Read Forbidden Love Online

Authors: Kaye Manro

Forbidden Love (4 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Love
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She stretched across the counter and captured his eyes with hers. “Why are you studying us?”

T’Kon released a low, hissing breath, not answering her. He must quell his impulse to give information to the Terrain female; the less she knew about him the better.

“Take me to my craft,” he said.

She stared at him.

He hissed again. He did not want to envision what might happen if he were imprisoned and could not deliver his next scheduled message to the Council. Although peace had long since reigned throughout the Asconage Solar System, they would come for him. He had to leave. Soon.

Maya sighed. “This is a phenomenal happening—you crashing here. It would be great if we could learn more about each other. But I do agree you need to go.” She glimpsed through the window, and he sensed her unease. “It wouldn’t be a good thing if you were discovered.”

He watched her quietly then shook his head. “I agree. I had not planned contact.”

She went to him and he could tell she wanted to touch him, but she did not.

“Maybe you didn’t plan it, but here you are. So why not take advantage of the situation...” Her words trailed off and this time she did touch him. She slid her palm over his chest and onto his face.

He caught her hand in a rough hold and pulled her fingers away. The act caused his talons to unsheathe. “I cannot. I will not.” He dropped her hand and glanced down at his body. He stood naked before her, his mating organ erect. “What have you done with my bodily covering?” His voice raspy and his patience wearing thin.

“I cut it off,” she answered. “I had to do it so I could examine you to see if you were hurt. Your space suit encased you so tightly, I had no choice.”

He rolled his eyes and made a quick turn, exposing his bare back to her. His tail scraped the side of a wall as he moved.

“My God, you can actually make it wiggle.”

He tilted his head. “And what did you think? That my tail is not part of me? That it is not my appendage?” He raised it up and swished it back down in a flirtatious display that surprised even him. He had to stop this. He was playing into the hands of the Terrain female, Maya.

“I think I may have something you can wear,” she said. “Although we will have to alter the jeans a bit to accommodate your—you know, your tail.”

She cleared her throat and he detected levity in her voice.

“In all seriousness, I do not consider this a, how do you say—humorous situation.” He faced her, pulling in his tail.

“No,” she said, “I suppose it isn’t.” The snicker she tried to restrain morphed into laugher.

He frowned. “You find me,” he searched for the word in her language. “Amusing?”

Laugher bubbled from her. “Yes,” she said between fits, “I do, don’t you? Don’t you ever laugh?”

“Hardly ever.”

“Then it’s time you started. First lesson: laughing is good for you. I mean, look at you. Don’t you even find it a bit hilarious that you are standing here on an alien world naked in front of me? Your tail, oh God, your tail—it’s so...” Another bout of laugher.

He could not fathom her hysterical reaction. He gave her a sideways glance and peered over his shoulder at his back. “What is wrong with my tail? Most females on my world find it rather handsome.”

“I’ll just bet they do. I’m sure they like that mind seducing thing you do, too.” She raised her eyebrows in an upward motion and the laughter quieted. “I find it, umm, well, sexy.” Maya took slow meandering steps, her eyes roaming the length of him. She paced a languid stroll around to his back and stopped. “It is fascinating,” she said, her voice low, husky, “just as you are, and beautiful.”

Mesmerized, that is what he was. This Maya had be-spelled him. With a swish of his tail, T’Kon captured her and drew her into his arms. He took in the depth of this astounding alien. Her eyes, tawny with gold, like the Asconage moons at eventide, held him. All reason escaped his mind. He pulled her close and melded her body to his. “Maya, you are...”


Chapter Four


A talon scraped a gentle arc across her cheek. Her lips parted and he heard her inhale, breathing him in behind closed eyes. He took in her scent as well; it was different, acrid yet pleasing his senses, exciting him. “You tore away my body covering, now I shall rid you of yours,” he hissed close to her ear. He slid a claw around her back, hooked her clothing with a talon and slashed it from her. The garments landed on the floor in pieces. Maya’s heart beat against his chest, matching his own accelerated pulse. The heat of her nakedness roused him more.

He began his exploration anew.

“You want me to touch” His mouth grazed her lips.

She sighed, and responded with a breathy, “Yes.”

“I promised you I would not.” He uncurled his tongue and laved her face.

“I want you to...oh, god, you are amazing.” She captured his unfurled tongue taking it deep into her mouth, licking and sucking. “
is how we do things here,” she panted with a sigh.

T’Kon could barely control himself. The act she performed stimulated him beyond reason. He groaned and the low humming vibration of his mating rumble grew stronger and more rapid. He lifted her up, and her legs encircled him as he slithered down and coiled onto the floor with her beneath him. His organ grew and pulsated when the web of his hand scraped across her wet, pliable opening. He stroked her swollen nodule and slipped his long taloned fingers further inside exploring her heated arousal. She writhed against his hand and his mating urge overwhelmed him. He must take her.

