Read (Glory St Clair 11) Real Vampires Say Read My Hips Online

Authors: Gerry Bartlett

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy

(Glory St Clair 11) Real Vampires Say Read My Hips (12 page)

BOOK: (Glory St Clair 11) Real Vampires Say Read My Hips
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“That powerful, huh?” Jerry followed me to the door where I knew my parents waited.

“You have no idea.” I stopped and grabbed him one more time. “It’s not too late for you to go home, Jer. Believe me when I say you don’t want to meet Zeus. Trust me to get back to you somehow.”

“I don’t run away from a fight, Gloriana.” He leaned down to kiss me, a sweet and dangerous claim that I couldn’t resist. When he finally raised his head, he seemed even more determined. “You’ll belong to no man but me. Mars has made it clear that there is talk of giving you in marriage to a god up here. I won’t have it.”

I sighed and brushed his firm lips with a fingertip. Yes, it could throw fire but I’d never hurt the man I loved. Too bad I couldn’t freeze him in place and leave him here. But I’d promised to never pull that trick on him again and knew he’d never forgive me if I did it, even if it was to save his life. Once a Highland warrior, always a Highland warrior. Of course he fought for his woman. Some primitive part of me loved that.

“Okay. But follow my lead and watch Mars for cues. You have no power and no standing here. But Zeus is a family man and wants to please me. That’s the greatest thing we’ve got going for us.” I held his hand and pushed open the door to my sitting room. “The less you say, the better.”

“I’ll not play the meek and mild suitor, Gloriana. Zeus won’t respect that.”

“He’s right, Gloriana.” Mars stood and walked toward us. “If we’re to do this, Blade must show he’s worthy of you.” He clapped Jerry on the shoulder. “A real man wouldn’t let his woman do the talking for him.”

“Dad, stop it. You’ll get Jerry killed.” I glanced at Jerry’s set face. “He’s in a strange place and outmanned. He’d never just walk into an enemy camp and start making demands without backup. Would you, Jerry?”

“Sometimes the bluff works, Gloriana.” Jerry touched his knives, clearly not willing to listen to me.

“She has a point, Blade.” Mars glanced at my mother who sat at the table, studying her nails with a little smile on her face. “Hebe, you will not try to manipulate this so that Blade here is hurt in any way. Gloriana would never forgive you.”

“Did I say a word?” Mother stood and shook out her toga. “I can no more control my father than you can, Mars. We will see what happens when we get there. Which had better be soon. We’re running late.”

“Mother, Dad is right. You try to hurt Jerry with your little tricks and we are done. I mean it.” I let go of Jerry and faced her. “Even if I am stuck here forever you will be dead to me. Invisible if we cross paths. Understand?”

“I certainly do. You wound me with your accusations when I am doing nothing but answering my father’s summons. Now let’s go. Blame your grandfather if things go awry. Not me, Daughter.” And with that she raised a hand and we were suddenly outside Zeus’s throne room. The walkway was crowded with courtiers. They all looked us over and started whispering behind their hands. Jerry in particular got a lot of attention.

A soldier stepped outside and everyone got quiet. “His Highness is holding private sessions today. He will only see these people.” He held up a scroll and read the names. I wasn’t surprised to hear my own, my mother’s, Mars and then … “Is there a mortal here called Jeremy Blade?”

“Yes, I am Jeremy Blade.” Jerry stepped forward.

“Hand me your weapons, then you are to come with me as well.” The soldier took Jerry’s knives then actually frisked him before he held one of the double doors for us so we could slip inside. The crowd almost moaned with disappointment. I’m sure they had hoped to witness the drama sure to unfold. The whispers swelled until the door shut. The room echoed with our footsteps as we walked toward those golden thrones.

Zeus and Hera were already sitting, watching us come toward them. No smiles. That didn’t encourage me. A tall handsome man stood nearby. Not only wasn’t he smiling, he looked ready to strike someone dead. Lucky for us, he was restrained by a half dozen soldiers.

“Hercules,” my mother whispered. “Obviously he got here first.” She reached the throne and sank down to her knees. It didn’t take a tug on my toga to get me down there too. Jerry and Mars knelt behind us.

“Rise and let us discuss the mess you have created, Hebe.” Zeus’s voice was cold. Obviously whatever Hercules had said before we got here had put my grandfather in a temper.

“Father, I don’t consider this beautiful grandchild I have given you a ‘mess’.” Mother was on her feet, my hand in hers so that I was forced to stand by her side. We were a united front. Mars and Jerry stood at attention like good soldiers.

