Read Pleasure Prolonged Online

Authors: Cathryn Fox

Pleasure Prolonged (14 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Prolonged
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He said he wanted to stick around for his job. This morning, if things went according to her well-thought-out plan, she planned on giving him another incentive to stick around.

She drew a deep, calming breath, climbed from the bed, and went in search of her clothes. After she quickly dressed, she jotted her address down on a slip of paper and placed it on her pillow.

It was time to muster her courage, take a chance on love, and let him know that in her quest to be a bad girl she’d developed more than casual feelings for him, and pray that he returned those feelings.

Chapter 12

ale’s hands automatically reached beside him as the alarm clock pulled him from his sleep. When his fingers came up empty, he jolted upright. Fuck! He glanced around the room. Erin’s clothes were gone. His gut sank. Damn, she must have slipped out while he slept. His mind raced with the turn of events. Did her running out mean she had no intention of letting this relationship evolve beyond casual?

He spotted the slip of paper beside him. Hope rushed through him as he picked it up and read it. The words
see you again, breakfast,
my place
were all he needed to read to prompt him into action. He was on his feet and showering in less than a minute. After dressing hastily, he was out the door and in his truck.

Less than a half hour later he was standing outside Erin’s
condo door. He prayed she wasn’t trying to let him down easy over a plate of eggs.

He lifted his hand to knock. Erin swung the door open before he had a chance.

“You came,” she blurted and then blew out what appeared to be a relieved breath, as though she had been worried he wouldn’t show. Her brown eyes lit with excitement as she reached for him.

He was thrilled at how excited she was to see him. He too blew out a breath and relaxed as he perused her. She was dressed in a light gray jogging suit that hugged her curves in all the right places. Her hair was damp from a recent shower. His heart lurched at the sight of her. The love he felt for her came over him, making him slightly dizzy. He exhaled and tugged at his collar.

“I came.”

She grinned and pulled him inside. “Yes, you have. And you will again and again,” she teased, throwing his words back at him.

He chuckled, then wrapped his hands around her waist. His voice turned serious. “I didn’t like waking up without you beside me.”

She gave him an apologetic look. “I wanted to make you breakfast.”

He lowered his head and kissed her, his hands touching her all over, yet unable to get enough of her. “You wanted to cook for me?”

She pursed her lips. “Yeah, I’m a closet domestic,” she admitted.

He smiled. “But you could have done that at my place.”

She matched him kiss for kiss and touch for touch. It thrilled and exhilarated him how responsive she was. “I wanted to do it here.” She waved her hand through the air. “In my place.”

Was she saying what he thought she was saying? Was she welcoming him into more than just her home? Had she finally realized that what was between them wasn’t casual? Had she learned to put the past behind her and allow herself to love again?

“I see.” Love rushed to his heart when she smiled at him. His entire being, body and soul, reached out to her.

“Follow me.” She grabbed his hand, led him into the kitchen, and motioned for him to take a seat at her small dinette table.

Kale knew it was well past time to tell her how he felt. It was time to move past the casual sex games. To lay his heart on the line and see if she felt the same way.

He lowered his voice. “Erin, I think we need to talk.”

With the spatula in her hand, she turned around to face him. She nodded in agreement. “You’re right.” She dropped the spatula, turned off the stove, and took a seat beside him. “I have something to tell you.”

“You do?”

“Yes.” She leaned forward and planted her arms on the table. She blew out a breath and rushed on. “I’m not a bad girl,” she
blurted out. “I’m a fake, a fraud. I talk tough and pretend I’m experienced, but I’m not really.” She threw her hands in the air and continued to ramble uncensored. “I was pretending to be something I wasn’t. I wanted to put my money where my mouth was, well not quite, but I think you know what I mean, and see what it was like to have a casual affair.”

“I know.”

Her eyes flew open. Her head jerked back with a start. “You do?”

“Of course I do.”

“But,” she stammered. “How?”

He touched her chin. “Sweetheart, I knew from the minute I looked into your expressive eyes, you were all talk and no action. That you weren’t into casual sex.” He inched closer, his heart picking up tempo. “Why are you telling me this?” He held his breath, hoping, praying she was ready to give their love a chance.

“I know we agreed to keep things casual.” She paused and toyed with the tablecloth. “And I thought I could.” She glanced up at him, her eyes serious. “But I was wrong.”

His heart nearly burst through his chest as her words touched him in a way he’d never been touched before. He exhaled with relief and joy.

He felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He angled his head and met her gaze. “I never agreed to keep it casual.”

Thick black lashes fluttered over dark eyes. “You didn’t?” Her breath seemed to catch in her throat.

He grinned. “Nope, not once. I knew from the minute I met you it could never be casual between us.”

“But I thought you said—”

He cut her off. “I never said I wanted it to be casual.” He reached out and closed his hands over hers. “And I don’t want it to be casual, Erin. I want more out of this relationship.”

She brushed her fingers over his jaw. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“You weren’t ready to hear it. I needed to prove to you that I could be someone you could trust, and show you I wouldn’t hurt you.”

She nodded in understanding.

“I’m crazy about you, Erin.”

The happiness in her expression warmed him all over. She jumped up and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her eyes were watery, her cheeks a darker shade of pink. “I’m crazy about you too, Kale.” Her voice was tangled with love and emotion.

He held her tight and squeezed, never wanting to let go. “You have no idea how happy I am to hear that.” He furrowed his brow. “When I woke up this morning I thought I’d lost you. I don’t ever want to feel that way again.” A frown pulled down the corners of his mouth.

“You won’t,” she assured him.

He pulled her onto his lap and gazed deep into her eyes. “I don’t just want you in my bedroom, sweetheart. I want you in my life. I want to have a family with you.”

Her smile widened. “I want you in my life too, Kale. I want you to stay here in Iowa, with me.”

“I plan on it.”

“You do?”

He nodded.

She angled her head and narrowed her eyes in mock annoyance. “And you neglected to tell me that, why?”

He chuckled. “Because I wanted you to ask me to stay. I wanted it to matter to you. I wanted you to want me in your life.”

Erin’s grin turned wicked. “I want you in my life, Kale, but right now I
want you in my bedroom.” She stood up and held her hand out to him.

Kale jumped to his feet and wrapped his arms around her. “That would be my pleasure,” he said.

Before they rounded the corner to the bedroom, the doorbell rang. Erin crinkled her nose and glanced at the clock.

“Are you expecting company?” Kale asked.

“No.” Frowning, Erin hastily padded to the door, pulled it open, and came face-to-face with Deanne. Hooker Barbie’s plastic grin deepened Erin’s frown.

“What do you want?” Erin asked. Kale moved in beside Erin and wrapped his arm around her waist in a protective manner.

Ignoring her question, Deanne turned to Kale. “Kale, you naughty boy. Did you go through my locker last night? You know that wasn’t part of

“What do you want, Deanne?” he asked.

Her expression turned serious. “The game is over, Kale.” Deanne glared at Erin. “Kale was in on it with me all along. We both wanted to work together and get you out of the picture.” Her gaze raced over Erin. “Apparently he’s been doing a little slumming while he was at it.”

Kale fisted his hands. “That’s bullshit and you know it.”

Deanne scoffed. “You can stop pretending now, Kale.” She shot Erin a wry grin and rolled her eyes. “You know you can’t believe anything coming out of the mouth of a playboy. He’ll tell you anything to get you into his bed.” She gave Erin a once-over. “It appears Kale has already told you what you wanted to hear to get you between the sheets.” Deanne held out a computer disk. “This will prove it to you, Erin. Watch this and you’ll see that Kale and I have been working together and we too had a little fun in the research room. You’re not the only one he’s…fucking, in more ways than one.”

Kale swallowed as anger rushed through him. Jesus H. Christ. He turned to Erin. Her face was white, her eyes wide.

“Erin, it’s not what you think.”

He reached for her but she faltered backward. “It’s not?” she asked, her brow furrowing.

His heart beat in a mad cadence. Fuck, he couldn’t lose her now. Not after they’d laid everything on the line. He gripped her shoulders. “No. It’s not.”

Erin gave a tight nod. “Then why don’t I tell you what
I think, and you can see if I’m right or not.” She turned to face Deanne. “I think Deanne’s pretty pissed that she didn’t get my job, and I think she would go to great lengths to get me fired or try to hurt me.” Erin grabbed the disk from her hand and tossed it onto her side table. “I don’t need to see this. I already know what’s on there, and I also know things aren’t always as they seem.” Erin stepped closer to Deanne, urging her back outside. With that she slammed the door and turned back to face Kale.

