Read Phantom Riders MC - Hawk Online

Authors: Tory Richards

Phantom Riders MC - Hawk (5 page)

BOOK: Phantom Riders MC - Hawk
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“Who’s gonna stop me?” he asked smugly. “I didn’t come alone.”


The man clearly had a death wish.


“Yeah, we saw the other pussy you came with,” said one of Hawk’s men.


“The woman belongs to us,” said the other one.


The man laughed. “She fucking all three of you? Mr. Winthrop will love hearing that.”


I felt him slowly back away from me, and reached down to quickly do up my jeans. My gaze locked on to Hawk’s. The briefest jerk of his head indicated that he wanted me to go to him. I did so without hesitation. His eyes never left mine and when I reached him he took me by the arm and pulled me behind him.


“Clay, take her to my bike.”


The next thing I knew I was being pulled away, taken outside, and then situated on Hawk’s motorcycle. Clay mounted his own and then lit up a cigarette. I glanced over at the vehicle Dane’s men had arrived in, wondering about his partner.


“He’s been taken care of.” Clay said, guessing my thoughts.


I glanced at Clay to see him smile around the cigarette hanging out of the corner of his mouth. I didn’t want to know how they’d taken care of him. I didn’t care. If he’d been anything like the asshole inside I was glad I didn’t have to worry about him anymore. Dane had loved me once, how could he send men like that after me? Then I realized the stupidity of my thought. 


Money talked.


We didn’t have to wait long for Hawk and the other biker to join us. I glanced over them, looking for what I didn’t know. My gaze was captured by the cold intensity in Hawk’s eyes. That would have been a good time for him to just dump me and ride off. I half expected it. He didn’t need the trouble. I was sure his club had enough all on their own. I steeled myself for the words, but they didn’t come.


Without words, he mounted his bike and then we were taking off.




Chapter 7




I couldn’t ignore the arms wound around me, the small, linked hands just over where my dick was, the breasts squashed against my back and the heat of her pussy where it was flush against my backside. I couldn’t ignore anything about the woman clinging to me. If I wasn’t picturing her gorgeous body with its fucking curves, the red wildness of her hair, and the feel of her juicy cunt, I was remembering the fucking sweetness of her mouth on me.


That was the fucking icing on the cake. The feel of her taking the fat length of me to the back of her throat, sucking me off and swallowing every drop of my seed. That little thing she did with her finger at the end had me almost blowing her head off with the force of my climax. Fucking hell, it had felt intense. I wanted to feel that shit again, only the next time I wanted to be buried balls deep inside her pussy. As tiny as she was, she was bound to have one tight little cunt.


I hadn’t intended on making her give me a blow-job the night before, but hell, once her soft hand had started feeling over me it was the only thing on my mind. Just thinking of what her hand felt like on my dick was making me hard right now. And when she’d moved, I hadn’t given it much thought to directing her to where I wanted her. What had surprised the shit out of me was her fucking willingness. Maybe she’d thought giving me a blow-job would benefit her in some way.


She wouldn’t be the first woman.


Christ. I had to get my mind off the heat of her fucking pussy, but it was branding my backside. I’d have liked nothing better than to pull off the road, swing around on my seat, and fuck her good and hard. That kind of move would give her control that I wasn’t about to give up. Besides, I wasn’t about to let Keg and Clay see that a little fireball of a woman had made me so damned horny that I couldn’t wait to get my dick in her. They’d laugh their fool heads off.


My brothers all knew that what little heart I had was made of stone. They knew that I’d turned my emotions off a long time ago, and that anger was the only thing left. Ever since Sonya nothing mattered except the club. The scars on my back I kept to remind me not to trust any woman again. I used them before they could use me, something I’d learned the hard fucking way.


I didn’t want to think about Sonya, but even in death she clung on to that small control, invading my thoughts when I was stupid enough to let her in. How could I have been so fucking blind? I’d fallen hard for the bitch, giving her everything, only to find out too late that she’d been a compulsive liar, cheater, and had a sadistic nature kept well hidden behind beguiling blue eyes. She’d looked like an angel when I first saw her, and I’d fallen for her goddess looks and false sweetness.


