Read My Chance (Chance #2) Online

Authors: Joanne Schwehm

Tags: #FICTION > Romance > General and FICTION > Literary

My Chance (Chance #2) (14 page)

BOOK: My Chance (Chance #2)
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I hadn’t intended to say anything after blindfold, but he smelled so sweet that I thought of dessert and chocolate. I sat back and looked at him. He looked shocked. Which was understandable since I was also shocked.

I tried to play it cool though. “I believe it’s your turn.” I grinned and winked.

“Shit, I don’t know if I can move after that.”

I laughed.

While looking into my eyes, he grabbed a chip. He looked at it, and a mischievous grin crept across his lips. He held it up. “One hundred, baby.” His eyes got dark as he cocked a brow and looked into my eyes. “Go get the chocolate. Game’s over… I win.”

I didn’t question his seriousness. The look in his eye told me he wasn’t kidding, so I gracefully got up and went into his kitchen. My bare feet on the cool tile was what I needed because the entire thing was surreal, and I was sweating. I opened the refrigerator door and welcomed the blast of cool air. I found the chocolate sauce he liked on his ice cream and decided to warm it up to take off the chill.

Once it was ready, I steadied myself. Before I went into our room, I took a deep breath and quietly said, “You can do this, Aubrey. It was your idea, and you love each other.” I walked into the room.

He was lying naked on the bed. The chips had been moved to the dresser, and he was alert and ready. I tried not to stare at my man’s statuesque body, but that was a ridiculous notion. I set the bottle on the dresser and removed my T-shirt. I put some chocolate sauce on my middle finger and sucked it off. I looked at his dick, and it bobbed. Good, just what I wanted.

I folded the T-shirt and placed it over his eyes. “Don’t move.”

I bent over and ran my tongue across his broad chest. I drizzled the chocolate where my tongue had been and slowly licked it away. I made a line with the sauce from his pecs to the wonderful V of his hips. I didn’t lick it right away. I crawled between his legs, rested my hands on his thighs, and started at the V. I licked my way up while allowing my breasts to rub against him, making him groan and bend his knees. I kissed down to his waist. I pulled back and poured chocolate from his tip to the base of his erection, and I watched his abs flex. I moved my tongue around him, spreading the chocolate rather than licking him clean. My lips wrapped around him, and his hand fisted in my hair.

“I’ve tried not to say anything and not to move, but, baby, you’re killing me.”

I let him go, and in my sexiest voice, I asked, “Do you want me to stop? I wouldn’t want you to die on me.” I tried not to giggle.

“If you stop, I

I looked at him through my lashes and noticed my makeshift blindfold was no longer on his eyes. “Well, okay then.”

I continued on, and his hands became more forceful on my head. I thought he was going to explode, and I was ready. Instead, his hands dipped under my arms to lift me. He flipped us so I was underneath him.

“It’s my turn.”

I honestly thought I would orgasm just from the way his eyes penetrated mine. He touched me, and my hips buckled. I was so ready for him. I didn’t want more chocolate; all I wanted was him. “Alex, no more games. I need you. Please make love to me.”

That was all it took. He moved inside me, causing me to gasp. No other foreplay was needed. I grabbed his muscular back as we rocked in unison. I could tell he wanted to say something, but he didn’t. I closed my eyes and felt every move he made. One last thrust, and he was satisfied, as was I.

He rolled off me. “Come on, let’s shower and get cleaned up.”

I couldn’t help but feel proud of myself. The entire night was something I’d never have thought of doing. I stopped walking toward the bathroom and looked at him.

He turned toward me. “What it is?”

“Nothing. I’m just really happy.”

He pulled me into a hug. “I’m happy too. I’m happier than I ever thought I could be.” He tipped my face up. “That’s because of you. Now let’s shower so I can make you happier.”

The rest of the weekend went by in a blur. We spent most of it inside talking about our wedding. We decided to have a small ceremony at a chapel near Creekside Park and the reception at Anthony’s restaurant. We didn’t want anything lavish. We just wanted to be surrounded by family and close friends.

