Read My Chance (Chance #2) Online

Authors: Joanne Schwehm

Tags: #FICTION > Romance > General and FICTION > Literary

My Chance (Chance #2) (13 page)

BOOK: My Chance (Chance #2)
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He brought me to his office, slammed the door shut, and slammed me against it. I think that if I wasn’t so hot with need for him, it would have hurt. We kissed, and he unbuttoned my jeans. I helped him pull them down, and he took off my shirt. I had a g-string on, which he ripped off of me until I stood in only my bra. I reached for his T-shirt, but he had it off before I could do anything. His pants and boxers followed suit, as did my bra.

He lifted me, and I wrapped my legs around him. No foreplay was needed since we were both more than ready. He thrust into me, and I yelped. I was ready for him, but he hit me so deep. My yelp seemed to be a “do it harder” signal. He pulled my hair so my head tilted back, and his mouth traveled over my breasts, not showing any favoritism. We moved with each other, and I lifted myself up using his shoulders. I was about to come, and if I didn’t support myself, I was sure I would land on my ass.

“I got you, baby. You’re so tight around me right now, you don’t even have to hang on.”

Those words groaned in my ear were enough to send me over the edge. My legs shook, Alex leaned back, and I arched against the door. With his left arm around my back, his right thumb rubbed me right above my entrance and then below it. I couldn’t hold on anymore.

“Alex…” I couldn’t say anymore.

He thrust into me and grunted. His warmth filled me, and my head collapsed on his sweaty shoulder.

I saw his tattoo out of the corner of my eye. I looked into his eyes. “December twenty-first.”

“What about it?”

“Our wedding. I’d like it to be on December twenty-first.”

His eyes filled, and he closed them. “That’s my mom’s birthday. I think that would be… perfect.”

I kissed his forehead. “Then that’s when it will be.”

We put ourselves back together, but my thong stayed on Alex’s desk. We went back downstairs where our friends were still dancing. Alex pulled me into a corner and hugged me. I tipped my head up so I could see him.

“Does my hair look okay, or do I have the ‘JFL’?”

He looked confused. “JFL?”

“Yeah, the ‘Just Fucked Look.’” I couldn’t believe he’d never heard that expression.

He laughed. Without looking at me, he said, “No, you’re perfect. Let’s go dance.”

The song was slower, and one that meant a lot to us. It was “Talking to the Moon” by Bruno Mars. We swayed back and forth.

His thumbs made circles on my lower back as he held me. “I talked to the moon a lot before I followed you to Paris. When you were in the hospital, I’d go to Jones Beach and talk to the waves, hoping that you could hear me somehow.”

“Is that why you told me to listen to the wave in your message?” I remembered him saying it. I’d never been quite sure why.

“Yeah, I didn’t know what else to do. I’d just go stare at the water. I needed to get to you somehow, and I didn’t know when you would hear my message or if it would mean what I wanted it to. I was desperate, so I took a chance.”

“And you became Chance, Chance Love.” I laughed, and he smirked at me. “What made you think of using Love for a last name?”

“I panicked. I didn’t think of a last name, and then when you asked, the first thing I thought of was
I was pretty proud of myself that I had the sense to come up with that.”

I put my head down and laughed. He picked me up and spun me around. When he put me down, we were both laughing. We noticed our friends leaving the dance floor. I wanted to dance more, but we’d taken a break from dancing and they hadn’t. Not that I’d rested on our break, but I felt energized. We followed our friends back to the table. Tyler brought us drinks and sat with us.

“Dude, so where did you and Aubrey run off to? I turned and you were gone.” Brett had a shit-eating grin. He totally knew where we were.

My face instantly heated.

Julie looked at me and raised a brow. “Really? You don’t look JFL. Were you standing?”

My mouth dropped open, and Alex laughed, along with the rest of the table.

Brett said, “What the hell is JFL?”

Julie leaned in and told him. He laughed and clued in the rest of the table as I lowered my head in embarrassment.

“You’re a lucky man!” Brett lifted his hand to high five Alex, but Alex just shook his head.

