Read Sandpipers' Secrets Online

Authors: Jade Archer

Sandpipers' Secrets (6 page)

BOOK: Sandpipers' Secrets
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“Come on, Brody!”Rio called tersely, still holding the door open to let everyone out.

“I must have dropped my wallet. I’m just going back to find it,” Brody replied. He continued to rummage through his pockets in case he had put it somewhere else, but he knew he hadn’t. He was always extremely careful about where he put his wallet.

Riofrowned as if preparing to argue with him when Gus started grumbling.

“Just let him go back,Rio . Zak and Lark are still in there somewhere. Come on man, I just want to get out of here, and since I brought your scrawny ass in, I guess I have to drop it off back home, too.”

Riohesitated for a moment, but finally relented.

“Make sure you pull the door closed properly behind you. It’s self-locking, but test it too,”Rio reminded him.

Brody managed not to roll his eyes at the uptight head chef.I know how to close a fucking door! But it wouldn’t do to upset the man. While Zak and Lark were technically his bosses, in a kitchen, no one upset the head chef and lived to tell the tale.

Besides, he really was more worried about his wallet—the wallet that now had fifty bucks in it thanks to being paid a few days ago. Fifty bucks he needed to buy Wolf some more medicine. He didn’t have enough energy to waste worrying about the head chef’s obsessive-compulsive power trips.

Turning around asRio pulled the door firmly shut, Brody began to search the floor. He carefully retraced his steps back through the restaurant and into the kitchen. He was at the office door before he knew it, and he was really starting to panic. He couldn’t afford to lose fifty bucks.

Then he heard it. A low moan followed by an unmistakable grunt of male pleasure. Brody froze at the slightly ajar office door, unable to go forward, but unable to turn away either.

He could see the warm yellow light from the desk lamp spilling out over the hard kitchen tiles at his feet and was drawn almost against his will to nudge the door so he could see inside. Once he did, he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the sight in front of him, no matter how much he knew he should turn and walk away and pretend he’d never been there.

Lark knelt in front of Zak, his head bobbing back and forth over Zak’s long, hard cock as he sucked and licked at it over and over again. Both their eyes were closed in bliss, and as Brody watched, Zak brought a big, square hand up to the side of Lark’s head and gently caressed the soft, golden blond strands of his hair.

He heard Lark’s soft murmur of delight and saw Zak’s hips rock forward into his mouth. Zak obviously enjoyed the sensation of Lark’s vocalisation and tongue across his hard shaft.

“Oh, Lark! So good,” Zak groaned.

The murmured praise seemed to spur Lark on. His cheeks hollowed with renewed vigour and his pace sped up. Brody could hear the smaller man making soft mewling noises around the thick shaft in his mouth and had to bite into his lower lip to stifle a groan. He knew he should look away, realised that he was spying on an incredibly intimate moment he had no right to see, but he couldn’t seem to stop watching them.

When Lark reached down with one hand to free his own cock, then began to jerk its long thin length in time with his rhythmic sucking, Brody was lost. He couldn’t have looked away to save his life. Adjusting himself, he pressed his hand firmly against his hard-on, relieving some of the ache in his rapidly swelling cock.

As he watched, Lark reached up with his free hand and began to caress and manipulate Zak’s full, heavy balls. Zak’s hips thrust forward again, only this time he seemed powerless to halt them. He continued to thrust in and out of Lark’s mouth—no longer caressing Lark’s hair, but holding his lover’s head firmly in place so he could fuck the smaller man’s face. Lark’s moans only increased in intensity and the hand on his cock sped up.

“Oh, Fuck, Lark! Coming, baby. Coming!”

With that, Zak gave one last lunging thrust into Lark’s mouth and cried out his release. Brody watched as Lark swallowed Zak’s seed down in deep, desperate gulps while Lark’s cock exploded over the floor
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between them in long streams of pearly white cum.

When Zak opened his eyes to look down at Lark, who still knelt at his feet, Brody stumbled back, terrified of being caught and mortified that he had watched the private moment between the lovers. He tried to turn around to make a break for it, but his clumsy, hurried movements sent him crashing into a mobile workbench. Before he could regain his feet, Zak’s sharp call stopped Brody in his tracks. Brody knew what he’d done was very wrong, and he desperately wanted to run away and hide, but doing so would be the ultimate in cowardice. And he refused to be thought of as a coward.

