Read Phantom Riders MC - Hawk Online

Authors: Tory Richards

Phantom Riders MC - Hawk (4 page)

BOOK: Phantom Riders MC - Hawk
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Chapter 6




I don’t know how long I’d been asleep when the bed next to me dipped, a clear indication that someone had joined me. I was pretty damned sure that it was Hawk, but I reached over anyway and felt around, as if by touching him I’d know. My hand fell upon a hard six-pack before roaming up to iron pecs, and then gliding down to find a naked, muscular thigh. A little further over and my hand grazed a thick, huge cock.


He was naked.


His cock was standing up like a flag pole.


I began to drag my hand away when it was grabbed and forced it back to the monster between his legs. A deep, animalistic growl sounded when he closed my fingers around it and squeezed. Actually, my fingers didn’t meet up, which reinforced how abnormally large his cock was, but then, we were talking about Hawk, and he was a beast.


He didn’t need to tell me what he wanted, and the truth was that I didn’t mind giving him a hand job. Maybe I felt I needed to repay him for saving me earlier. Something about him had attracted me from the start, had made me curious. His arm scooped me closer and the hand over mine slowly released once he was certain that I would remain put and had begun to move on my own. One trip over the bulbous head of it revealed that he was leaking a copious amount of pre-cum. I used it as a lubricant and ran my hand up and down the length of him, hearing his breath catch.


It freaking turned me on.


Part of me couldn’t believe that this was happening, that I was letting it happen. I didn’t know anything about Hawk, except that he was a dangerous, forceful man. I wasn’t in the habit of sleeping with strangers, much less letting them invade my body and give me one of the most intense orgasms I’d ever experienced. And I sure as hell wasn’t in the habit of doing what I was doing now. I blamed it on Dane’s lack of sex drive in the last six months.


The position I was in wasn’t very accommodating to giving a man a hand job, so when my hand began to cramp I moved to get more comfortable.  As I was about to settle Hawk had other ideas. His hand moved up beneath my hair to circle the back of my neck, and then he was lifting the covers with his other hand and pushing my head downward toward his cock. The room was dark, but I didn’t need light to instinctively find his hard flesh. It didn’t occur to me to refuse, either.


I opened my mouth as he guided my open mouth down, at the same time lifting his hips to fill my mouth completely. My senses exploded with his musky scent and the taste of pre-cum on my tongue. My moan mingled with his much deeper one. As I took a second to savor the experience I ran my tongue along his hot shaft, discovering the ridges and veins lining it, ending with the tip of my tongue burrowing into the leaking slit.


“Holy fuck,” Hawk snarled, clenching a fist in my hair.


I could feel the tremor of his powerful thighs beneath me, hear the broken rasps of his deep breaths. The hand in my hair began to guide me, up and down, up and down, keeping in rhythm with the movement of his hips. I swallowed as much of his cock as I could, until it was crashing against the back of my throat. Each time Hawk grunted, and the hand in my hair clenched. Since he controlled the actions of my mouth, I was left to fondle his heavy testicles and the part of his cock that wasn’t in my mouth.


Eventually his speed picked up, as did his breathing, both signs that he was about to come. I smiled to myself, remembering a little trick that Dane had taught me when we first started having sex. I wasn’t sure why I thought of applying it then, except that for some men it intensified their orgasm. Maybe Hawk would like it, maybe he wouldn’t. As he thrust up I wiggled my hand beneath him and slid a finger into the crack of his ass. His reaction was immediate, and I could tell that it turned him on more.


The next time he thrust up I searched for his anus. That seemed to cause his breathing to become faster and harsher. His hand twisted tightly in my hair, his thrusts grew rougher, and I could tell his control was slipping. Timing was crucial, and I waited until I felt his cock swell and the first spurt of cum hit the back of my throat. That was when I wiggled my index finger into his anal passage as deep as I could go.


“Fuuucking hell!”


I’d never heard a man roar so loud during sex, though my experiences were limited to Dane. In the next instant Hawk was erupting like a violent volcano into my mouth, coating the back of my throat before it slid down to make room for more. His cock kept on discharging, and I thought it was never going to end. There was nothing I could do because he held me tightly, my mouth locked around his shaft, making sure I got every drop. His whole body tightened with his violent release.


It seemed to take a while before his breathing calmed and his body stilled. His cock had deflated and I was finally released so that I could move away. As I pulled back, letting his shaft fall from my mouth, I removed my finger from his anus. I couldn’t tell if his low groan was pleasure or pain. My instincts told me that with him, it wouldn’t matter.


Then, before I could comprehend it was happening, Hawk promptly turned on his side and pulled the covers over his body. I was stunned, unable to digest the coldness of his actions, feeling used and discarded. I knew I didn’t have any reason to feel that way, he’d given me a mind-blowing orgasm and I’d just returned the favor. So why did his indifference hurt? God, a day with this man felt like a lifetime.


“Sleep, Audra.”


What, did he have eyes at the back of his head? I refused to respond to his comment, rolling to my side of the bed as far to the edge as I could without falling off. I wasn’t going to sleep. I was going to wait until he fell asleep, and then I was going to get the hell out of there. Just because he’d said I wasn’t going anywhere didn’t mean it was law. As far as I was concerned I’d be doing him a favor.


I tried to stay awake, I really did, but after a while I just couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer.




I don’t know what woke me, some sound, or maybe movement from Hawk. As I blinked to clear the sleep from my eyes I stretched, releasing a moan when I felt my abused body resist. I was especially sore between my legs, thanks to the motorcycle. Another moan escaped me as I rolled onto my back and glanced over. Hawk was sitting with his legs hanging over the edge of the bed.