We woke up at the sound of his alarm clock. I glanced over his shoulder and saw it was seven a.m. I moaned and rolled away. He must have turned it off because it stopped the annoying beeping sound.

I felt him breathing into my ear. “Baby, you awake or are you moaning because you’re dreaming of me?”

I smiled. “I’m awake thanks to that annoying sound. Why is it set so early?”

“I wanted to call my dad’s office and go see him.”

I perked up and felt wide awake. “Why?”

“I need to tell him that he’s going to gain a daughter-in-law soon.” Alex kissed my shoulder.

“I hope he’s happy about that.”

He pulled me toward him. “How could he not be? You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I think he saw that at the benefit.”

I stared into his eyes. “What if he doesn’t?”

Alex looked at my chest, which was rising a little quicker than normal. I closed my eyes and counted slowly to calm myself. I focused on my breathing.
Calm down. Breathe. It’s okay, Aubrey…
I rolled away from Alex and wrapped my arms around my chest. I felt Alex’s arms over mine, holding me tightly.

He kissed the back of my head. “It will be okay. I promise you. He doesn’t have a reason not to like you. He saw us together, so it’s not like this will be a surprise. No matter what, it’s me and you. If he’s not happy about it, that’s his issue.”

“I want him to be happy. He’s your family. He’ll be my family.” I didn’t know if he heard me.

Alex threw his right leg over both of mine with his arms still wrapped around me. His chin rested on my shoulder. He was like an Alex cocoon. “Together, okay? Always together.”

I nodded. “Okay.”

“I’m going to jump in the shower and then call my dad. I have this problem though, and I was hoping you could help me with it.” He ran his tongue from my shoulder blade to my ear, making me giggle.

“A problem, huh? What would said problem be?” I could tell by his tone that his problem would make my bad morning get a hell of a lot better.

He rolled on his back, and I propped myself on my side and looked at him.

His hands went to his bare, beautiful abs. “Well see, it’s like this. When I’m in the shower and the hot water runs over my muscles, they ache. I try to massage them, kind of like this.” His hands moved up and down his torso. “Then once I relieve the ache here… I try to massage the rest of me.” He looked into my eyes. “That’s where you come in. I think about you, and I feel the need to have you rub my…”

I licked my lips in anticipation.

“Back.” He beamed.

I reached for a pillow and smacked him in the head. Then I swallowed hard and looked at his boxers, feeling a throbbing between my legs.

He rolled me over and pinned my hands above my head. “What’d you think I was going to say?”

I was so embarrassed. “Nothing. I didn’t think anything.” I tried to turn my head so he didn’t see me blush.

He rubbed against me until I looked at him. “I’m just kidding, I know what you were thinking because that’s what I was thinking. Now get up and come relieve the ache in my… back.”

“You’re not funny, Logan. What makes you think I want to relieve your ache?”

His eyes roamed my body from head to toe. “Well, okay. If you don’t want to, then don’t worry about it.”

He wants to play games? Okay, let’s play.
“You’re right. I don’t. Let me know when you’re done in there, and save me some hot water.”

I got up to leave the bedroom, and he followed me, scooped me up, and tossed me over his shoulder. I shrieked and laughed. I may have even snorted he had me laughing so hard.

He smacked my ass. “You think you’re so clever.”

I put my hands on his back and rubbed his muscles as he turned on the shower. “Alex, put me down.”

“You want me to put you down? Sure thing.”

I squealed when he put me down in the shower with my pajamas on. The water wasn’t what I’d consider “shower temperature.” It was downright cold! “Oh my God, Alex!”

I moved as close as I could to the back of the shower to get away from the frigid water. He got in and pulled me close to him. I became unaware of the water temperature as I pressed against a naked Alex. My forehead was on his chest, and I noticed his nipples were hard. I gave the right one a little bite and then did the same to the left one, making Alex groan. He grabbed my face and kissed me. Our tongues danced, and he lifted my cotton shirt over my head. He tossed it on the shower floor and then did to my nipples what I’d done to his. I threw my head back and gasped. He stopped and held me. Our bodies were so close that the water couldn’t pass between us; it just fell over us like a waterfall.