“Brody!” Zak shouted again as he stepped out of the office, his hands still finishing the last of the buttons on his fly.

Lark hovered at his side, nervously looking back and forth between them.

“I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to—”

“It’s okay, Brody,” Lark said softly.

Lark reached up to stroked Zak’s chest soothingly with his small, pale hand then stretched his hand out to Brody. For a second, Brody had the distinct impression Lark was trying to include him, almost like the smaller man really wanted him to be there. But then Lark hesitated, as if unsure of how the gesture would be received.

“Are you all right?” Zak asked in a low, serious rumble.

“I…ah…sure. I mean…” Brody struggled as he tried to get the right words marshalled together and out of his mouth without making a fool of himself. “Yeah I’m…fine…I just…I just lost my wallet.”

“Oh!” Lark cried, stepping back into the office and beginning to search the floor while Brody and Zak continued to stare at each other. “Let’s see…it probably just fell out…”

As Lark continued to babble behind them like a happy little brook while he searched, the silence between Brody and Zak stretched out. Looking into Zak’s intense changeable green-brown eyes before lingering over the shadow of stubble on his cheeks, Brody found himself wanting to reach out to run his hand down the side of the man’s face. He wanted to feel the coarseness of it against his fingers.

“Ah! Found it,” Lark cried in triumph. He returned holding up Brody’s battered wallet.

Brody reached to take it from Lark’s hands, being careful not to touch them. He tried not to remember watching them caress Zak’s thighs. Or seeing them hold Zak’s hips while Lark’s mouth worked at his lover’s cock. Or the desperate desire Brody had felt to join them.

“I…um…thanks,” Brody murmured, not sure what to do now. His body wanted him to step forward, wrap his arms around Lark, lean into Zak. His mind was in complete chaos and no help at all. His sense of self-preservation was telling him to run.

“I’ll walk you out and lock up behind you,” Zak suggested, breaking the awkward silence.

“Zak—” Lark began, but Zak cut him off again.

“I’ll be back in a minute, Lark. Just…I won’t be long.”

Zak strode away and Brody had no choice but to follow along. With one last glance at Lark, who mouthed ‘it’ll be okay’, Brody followed Zak to the front door.

As Zak held open the door, Brody paused and looked up into the big man’s eyes.

“I’m sorry. I—”

“It’s okay, Brody. We’ll see you tomorrow,” Zak said solemnly.

“Wait!” Lark called out as he hurried towards them.

“Lark…” Zak warned, but Lark waved him off and stepped up to put a hand on Brody’s arm.

“It really is okay, Brody.”

Lark’s eyes where more serious than Brody had ever seen them in the short time he’d known the man.

“I’m really sorry for intruding,” Brody whispered sincerely.

“That’s okay. In fact…I wish I’d have known you were there. That would have been hot.”

Brody just stared, too stunned to say anything. He couldn’t believe he wasn’t being fired. The idea that Lark thought his spying had been hot was…well, hot.

“Come on, Lark,” Zak said gently, drawing the smaller man away. “Let the man get home. It’s been a long night.”

Impulsively, Lark pulled away from Zak and kissed Brody lightly on the cheek.

“Think about it,” he whispered softly into Brody’s ear before stepping away.

Brody looked up sharply at Zak, but he wasn’t sure the man had heard. Zak was just watching him. Not angry, but not encouraging either.

Confusing thoughts and desires spinning around in his head, Brody walked out the door and onto the footpath. The door closed quietly behind him. After he heard the lock turn, he couldn’t help but look back and watch the two men—Zak’s arm slung casually over Lark’s shoulders—as they navigated their way through the tables and back to the kitchen again.

Brody shook his head. He wasn’t sure what had just happened, but he was pretty certain it was going to keep him up long into the morning when he should be sleeping. And that would be after dealing with the unruly cock that threatened to break his zipper with its insistence that he go back in, grab Lark for a proper kiss, and beg Zak to fuck him.

* * * *

Lark wrapped his arms around Zak’s waist and leaned into his poor lover.

Zak stood in the middle of the office—hands on his hips and a slight frown on his face—as if not quite sure what to do with himself.

