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Authors: Sandi Lynn

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult

Forever You (2 page)

BOOK: Forever You
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immediately. There are no exceptions.

No strings attached. There will never be anything more than just physical sex.

No calling or texting. If I want to see you again, I will contact you.

When in my presence, you will act and behave like a woman. I don’t tolerate childish


No threesomes. I like my women one at a time. No exceptions.

No condoms. I get checked once a month, and I’ve had a vasectomy. I expect the women I’m

with to be clean as well. Proof may be required.

Date night will only consist of dinner and sex; nothing more, nothing less. There will be no

hand holding, walks, carriage rides, or movies. No exceptions.

I give this list out to women before dinner to ensure that they are fully aware of my expectations. If

a woman has a problem with any one of the rules, they are free to leave. Women are nothing but

sexual creatures to me. I’ve never been in love, and I never will be. The person who decided my fate

to become this way had killed herself because I couldn’t love her, and I can never let that happen

again. I have a group of women that I see on a regular basis. Ashlyn is one of those women. I started

seeing her about a year ago when she showed up at my office, broke and with nowhere to go. I sat at

my desk and stared at the door, remembering that day.

“Mr. Black, there’s someone here to see you,” Valerie spoke over the intercom. “She says it’s

important and that you know her.”

I sighed. I didn’t have time for unannounced visitors who think they can just come to my office and

demand to see me.

“I’m very busy, Valerie. Tell whomever it is that they’ll need to make an appointment. I don’t have

time right now.”

Suddenly, the door flew open as I looked up from my computer and nearly stopped breathing.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Black. I tried to stop her,” Valerie spoke.

“It’s alright, Valerie. Please shut the door.”

“Hello, Connor. It’s good to see you again; it’s been way too long,” the tall woman spoke.

“Ashlyn, what the hell are you doing here?” my voice angered.

She walked further into my office and made herself comfortable in the plush chair that sat across

from my desk.

“Is that any way to talk to a friend that you haven’t seen in ten years?”

“Cut the bullshit, Ashlyn, and answer the fucking question.”

She cleared her throat and shifted in her chair. “I’m in a bit of a situation, Connor, and I was

wondering if you could help me?”

I sat down in my chair and glared at her. She really hadn’t changed too much in the past ten years.

Her black, straight hair was the same, and her dark brown eyes still displayed the same sadness as

they did all those years ago. I folded my hands in front of me.

“What do you want, Ashlyn?”

“I’m completely broke. I was kicked out of my apartment, and I don’t know what else to do. I guess

you can consider me homeless,” she said as she took in a deep breath.

“What about your parents? Why aren’t you going to them?”

“They told me that I’m a disgrace to the family and that I need to get my act together. They’ve

helped me countless times, and they refuse to do it again.”

I got up from my seat, walked over to where Ashlyn was sitting, and leaned up against the desk,

trying to figure out why she came to see me.

“Why me, Ashlyn? We haven’t seen or spoken to each other in ten years.”

At that moment, before she could answer, Valerie buzzed in and told me my meeting was about to


“I’m sorry, Ashlyn. I have a meeting, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to help you. So, if you’ll

excuse me, I have to leave.”

She got up from her chair in a huff, grabbed her purse, and started towards the door. She abruptly

turned around.

“You owe me, Connor Black. My life is a clusterfuck because of you. My sister committed suicide

because of you, and it ruined my life. I miss Amanda so much, and she would still be here if it wasn’t

for you!” she yelled.

I stood there, unable to speak, as everything Ashlyn just said was true. She turned away and walked

to the door.

“Wait,” I said. “I’ll take you to dinner tonight where we can discuss this further. Maybe I can help

you. I’ll have my driver pick you up at 7:00 pm. Where are you staying?”

“I’m not staying anywhere. I just told you I was broke, and I sure as hell don’t have enough money

for a hotel.”

I walked to the door and opened it, motioning for Ashlyn to step out.

“Valerie, please book a room at the Marriott Downtown for Miss Johnson and have it billed to the

company.” Valerie nodded and picked up the phone.

“Thank you, Connor, I knew I could count on you,” she smiled.

“My driver will pick you up at 7:00 pm sharp.”

I turned away and shook my head. Why the hell would she just show up here after all these years

and then throw Amanda’s death in my face?


I sat at my desk, pondering why she was still in my life a year later, and why I haven’t done

anything about it.

I was startled by a knock at the door as Valerie came in and set a cup of coffee on my desk.

“Good morning, Mr. Black.”

“Good morning, Valerie. Do me a favor and clear my schedule for this afternoon. I have something

that I need to do.”

“Yes, Mr. Black, I’ll get on that immediately.”

“Thank you, Valerie,” I said as she left my office.

I pulled out my cell phone, dialed Dr. Peters, and made an appointment for later this afternoon.

With the return of the nightmares, I figured it was about time. I finished up some paperwork, made a

few business calls, and alerted Denny that I was leaving the office early and to come pick me up.

I stepped into the Limo and instructed Denny to take me to the penthouse, so I could pick up the

Range Rover and drive myself to Dr. Peter’s office. I didn’t want him knowing where I was going. I

consider Denny one of my best friends. He’s been with Black Enterprises for the past ten years. He

drove for my father and now he drives for me.

Denny is in his early fifty’s, and he’s seen a lot from me in the past ten years. He’s always been

there for me and even bailed me out of trouble a few times without ever telling my father. He’s like a

second father to me as well as my confidant. I could always count on him to help me out if I needed it.

In return, I make sure that he and his family are well taken care of.

Chapter 2

“Long time no see, Connor,” Dr. Peters said as he sat in the blue chair across from me. “I thought

you’d given up coming here.”

