Read Pleasure Prolonged Online

Authors: Cathryn Fox

Pleasure Prolonged (13 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Prolonged
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Chapter 11

ale escorted Erin up the driveway to the front entrance. He opened the door, stepped inside, and hauled her in along with him. He felt her shiver as the cold seeped under her skin and penetrated her bones.

Kale rubbed his hands up and down her arms. “Are you cold?”

“A little.”

He gave her a sexy grin. “I know the perfect way to heat you up.”


“We never did get to try out that hot tub.”

She chuckled. “Yes, I believe I was about to show you a fantasy or two of mine.”

“Let’s make it two,” he teased.

They grabbed a couple of towels, stripped down to what
the good Lord gave them, and made their way to the patio doors. Erin’s towel fell as she reached out and released the lock. She didn’t bother covering herself back up. He loved that she was so uninhibited around him and so comfortable in her own skin.

“On the count of three we run,” Erin said.

A cold gust of air rushed in. They both shivered.

“Forget that.” Kale scooped her up, ran across the wooden deck, and deposited her in the water. He turned up the jets and jumped in beside her.

“Ahhhh, so nice,” he said, moving closer.

They both rested their heads back and gazed at the stars twinkling in the dark night sky. Erin gave a contented sigh. “It’s so beautiful out here.”

Kale slanted his head sideways and stared at Erin. “Yes, so very beautiful.”

She turned to him. Kale suspected she knew full well he was talking about her. He saw turmoil in her eyes and hoped he was getting to her. Hoped she was beginning to realize that what was between them went far beyond casual. Hoped she was learning to trust him and understand that he wasn’t like other men in her life who’d destroyed her belief in happily-ever-after.

He wanted her so much it hurt. And wanted her to want him the same way. He knew instinctively, since the minute he’d set eyes on her, they were meant to be together. Forever.

He curled a strand of her damp hair through his fingers. “Now tell me about this fantasy of yours.”

She puckered her lips and breathed a kiss over his cheek. “I don’t think so.”


“No. I though I’d show you instead.” She reached down and sheathed his cock in her hands. He pulsed and thickened as she squeezed her fingers around him.

A wide grin split his lips. “Well, if you must.”

She chuckled. “Oh, I must.”

She came around to kneel in front of him. One hand slid down to cradle his balls while the other stroked his cock. She leaned forward, pressed her lips lightly over his, and teased his cock between her breasts.

Lust settled deep in his groin as he became lost in the sensations. Closing his eyes, he threw his head back. “Oh, man, that’s good.”

“I want to taste you.” Her sexy voice was breathy, intimate.

His head jerked up with a start. His gaze flew to her face. The women he’d been with in the past had always avoided that act for one reason or another. He brushed her hair back and looked deep into her eyes. “You would do that? For me?”

Her fingers marched over his stomach. “You got to taste me, now I want to taste you.” Her eyes were dark and full of passion.

“Are you sure?”

Instead of answering, she rasped, “Lift your hips for me.” Her hands circled around to grab his ass and lift him from
the water. “Oh, and Kale. It’s for me too. It gives me pleasure to pleasure you.” Her grin turned wicked as she lightly brushed her tongue over her bottom lip.

He gulped.

Her smile prompted him into action. He planted his elbows on the ceramic tub and raised his pelvis until the night air kissed his swollen cock. The contrast of hot and cold stimulated him, making his dick tighten and throb.

She held his cock in her hands and admired it. Her lips parted as her eyes devoured him. “Very beautiful.”

“Thanks,” he croaked around the lump in his throat. “Thanks” hardly seemed the appropriate response. It didn’t even begin to describe what he was feeling, what was in his heart, and how happy she made him.

All thoughts were forgotten when she began massaging his balls. She looked at him and breathed a kiss over his engorged phallus. “Now it’s my turn to make you moan.” With a long, luxurious stroke she ran her tongue down the length of him. She glanced at him, the devil’s gleam in her eyes. “In fact, I think I’ll make you scream.” She widened her mouth to accommodate his thickness and drew him all the way to the back of her throat.

He screamed all right. Moaned, growled, groaned, and screamed.

Her cheeks curved inward as she sucked. Blood pounded into his cock when her damp hair caressed his inner thighs.