“What’s wrong?” Usually at that point, he’d be trying to get between my legs in one way or another.

“Nothing is wrong. I just need you.”

I snickered. “I know, and I need you too.”

“I just can’t believe how much we’ve been through, and yet I have you in my life and in my shower.” He smirked, and his eyes refocused on my body.

I still had my pajama bottoms on, so I slowly removed them. I wasn’t trying to be seductive, but they were soaked and sticking to me. I hoped I could show some form of grace and not fall. I managed to get them off and pushed them into the corner of the shower with my foot.

He reached the shampoo and washed my hair, which he followed up with conditioner. He grabbed the bar of soap and turned me so my back was pressed to his chest. He washed my breasts, stomach, between my thighs, down my legs, and back up again. I watched his hands washing me, and it was the most sensual thing I’d ever seen. I never thought something so simple would turn me on so much. I wanted to turn around and throw my legs around his waist. I felt his hand between my shoulder blades.

He carefully pushed me forward. “Bend over. I need to do your back.”

I bent over and felt the soap go down my spine to the top of my butt and around my cheeks. His hands massaged me, and then his hands were on my hips. He must have put down the soap. He pulled me back, and I felt him. He was ready, so I gave him the access he needed. I felt a kiss on my back before he slid into me. Neither of us spoke or made a sound. I heard the sound of the water running over us and splashing between our bodies as he thrust into me. He amplified his pace before he gave a final thrust. I clenched around him, finding my silent release. I didn’t know why we were being quiet. The sex was so good we should have been screaming.

He pulled out of me and turned me around. “Never, Aubrey. I never want to be without you. Promise me that I never will be.”

I looked at him and saw fear, or maybe doubt, in his eyes. I knew I hadn’t done anything to make him have either of those feelings about me. “I’ll never leave you. I’m going to be Mrs. Logan, remember?” I held up my left hand, and he kissed our engagement ring.

He turned the water off and slid the shower door open. He grabbed two towels off the heated towel stand and wrapped me up in one. I didn’t understand his mood, and I wasn’t sure if I should ask, either. We stepped out onto the bath rug, and I looked at my man. His towel was wrapped around his waist, and his muscles were firm as if he had just done one hundred crunches. I looked him over and smiled.

“Still like what you see?” he asked.

I took his hand, led him to the bed, and pulled him down to sit with me. “Okay, what gives?”

His head went down, and his thumb swiped his chin just below his lip. He looked at me without really lifting his head and exhaled. “What do you mean?”

“Look at me.”

His eyes met mine. There was something about them—was it worry?

“You’ve been acting weird all morning. You were joking with me, and then we got in the shower and you changed. What is it? Talk to me.”

“I need to call my dad, and just thinking about it aggravates me. I don’t know what he’ll say, and if it’s anything but positive, I’ll be furious. I don’t want him ruining us.”

I looked at him as if he had just spoken a foreign language. “I thought you said he’d be happy for us? Maybe I shouldn’t go with you.” I turned away, but he grabbed my arm.

“My dad is just… well, my dad. I never know what he’s going to say or do. He’s spent the majority of my life being disappointed in me, and I guess that I’m worried you’ll see that today. The past two times we’ve seen him were at functions. There were buffers.” He exhaled.

“Your father couldn’t say or do anything that would make me think less of you or look at you in a different light. You’re everything to me. No one can ruin us.” I hugged him.

He sighed into my hair. “You’re right. Go get dressed, and I’ll call his office.”

We were on our way to Logan Industries for our ten a.m. appointment. I couldn’t imagine needing an appointment to see my parents. Sitting in Alex’s sleek car, I looked at his pensive face. His right hand rested on the gear shift, so I placed my hand on his. He glanced over and gave me a nervous smile.

BOOK: My Chance (Chance #2)
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