Read Sandpipers' Secrets Online

Authors: Jade Archer

Sandpipers' Secrets (4 page)

BOOK: Sandpipers' Secrets
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“Oh! Yes. Very okay,” Lark replied in a slightly husky, amused voice. “This is nice.”

As Lark wiggled between them suggestively, Brody suddenly realised how closely he was standing and hastily stepped back. The flush that had begun when he got caught ogling Lark’s ass burst into full flame on his cheeks.

Man, what is wrong with me today?Brody wondered, thoroughly mortified by his overactive libido.

“How disappointing,” Lark sighed with a hint of laughter in his voice as he patted the impressive, muscular chest in front of him.

Brody pushed away the sudden desire to be in Lark’s shoes as Lark turned back to face him.

“Zak, I’d like you to meet Brody McAllister, our new kitchen hand. Brody, this is Zak—co-owner and resident hunk.”

“Behave, trouble,” Zak warned. He bumped Lark gently with his hip, which only caused Lark to laugh once more.

Brody fought against the sudden erection that threatened to tent his pants and shame him. A strange sensation—something almost like jealousy—swept over him as he watched the two share a smile of unmistakable love and happiness.

Lark stepped aside and Zak stretched out his hand in greeting.

“Nice to meet you,” Zak rumbled in a deep, penetrating voice that seemed to vibrate right through Brody.

The man’s eyes were boring into him now, and Brody found it difficult to let go of his warm, calloused hand when the handshake needed to come to an end, or become something more intimate.

Man, I need to get laid.It was as if having the all-consuming pressure to find a job suddenly lifted from his shoulders had sent it all straight to his pants. His cock was certainly stressing that it needed some action. And apparently it was happy to pick out likely candidates for him to consider—left, right and centre.

Zak pulled back his hand from the warm, firm handshake and took a moment to look over their newest employee. He was a bit surprised at how disappointed he was that he had to release the man’s hand.

Brody had nice hands and the contact had felt good.

Actually, now that he looked, Brody was really kind of cute. A little on the skinny side perhaps, but those pale blue eyes that looked away shyly…and the lean, but very masculine frame…mmm, very nice.

Brody would be just Zak’s type, if he weren’t already well and truly taken with Lark.

Zak flexed his fingers and thought again about the way Brody’s hand had felt resting in his own. He had a thing for hands. There was nothing like the feel of a man’s hands moving over skin—touching, exploring, bringing all the other senses to focus on the intimate contact between two people.

Mmmm, yes… Zak struggled to turn his wicked grin into a friendly smile. After closing tonight, he would need to do some serious exploring with Lark. If only Lark had more than two hands.

Suddenly, Zak found himself thinking about what it would be like to have Brody’s hands moving over him, too. His cock began to fill until it caught at an odd angle and throbbed painfully in the confines of his pants.

Well, that was a stupid, fucking thing to think. He took a step back and pulled Lark in front of him to hide his erection.

Unfortunately, as Zak discreetly tried to adjust himself, Lark looked around with a slightly confused expression. Zak felt a slight flush creep up his neck. Fuck, nothing like getting sprung.

Zak continued to force a smile as he tried desperately to will his erection away. He hoped Lark hadn’t noticed his ill-timed reaction and jumped to the wrong conclusion. Sure he found Brody attractive, but he loved Lark. Not just loved—adored and worshipped. He wanted Lark in that forever-and-always, soppy kind of way he would never admit out loud. There was no other man he would rather spend the rest of his life with.

Okay, so maybe Zak didn’t mind looking at the man in front of them, and maybe he inspired one or two wicked thoughts. But that was just a nice little fantasy. Eye candy. A daydream. He shouldn’t be feeling uncomfortable or…guilty.

“I was actually just bringing Brody in to you, Zak,” Lark was saying while Zak tried to sort out his confusing thoughts. “He needs to get paperwork done so he can start tonight, and I promised him those spare jackets Ryan left behind before he did a runner.”

“Sure. Um…I think they’re hanging in the far locker,” Zak murmured, hoping to make a quick get away to relieve himself of his embarrassing, not so little problem. Willing his erection away just wasn’t working.

“And the paperwork?”

“Top of the filing cabinet.”