Mark whispered something to Val before he said to the table, “On that note, we’re outta here.” Mark and Val stood.

“Hold on just a minute. Aubrey and I have an announcement,” Alex said.

Everyone went silent. Alex was like E.F. Hutton. When he talked, people listened.

“Aubrey and I have set a date. We’re getting married on December twenty-first.”

Julie squealed and clapped. “Yay! When are we going gown shopping? I’m in the wedding, right?”

I loved her enthusiasm. I looked at Alex and quietly asked him if we could have everyone at the table in the wedding. He nodded.

“Yes, you’re my maid of honor,” I said. “Val, I’d love for you to be my bridesmaid.”

The girls got up and hugged me. We spun around in a circle as if we were girls on a playground.

Alex looked at the guys. “Brett, you’re the closest thing I have to a brother, and I’d like you to be my best man. Ty and Mark, I’d be honored if you would also stand up for me as groomsmen.”

All the guys did the handshake, bro-hug thing. I looked at the group and realized I was short a bridesmaid.

As if Julie read my mind, she said, “Don’t worry Aubrey, I can handle two at once.” She winked.

Tyler looked at her and then at Brett. “Right on!” They high-fived and threw their arms around Julie.

Brett looked at Tyler. “Just remember she’s mine.”

“Yeah, I know. You don’t have to take all the fun out of it.”

Val asked Alex, “Wait a minute, wasn’t December twenty-first your mom’s birthday?”

“Yeah, it was.” He looked at me. “Hey, how did you know that?”

I shrugged. “It was on the program at the benefit you and your dad had.”

Alex nodded, and we walked out of the club. We laced our fingers and walked to his car. He opened my door, but before I could get in, he pulled me into an embrace. He held my head under his chin and smelled my hair. I felt safe, wanted, loved, and needed. Everything that I’d always wanted and needed from a man.

“I love you. I’ll say it often and every chance I can,” he said. “I hope you never get sick of me saying it.” His arms tightened.

“Never. I’ll never, ever get sick of hearing that. The same goes for you. I love you more every day.”

“Come on, let’s go home.” He let go of my hand and walked around to his side of the car.

I watched him slide into his seat. All I could think about was how happy he made me. Despite all the obstacles we’d encountered in such a short time, he was mine. There was no doubt about it.

We went back to his place and got ready for bed. I watched his muscles flex as he undressed. Alex was the only man I knew who could make taking socks off look sexy as hell. I couldn’t take my eyes off him.

“See something you like?” Even his voice was amazing.

“No, not really. Same old thing. Seen it once, seen it a million times.” I walked into the bathroom, took off my clothes, and threw on a T-shirt I had taken out of his drawer. I brushed my hair since it was coated in product, washed my face, and leaned over the sink to brush my teeth with his toothbrush.

I looked in the mirror and saw him. He leaned against the door frame, his right arm on the wall to support him. His arms, tight stomach, and chest begged me to go over and lick them. I continued brushing.

“So are you calling me old or are you just bored with what you see?” His eyes met mine in the mirror.

I tried not to smile. I rinsed my mouth and wiped my face with a hand towel. I turned to look at him. “No, you’re not old.” Then it dawned on me that I didn’t know his birthday. “When is your birthday?”

“August twenty-seventh. When is yours?”

I gasped. “I missed it. I’m so sorry. I wish I’d been with you. If I hadn’t left, I would have been.” I looked down.

He walked up and held my face. “You were with me. We were at the park looking at clouds. I spent my twenty-ninth birthday with you, and it was the best birthday I’ve ever had. Now, when is yours?”

“February sixth.”

“You’ll celebrate your first birthday with me as Mrs. Logan.”

I smiled. “It’s weird, isn’t it? We’re getting married without even knowing each other’s birthdays. How did that happen?”

“We haven’t really had a conventional relationship.” His arms wrapped around me so his hands rested on the top of my butt. “How about we get to know each other? We can make it a game.”

“Hmmm… I like games. What do you have in mind?”