“I haven’t given up, Dr. Peters; I’ve just been too busy to make an appointment,” I sighed.

I’ve been seeing Dr. Peters for a few years, and he’s the only other person who knows about

Amanda apart from Ashlyn. He’s an older gentleman, with salt and pepper hair and a medium build. I

found him very easy to open up to. I suppose that’s why I continued seeing him for so long. I’ve tried

other therapists, including women, but it became too complicated when they wanted to sleep with me

instead of trying to help me.

“Tell me, Connor, have you made any progress since our last visit?”

I leaned back and rested my elbow on the arm of the chair. “No, I haven’t, but like I told you

before, I’m not interested in being in a relationship. I like my life just the way it is.”

He narrowed his eyes at me. “So, why are you here today?”

“I’ve been having the nightmares again,” I answered as I took in a deep breath.

Dr. Peters looked intently at me and cocked his head, “When did they resume?”

“They came back about a month ago,” I said.

“What do you think triggered them this time?” he asked as if I would really know the answer.

“I don’t know, Dr. Peters, that’s why I’m here.”

“Are you still seeing Ashlyn?”

I looked to the side as I answered his question, “Yes, I am.”

“Are you starting to have feelings for her?” he asked in a serious manner.

“Fuck no, I’m not starting to have feelings for her,” I snapped as I got up from the chair, put my

hands in my pocket, and walked over to the window.

“She’s a good lay, that’s it. There’s nothing more to her than that!”

“Why did you get so upset when I asked you that question? It seems to me that you’re angry because

you might want something more with someone. Maybe not with Ashlyn or with the other woman you

see on a regular basis, but I think you’re starting to feel lonely.”

I turned around and looked at him. Anger began settling in my eyes. “I don’t want anything more

with any woman. How many times do I have to tell you that?”

“Calm down, Connor, and sit back in the chair. You need to listen to yourself. It’s not healthy not to

want anything more in life than just work. You’ve let your emotions die because of Amanda, and you

need to accept the fact that her death wasn’t your fault. You said it yourself; the girl already had

emotional problems when you met her.”

I walked back and sat in the chair directly across from Dr. Peters. “She did have some emotional

problems, but she clearly pointed out in the letter she left that she killed herself because I broke up

with her. How the hell does someone ever get over that? How can I ever get into another relationship

with someone knowing that I was the cause of someone else’s death?”

Dr. Peters sat there, staring at me and taking in every word I spoke. “Doc, I don’t feel anything

when I’m with a woman. I don’t feel any type of connection at all. There are no emotions running

through me, and I could care less if they want more from me. I’m upfront with the women that I sleep

with. I use them for pleasure alone, nothing else, and if it’s not good, then I toss them aside and find

someone else.”

“Those are harsh words, Connor,” he said tilting his head to one side.

“No emotions, remember, Dr. Peters?”

He sighed and got up from his chair, “I just think you haven’t allowed yourself to find the right

woman yet.”

“There is no right woman out there for me, and even if there was, it wouldn’t matter. She would

find out who I really am and want nothing to do with me. My past will always stand in the way of


“I’m prescribing you some sleep medication,” Dr. Peters said as he handed me the small piece of

paper. “Take one right before bed, and hopefully you’ll be able to get some rest. It won’t stop the

nightmares; only you can put an end to them.”

I got up from the chair and sighed. “Thanks for seeing me today; I’ll be in touch.”

“I want to see you next week, Connor, so make sure you make the appointment.”

As I walked out of the office, a text message from Ashlyn came through.

“Let’s meet up tonight at Club S for some fun.”

Club S wasn’t exactly my cup of tea, but I didn’t mind going there to look at the beautiful women. I

can’t even count the number of times I’ve brought women home from that club. They don’t call it Club

S for nothing. After the session I just had with Dr. Peters, I needed to go out tonight and get drunk to

take my mind off things. I replied back to Ashlyn.

“I’ll meet you there around 8:30 pm.”

“Wonderful, I’ll be waiting, and I’ll be wearing something extra sexy for you.”

I arrived back at the penthouse and changed into my workout clothes. I grabbed my bag and had

Denny drive me to the gym. A good workout is what I needed right now. I needed to decompress from

my session with Dr. Peters. I will never allow myself to fall in love, and there will never be a Mrs.

Black walking around the streets of New York, even though many women have stepped in line to try

and be the first.

I ran six miles on the treadmill, lifted some weights, and fucked Stephanie in the steam room. I’d

say it was a very productive workout. Stephanie is fully aware of my rules, and she’s less

complicated than the others. She likes it quick and rough with a lot of hair pulling, so of course I have

to oblige to keep her wanting more. She’s one hell of a kinky girl. Afterwards, there’s no talk and no

questions asked; just a smile and a wave goodbye.

I walked out of the gym with a smile on my face, and as I slipped into the back of the limo, Denny

turned around and looked at me.

“Judging by the smile on your face, I assume you had an exceptional workout?”

“I sure did, Denny, I sure did,” I smiled as I leaned my head back.

Upon arriving back at the penthouse, I threw my gym bag in the closet and headed upstairs for a

quick shower to wash off the smell of sweat and sex from my body.

I opened the closet door and pulled out my black Armani suit and white shirt. I looked it over and

decided this would be perfect to wear to the club. I fixed my sandy blonde hair, put on my suit, and

headed to the kitchen where Denny and Claire were talking.

“Denny, I’ll need you to drop me off at Club S tonight and then you’re free to go home.”

“You won’t need a ride home, Connor?” he asked.

“No, I’m meeting Ashlyn there, and she can give me a ride home. You go and spend time with your

BOOK: Forever You
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