He positioned himself atop her. Heat rising from her damp sultry body warmed his cool blood and he settled himself deep inside her mating place. He thrust his engorged organ forcefully into her without hesitation. She cried out. “Have I hurt you?” he rasped.

With her inhalations as heavy as his, she cried out again but spoke breathy, barely audible words between his pumping and thrusting into her. “N—no...never...felt your my pussy. Oh god, your cock...fills me. Fuck me... just fuck me hard. Don’t stop.”

She thrashed upward, tightening her inner muscles around his organ, causing infinitesimal stars to pass before his eyes. He panted and the slow rise began that would take him to the summit of mating. She stroked and squeezed his sensitive spines, running her fingers down the middle of his back, evoking such blissful cravings. He groaned and lurched out of control. She rotated her hips, grinding into him as he slid his engorged cock in and out driving faster, harder. Thrusting inside her made his scaled outer sheath swell and throb even more. He had never experienced mating with such vast intensity, such overwhelming velocity.

She screamed her breathing erratic. Her inner muscles pulsed and squeezed a potent hold on his mating organ. He placed his unsheathed claws on her breasts and raked across the swell of her inflamed nipples. He pushed his talons into her hot skin, causing droplets of blood to seep forth so he could feel the sensation of her passion, taste her life force. The fluid was the ruby red color of a stormy midnight. He sucked on her nipples and licked the small cuts at the same time. At once, his own eruption overtook him. He impaled her, coiling upward with her attached to him and released his seed deep within her.

T’Kon lay spiraled around her, savoring the usual
. He cleaned and licked every inch of her body with his unfurled tongue. His salvia disinfected and closed the wounds inflicted on her breasts made during the raucous mating. She tasted briny, metallic, and her pungent, unusual smell enhanced the experience. She seemed to enjoy it too as she moaned and sighed, writhing beneath his licks.

With a jolt, T’Kon stopped and wrenched his body from hers. What in all the galaxies had he done? What possessed him to mate with her? His senses scattered about him like a thick, galactic fog. He worked at gathering his thoughts. It was a foolish, forbidden thing he had just done. The Asconage Assembly of Elders prohibited interspecies mating. They would never understand why their future ruler would do such a thing. And neither did he.
Never, in his many contacts with alien cultures, had he become sexually enamored with a female of another species.

He slid from her, bringing himself to stand. She lay sprawled on the floor beneath him, the mating glow still on her.

“Don’t stop,” she pleaded. “Come back to me,” she beckoned, holding out her arms. Her shapely, alien body tormented him and almost caused the mating rumble to start anew.
Get hold of yourself.
He spun from her. When mating, his breed reverted to their primeval origins, as he had with her. He did not understand. This type of deep merging only happened when true bonding occurred. How could it be so now?

He raised his voice in an attempt to shake them both from the mating daze. “We must cease this at once. You will take me to my craft and you will do it now!” he commanded.

Maya barely comprehended what he said, her body as heavy as lead, her mind floating in an unnatural bliss. She gaped at him standing there, controlled and powerful. God, he was an unimaginably sexy alien. Even though Reptilian DNA showed clearly on his countenance, she could never deny his beauty.

Yet their differences rose like a cold, winter wind between them. He belonged to a faraway race unknown to her, an utterly advanced species who traveled across the known galaxy and probably as fast as one beat of her heart. A vague, uncomfortable thought circled the edges of her mind. Just how advanced was his kind? God, what had she done? The sex should not have happened.

“Maya!” he yelled, his voice loud and grating.

Startled by his outburst, she sat up and scooted away.

He turned to her. “I need you to show me where I crashed,” he said, his tone less agitated.

Shaking her head, she grabbed hold of the table and pulled herself up. She could feel the sexual flush burning her face. Had she actually begged him to fuck her? Picking up the tattered pieces of the clothing, torn from her during their hedonistic lovemaking, Maya clutched them to her chest. Her breasts stung like fiery sunburn. She felt the welts across her tender flesh, and eyed him. “Why did you do that?” She shook her head again. “Scraping your talons across my flesh was a just a bit much, don’t you think?”

A few awkward seconds passed before he spoke. When he did, he took their conversation in another direction. “How is it to be naked before an alien?” He glided toward her and placed his hands on his bare hips. “Now you know how I feel.”

Maya detected amusement in his tone. She let go of her unease, knowing they had little time left together and she wanted to enjoy him without this discomfort. She ran a hand through her hair, untangling the curls. “I told you I have clothes you can wear. They belonged to my father. He was tall like you. And you know what? He would’ve really liked you.”

BOOK: Forbidden Love
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