With a feathery light caress, Erin worked her tongue over his bulbous head while her hand stroked him in a smooth,
steady motion. His cock grew thicker as it absorbed the warmth of her mouth.

Erotic mewling sounds came from deep in her throat. He loved the sweet, sexy bedroom noises she made. Loved that she liked what she was doing. Balancing with one arm, Kale reached out and cupped her breasts, pinching her nipples between his fingers. She pushed against his hands and sucked harder. He drew in a tight breath as his body trembled and his pulse soared.

His liquid arousal pearled on the tip of his cock and Erin eagerly lapped it up. She licked her lips in sheer delight. “Mmmm. I love the taste of you, Kale.”

That was enough to bring him to his breaking point. He clenched his jaw, unable to hold out any longer. Good Lord, he’d never come so fast in his life. “I’m going to come, babe.” His voice was a strangled whisper.

“That’s the plan,” she teased. “I want you to come in my mouth, Kale.”

Her words pushed him over the edge. He threw his head back and came on a growl. His liquid heat exploded into her hungry, waiting mouth.

After she swallowed every last drop, she lifted her head and met his glance. Smiling, she released a very satisfied sigh and licked his juices from her lips.

“Come closer,” he said, tugging on her. She slid up his chest, her pert nipples brushing his skin, arousing him all over again. Kale drew her into his arms, captured her mouth, and swallowed her happy sigh.

He crushed his fingers through her hair. “I can’t seem to get enough of you.”

“Same here.” She rested her head against his chest and drew a contented breath.

“Well, I can hardly blame you, Erin.” He puffed out his chest. “I

Erin chuckled. She lifted her head, rolled her eyes, and splashed water in his face. “Yes, I’m sure that must be the reason.”

As he cupped her chin and drew her lips to his, her stomach growled. His quickly joined the chorus. As they shared a private chuckle, Kale brushed her damp hair from her forehead.

“Why don’t we take the shrimp back to bed and eat it there?”

A sparkle twinkled in her eyes and her lips turned up naughtily. “The sauce too?”

His heart swelled in his chest. God, he was so crazy about her, and now that they’d advanced their relationship to the next stage, Kale had every intention of pushing her further.

Kale gathered her in his arms and hugged her. “You are such a bad girl. Come on.” He jumped from the tub and knotted a towel around his waist. He held hers out for her and pulled it tight around her shoulders after she climbed out of the water. Hand in hand, they bolted inside.

Erin briskly rubbed her arms. “Brrrr.”

“Let’s go get under the covers and warm up.” Kale grabbed the shrimp and sauce from the fridge. Keeping pace, he fol
lowed Erin down the hall. She pushed open the door and stepped inside the bedroom. The scent of their earlier lovemaking perfumed the air and spilled into the hall.

Erin dropped her towel, got on her hands and knees, and crawled across the mattress. Kale gulped air. His cock surged to life in reaction to the erotic sight before him. He wasn’t kidding when he said he couldn’t get enough of her. She was more potent and addictive than any sex drug designed at the lab. He placed the shrimp platter on the nightstand. At that moment he had other things besides food occupying his mind.

“Um, Erin. Stay exactly like that.”

“What?” She smiled at him over her shoulder.

He cleared his throat, pinched the knot on his towel, and let it fall to the floor. Her gaze followed it, then lifted back to lock with his. “I just remembered another one of my fantasies.” He ran his hand over her rounded backside and squeezed her tender flesh.

Her smile faded. A stricken look came over her. She lowered her lashes, shadowing her emotions. “I…uh…” She faltered and twisted around until she was sitting on the edge of the bed. Her feet tangled together, her hands clasping tightly.

Kale sat on the bed beside her and finger combed her hair. He slanted his head and gazed deep into her turbulent eyes. “What is it?”

Her mouth curved downward. “Not like that, okay?”

He matched her frown. “Are you sore?”

She shook her head no.

He tucked a damp strand behind her ears. “Does this position hurt you? Erin, I’d never want to do anything to hurt you.”

Her eyes softened, and he could see she appreciated his concern. “No, it’s not that.”

“Come here, babe.” He gathered her into his embrace and stroked his hands over her arms. “What is it then?”

When she didn’t answer, he pressed. “Talk to me, Erin. Tell me what’s wrong.” He wanted her to trust him, to open up to him.

“It’s silly, really.” He could tell she was uncomfortable and wanted to comfort her.