Damn. Lark was hopeless when it came to navigating his way around the filing system. There went his opportunity to high tail it out of here and get his unruly cock back in line. Zak couldn’t, in all good conscience, abandon Lark when he knew his little lover was going to need help.

“Come on, Brody. Let’s see what we can dig up.”

Zak watched as Lark took Brody by the hand and led him into the office.

Oh, shit!Zak felt a rush of panic as he struggled to tear his gaze away from the two of them walking away together. The images that filled his mind—how perfect the two of them would look naked, running hands over each other and writhing over clean sheets—was intensely erotic, and equally intensely disturbing.

This was bad. Because as hard as he had got moments before, just watching Brody holding hands with Lark nearly had him coming in his pants.

What the hell was wrong with him? There wasn’t anything remotely sexual about what they were doing, and he didn’t know the younger man from Adam. But watching the two men together turned him on like nothing else.

Lark, with his small, almost delicate frame, and Brody, with his taller, more average build and darker hair, complemented each other beautifully. The two of them looked good together. Whereas Zak sometimes felt too big and oafish around Lark, Brody was just the right size to hold Lark without having to worry about crushing him.

And wasn’t that supposed to stir up all sorts of jealous feelings in him—the thought of another man holding his Lark? Instead, Zak found himself wondering what the two of them would look like naked together. The whole idea would be completely fucked up—if the image weren’t so damn hot.

“Hey! Zak. Can you come over here a minute?” Lark called out to him from the filing cabinet by the far wall, where Brody stood patiently beside him.

No problem, Zak thought cynically. The trick was going to be not coming if he joined the two of them.

“Sure, what do you need?” he finally managed, in a reasonably calm voice that he was actually quite proud of, given his state at the moment.

“I’m after the ‘new employees’ thingy, but I’m not having any luck. Can you help me out?”

Oh, fuck! Somebody upstairs hates me, Zak thought as he sighed and struggled to get his mind out of the gutter. It was going to be a really long afternoon.

Chapter Three

Zak felt the beads of sweat start to form and slowly trickle down his temple. It had nothing to do with the heat in the kitchen and everything to do with the heat he felt radiating off Brody’s body as they stood side-by-side. Zak was trying to indicate what they required in the way of simple prep work at the restaurant, while trying not to indicate of how hard his cock was. It wasn’t easy. The close proximity was doing a real number on his libido.

Yet the excuses Zak had come up with for being the one to show Brody the ropes were numerous, if somewhat flimsy. Someone needed to take the time and do it properly. The regular chefs were too busy.

He wanted to refresh his skills and stretch his culinary muscles after being buried under the mountain of paperwork the restaurant seemed to generate for so long.

Zak snorted. That one was the biggest crock of all. There were usually plenty of opportunities to keep his skills up, either doing holiday relief or during the busier weekends they sometimes catered. And he certainly wasn’t likely to forget how to make a few vegetable garnishes. He had worked in kitchens since his mid-teens.

No, the simple truth was Zak wanted to take Brody under his wing and protect him. He didn’t want any of the others getting too close or worst still, messing with the quiet, slightly reserved man. Kitchens were notorious for rough play with new recruits, and Zak didn’t want Brody to have to deal with any of that crap. Something told him that was the last thing Brody needed.

Zak resisted the urge to shake his head at himself. He’d spent far too much time in the kitchen satisfying his protective urge towards Brody recently. It really had to stop. The paperwork was mounting up and none of the others had really shown any special interest in Brody either way.

Some small part of his brain acknowledged that he had enjoyed the opportunity to get to know Brody a little better though. He really was a great guy. Quiet and hard working. And quick, too. Most of the simple tricks and techniques Zak had been showing him, Brody picked up within a couple of attempts.

Anything he got wrong, he would simply study, put aside and try again without any fuss or bother.

Zak watched as Brody put the finishing touches to the radish rosette he’d been so diligently concentrating on. He seemed to have a natural flare for presentation. He was an excellent addition to the kitchen.

Reaching up and resting his hand on the back of Brody’s neck without thinking, Zak gently squeezed the column affectionately before petting the fine, soft, strands of hair he found there.

“Well done, Brody. That’s excellent.”

