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Authors: Cheryl Dragon

Always His Earl (4 page)

BOOK: Always His Earl
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“We’ll be with her. You and Mrs. Blake both need food and a few hours of sleep at least. We’ll sort out a schedule tomorrow so Claire always has someone with her, a maid or Mrs. Blake. She won’t be alone. I swear. You’re no good to her like this.” George motioned to Mrs. Blake.

“His lordship is right. Let’s go down. Cook has plenty of sandwiches made up waiting with all the flurry of comings and goings. Don’t make her efforts go to waste. Lady Claire must not see you looking ill and distraught when she wakes.” Mrs. Blake guided him out to the hall and kept talking in a soft, motherly tone.

Claire fussed in her sleep. No doubt, Basil had brought her comfort. George closed the door. “I’m sorry about Basil; he’s never going to get over her.”

“You don’t get over true love. Not like theirs. I can’t thank you enough for taking her in,” Myles said, looking over at George.

George stared back and sat in the chair Basil had vacated. “It’s nothing. She is like a sister to me. I’d have been happier if she married Basil. I know that isn’t your fault. I only wish I’d known before. She had to know I’d take her in at any time.”

“How could you have helped her? Marriage law makes her Philips’ property to rule as he sees fit. That baron would simply force her home again.” Myles shook his head.

“We’ll find a way.”

“We will. If I’d known before the Season, I could’ve had my old Aunt Jane ask Claire for a visit. Auntie visited my mother regularly when I was young. She is a widow and Philips wouldn’t be tempted to join a party of ladies. A proper older woman who Claire knew as a child, there would be nothing suspicious about such a visit.”

“Your cunning is as impressive as ever.” Myles had always admired George’s brain and his body. When George believed something was right, he’d find a way. Just like being together when they were young. They might have matured, but at heart they were the same men. True character didn’t change.

“Then we could have smuggled her out of the country. Even trying to fake her death would mean her husband would want to see a body. A bad illness could’ve bought us enough time to get her on a ship to America with Basil,” George sighed.

Myles agreed it would have worked, and George was daring enough to do it. Then Myles realized why George had come up with that solution so quickly.

“That’s the plan, isn’t it? If she did kill her husband, we move her out of the country as soon as possible,” Myles asked.

“There isn’t a choice. As soon as it won’t kill her, we’ll have to move her or she’ll be jailed as a murderess. Even if Philips is alive, it may be our only option to keep her from being forced back under his roof.” George leaned back in the chair and rubbed his eyes.

“I’m so sorry this fell on your shoulders.” Myles wished he had the power and influence in place to do what George could. He longed to hug and kiss George and show his true appreciation.

“It’s Claire; I’d do anything to help her. If we can keep my brother in line, it’ll work out in the end. Somehow.” George stared at Myles as though all of George’s fury was about Myles.

“We should put our past behind us. For Claire’s sake.” Myles stood up and paced.

George crossed his arms. “Past is past. We were young. There’s nothing to discuss. I’ll write to my man tonight and have him arrange things if you need to flee with Claire. Various options, Italy, Greece, or America.”

“You didn’t bring your steward?” Myles asked.

“He stayed behind to handle some matters of tenants and such. I didn’t know you were coming to London when I left. I’ll request he join us. Our families are old friends, but you staying here will look better if my steward is briefing you on the estate as well. Otherwise, people might ask why you’re not staying with your sister.” George continued to think of all the angles.

“Don’t worry too much. Old friends would be enough if Claire weren’t hiding here.” Myles put a hand on George’s shoulder but backed off at the tension. “You’re not doing this alone. If I have to take on Philips, it’s my place.” A knock on the door halted their conversation.

“Come,” George answered.

Mrs. Blake entered.

“Pardon me, my lord. You and Lieutenant Harris should get some food and rest. Your brother’s valet talked him into a bath and sleep so he looks his best for Lady Claire when she wakes.”

“It’s all right, Mrs. Blake. You need your rest too.” Myles wouldn’t work a servant round the clock.

“Thank you, but I spoke with the maids. Minnie here nursed her brother after some serious injuries in our first round against Napoleon. It was her afternoon off, but she’s back and happy to handle the night shift with Lady Claire.” Mrs. Blake pointed to the sturdy-looking girl about Claire’s age standing in the hall.