Thinking back, I’d let my dick control my heart, and Sonya had made sure that I was good and addicted to her before slowly revealing her true self. By the time I’d listened to my brothers telling me that she was a sick psycho, it had been too late. In a way I’d fucking deserved how things had ended. The damage had opened my eyes to the evils of loving someone so blindly that she’d nearly destroyed the club before it had been too late.


As I took in the quiet countryside we were traveling through, I had to wonder what I was doing now, getting involved with Audra. Because of her we were using back roads to get home instead of the highway. It added hours to our trip. The two assholes we’d left back at Juicy Lucy’s wouldn’t cause her any more trouble, but my gut warned me that there would be more. Her ex sounded like a piece of work with fucking connections, which reminded me that I needed to call Fox, the club’s computer nerd.


I raised my arm, signaling that we were stopping, and then pulled over into the circular drive of an abandoned house. Keg and Clay pulled up next to me. “We’ll take fifteen.” They nodded and then pulled their bikes beneath the shade of a tree. I waited for Audra to get off.




We both glanced at the house with its faded and peeling paint. The windows were broken out on the first floor, the front door was closed crookedly, and, in fact the whole fucking house was leaning slightly. It was attached to an even older-looking shed and garage that had never seen paint. I looked back at Audra.


She shrugged. “I’m willing to take the chance that I can pee before the house falls.”


She fucking smiled, causing the green of her amazing cat eyes to glitter like jewels. Sweet Jesus, something was happening to me on a level that I didn’t want to fucking think about, and at a speed that I couldn’t keep up with. I refused to get sucked in by the curve of her pretty lips, climbing off my bike in slow motion. She didn’t even back up when that put me in close proximity to her. I stared down at her for a minute.


Her smile grew, and that’s when it hit me, the confidence she was expressing. She thought that her little blow-job the night before had benefited her in some way, had won me over. Maybe she thought it had put me in a good mood. Sex was good for a lot of things. Women used it as a weapon, a way to manipulate men into doing what they wanted, a tool as old as man. Audra was in for a surprise, because I used sex too.


I glanced at my brothers long enough to see that they were resting against the tree, eating and drinking. “Come on.” I turned and headed for the house. I could hear the sound of dried leaves and twigs snapping beneath Audra’s feet as she followed me.


“You don’t like to talk much, do you,” she commented behind me.


I grunted, which made her laugh softly.


“Or smile, I noticed.”


I ignored her, reaching the front door to the house. Not even bothering with trying the doorknob, I kicked it in, the sound rattling through the whole house. Plaster and paint chips rained down around us as we walked through the threshold.


“Do you think it’s safe?” Audra asked just inside the doorway.


I turned to see her glancing up at the ceiling, her bottom lip caught between her teeth. “Safe long enough for you to take a pee,” I said.


Her gaze swung down to me, that sexy mouth turning up again at the corners. “Was that a joke? Are you teasing me?” she chuckled.


Ignoring her, I began walking through the house, careful of where I put my feet because I was heavy as fuck and the floors were wood. Instinct guided me to the kitchen area, and sure enough there was a tiny bathroom located off to the side.


“How did you know?”


“A lot of older homes have bathrooms off the kitchen area, don’t ask me why.” I began searching through cupboards for anything useful.


“Kind of gross,” Audra murmured, walking into the bathroom. I noticed her carefully checking the corners and behind the door, making a face when she lifted the seat to the toilet. “I want to thank you for saving my ass again back at that bar.”


“Yeah, your debt to me is racking up, woman.” I gave her a minute to digest what I’d said. I didn’t want her to think that making my dick happy was the payment she’d offered back at the service station. Of course, payback sex was always an option when there was nothing else. “I know you don’t have any money on you, so how are you planning on paying us?”


“What about that lesson I taught you about picking up pint sized red heads?” The door opened and she stood there zipping up her jeans.


“That was last night, before I saved your ass a second time, and if you think that wrapping your sweet little mouth around my dick was payment, it wasn’t."


Her jaw dropped, and I could see right away that she didn’t like what I’d said. When her face turned red and her hands clenched into fists at her side I knew that she was going to fucking lose it. Part of me couldn’t wait. I liked a good fight. I liked a challenge. And it would give me a damned good reason to put my hands on her again.


