Read Shared by Her Soldiers Online

Authors: Dinah McLeod

Shared by Her Soldiers (13 page)

BOOK: Shared by Her Soldiers
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Sean’s orgasm came right behind hers, fittingly. He leaned over her, catching his breath for a moment and she shut her eyes, still clutching Jarrod’s leg tightly. It would have made for an odd portrait, it occurred to her, but she didn’t think she’d ever felt more at home in her own skin, more adored, than she did in this moment.

When Sean untangled himself from her, she felt herself being helped up by Jarrod. He took her into his arms for a moment, hugging her close, before he released her.

Suddenly, she felt shy. She found that she couldn’t look either of them in the eye and kept her eyes focused on the floor as she made her way to the kitchen. She got out two large cups and poured them full of apple juice. It was Sean’s favorite post-coitus drink. She didn’t know what Jarrod’s was, but maybe she’d learn in time.

She blushed, dismissing the thought as soon as it crossed her mind. She couldn’t think like that. What had happened tonight was a ‘one time only’ thing. And it was better that way, really. She was
wife and she shouldn’t think about anyone else’s preferences after sex.

“Thanks, babe,” Sean said as she handed him his glass. She heard him taking large gulps before she’d even given Jarrod his cup.

“Do you mind if I take this to go?”

She reluctantly raised her eyes to his face. “You… you’re leaving?”

“I’ve got PT at oh-five-hundred.”

“Oh.” She nodded once. “Yeah, sure. I mean, of course. I’ll… I’ll walk you out.” She looked at Sean, who gave the pair of them a wave.

“Later, battle.”

“I’m sure I’ll see you.”

That was all they said before Jarrod began to make his way to the front door. He grabbed his jacket off the coat rack and turned to her.

At least, she thought she felt his eyes on her. She couldn’t be sure, because she couldn’t bring herself to check.

“Are you OK, Kate?” He kept his voice low, the question for her ears only.

She nodded.

“I won’t believe it until you say it.”

She could have been imagining it, but she thought she heard a hint of vulnerability in his voice that matched the one thumping away inside her chest. Taking a deep breath, she lifted her head and what she saw made her smile. It was just Jarrod. Familiar, handsome, sweetheart Jarrod. For some reason, she thought she’d see him differently, now that she knew him in an entirely new way than she was used to. And while there were things that were different—she had a new perspective on just how handsome he was. How had she managed to be blind for so long?—mostly things felt mercifully normal.

“Yes, Jarrod.” His name tasted pleasantly different on her tongue now. “I’m fine, I promise.”

“Good.” He gave her his familiar warm smile. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

She dropped her eyes for a moment, and when she looked back up she could feel warmth in her cheeks. “And Jarrod… thank you.”

He leaned forward and kissed her. It was just a quick kiss on the mouth, which considering what they’d just done should have felt downright prudish, but somehow, it was just right. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight,” she echoed, softly closing the door behind him once he’d left.

She was hugging herself as she made her way slowly back into the living room. Sean was standing, waiting for her.

“What do you say we get some rest?”

“Aren’t you hungry?” she asked, her mind turning to the dishes of cold food that had been left on the kitchen table.

“Not really. We can have a big breakfast in the morning. When’s the last time we’ve been to Cofield’s?”

Kaitlyn smiled at the name of their favorite brunch place. “That sounds great. I’ll just clean up the kitchen and—”

“Go lie down, baby. I’ll take care of it.”

She looked at him in surprise. “Are you sure?”

“I’m sure, sweetheart. Go lie down. I’ll be right behind you.”

Kaitlyn hadn’t realized how tired she was until that moment. She gave him a grateful smile and walked to the bedroom, amazed when he actually began running the water in the kitchen. She slid between the soft sheets on the bed, her mind running over what had happened mere moments ago. Her ass was still sore to the touch, her pussy throbbing and achy—both testaments to the fact that she hadn’t been dreaming. She tried to think about what it all meant, and what it would mean for them all going forward, but the moment her head hit the pillow she gave up analyzing the situation in favor of merciful sleep.


* * *


Kaitlyn awoke slowly to the feeling of her arm being caressed. When she stirred, she felt her t-shirt being lifted. Next, a hand slid inside, traveling up her belly and landing on her left breast.