“Of course it’s not silly, Erin. If it’s important to you, then it’s important to me.”

She reached out and absentmindedly curled his wet hair through her fingers. “I was engaged a few years ago.”

His back stiffened in surprise. “Really?” His brow furrowed as a surge of jealousy tugged on his emotions. “I didn’t realize that.”

“I came home from work early one day and found my ex screwing his secretary on my bed in that same position. I guess it just brings back painful memories from my past.”

He tightened his grip around her, offering his comfort, his understanding. “Asshole,” he mumbled under his breath.

She nodded her head. “Yeah, he was. I’m glad I found out what kind of guy he was before I married him.”

He paused and considered the situation. Now he finally
understood why she was so guarded. “This actually explains a lot.”

She furrowed her brow. “What do you mean?”

He touched her cheek, stroking his finger over her tender skin. She leaned into him, accepting his warmth. “There had to be a reason you felt men were good for sex and nothing more. You were hurt, Erin. That’s understandable.”

She rested her head against his chest and heaved a sigh. “You know, Kale, I was young, naïve, and in love with the idea of being in love. I had always wanted a family and jumped at the first guy who asked me to marry him. My mother pressuring me didn’t help either. I could have made the biggest mistake of my life.”

“I want you to point this asshole out to me next time you see him.”

She lifted her head and met his glance. “You do?”

“Yeah, after I punch him in the mouth, I’d like to thank him.”

“Thank him?”

“Thank him for being an asshole because if he wasn’t, then I would have missed out on this.” Cupping her chin, he lifted her mouth to his and brushed his lips over hers for a warm, tender kiss.

She smiled and put her hand over his as it caressed her face.

Kale inched back. “Why are you smiling?”

“I’m going to thank him too.”

Kale’s heart turned over in his chest. “Let’s lie down.” He eased her back until she was nestled against her pillow. He snuggled in beside her and held her close. She wiggled in his arms, trying to get closer. A comfortable silence fell over them as they held on to each other for a long, quiet moment. Her breathing deepened, and he sensed she was on the brink of sleep.

Kale pulled the blankets over them. “Let’s get some rest, sweetheart,” he whispered.

“Kale?” Her voice was feathery soft, drowsy.


“When do you leave?”

“In a month.”


“I might stay longer, though.”




“I like my job here.” He kissed her forehead and pulled her impossibly closer. “With the right incentive, I’d like to make my stay permanent.”


Many hours later Erin awoke. She peeled her eyes open and glanced at the window. The winter sun, low on the horizon, began its early morning ascent and glistened on the windowpane. She blinked and twisted sideways to see the clock. It was still very early. Fortunately, they didn’t have to be at
work for hours. That would give her plenty of time to pull together the plan she’d gone over a hundred times in her mind before she drifted off to sleep last night.

Kale was sound asleep, snoring lightly beside her. She gazed at the light dusting of stubble shadowing his jaw and admitted to herself how much he’d come to mean to her and how much she loved him. So much for her plan to have casual sex and not fall for him. She had been crazy to think she could separate herself from her emotions. Kale’s tender touch had penetrated her defenses. Not to mention the thoughtful way he treated her.

When he smiled in his sleep, emotions so powerful that they left her shaken coursed through her body. Warmth settled in her stomach. Honestly, how could she not fall in love with a guy who put her feelings, career, and well-being first? A guy whose lovemaking was so full of warmth, emotion, and tenderness? A loyal, responsible guy who loved and cared for his family?

She swept her gaze down the length of his magnificent, naked body. A prickle of awareness washed over her as she slowly perused him. Skating her tongue over her lips, she took a fortifying breath and carefully pulled his blankets over him, resisting the urge to brush his hair from his forehead for fear of waking him.

He mumbled something in his sleep and twisted sideways, pulling the blankets with him.

She knew she had told him this relationship was casual and nothing more, but she had quickly learned there was
nothing casual about Kale. When it came to her needs and desires, he was thoughtful, caring, and compassionate. He’d made her rethink what she wanted out of life. Taught her to put the past behind her and move on with the future, because not all guys were insensitive assholes like Dwayne. Trust didn’t come easily to her, yet deep inside her, she instinctively trusted him and knew he’d never do anything to hurt her. Loving him felt so right, so natural.

BOOK: Pleasure Prolonged
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