“You’re sure you’re awake enough for this tonight?” Myles asked.

“Yes, sir. I’m fine. I spent plenty of sleepless nights with my brother. You have to watch every little thing. No offense, but men aren’t much use in the sickroom.” She bobbed a curtsy.

“Mrs. Blake, thank you. Have the hall boy check on Minnie every hour or so, just in case she gets sleepy. If the doctor is needed, don’t hesitate. Thank you.” George pointed a finger at the girl.

“They put Lieutenant Harris in the connecting chamber to your room, my lord. It was the only one ready enough. This was the prepared guestroom and things have been focused here so we’ve not aired another one. We usually don’t open this many rooms as it is,” Mrs. Blake said.

“Thank you Mrs. Blake, that room is perfectly fine. The Harrises are like family. I’ll be lending Harris my valet as well so it’s convenient.” George walked out into the hall and Myles followed.

“Very good, my lord. We’ve put some sandwiches in your rooms. I’ll send the valet to help you. Lady Claire needs you both rested in the morning.” Mrs. Blake smiled at them.

Twenty minutes later, Myles locked the door behind the valet. He walked to the connecting door and resisted the desire to knock. George had left Myles to the navy and seemed cold and callous about everything except Claire. Still, the attraction was there between them. A glowing fire filled with history neither dared to touch.

Then he heard a slight tap. Myles brushed it off as wishful thinking. No doubt George had found himself another eager man to warm his bed. An earl could buy any man he wanted along with his silence. Myles wanted George alone. No sexual encounter at sea had come close to his connection with George.

Another two raps on the door couldn’t be dismissed. He tapped back once. The door swung open and George pulled Myles through without invitation. Myles was pinned to the wall as George’s mouth plundered his roughly. Lust blotted out the past. They both needed release, and Myles clung to George without shame. He returned the kiss, tasting George’s mouth and pressing against his hard body.

Minutes later, George pushed away and yanked off his shirt. Shedding themselves of the valet’s hard work, Myles knew they were merely using each other. He also believed he’d be safe with George. He’d never been with another man on land. Whatever anger was between them, they had to put it aside for Claire. The lust, however, wouldn’t be denied.

He pushed a gloriously naked George onto the grand bed. Myles had missed the luxuries of home but not nearly as much as he’d missed this man. George’s rank made things easier, but he’d have loved him even if he were just a footman. Before their parting, they were one soul. The physical need bridged the rift. George’s body had matured, and his shoulders felt broader.

Under the same roof, they’d never be able to keep their hands off each other, regardless of how they felt. Lust filled Myles’ body and his erection grew. The sight of George’s body already aroused made Myles long to bar the doors and never leave the bedchamber.

Myles kissed down George’s muscled chest and back up to devour his mouth. The chemistry between them pulsed as strong as ever. Time and circumstances hadn’t changed their needs. Pressing his body fully into George’s, their erections rubbed together and Myles’ control slipped. There was no denying the truth; sexual need trumped the tensions of their past.

The secrets that had been kept for years burned within Myles. He longed to share every thought and detail with George like they had in their youth, but everything had changed. The earl seemed barely interested in speaking unless it was about Claire. George couldn’t be so unfeeling and cold if he cared so much about a woman who wasn’t his responsibility. Myles couldn’t give up hope.

He soaked in the feel of George. If he could have these moments, Myles could survive. No other man pulled Myles into such a deep, dark fog and held him like George. As long as Claire was here and safe, the men could use each other in bed without fear.

A twinge of guilt made Myles stop. He rested his forehead on George’s. “Are we horrible?”

The men rolled and George was on top. “It took everything I had not to take you in that room at the club. We’re wretched and lustful. We know she’s safe and alive. The servants will fetch us if she gets worse. I’ll go mad if we wait days. It’s safer than a Molly-House.”

“I wanted a happy homecoming. Everything in my life has been hell.
can’t be denied.” Myles shook his head.

“For now, we’ll pretend there are no problems.” George kissed Myles deeply as he stroked his cock.