“I played with the other one earlier,” Sean whispered to her huskily. “I thought this one might be jealous.”

She smiled against the pillow. “Good thinking.”

“I missed you, babe. I’m glad to be home.”

“I’m glad to have you home,” she told him, reaching forward to caress his face. “Are we done fighting now?”

“Yeah, baby,” he pulled her closer. “I don’t like fighting with you, you know that.”

“Well,” she smiled, batting her eyelashes, “you kind of like it.”

“Wrong.” He tapped her nose. “I like making my naughty girl behave. It’s not my fault you can’t control what comes out of your mouth when you’re mad.”

“I can do other things with my mouth.” More eyelash batting.

“I seem to remember that that’s true,” he grinned.

“Would you like me to prove it to you?” Without waiting for an answer, she slid up toward him and kissed him, at first soft and slow. Then she nibbled his bottom lip and he responded by grasping her arms and kissing her back, hard. She hadn’t thought it possible, but as their kiss deepened, she felt her body begin to warm in the familiar way that could only mean that she was ready to feel his cock inside her.

Sean must have been feeling the same, because at that moment he broke their kiss, ordering, “Take down my boxers.”

With pleasure, she told him with her eyes, right before she slid down to where his cock was waiting, standing at attention. She locked eyes with him and grinned coyly before lowering her mouth and taking it inside her mouth. She gently nibbled the fabric, feeling his hard-on against her teeth.

“God, woman,” he growled.

She glanced up to see that he had fistfuls of bedsheet. She hooked her fingers into his boxers and slid them down as he’d told her to, appreciating the sight of his tan, muscled thighs and legs. She was a lucky, lucky girl.

“Should I…?”

“No,” he whispered huskily. “You’ve had enough cum to drink tonight, don’t you think?” Without waiting for an answer, he leaned forward and grabbed hold of her, pulling Kaitlyn on top of him.

“Just like that? No foreplay?” she teased.

Sean answered by reaching down and sliding a finger in her pussy. When he pulled it out she saw it glistening with her wetness. “It doesn’t look like you need any.”

“A girl still likes to be romanced.”

“In that case, I think you’re the most beautiful woman in the entire universe, Kaitlyn Green. But just to be sure, maybe I should go visit some other countries.”

“Hey!” She slapped her hand down on her chest in a not-so-playful smack. “You better not!”

“Now, you understand that I have to spank you.” He wagged his eyebrows, making her giggle. “And I intend to, after I’ve had my way with you.” With that, he flipped her onto her back in one swift move that made her gasp. Her back had barely touched the sheet when he plunged his long, hard cock into her wet depths.

“Oh, Sean.”

“I love you, Kaitlyn.”

“I know. I love you, too.”

“Make sure you remember that, OK? If there
a next time, I’d rather us do this first, and argue later.”

“Agreed,” she said, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Sean began to thrust in and out of her, going slowly to start—just to tease her, she thought—but picking up momentum as he kept on. This time, they melded together, soft and gentle, loving each other in the best way they knew how. She raised her hips to meet his thrusts, mewling as he used his cock to show how deep his feelings for her ran.

Her climax was just as slow to build, but she wasn’t in any rush. She loved feeling his skin touch hers, loved the privacy of the moment that made it feel like they were the only two people in the entire world. They moved together, as one, and when she finally came she did it calling his name. Sean reached his own climax moments later, and after rolling off of her he pulled her close. At first, she tensed, remembering the promised spanking. But when his breathing became soft and even she allowed herself to snuggle into him. Breathing in the sweet, sexy scent of him relaxed her and closed her eyes with a smile still on her lips.


* * *


When there was a rap at the door sharply at eight in the morning, Kaitlyn awoke to an empty bed. She stretched her arm out, searching for Sean, but when her fingers clasped empty sheets, she opened her eyes and sat up. She slowly sat up, wondering if she’d imagined the knocking to begin with.

“Sean?” she called out tentatively.

There it was again: the same rap-tap-tap that had woken her. With a sigh, she threw back the covers and stood up. On her way out the door, she grabbed her robe and headed for the door. The robe was silk, white with shiny black and purple roses decorating it. She cinched the belt moments before she opened the door.