Incredulous, he stood there slack jawed. The love he felt for her overwhelmed him, making it nearly impossible to draw air. “Thank you for having faith in me and believing in us.” He picked her up and spun her around. “God, I love you so much, Erin.”

She squeezed him back. “Oh, Kale, I love you too,” she echoed. Her eyes suddenly turned serious. “What are we going to do about Deanne?” Erin asked.

“Now that I’m leaving Castech, I believe there is going to be a job opening. I’ll be able to get her a transfer.”

“Really, why would you do that for her?”

“I’m doing it for us. We don’t need her causing any more trouble around the office. Besides, she’ll fit in there perfectly.”

Erin offered him a smile. “Great idea.” She grabbed Kale’s hand. “Now that that’s been taken care of, come with me. I have more important matters on my mind. I want to make love with you.”

She ushered him into the bedroom, both tearing their clothes away as they went. “Shit, Erin. I didn’t bring any condoms.”

“That’s okay, we don’t need any.”

“We don’t?”

She turned back to face him. A grin curled her beautiful mouth. “You said you wanted to have a family with me, didn’t you?”

He grabbed her and kissed her with all the love inside him. She melted against him and matched the intensity of his kiss.

She inched away and climbed onto her bed, where she positioned herself on her hands and knees. “I want you to make love to me, like this,” she murmured.

His heart tightened. He reached for her, pulled her to her feet, and drew her to him. “Erin, no. You don’t have to do that. Not like this. Not for me.” Her gesture touched him in places so deep, he thought his heart would burst.

“Don’t you see, it’s for me, Kale.” She covered his cheek with her palm. “I don’t want to hold on to old, painful memories. I want to make new memories. Here on my bed with you. I trust you and it’s what I truly want.”

He hesitated, deliberating on what to do. “Are you sure, babe?”

She nodded.

He touched her cheek and feathered his fingers over her lips. His gaze searched her eyes for answers. Suddenly, understanding dawned on him. He pitched his voice low as his
heart turned over in his chest. He found it most difficult to speak. “You’re wrong, Erin. This isn’t just for you or just for me. It’s a gift, for both of us.”

Her gaze was direct, unwavering. “Yes, Kale, it’s a gift, for both of us. I want this, and you, more than anything.” She reached down and stroked his cock, her hands tightening and loosening as her fingers glided up and down the long length of him. He throbbed as blood pumped into his veins. “I believe you want this too.” The devil’s grin curled her lips.

He slapped her ass and shook his head. “You’re so naughty.” His hand circled around to her silky curls. He dipped a finger between her folds. Her liquid heat flooded his fingers. “Mmmmmm. I love that you’re always so wet for me.” She moaned and wiggled, driving his finger in deeper.

“You have magical fingers, Kale.” She pushed her pelvis against him, massaging his rock-hard erection with her hip. “Now show me what you can do with
” Her voice was low, coaxing.

Backing away, she flicked her hair over her shoulders and climbed onto her hands and knees. She jiggled her ass back and forth, teasing him, urging him on.

Kale stared wide-eyed at the gorgeous, sexy woman posed before him. He barely remembered how to breathe. Her damp sex glistened from her arousal. He was anxious to make sweet love to her, but first, he had to have a small sampling.

“I’ll show you what I can do after I taste you.” The edge of the bed dipped as he leaned forward and inhaled her rich,
sensual scent. He parted her pretty pink lips and hungrily licked her creamy essence, his thumb climbing higher to stroke her clitoris.

Her body vibrated and convulsed. “Oh my.” Her voice was intimate, breathy. “You have a magical tongue too.”

Kale stood back up, gripped her hips, and pulled her closer to the edge. He rubbed the tip of his cock between her fleshy lips, purposely nudging her swollen clitoris, teasing the sensitive nerve endings. His bulbous head breached her opening when she bucked against him and cried out his name.

With one quick plunge he entered her. The instant bond of intimacy made his heart swell in his chest. She drew a sharp breath as her muscles spasmed around him. Her heat closed over his cock like a warm glove. It felt so damn good to be inside her, no latex barrier separating their flesh.

With needy, urgent thrusts, he rammed into her. She shifted, driving him in deeper. In no time at all he felt her hot release of pressure.

“Oh, Kale, I’m there.”

Feeling his own orgasm mounting, he leaned forward and stroked her breasts. He took quick panting breaths. “I love you so much, Erin. Thank you for loving me, and trusting me, and wanting to make new memories with me.”

BOOK: Pleasure Prolonged
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