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Authors: Dinah McLeod

Shared by Her Soldiers (12 page)

BOOK: Shared by Her Soldiers
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Kaitlyn finally found her voice. “Doesn’t anyone like a good, old-fashioned fruit basket anymore?”

But they both ignored her. They were in the process of some odd staring game at the moment, it seemed. She didn’t know what they were waiting for, if they speaking telepathically or what, but she wasn’t going to sit around—or lie around, as the case may be—to find out! She’d just swung her legs around and sat up when Jarrod spoke up.

“Only if Kate agrees.”

She froze at the sound of her name. What had he said? Of course she’d heard him, but
? Where was good old sensible Jarrod? What had happened to

“Kaitlyn?” Sean prompted.

His voice was so rich and husky that despite the absolute weirdness of what was going on a tug of longing made her sex clench. She felt both of their eyes hot against her skin and she was surprised to find that it wasn’t all that uncomfortable. She needed to get out of there. If she understood Jarrod correctly, she would be able to do just that. So why wasn’t she standing up? Why was she still sitting there between them as though she was anchored down?

She could practically smell the sex in the air—although she might have just been getting a whiff of her own desire. She could feel the frisson of electricity running between the three of them like an odd cord of sorts.

Just say no
. The thought came to her, reminding her of the old anti-drug campaigns at school, making her smile.


Oh, no. Jarrod must have misinterpreted the smile. She had better set him straight, and fast before something crazy ensued.

She could do it, right? She could just tell him thanks, but no thanks? He’d said it was up to her. Yet, when she turned to look him in the eye, she felt a rush of emotion for him. It took her by surprise, making her reach for something to hold onto. The first thing her hand found was her husband’s thigh. It was the weirdest thing in the world, clutching him while looking at another man.

Except that Jarrod was more than that. He wasn’t just ‘another’ man. He was her disciplinarian, her confidant, her friend. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, feeling her pulse pick up. It was strange, but suddenly she had the weirdest feeling that he’d become even more than that without her even realizing it.

Why wasn’t she telling him no? Why wasn’t she getting off this couch and, at the very least, showing him the door?

“It’s OK if you don’t want to, Kate.”

Something in her stirred at his soft-spoken words. Had his eyes always been so beautiful? She’d noticed the flecks of gold in them before, but tonight they practically glowed, like pieces of amber.

She cleared her throat and turned to Sean. Impulsively, she leaned forward and kissed him hard on the lips. Then, taking a deep, shaky breath she faced Jarrod once more. Words felt too weak for this moment, and besides, she wasn’t sure she was capable of them, anyway. So she spoke to him with her actions, putting her head in Sean’s lap and lying back down, spreading her legs open toward Jarrod.

“You’re sure?”

Why had she never realized how throaty and sexy his voice was before? Kaitlyn could only nod as she waited, her splayed thighs trembling both from the slightest bit of fear and a deal more eager anticipation. Jarrod didn’t seem in any particular rush, though. He seemed to still be taking all of this in. But Kaitlyn found that, for once, she could wait. This was a moment filled with heady, delicious tension and an excitement of newness and she was more than happy to drink it in slowly so that she could savor it later.

Sean tangled his hand in her hair, putting the other on her shoulder. She was grateful for his familiar touch, and reached up to grasp his hand with her own. It should have made the moment feel weird, but it didn’t. Somehow, it set her completely at ease. She was trembling, but not from fear or even humiliation. She was simply growing hotter and wetter by the moment, to the point where she wondered how much longer she could wait.

Jarrod began to move forward, with slow, calculated movements. Kaitlyn watched him, her eyes appraising his face. It was very familiar to her, so much so that she thought she’d memorized it long ago. But now, her pussy enflamed with lust, she was seeing things she’d never thought to look for before. Like how long his eyelashes were, or the dimple in his chin. Those details sprang forward to surprise her and when he met her eyes once more, she could see the tenderness in them and it simply took her breath away.

She gave him a tentative, shy smile, and he began moving toward her with purpose. Once he was sitting between her legs, he reached out a hand, but stopped with it in midair.