Lark knew it had probably been the right thing to do, letting Brody go, giving him some space to think things through. But he didn’t have to like it. And it didn’t look like Zak was too keen on the idea either.

“He’s cute,” Lark whispered into Zak’s chest, hoping to get his reticent lover to talk about what had just happened.

Giving them some space and time to think things through didn’t mean Lark was going to let either man avoid the issue or dictate the pace on whatever it was that was happening between them. While he didn’t know Brody very well—yet—he was pretty sure the man wouldn’t be breaking any land speed records getting them together. And Lark knew if it were left to Zak, they’d still be dancing round each other well into their nineties. And that just wasn’t acceptable.

“Who?” Zak said evasively, stiffening up and betraying himself even as he tried to plead ignorance.

Lark looked up at him. There was no way they were going to play these sorts of games. Not after the scene that had just played out between the three of them. Lark was determined to pull it all out into the open right here and now. He had no intention of letting Zak avoid the conversation this time.

“Don’t, Lark,” Zak warned, pulling away from him before Lark could utter a word.

Damn!The man knew him to well.

Zak strode over to the desk and pretended to look through the mess of paperwork scattered across its scarred surface.

“I’ve seen how you watch him, you know,” Lark said casually as he watched Zak’s every tense move.

“What are you talking about?”

Once again Lark stared across at his lover and quirked his brow. He knew he didn’t have to tell Zak he was full of shit. The man would know just by ‘the look’.

“Okay. So he’s good looking. That doesn’t mean anything.” Zak replied defensively as he spun around to face him again, the paperwork completely forgotten once more.

“Zak! He’s gorgeous! And I know you’ve noticed.”

“We’ve had this conversation before, Lark. You do it all the time, but it’s just looking. Window shopping.” Zak was silent for a moment, and Lark could see him fighting through something in his head.

The expression of sadness and confusion on Zak’s face was painful to see. It was so unlike him to flounder like this.

Lark wanted to reach out, wrap Zak up in his arms and help him through whatever it was that bothered him so much about the situation. But he forced himself to wait. Zak needed to work through it himself.

“I’d never cheat on you, Lark. Never,” Zak finally said in a shaky whisper.

“It’s not exactly cheating if I know about it, Zak,” Lark replied softly.

Zak studied him for a moment and Lark held his breath, wondering what was going through his lover’s mind right now. For the first time in a very long while, he really had no idea. This was so far outside any of their experiences, either together or apart, that he didn’t know what to expect. He simply had to wait and see. And hope.

“I’ve seen the way you look at him too,” Zak accused without any heat.

Lark shrugged. “So we both think he’s gorgeous. You aren’t the only one in the family with good taste, you know.”

“Is this your way of telling me you want to fuck him?” Zak demanded, tension and anxiety radiating from every line of his stiff body. “Is that it, Lark? Are you…?” Zak swallowed and looked away.

“No! It’s not like that. I’d never cheat on you either.”

“Then what are you saying?”

“I just think—”

“Are you bored with me, Lark? Is that it? Are you looking for someone new because I’m not what you want anymore? Is that what all this sudden interest in toys and other men is all about?” Zak’s voice was tight and so strained it ended on a whisper, as if it had been forced out of a throat that desperately wanted to close up and hold the possibility in.

“What?! No!” Lark cried, rushing forward to wrap his arms around Zak again. Pressing close, Lark heard Zak’s heart pounding and felt his own pulse racing with dread at the thought of losing this man. His soul mate. “I’m not bored with you, Zak. Never that. I don’t want to lose you! It doesn’t have to be like that. I just…I just think we should explore this thing a bit.”

“So you are bored!”

“No!” This time it was Lark’s turn to pull away and run his hands through his hair in frustration. “I can’t explain it, Zak. I just can’t help feeling there’s something we’re missing.”

“Missing?” Zak demanded incredulously, the hurt in his voice raw and stark.

I’m screwing this all up so badly. And it’s hurting Zak!That was the very last thing Lark ever wanted to do. If he could just work out some way to explain what he was feeling. All he wanted was for Zak to understand. But he didn’t seem to be able to get the words out right.

“Not ‘missing’, as in not enough. ‘Missing’, as in there’s more!” Lark sighed in frustration. “I just think you should…you know. Seduce him.”

BOOK: Sandpipers' Secrets
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