Read Forbidden Love Online

Authors: Kaye Manro

Forbidden Love (7 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Love
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She went to the viewer and stared at it. “Oh god, the army is moving in. They're going to catch us. Both of us!”

She came up behind him, quieter now.

“T’Kon, I’m so sorry.” She placed her palms gently on his shoulders and laid her head against his back. “It’s my fault you know. If I hadn’t detained you maybe you’d be safely on your way back to your own planet.”

The heat from her body pressed into his cool skin. He felt it even through the suit. “The fault is not yours but mine. I should never have—”

“Made love to me?” she finished.

He spun around to face her and held her for a second before he continued his frantic pace.

The Terrain military would surround them within a matter of minutes. He sucked in a cleansing, calming breath as he probed the interior workings of the spatial controls, prodding and coaxing.

Still, nothing happened.

He heard it before she did; the familiar sound of a militia organizing to capture an invader, the click of weapons, the marching of boots in the sand, the roar of machinery.

T’Kon prepared for surrender.

He had done all he knew to do. He gave one last prod to the control panel as he threw his head back and bellowed out an explicative in his own language.

“Arit’uoetokdt Sllar’uvdt!” He kicked the panel hard with his foot and slammed his taloned fists into the console.

All of sudden, the craft jolted then droned, beaming to life. Quickly, he checked the systems. Everything came back online. Shields up, cloak on. He glimpsed the exterior scene. Soldiers encircled the craft, weapons raised. He could not help but notice the surprised look on their faces as they watched an alien spaceship disappear before their eyes.

With a rapid move, he pushed Maya into a shelled seat, enclosing her in a protective cocoon, and then set the controls for liftoff. In a matter of seconds, they were airborne and in orbit. Checking the systems, he hummed relief. Everything was in perfect working order.

Only then did he allow himself to accept her presence. Tapping the shell, he opened the cocoon. She left her seat and came to him.

“So all your ship needed was a swift kick in the ass, huh?”

He rumbled a chuckle at the special way she made humor of things.

Wrapping around her, he pulled her close. “What am I to do with you?” He whispered seductive words against her crimson golden hair, moving back so he could look upon her beauty. In a quiet tone he said, “It is done. You are with me.”

She stared at him her face aglow. “You aren’t kidding, are you?”

“No Maya. I do not

What else was he to do? He could not leave her behind at the mercy of her world’s governing forces. And too, he did not want to be without her. So he drew her close and kissed her face, her cheeks with those appealing little dots, her eyelids and then her lips. It would not be easy to convince the Asconage Assembly of Elders, especially G’Nore, his father, that Maya was now part of his life. But he knew without doubt, he must find a way.

While hovering just beyond the gravitational field of Terrain’s moon he conducted several diagnostic tests. Then, he initiated a hyper-light jump into the Event Horizon and departed the Terrain Solar System with a swift pass. The Eradicator worked properly now. He programmed an automated course to a small world on the far side of Asconage. He needed a mutually habitable planet for his newfound mate, a place where they could think before he told G’Nore about her. As he left the bridge, he decided he would invite Maya to share in another pleasure of the reptilian mating.

















Chapter Seven

Inside the living quarters, lying naked in a sleeping berth, Maya gazed around in awe at the interior of the small but spacious ship. It contained smooth, curved, circular fixtures throughout. Soothing, diffused, bluish lighting illuminated the sleeping compartment creating a Zen-like mood and restful hibernating atmosphere. It reminded her of the interior of a giant habitat aquarium. T’Kon told her the ambiance generated a state of mind conducive to deep space flight.

She’d embarked on a voyage into outer space with a sexy alien unknown to her until now. How unbelievable. Excitement mixed with a hint of trepidation coursed through her. She may never see her world again. She’d miss her research and the little desert creatures but not much else. She wondered what her people would think when they found her missing? Her abandoned Jeep, the dirty dishes with traces of the melon they’d eaten and T’Kon’s DNA everywhere. No doubt, the mystery would keep them busy for a long time to come. She smiled and shook off the thoughts. She was where she wanted to be, where she belonged.

Earlier, she’d stood with T’Kon watching the monitor. Her planet grew smaller and smaller as they neared the dark side of the moon. A newfound sense of adventure seized her. This gorgeous, reptilian man truly enamored her. She wanted to know every inch of him inside and out, to pleasure him as he pleasured her. She couldn’t wait to experience more. She stretched, her nude body swathed in his silken bed linens.

A sliding door sounded with a muffled
as he entered the sleeping compartment. The sight of him caused heat to spread through her. “T’Kon,” she hummed, beckoning him to come to her. “I want to ravish you in every way possible.”