“You’re sure about this?” he repeated. Right then, she realized what she’d always known: that he was the kindest person she’d ever met. She was pretty sure she spotted a hard-on in his jeans, and he looked as eager as she felt. But even now, at the moment of truth, if she told him no she knew he would stop, no questions asked, and never mention it again.

That cinched it for her. “Yes, I’m sure.” Her voice quivered a bit when she spoke and she bit her bottom lip to stop it from shaking.

When Jarrod leaned forward, she realized that his hair had grown out. How had she never noticed before? As a lock of black hair fell over his eyes, she realized that he’d probably be cutting it soon. Now might be her only chance to run her fingers through it.

So she did just that. She lifted her hand and brushed the hair away, caressing it and marveling at how it felt just like silk.

Jarrod glanced up, surprise in his warm, expressive eyes and she gave him a bolder smile this time. He smiled right back and reached out and caressed her pussy.

From the very first touch, she was in an agony of pleasure. His fingers were feather-light and so gentle that it stole the breath from her lips.

Jarrod touched her with the fingers of a man who liked to take his time. She didn’t feel like he was trying to hurry her along to an orgasm, or even arouse her. It felt like he was exploring her with all the delicacy and care of a man touching something very rare and precious. He let his fingers explore, roving first over her lips, then the dark curls of her bikini wax, then her hot nub. When his finger brushed it, she couldn’t have stopped the moan that flew from her lips if she had wanted to.

Her eyes flew to Sean’s face, but he was smiling down at her. It occurred to her that she should feel guilty, moaning at another man’s touch, but somehow she didn’t feel that at all. She felt desired—she felt treasured and more safe and secure than she ever had in her entire life.

Jarrod stroked her pussy lips once more before slowly working his finger inside her wet depths. “You were right,” he spoke up. “She’s hot as a fire poker down here. She must have enjoyed her spanking after all.”

“Hmm.” Sean’s voice said that he knew all too well what the finding would be. “What do you suppose we should do about it?”

“I think we should let her off with a warning, this once.”

Kaitlyn didn’t miss the grin Jarrod gave her, or the gentle tug he gave her little nub.

“Did you hear that, honey? Jarrod is going to let you off with a warning. Isn’t that nice?”

“Yes, sir.” Her voice had never sounded so husky or foreign to her own ears.

“How do you think you should thank him?” Sean prompted.

Thank him? She blinked slowly, her mind still whirling at this unexpected turn of events, not to mention the waves of desire tumbling throughout her body one after the other. “However he’d like, of course.”

Without a word, Jarrod stood and Kaitlyn’s eyes were drawn to his hands. When she heard the sound of him unbuckling his belt, her tummy did a little flip even as she sucked in her breath. It was both a terrifying and an exciting sound.

When his hard, long cock popped free of his pants and he offered it to her, she nearly licked her lips. He looked delicious. She looked up at Sean, and only when he nodded did she sit up. She looked at Jarrod, trying to tell him with her eyes what she’d never find the words to express. She wanted him to know how truly grateful she was, how much he’d come to mean to her. But realizing that she could do better than using her eyes to communicate, she leaned forward and used her mouth to do it instead.

She took him between her lips and slid down the length of his shaft, encouraged by the sound of his gasp. She leaned forward, trying to take all of him—which was a considerable length—in her mouth. Unfortunately for her, she had a sensitive gag reflex and it was only a few moments before she had to pull back, gasping. Once she’d recovered, she was reluctant to look at him for fear that she’d disappointed him.

He must have known—didn’t he always seem to know?—because the next thing she knew, Jarrod had hooked a pair of fingers underneath her chin and tilted her head up. When she looked into his face, the first thing she saw was his wide smile. The second was his eyes, warm with compassion and, if she didn’t miss the guess, desire.

“Kaitlyn, get on the floor, on your knees,” she heard Sean order behind her. “You’ll be able to take more in that position.”

Eager to comply, she did as he bid and tried again. Sean was right—she was much more comfortable in this position and able to take more of Jarrod’s cock into her mouth. Before she’d married, she’d never considered herself a girl who enjoyed fellatio, but Sean had made her a believer. She took to her task with enthusiasm, marveling at the differences between the two men. They both had plenty of cock to please a woman, but there was no denying that they were different.