Lifting his hips, Myles knew George always achieved his goals. Stopping now wouldn’t make tomorrow or the next day any easier. They needed clear heads, not burning desires to face the troubles ahead. Would their desire ever be quenched? Could they be friends again?

Their personal differences would wait. As much as Myles wanted to have it out with George, the stubborn earl wouldn’t address anything before he was ready. Myles wrapped his arms around George’s neck and thrust into his hand.

Then George slid down. Myles closed his eyes and focused on the feeling of George’s mouth against his chest. George’s fingers grazed the ticklish spot on Myles’ ribs and he pushed at the larger man. The tension evaporated, and there was nothing else in the world but George. So different from the hot, rough, and quick encounters Myles had onboard ship. He and George were lost in their own little world that no war or other man could invade.

Until those fingers caught the scar on Myles’ side. “What happened?” George asked.

“Does it matter? A little bit of flesh lost to the French. Nothing compared to what Claire has endured. You can take inventory later.” Myles tangled his hand in George’s hair and guided him to the part of his body that needed real attention.

George knelt by the side of the bed like a boy saying his prayers. It was easy to picture George as a boy causing trouble. They were quite a pair as children. Today they were men with no one to separate them but themselves...and Society. Their bodies had matured and reality blocked their ancient love.

When George sucked Myles’ balls the world was right again. Strong hands and a rough tongue kept Myles in place. As George swallowed his cock down to the base, Myles closed his eyes for a moment. Just a moment because he needed to see it was George. It wasn’t another dream, not a fantasy onboard a ship. They were on solid ground in a grand house in London. Alone all night and free to do whatever they wanted to each other. The joy filled him as much as the lust.

Watching George, Myles lifted into his mouth. The intense ache grew as George squeezed Myles’ sac and moaned. One of George’s hands slid up Myles’ side to that scar. Myles grabbed George’s hand and held it tight. When George squeezed back, Myles knew he’d never let go. Their need was there, as strong as ever. It might be buried deep, but it wasn’t dead. The feelings couldn’t be.

George’s touch changed to a possessive grip—rougher and hard. Myles gave in. Fucking George’s mouth, Myles stared at the man he’d been denied for years. Losing control, he shut his eyes and came with a groan. Myles trembled at the sensation of George licking and kissing his member even after the deed was done.

Not wanting to move, Myles basked in the moment until George kissed up his chest and claimed Myles’ mouth once again. Myles pulled George back onto the bed and inhaled that unique scent. Sex wasn’t enough. The closeness, honesty, and intimacy they’d missed for years pained Myles.

“It’s just sex,” George said.

“Right.” Myles flipped George onto his back and went straight for his erection.

The time for play was behind them. Myles marveled at how George’s skin had such a unique taste. Sucking George’s cock was better than walking into his own home again. It was even better than stepping on dry land after years at sea. Myles took George’s erection all the way down and moaned at the throbbing sensation. George’s hand pushed down on Myles’ neck.

Rocking together, George fucked Myles’ mouth like a man long ignored. Myles ran his hands along George’s strong thighs. His body was unmarked and beautifully pale, such a contrast to Myles’ sun-beaten hands. Easing back, he stroked George’s cock and sucked on the tip. George grabbed Myles’ hair. The tension built and a release came in a groaning slew of curses. Myles took them all as the cum filled his mouth. Swallowing every drop, he lapped for more.

Myles kept George on the bed and kissed his shaft then trailed up over his stomach. Finally, George pulled the sailor up to the pillows. Like a proper couple, they were in a bed, safe and warm. Myles punched a pillow to feel the support but rested his head on George’s shoulder.

“I missed this,” Myles said.

George’s strong arms wrapped protectively around his tanned skin. “Don’t start conversations we can’t have this moment. We don’t need a fight. We have to work together for Claire.”

Myles felt the chill even in George’s arms.

“The world was always against us. We were dreamers,” Myles said.

George tensed. He hated when he was bested. The man had power and brains. Myles knew George too well, even after all those years. He rubbed his hands over the earl’s nipples and pressed. George relaxed and moaned. His answer was to pull Myles in for a kiss.

When Myles cupped George’s ass, he tensed. Everything stopped and George pushed the sailor back.

BOOK: Always His Earl
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