He slipped out of his compression suit and crawled into the berth next to her. “Your presence already does that quite well.” His arms enwrapped her and he brought her to rest atop his body.

She wound her fingers in his hair and ground into him.

His throat rumbled and his body sizzled with the need of her. She sensed it. He kissed her and sucked on her bottom lip.

She responded by nipping at his tongue.

“How about I do this.” She squirmed around and scooted from him. “Turn over,” she demanded in a husky playful voice.

Not moving, he captured her with his dark, ice blue gaze, deliberately rubbing his long leg inside her thighs. “Males initiate the mating pleasures.”

“Oh yeah? For females on my world, that’s not always true.” She slid both hands beneath his body touching the sensitive ridges along his back.

He drew in a quick breath and hissed. “You know about that?” He arched upward giving her hands more space.

“You mean those sweet, receptive, spiny scales along your vertebrae?” she continued rubbing. He let out another scintillating exhale. “Touching you here...” she gave a gentle pinch to a spiny point, “...intensifies your lovemaking experience, doesn’t it?” She pinched another spine. “Now turn your ass over please.”

This time he did as she asked, though with a surprised look on his face and a rumbling low in his throat.

She straddled his tail. His spiny ridges rubbed against her inflamed pussy and scraped her swollen clit. Placing her hands on either side of his vertebrae, she stroked and massaged her palms upward into his muscles. Maya leaned in and her lips caressed each spiny scale moving from his tail upward. When she reached his neck, she laced her fingers between the tiny, raised points along his back and wet and sucked each one in turn, causing her body to fill with need.

He let out a loud growl. His tail raked and moved against her. When his low mating vibration started, heat spread deeper inside her aroused sex.

“You are such a sexy seductive reptile.”

With a sudden move, he flipped his tail upward knocking her from his back. An instant later, he caught her and entangled her beneath him. He blew his cool-warm breath across her face.

“And you are my stunning mammalian beauty.” His tongue uncurled, licking her cheek, her neck and then across her breasts. He laved her swollen nipples, coiled his tongue around each point, licking, then sucking until she verged on exploding.

He wafted enticing thoughts across her mind. “
I have a gift for you
,” she heard, as he licked down her body. Pushing her legs apart, he lapped the juices from her folds. Her inner muscles tensed and she writhed against his mouth. His long tongue wrapped around her clit, scraped and then plunged deep inside her pussy. He licked, sucked and then drove his tongue in and out, again and again.

She could hardly stand it. “
Would you like it now, or shall I give it to you later?”
he teased, laving down her thigh.

She panted breathlessly, “Whatever you have, I’ll take it now.” She pulled her legs around him.

He slid up her body, blowing his whispered intent into her ear.

“You are going
...with your...
?” His words intensified her heat and she grew weak with hunger.

A rattling, hissing sound pulsated deep in his throat as he slithered around her, melding his body to hers. She spread her legs wide and high. Reaching between them, she squeezed and stroked up and down his engorged cock as it pumped against her hand. Velvet, minuscule scales inflated like tiny, flexible bubbles on his erection. “It’s remarkable.” She’d had the strongest desire to ravish his cock with her mouth since she first touched him. “T’Kon, let me suck you.”

“As you wish.” He shifted into a gradual crawl along her body until he straddled her breasts his fully erect cock resting only inches from her chin. Maya quivered as intense passion soared to a fevered pitch. She blew hot fiery pants across his penis causing the scales to swell even more. Her tongue worked up and down his shaft and her lips fondled the head as her hands massaged his tight balls.

She took his cock inside her mouth. His body writhed against her face, so Maya sucked harder, drawing his penis in and out of her mouth, and further still, savoring the feel of his unusual organ against the back of her throat.

Bracing his hands on the wall above them, T’Kon plowed deeper. She felt his body shake, and he uttered words she couldn’t understand.

“Not...quite...yet,” he rasped aloud and pulled his cock from her mouth. He slithered the length of her body and lay on top, then shoved both her arms overhead holding her there. Mounting her, he drove his ridged cock into her slick pussy. “Oh god,” she cried. A blissful ecstasy raced through her body and her insides churned into an aching need. He plunged, thrusting hard in and out.

Then she felt it, the cool dampness of his tail between her legs. From behind, he rubbed his appendage across her butt cheeks, teasing, fondling its way toward her anus. He stimulated the sensitive outer skin causing her to heave and moan.

Moving wildly, he tantalized her with swishes along the edges of her receptive anal canal. She cried out in anguished fervor. “Do it...just penetrate it now...”

BOOK: Forbidden Love
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