Brody turned his head, a radiant smile making his face shine with pleasure at the praise, and Zak felt his stomach flip over as their eyes met.

Zak instantly pulled away, horrified by his reaction to the man. Fuck, this isn’t happening. It just was not happening.

The blood froze in his veins as he struggled for something to say. Something to make it stop. Or go away. Or better yet, both.

He loved Lark. Nothing could change that. Nothing could come between them. Lark was everything Zak had ever wanted. And nothing, absolutely nothing had changed, Zak reassured himself. So why was he so intensely attracted to another man? How could this be happening?

Fuck!He had to figure out a way to stay cool and distant. Now! He had to get some control.

Drawing away, Zak straightened up and squared his shoulders.

“Very good, Brody. You did well. I think you’re ready to handle it on your own from here.” Zak was proud of the cool, professional tone of his voice. Not so proud of the way Brody snapped back as if he’d been stuck. Hard.

Zak watched as Brody turned a deep, dark red before quickly looking away.

“Thanks,” Brody mumbled, picking up the small knife he had been working with and reaching for another radish.

Yes. Professional, that was the key. Zak knew he had to come up with some control, because the only other option was to let Brody go, and he sure as hell couldn’t do that either. It wouldn’t be fair, just because he couldn’t stop lusting after the man.

The real hell of it all was that Zak really liked Brody. He was a good man. He was kind and unassuming.

He had no concept of how attractive he was. He certainly didn’t deserve to be treated like a piece of meat—which is all Zak could offer. It could never be any more than that.

Could it?

Just as Zak thought it was probably time to make a break for it and bury himself under the pile of paperwork awaiting him in the office, Lark walked in. Zak braced himself for the flare of panic. For the shame and self-recrimination he was sure he should feel. But it never came. It was beyond strange. But there it was.

Zak stared at Lark for a moment. Trying to comprehend what was going on. He didn’t even feel a momentary twinge of guilt. He just felt…overwhelming relief. Lark was here. Lark’s presence made it all right—perfect in fact.

Zak’s heart eased and filled with warmth. Lark would always make him feel this way. There was no reason to worry. His breath hitched as an unexpected grin stretched his lips.

“Hey, short-stuff.” Zak stepped up to meet Lark and wrapped his arms around his lover.

“Huh!” Lark huffed playfully. “That’s not what you said to me this morning.”

Zak found himself swept up in the playfulness his heart was so light. “Well, you know what they say—never kick a man while he’s going down.”

Lark chuckled, shoving Zak’s shoulder affectionately. “They do not!”

Zak pulled Lark back in and let the smaller man’s proximity soothe and smother his agitation completely.

It felt so good—knowing nothing had changed between them. In fact, it made him a little giddy and more demonstrative than he might otherwise have been in the kitchen. But Zak didn’t care. He just wanted to breathe in the moment and be grateful.

“They should, you know. I think it’s excellent advice to live by.”

“Mmm…you may have a point there.” Lark lifted himself up on the tips of his toes to peck Zak lightly on the lips.

Yes, this was it. This was good and safe and home.

Brody watched as the two of them shared their playful little interlude and felt an overwhelming desire to be a part of it. What would it be like to be in a relationship like that? To have the love and easy companionship that Zak and Lark shared?

“You all done for a bit?” Lark asked Zak with a faint trace of husky promise in his voice that Brody found completely irresistible.

“Yep. I’m all yours,” Zak replied.

Brody found himself mesmerised by the exchange. By the look in their eyes and the way they touched each other—so freely, so easily.

“Oh! I like the sound of that. You okay if I…” Without warning, Lark turned to face Brody, his voice trailing off when he caught him openly staring at the two of them.

Probably slack jawed and drooling, knowing my luck, Brody thought as he quickly looked away, feeling his cheeks burst into flame with embarrassment for the second time in ten minute.Damn!

Fumbling for a random vegetable to concentrate on, Brody quickly selected a carrot and set to work preparing it. He tried not to notice the silence filling the void between them all, but it became increasingly difficult.

Finally, Lark spoke again, his voice still whisky rough. “Whoa. I was going to ask if you were okay with me taking Zak away from you for a while, Brody. But—”

BOOK: Sandpipers' Secrets
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