My gaze ran over the wide expanse of his muscular back, taking in the tattoos that covered every square inch. In the center of his back was his club logo, Phantom Riders MC, arched over an evil, scruffy looking man with his arms crossed, wearing leather and a skull cap. Done in black, white and gray, the only other color was the red glare of his eyes and the lightning bolt shaped scar on his cheek. The capital letters “MC” were also in red. It was identical to the image on the back of his cut and the gas tank on his bike.


Outside the logo on the back of his left shoulder was a beautiful hawk in flight with the sun behind it. His right shoulder revealed a hawk sitting on a tree branch overlooking the water. The colors were true to life and absolutely beautiful. But it was the tattoo, or what was left of it, across his lower back that interested me the most. Closer inspection seemed to suggest that someone had taken a knife and tried to disfigure or remove it.


The pain must have been unbearable. Without thinking, I reached out and ran my fingertips over the ragged edges, as if my touch could soothe the memory of lingering pain. “What—?” Barely a second or two slipped by before Hawk swung around and grasped my wrist. I gasped, as much from the pain as from surprise at how fast he had moved. His move forced me closer to him. My eyes flew up to his.


His expression was as unfriendly as ever, his sensual mouth a tight line. I parted my lips, drawing the intensity of his gaze there. I licked my bottom lip. His eyes narrowed and darkened, and I wondered if he was thinking about last night. Heat infused me as I thought about his huge cock inside my mouth. Out of nowhere came the thought that I wanted Hawk to kiss me.
I wondered what it would take to make him lose control and do it. Could I handle him?


“What happened?” I found myself asking.


“Not something you need to know,” he said in a final tone, dropping my wrist and standing up. “We leave in fifteen minutes.”


God, he was so cold. I watched him slip his jeans on, then his shirt and cut, and then finally he sat back down to put on his boots. That’s when I got up and went to the bathroom. Knowing that the room belonged to a working girl I was hesitant to grab a shower, so I made do with taking a sponge bath. Hawk was gone by the time I returned to the bedroom. I quickly slipped on my blouse, jeans and shoes and headed for the front.


I was walking down the hallway when a door in front of me opened. A man emerged and as our eyes met we both froze. I’d forgotten all about Dane’s men! He moved first, taking a step in my direction which woke me from my temporary paralysis. With a squeak I spun around to go back the way I’d come, knowing that it was a lost cause. I had barely made it several feet when I was grabbed from behind.


I screamed before it was cut off from a rough hand across my mouth. “Mr. Winthrop is eager to get you back, baby,” he said low against my ear, while crushing me against the wall. I turned my face so that I could breath, straining against his hold. “But he didn’t say what condition he wanted you back in.” Suddenly I could see a knife out the corner of my eye as he brought it up to eye level. “Be ashamed to mess up this pretty face.”


Mess up my face? He thought I was worried about my face when I knew that Dane was probably going to kill me? The front of my body was against the wall, so there wasn’t much I could do to gain my freedom. He had his arms across the top half of my shoulders and the rest of his bulk easily held mine immovable. I could feel his cock growing hard against my ass and couldn’t believe that he was getting turned on. The pig!


I groaned angrily, and strained to no avail. He just laughed and caressed my cheek with the smooth side of the knife. “Now, you’re gonna come with me nice and quiet, or I’ll kill you right here and tell Mr. Winthrop that I didn’t have a choice.”


Maybe that would be the best way, to just let him end it now. Then I could stop worrying about dying, about running away and having to look over my shoulder all the time. My dying would solve Hawk’s problems, too. But then I thought
what the hell
? This wasn’t me. I wanted to live like the next person. I didn’t deserve what was happening to me. It wasn’t my fault that Dane had turned out to be a murdering villain. I wasn’t done living yet, and I wasn’t done fighting.


As long as I had breath in my body…


I let myself relax, feeling the immediate mistake from the man holding me. Thinking that I’d given in, he also relaxed. I used that to my advantage and gave him a hard thrust back with my butt, at the same time twisting my mouth in an angle that allowed me to bite down on his hand. He let out a howl and for a second, no more, no less, I was free.


“Fucking bitch!” he swore, grabbing me by the collar and slamming me right back in the same spot against the wall. “I’m gonna fucking kill you, but first I’m gonna fuck your ass.”


This time my back was against the wall, but he flipped me around easy enough. Then I felt his hand at the front of my jeans, unsnapping them and lowering the zipper.


“No!” Where the hell was everyone? The proprietor of the bar, or any of the girls? Where the fuck was Hawk? Surely I wasn’t alone! How could something like this happen in a public place and no one be around to help? Realizing that I might actually be on my own, I started to struggle wildly to get away. I screamed as loud as I could.


“Scream again and I’ll fuck you with this,” he threatened, flashing the knife before my eyes again.


I felt sick to my stomach.


“Step away from the woman.”


The man behind me stilled, and we both turned to see Hawk and his two friends standing there in the hallway, blocking it with their huge bodies. Under normal circumstances I would have felt relief, but Hawk wasn’t like any normal man I’d ever met. Looking at him then, his stony expression and the coldness in his eyes backed that up.


“Fuck off, she’s mine. I’m taking her with me.” The man was obviously too enraged to realize the danger he was in.


“Can’t let you do that,” Hawk growled menacingly.

BOOK: Phantom Riders MC - Hawk
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