. What may seem tough to me might be a cake walk for you, or vice versa. We can never escape our demons. All we can hope to do is be stronger than them; beat them down until they can't control us anymore. Does that make sense?" Brooke's lips quirk in a silly expression, unsure if she is speaking gibberish or not. She's definitely not. I frown in contemplation over what she's said, realizing that it makes a lot more sense to me than anything any psychiatrist or therapist has ever said, anything that any well-meaning friend had tried to say in comfort before.

"You make perfect sense. More than anyone, Brooke. Thank you." She smiles simply at me, and my own lips curl up in an easy smile. There's something about Brooke that I feel connects with me really well. I don't feel as though she's trying to analyze me, or trying to convince me to just 'let it all go' like so many friends in the past.

I'm quiet for several minutes, lost in my thoughts. Gunnar and Loki did the perfect thing last night in using the distraction methods they did, I can almost guarantee that after the conversation with Gunnar yesterday that didn't flow very well, he would have more than likely just pissed me off with trying to say things he didn't understand to me. Their thoughtfulness really touched me; left an impression on me.

"So... How are things with Gunnar?" I glance at Brooke from my unseeing stare out the window, and I can feel the telltale blush sweeping over my cheeks.

"He's a great guy." I say simply. She nods, the smile on her face telling me she had an inkling about some of the dirty things that happened.

"Is it too forward of me to ask about Loki too? The three of you seem to share a connection, and he can't seem to keep his eyes off of you, same as Gunnar." I duck my head in shyness, and she giggles next to me.

"Well, I suppose it's complicated, eh?" I glance around us to see that everybody seems preoccupied with their own goings on, and Loki and Gunnar are nowhere to be seen, probably packing the car. "If I'm honest, it's very confusing to me. They've both been nothing but great to me, but if I had to state it plainly; Gunnar might have the upper hand in the grand scheme of things. For the most part, Loki doesn't give much away. Gunnar, on the otherhand, has been willing, if not eager, to open up to me and to learn all he can about me."

"How romantic," Brooke sighs dreamily. "Two men doting on you. I hope that you guys working together with music won't put a damper on anything. You guys have to stay on good terms until at least my wedding, you know." She winks and nudges me with her arm in jest, but her words strike me as true.

Surely there is no way that I can be with two men in an actual relationship. Sooner or later, there will have to be a choosing, and somebody would get their feelings hurt if too much emotion is invested. I couldn't bear the idea of being the one to cause drama between the two of them. I have to be more careful. Sure, sex is fun and exciting, but it's not worth letting a great opportunity like making music and doing the things I love get in the way. Besides, I don't truly know them all that well anyways.

"Uh oh. Have I said something wrong?" Brooke interrupts my thoughts, and I realize I'm frowning again. Relaxing my face, I shake my head.

"No, nothing wrong. You always seem to say the right things, really. " I meet her eyes to convey my honesty. "You just made me think."

"Just don't think too hard. Women have the tendency to over think everything, over analyze, and assume the worst of any situation. Gunnar and Loki are both good guys, and they'll treat you well no matter what. "

The front door to the summerhouse opens and both Loki and Gunnar come in, dripping water from the rain. Soléy sees them both, and rushes to the bathroom to grab them towels to dry off with. I sigh with a mixture of happiness at the sight of them, as well as the disappointment that I probably should cease the sexcapades for a while.

Gunnar looks to me, and our eyes meet. My heart flutters when the side of his mouth lifts in a smile that conveys his joy in seeing me. Rubbing his hair with the towel, he just looks at me for a long moment while he dries his hair.

"Are you ready to go, Sophie?" He finally says, and I stand up to hug Brooke and all the new friends I made during this fun little trip.

Chapter 11






The trip back to Reykjavík has been rather uneventful, with Sophie insisting to sit in the back seat, shoving Loki to the passenger seat in the front. I don't
it has anything to do with being upset with us, maybe she just needs her space. Her face is smooth and unmarred by any frowns or lines of distress as she gazes out the window. I turn my eyes from the rear-view mirror back to the road, contemplating if something is wrong with her.

Maybe she's a little uncomfortable or shy with what happened last night. Or perhaps absolutely nothing at all is wrong, and she's just enjoying having the whole back seat to herself. I probably shouldn't worry about it too much. I'm sure everything is fine. We shared a look earlier, and the expression she had on her face while our eyes were locked was filled with nothing negative.

I glance at her again in the mirror, admiring how her dark blue sleeveless blouse compliments her skin tone, and how the sexy collar has the two top buttons open at her throat, exposing the delicate curve of her neck. She's wearing the same jeans she arrived to the summerhouse in, but she looks incredible with her hair flowing loosely and messily down her back. The sun and hot water suits her.

I turn the music up, and we ride the rest of the way to Reykjavík with limited conversation. The rain is intermittent today, only giving us a downpour when we happen to drive under a particularly heavy cloud. The view is full of the usual darkness contrasted by vibrant greens and sun beams flowing through the tiniest of cracks between the clouds. I love driving in weather like this; except when the wind is strong, which it isn't today. Loki is quiet, like usual, and I don't think there is anything that needs to be said.



Once we reach Reykjavík, I realize that I don't know where I'm supposed to drop her off.

"Sophie, where do you live? I'll drop you off at home; I don't want you to take the bus." Our gazes meet in the rear-view mirror, and she gives me a warm smile.

"It's in Kópavogur, and I'll tell you which ways to turn, since I am terrible at pronouncing street names. Or remembering them, for that matter." She proceeds to guide us through the streets, mostly pointing in the direction she wants us to go with the occasional terribly inaccurate attempts at pronouncing some of the streets, which can be rather confusing when the person pointing is in the back seat. I can't see which direction she's pointing in when my eyes are supposed to be on the road.

It's a humorous trip to her house, and when I finally pull up in front of her driveway, we're all full of laughter and smiles. At least none of it will end on a sour note. I kill the engine just as Loki books it from the car with the intentions of grabbing her bag out of the trunk of the car. Since I had hoped to be the one to help her with her things, I scramble out to at least make sure I get a hug or something as a goodbye from her.

Sophie is waiting on the sidewalk, watching both of us scramble to reach the trunk first in order to get her bag out with a smug smile on her lips.

"You know, I am perfectly capable of getting my own bag." She drawls, sarcasm mixed with pleasure in her voice as she slides her hands into her back pockets.

"Of course you
. We know you're not handicapped. What kind of gentlemen would we be if we didn't do it for you?" I glance at her to barely see her one shouldered shrug, the smile still lingering on her lips. There's a muffled
in agreement from Loki as he digs out her bag. Maybe we should have put it on top of everything else, since we knew we were going to drop her off first.

Finally, her bag is pulled free, and Loki hands it to her with a triumphant expression on his face, even if he is a little breathless from his exertions.

BOOK: Across the Music (Across the Ocean Book 2)
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