“You—You!  You’re an ass!” she screeched. “I’m not a whore, and I would never do a sex act as payment for anything, especially to a cold, unfeeling, unappreciative prick like you!” She took a step forward. “I don’t know why I did what I did last night, but I’m sorry that I did it! You don’t deserve to feel good!”


I thought she was going to throw herself at me, she was fucking angry enough, only she made to stomp right past me. I should have let her go, I don’t know why I didn’t. Yes I did. Fucking hell, I wanted to take her soft mouth and grind it beneath mine. I wanted to taste her anger and passion, her blood, as I showed her what a cold, unfeeling prick I could be. The fact that I wanted to kiss her scared the fucking shit out of me.


I reached out and grabbed her arm, nearly yanking her off her feet when I snatched her back toward me. She gasped and brought her other hand around to hit me. I let her, let her pound out her frustration against my chest.


“You’re right,” I snarled down at her, throwing my head back so that her fist couldn’t reach my face. “I don’t deserve to feel good, but I’m a ruthless bastard and I’ll take it where I can. It means nothing to me if the woman I’m with gets the same pleasure I get.”


“Well, I have news for you, asshole.” She twisted and turned in an effort to break my hold. “When your fingers were inside me, I did feel good! So if that disappoints you, it’s just too damn bad!”


I almost laughed at her ridiculous comment. Her nails caught me on the side of the face and continued down my neck. It felt like a tiny knife slicing into my flesh, the slight pain morphing into fucking pleasure and shooting straight down to my dick. Before I could stop myself I forced Audra back against the nearest wall, pinning her arms above her head, panting with my efforts not to give in and punish her mouth with mine. Leaning my full weight against her felt fucking good, but not good enough.


I wanted her naked.


I wanted inside her.


Fucking hell, what was she doing to me? My eyes locked onto her soft, parted lips, watching as her tongue came out to lick over them. My dick jerked, and I ground it against her, watching her eyes grow dark and the pupils dilate. She thrust the lower half of her body against me and I didn’t care if it was in an effort to get me off her or it was her response to my throbbing dick. She whimpered, a tremor running through her.


“Okay, you’ve proved that you’re stronger than me.”


Her cool remark didn’t fool me. She was turned-on. Everything about her screamed
fuck me
. I leaned in, breathing in her scent. Another whimper escaped from her parted lips. I could tell that she was waiting for my kiss, was probably anticipating it. I got close, so fucking close, and just before I settled my mouth on hers, I turned abruptly and went for the exposed vulnerability of her neck. I lost control, sinking my teeth into her.


Her scream echoed through the house as I put my mark on her. I continued to grind my dick into her belly, growling like an animal. Jesus, I needed inside her! I swept my tongue up her neck to just behind her ear and then tugged on her earlobe. Her scent, the softness and warmth of her skin, fuck when was the last time that I’d noticed those things? When had I taken the time to notice?


I took both of her wrists in one hand and dropped my free hand down her body. Not content to simply touch her outside of her fucking clothes, I snaked beneath the hem of her shirt and hoodie to her bare flesh. Her skin felt like smooth satin. My fingers curled around her waist before gliding upward toward her breasts, and then her tit was filling my palm.


I squeezed the melon-sized globe, dragging a low moan from Audra when I pinched her nipple. The damned thing was hard as a fucking rock, and enlarged. As she ached against me, I lifted her clothes and took her tit into my mouth, nipping, sucking, and licking it until she was moving wildly against me. Letting her hands go so that I could touch her other tit, she buried her fingers in my hair with a cry.


She had nice tits, large, smooth, and firm. I could play with them all fucking day. The thought of sticking my dick between them and fucking them until I came all over her was tempting. I wanted to see my seed on her, to rub it deep into her flesh so that my scent marked her as mine. Even as I thought it I cursed it as a weakness.


“Kiss me, Hawk,” she pleaded, tearing through my thoughts like a fucking Mack truck, and just as lethal as one.


I jerked away from her, panting like I’d just run a marathon. Our eyes clung, and I was certain that the smoky hunger in hers matched what she saw in mine. She wore lust well, and for the first time I realized how truly beautiful she was. A man could get lost in her. I could, and that knowledge fucking brought me to my knees. I slammed my hands against the wall on either side of her head and crowded against her, this time in the ever present anger that was always there beneath the surface.

BOOK: Phantom Riders MC - Hawk
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