“Good morning!” Candice beamed at her from the doorstep, dressed immaculately in a powder blue dress and matching sweater.

“Ugh,” Kaitlyn groaned.

“I’m sorry?” Candice’s brow furrowed. “What was that?”

“Please, come in,” she amended, swallowing back another sigh.

“Did I wake you?” she asked as she bustled in.

“No, I’ve been up for hours already.”


Thankfully, her back was turned to Kaitlyn so she didn’t feel bad about rolling her eyes.

“I made muffins.”

Just then, she noticed the foil-covered plate in Candice’s hands. “You didn’t have to do that. Here, let me take those. Why don’t you take a seat on the couch and I’ll make us some coffee?”
And get dressed
, she added silently to herself. She doubted she could rival Candice’s ensemble though. She didn’t think she even
a sweater that was cute and girlish.

“That would be great.”

“Great,” she echoed in a mutter under her breath as she power-walked back to the bedroom. God, why was the contents of her closet spilled out on her bedroom floor? She looked hopelessly into her open closet, but she had exactly two things hanging: an old bridesmaid’s dress that she’d been promising herself for months she’d get rid of, and a holey sweater that she’d been swearing she’d mend. Well.

She eyed the carpet skeptically, wondering what she was going to do. She had some jeans that she didn’t think looked too bad. Though, upon further investigation, it looked like she’d spilled some soy sauce on them. Kaitlyn eyed it dubiously, trying to remember when she’d last had Chinese food. She
was behind on laundry. Now that Sean was back home, she wasn’t going to be able to get away with slacking on things like that anymore.

Finally, she settled on a pair of gray pants—the jury was still out on whether they were actually were, in fact, appropriate to wear in public. They were comfortable, like lounge pants, but they hadn’t been sold in the loungewear aisle, so there was hope. It at least made her comfortable enough to wear them in front of Candice. Not like she had much choice. It was either those, or the bridesmaid’s dress. She also managed to procure a t-shirt that, while wrinkled, didn’t have any obvious stains. It also was one of the few she owned without swear words on them, which was a plus.

She grabbed a brush off the vanity and ran it through her hair as quickly as she could and spritzed some body spray on before sprinting out of the room. She resumed a normal, casual walk just before she entered the living room.

Candice had made herself right at home on the sofa. She was so pretty and perfect and could look like a million bucks anywhere, even on Kaitlyn’s beat-up, stained couch.

“Sorry about that. Coffee should be ready soon.”

“Oh, you didn’t have to change! I just wanted to stop by and see how you were doing, I didn’t mean to put you out.”

“You’re not putting me out.” Kaitlyn gave her a brief smile. “I’m just not a morning person. Let me get some coffee in me, and I’ll be just fine.”

A few minutes later she returned from the kitchen with steaming cups for them both, one of which she handed to Candice McCoy. She hoped the general’s wife wasn’t used to getting her caffeine fix from pretty china cups and dainty saucers, because all she had to offer were good old-fashioned mugs.

“Mm, this smells delicious.”

“It tastes as good as it smells,” Kaitlyn assured her without a hint of conceit as she took a seat beside her on the couch. “Coffee is my specialty. It makes for a poor meal, at least in Sean’s opinion, but it’s about the only thing I know how to make.”

“Oh, Kaitlyn!” Candice giggled. “You really
a riot!”

Kaitlyn stared back nonplused and after a few moments Candice’s smile dimmed.

“Well, you
kidding, of course?”

“Afraid not.”

“Well. Well, we’ll just have to see to it that that changes, won’t we? I can teach you.”

“Good luck with that.” She smiled to show that she didn’t intend to hurt her feelings. “Many have tried, and many have failed.”

Candice sat up straighter, beaming at her. “
haven’t, and let me assure you, I don’t give up on a challenge. I mean, take the general, for example. Do you think he always had such impeccable manners? For heaven’s sake, if you could see what he used to dress like…” Then, as if just realizing what she’d confessed about her husband, Candice clapped her hand over mouth.

Kaitlyn couldn’t help but find it comical.

“I didn’t mean… the general, you know, is a wonderful man—”

“Candice, relax. This is me you’re talking to, remember? We’re friends. What you tell me stays just between us.”

BOOK: Shared by Her Soldiers
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