Sean, for example, was longer, with a sensitive spot right on the underside of his cock that she loved to tease with her tongue. Jarrod, on the other hand, wasn’t quite as long, but was thicker, and had a unique flavor that left her wondering about how his cum might taste sliding down her throat. If she was lucky, she just might be allowed to find out. The thought made a little shiver of excitement run through her and she felt that much more determined to please him.

She took the base of his cock in her hand, grasping it firmly and using it to help her slide up and down his cock faster. Soon, she had him grunting, which made her tummy flip and her pussy gush. She could feel the slickness of her thighs, made more pronounced because of the cool air kissing them.

Suddenly, she felt Sean’s hand on her shoulder, caressing her. She felt him move closer, until she was sandwiched between the two of them. Her mind screamed to her that she should feel trapped, but being caught between these two men made her feel freer than she’d ever felt in her entire life. When she felt Sean caress her ass, she moaned around Jarrod’s cock and pushed it out toward him.

“That’s not what I want,” he chuckled behind her. “Not tonight.”

Nothing broke her concentration on her task as she bobbed up and down Jarrod’s cock. But she stilled when she heard the sound of his pants hitting the floor, for the slightest instant before she was sucking away again.

She was so soaking wet that it took no time at all for Sean to grab her by the hips and thrust inside her. Even though she’d been expecting it—or more like hoping for it—she was still caught off guard by the fullness she felt having two holes occupied at once. It felt so naughty and delicious that she came on the spot. She could feel her pussy clench his cock as her orgasm shuddered through her body.

On a normal day, she would collapse against the pillows after coming, or turn on her side and close her eyes. But this was not a normal day, and she found that not only did she not feel spent, in fact she had more energy coursing through her than she knew what to do with. She sucked Jarrod hard and fast, and moved her hips in time to Sean’s thrusts. It was all she could do to keep up with the both of them, and it didn’t leave any room for feeling tired.

It seemed like the three of them went on like this forever, moving in a three-way dance of passion and pleasure before Jarrod tangled his hand in her hair and began to move her head in earnest, directing her to move faster. She complied eagerly and was rewarded with a burst of salty cum on her tongue. She swallowed it and continued to drink until he was dry. Afterward, he zipped his pants up before turning sideways. He draped an arm over her and she hugged his leg as Sean continued to fuck her from behind.

Kaitlyn licked her lips, continuing to savor the taste of Jarrod in her mouth while Sean pumped hard inside her. Every now and then his balls would slap her hot, punished ass, but rather than hurting it only seemed to fuel her lust. She could feel her tummy tying itself in warm knots of pleasure. She smiled, knowing that she was close to orgasming. This one, she felt, wouldn’t be over quickly, but would take its time charting a course throughout her entire body.

It started with her nipples. They budded and hardened like pebbles. Almost as though he’d sensed it, Sean reached up and ran his finger over one of her stiffened nipples. She gasped, and he pinched it between his fingers, turning her gasp to a moan.

The feeling of absolute arousal traveled down to her belly, where the knots were tightening, which meant she was getting closer with each and every thrust. Sean growled behind her, squeezing her breast as he thrust harder.

“Faster, baby,” she mewled.

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” he ground out. “Naughty girls take it the way their masters choose to give it.” And then, much to her dismay, he deliberately slowed down. There were times when his slow, careful thrusts delighted her, but tonight they only prolonged her agony. What was worse was that he knew it.

“Please,” she begged. “Please, I have to come.”

“What makes you think you’re allowed to come?”

She froze at the implication, but relaxed when she heard Sean chuckle behind her.

“OK, baby, just this once, since you said please.”

No sooner had he spoken, Sean picked up the pace and gave her exactly what she needed: quick, hard thrusts meant to get the job done. In no time she felt her breathing pick up along with the pounding of her heart. The knots in her belly were tightly wound, clenching together until it was nearly painful. But when they unfurled, unleashing a warm rush of heat that shot throughout the rest of her body, she thought she’d never felt so wonderful in her life.

BOOK: Shared by Her Soldiers
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