“Your husband is not happy with you. Flaunting your child like this has opened him to ridicule.” Zeus waved a hand and I felt a strong hot breeze hit my face.

“You’ve made me a laughing stock, you unfaithful bitch.” Hercules broke away from the soldiers, sending them to the floor. He leaped in front of us, his face wearing an ugly snarl. “Look at her, grown to adulthood, while all you gave me were little boys who will never father children, never lead men in battle. They are content to play games and--”

“Enough!” Zeus thundered. “Those are my grandsons you malign. They are brilliant, fine young men. I begin to see that it is not Hebe’s fault that their growth was stunted. What other children have
fathered? How have they fared, Hercules?”

“Are you trying to lay their condition on me? I am not the goddess of eternal youth.” Hercules stomped the floor and the vibration almost knocked me off my feet. “I have been laboring in far off lands. I don’t have time to take lovers and sow my seed like my faithless wife obviously has done.”

“No other children, Hercules? I don’t care that you prefer the company of men. It has been a relief to be rid of your clumsy attentions.” My mother watched while half-dozen soldiers kept Hercules from hitting her. His curses rang through the chamber but I didn’t hear a denial.

Mother stepped forward. “I have stayed silent out of respect for my marriage vows, Mother.” She nodded toward Hera. “But this man is brutal. I am glad he is gone most of the time because when he’s home, he beats me as if I were the lowest mule in his stable. Clearly he can’t abide women, even his own wife.”

“Liar!” But Hercules fists were raised and he looked like he was about to take another swing at Mother if he hadn’t been held back.

“Coward! Face a real man with your temper!” Mars lunged, barely missing me as he went for Hercules’ throat. More soldiers appeared from behind the throne and grabbed both men, forcing them apart.

“Silence!” Zeus’s face was red. “I have heard enough. Hera, what think you?”

“That our daughter may leave this man if she so wishes.” My grandmother stood and walked over to pull my mother into a hug then kissed both her cheeks. “I’m sorry I didn’t believe you all those years ago, darling. He is clearly not the man to make you happy.” She glanced at Mars, held by five men. “We will not dissolve the marriage, it is not our way. But you may have separate quarters as you have wished, Hebe. And must no longer answer to Hercules in any fashion.” She ignored a shout from behind her.

“This is wrong! She is my wife, my property.” Hercules struggled against the men restraining him. “Zeus, my lord, this is a dangerous policy that will cause problems once your people hear of it. Others will want similar arrangements. Alliances that help you control your minions will be shattered.”

“Some alliances cannot be sustained. And you are my vassal, Hercules. You will do as you are told.” Zeus walked over to face the man. His fury had lit his eyes with a fire so intense that I’d taken a few steps back before I could stop myself. I bumped into Jerry who settled a comforting hand on my shoulder. 

“Of course, sire.” Hercules suddenly lost his bluster and dropped to his knees.

“You laid a hand on my daughter? You are still alive only because of past deeds that earned you special favor here. Be assured that this matter isn’t over. I will give it more thought. Your treatment of a member of my family may yet cause me to mete out a punishment more suitable than banishment from court and freedom for my daughter. Now out of my sight before I forget certain vows and take your head.” He flung up his hands and Hercules disappeared.

“Father! Thank you!” My mother fell at his feet once Hera released her. “You cannot know the misery that man has caused me. The boys too. He is a bully, a--”

“Say no more. We are not done here. There is the matter of Gloriana and this person Mars has brought from Earth.” Zeus lifted her to her feet and stalked over to face Mars. My father actually fell to his knees again, his face toward the floor. “Yes, you’d better show some contrition. I know what this man was there. And what he did to Gloriana.” He gently moved me aside and looked Jerry over then raised his hand.

“Grandfather, wait.” I was terrified he was going to make Jerry vanish like he’d done to Hercules. “Remember, please, that this man gave me immortality on Earth. He saved me or I’d have perished centuries ago.” I stepped to Jerry’s side and held his hand. “I know you don’t care for the way he saved me, but what other choice did he have? After Achelous left me to die? I consider Jeremiah Campbell, known to you as Jeremy Blade, a gift from the gods. Many times over the years he risked his life for me.” I glanced at Jerry who still stood at attention, following Mars’ lead. “Look at him. He’s strong in our world down there. A warrior and a leader of men. Many admire him.”

“Is this true, Blade?” Zeus finally let his hand fall to his side and stepped closer.

I tried not to cringe. My grandfather’s power was like a ripple in the air, invisible yet strong enough to make my hair rise. “Yes, sire. I am a Highlander. Originally from Scotland. We pride ourselves on being able to go into battle and fight side by side with our men. I have the scars to prove I’ve never run away from a fight.”