He grabbed my hand and led me to the bed. “Have a seat.” He left the room and came back with a handful of poker chips. He sat on the bed and put the chips in a pile between us. “The poker chips have a value on them: twenty-five, fifty, and one hundred. Pick a twenty-five and ask a question; pick a fifty and answer a question; pick a one hundred and you must do something the other tells you to do. Deal?”

I was nervous about what he would ask me and vice versa. “Okay.”

“You ready, baby? You can go first.” He mixed up the chips.

“Okay.” I took a calming breath. I closed my eyes and picked a chip—twenty-five. I breathed a sigh of relief. “Um… how old were you the first time you had sex?”

He smiled. “Sixteen.”

“Sixteen! Do you remember it?” I don’t know why I needed to know that.

“That’s two questions. But since you asked, yes, I do, and it wasn’t anything to be proud of. It lasted about five minutes.” He laughed.

I don’t know why I’d asked that question. I knew we weren’t each other’s firsts, but his answer made me sad.

He smirked, closed his eyes, and picked a chip with a fifty on it. He dropped his head and laughed. “Hit me with another one. Maybe this wasn’t such a great game.”

I softly said, “Do you remember her?”


“The girl you lost your virginity to.”

He lowered his brows, probably wondering why I wanted to know. I hoped he didn’t ask because I didn’t even know why. “Yeah, I remember her.”

I nodded.

“Go, baby, pick.” Alex was really enjoying his game!

Please not a fifty… Thank God, another twenty-five!

He shook his head. “This is not working in my favor at all!”

I laughed and tried to think of something I’d be interested in. “What’s your favorite type of music?”

“That’s easy. Anything that I can hold you close and dance to. But if I was alone, I guess it would be rock. Okay, my turn.”

I beamed.

“What’s that look for? You like rock too?”

“I do, but I love dancing with you. When I was younger, I’d watch ballroom dance competitions. The women had gorgeous gowns, and they just moved effortlessly. They were beautiful. I wanted to be like them.”

Alex looked at me as if I had revealed where the Holy Grail was.

I shrugged and grinned. “Anyway, that never happened. It’s your turn to pick.”

Alex reached in the pile, and my nerves spiked. “Finally!” he said.

Alex had picked a twenty-five. I was nervous about what his question would be.

His eyes smoldered. “What did you first think of me when you saw me?”

I stared at him. How did he not know the answer? “Well, let’s see. Considering your predecessors who spoke to me that night, when I heard your voice, my heart skipped a beat. I think it would have done that even if you were the first man I’d spoken to that night. I was stunned. I thought you were hotter than hot, and I had no clue why you wanted to talk to me.”

He reached across the chips for my hand, which he brought to his mouth, and kissed my fingertips one by one. “That was the best thing I’ve ever done.” He leaned over and kissed me.

His soft lips and light stubble made me melt. I felt myself blush. I lowered my head because I didn’t want to show my embarrassment.

He sat back down. “You don’t get it, do you? It doesn’t matter how many times I tell you.” He lifted my chin. “Look into my eyes and listen to me, okay?”

I looked at him and got lost in the deep blue of his eyes.

“You, Aubrey Ryan, are beautiful. You’re sexy and my dream come true. Now, stop asking ridiculous questions and pick a chip.”

I let out a long breath, closed my eyes, and prayed for anything but a fifty. I put my right hand in the chips, closed my eyes, mixed them around, and picked. I looked at my hand—a fifty. Shit.

He looked at the chip and rubbed his hands. “Let’s see… What should I ask... Hmm… What’s something sexual you’ve always fantasized about doing but haven’t done yet?”

I stared at him. I kept thinking that I wanted him to do whatever he wanted to me, but I couldn’t put that out there. A light bulb went off, and I yelled, “Oh! I know.”

Alex laughed and I giggled.
Way to blow a hot moment. I’m such a dork.

I regained my composure, got on my knees, and leaned toward him. In the sexiest voice I could muster, I told him, “I want to blindfold you, cover you in chocolate sauce, and lick you like an ice cream cone. Then I want to make love to you, savor you, and enjoy every square inch of your amazingly hot body.”

BOOK: My Chance (Chance #2)
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