Zeus looked Jerry up and down. “And would you fight for Gloriana?”

“To the death, sire.” Jerry knelt at Zeus’s feet. “I am sorry you don’t approve of the way I saved Gloriana. I loved her the moment I saw her. Making her what I did,” he was careful not to say the “v” word, I’d warned him about that, “was the only way I could be sure that she would be with me forever.”

“Yes, I can see that. But you are not a god and I won’t make you one. My granddaughter must be married to someone her equal.” Zeus tapped Jerry on the shoulder. “Get up. Let me look you in the eye.”

“I may not be her equal here, but, on Earth, we are equal partners and she wishes to marry me. She wears my ring. We are promised.” Jerry said this while looking straight at Zeus, never flinching. If my grandfather needed proof that Jerry had balls, this should do it.

“I have someone picked out for her. A fine man. I suppose there’s one way to see just how worthy you are. I can let you fight for her. Are you willing?” Zeus smiled, obviously relishing an evening’s entertainment.

“No! Don’t agree, Jerry. Grandfather, you can’t pit a god against a mortal. That’s all Jerry is here. It will be a slaughter. Please, spare him. I love him.” I threw myself at Zeus’s feet.

“Oh, get up. I know how to arrange a fair fight.” Zeus pulled me up and handed me a handkerchief. “Wipe your eyes, you silly girl.” He turned to a soldier. “Send in Kratos.”

“That would hardly be an even match, sire.” Mars had found his voice and stood next to Jerry.

“Who is he?” I asked while darting worried looks at Jerry. I’d expected a reaction from him. Then I realized someone here had frozen him in place. Not me, of course. But any of the other people in the room could have done it, even one of Zeus’s soldiers, to make sure their leader wasn’t in danger standing so close to this outsider.

“Kratos is a god of strength and might.” Mars fingered his own sword which I knew had magical powers. “If Blade goes up against him unarmed it’ll be a slaughter.”

“Nonsense. I’ll make them both equally matched. I can make Kratos mortal again since I’m the one who turned him into a god after he did me a service.” Zeus turned as a pair of soldiers entered the room, flanking yet another handsome man who looked to be in his prime. He had broad shoulders and a shock of dark hair that matched his eyes. He and Jerry looked enough alike to be brothers. He bowed before my grandfather but quickly straightened to stare at me.

“You must be Gloriana. Your grandmother told me you were beautiful. But I didn’t expect…” He lost his smile when I did my snap trick and became a size twelve right before his eyes. “This.”

“Mother, is this the man you’ve selected to match with Gloriana?” My mother eyed him critically. She hadn’t noticed my change. “What are the terms?”

“Don’t trouble yourself, dear. Be assured that Kratos will fill our coffers for a chance to ally himself even further with the house of Zeus.” Hera strolled forward. “Child, what have you done to yourself? This will not do.” In a flash, I was a size two again. “Rebellious chit. You must not have learned a thing in the cells.” She turned to my mother. “It’s obvious she wasn’t raised here, isn’t it? We will have our work cut out for us before she is ready to walk down the aisle with Kratos.”

“I’m not marrying this man.” I put my hands on my much smaller hips. I remembered to give him a small smile. “I’m not intending an insult. You seem like a fine man, perfect for any woman who is not promised to another.” I scooted closer to Jerry and picked up his stiff hand. I hated that he was still frozen and unable to squeeze my fingers. “It’s just that I’m already in love with this man and we plan to marry. Good luck finding someone else.”

“Gloriana, I’m sorry if your heart is engaged, but this is not your decision to make.” Zeus smiled.

“Indeed not. For once, my husband and I are in perfect agreement.” Hera pulled me away from Jerry, proving that her powers were too strong to resist. “Sit beside me and keep your mouth shut, Gloriana. Zeus will arrange matters.”

I glared at her but my vocal chords no longer worked. Damn her.

“Kratos, are you willing to fight for a chance to claim Gloriana as your bride?”

The god looked me over, a hungry smile on his face. “Now I am. For a moment there… Well, I was afraid she was one of those greedy wenches, always into the sweetmeats. But I see now it was just an illusion. To put me off perhaps?” He winked at me. “You’ll get used to me, Gloriana. I’m sure I can make you see that I am the man for you. I’m known for my prowess, on the battlefield and…off.” He moved closer, as if to touch me. Hera gave him a look and he stopped a few feet away.

BOOK: (Glory St Clair 11) Real Vampires Say Read My Hips
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