Read Stiletto Secrets Online

Authors: Bella J.

Stiletto Secrets (3 page)

BOOK: Stiletto Secrets
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“Mr. Blake, I have three different types of shows I present. See, feel, and touch.”

“See, feel, and touch?”
he mimed silently with his mouth.

“You can’t experience all at once.”

“Well, I’d sort of feel cheated then.”

“When you lose one of your senses, the other senses get heightened, Mr. Blake.” Nicholas could not get over the beautiful sound of this woman’s voice. It was like her voice had a direct line straight down to his cock.

He started to leisurely pace around the room. “So I’m just curious, which show did my friends book me for?”

“Feel,” she replied.

Being the smart-ass that he was, Nicholas asked, “Isn’t that kind of the same thing as touch?”

“No, it’s not. With touch you would be allowed to use your hands, guided by me of course. With feel, you will only feel what I want you to feel.”

Okay, now he was really damn curious.

As he turned to the table and eyed the contents, he contemplated what his options were. Either he turned around now and then got labeled as a pussy by his friends, or he could put on the mask and the cuffs and see where this all went. But honestly, there was no way in hell he would be able to walk away now.

“What will it be, Mr. Blake?”

Nicholas shrugged and picked up the cuffs. “I guess we should get this show started then.”

Sure they say curiosity killed the cat, but Nicholas felt extra gutsy since he was willing to take the risk and see for himself.

While keeping his eye on the silhouette behind the curtain, Nicholas slowly placed the cuff around his left wrist and fastened it. “So what shall I call you?” he asked, trying to make small talk as he reached for the blindfold.

“Call me Cinderella,” was the answer he got, and somehow that name associated with the glass cabinet of fetish pleasures did amazing things to his insides.

“I should warn you,
” Nicholas said as he took his seat on the bolted chair, “I have a thing for women wearing high heels.” He firmly placed the blindfold over his eyes. “Which is probably why my friends thought this show appropriate.”

Bells chimed, and he could only assume that she had emerged from behind the curtain. He had to stop every male instinct inside of him to pull the blindfold off and jerk around to get a glimpse at this Cinderella with the smooth chocolate voice.

“Then you and I, Mr. Blake, are going to get along just fine.” She grabbed his hands and cuffed his right wrist, leaving him bound with no way to interact with her at all.

And then the music started. He recognized it as one of Paula Cole’s very slow, sexy and seductive numbers.
Feelin’ Love.

“So, Cinderella, since I’m blindfolded, how do I know that you’re wearing the shoes I chose?”

Obviously he heard the click of her heels over the tiled floor, but of course he just had to make sure she was wearing what he chose. In no way was he trying to be a cheeky bastard. Okay maybe a little. He was just cocky that way.

There was more clicking of heels across the tiled floor, and his hearing sense kicked in. By the sound of it, she was walking around him, circling him, looking at him. This was so unfair since he really wanted to see her.

“Well, you do have a point there, Mr. Blake.”

Of course he did.

She was now behind him, not because he heard her, but because he could feel her even though she wasn’t touching him. All his senses had somehow zeroed in on her, just as she said it would. It was the weirdest, kinkiest thing ever. Nicholas shifted in his seat.

A hand touched his left shoulder and he instinctively turned his face toward it.

“Even though seeing isn’t part of your show tonight, I am willing to make an exception,” she whispered, and only when he felt her hot breath against his ear did he realize that she was leaning very close to him, and it totally turned him on.

How in the hell did she do that? Turn him on just by speaking, by breathing against his face. Man, this woman had some serious talent.

He was about to ask her about her little exception when he felt it. And dear Lord did he feel it—a leg. It felt a hell of a lot like a leg had been lifted and placed over his right shoulder. Her hold on his shoulder tightened.

Nicholas had to stop himself from breathing since he was scared he might pant like a needy boy who had just reached puberty, and he would not embarrass himself that way.

Delicate fingers traced down the side of his face, a soft touch that made him tingle all over. He didn’t know if he wanted to jerk away from it, or lean into it.

She lifted the blindfold over his right eye. “Look.” And he did.

“Oh dear God.” He breathed out as he stared at the most perfect, smooth, toned leg he had ever seen before in his life. That curvaceous leg that seemed like it went on for miles was folded around his shoulder and he let his gaze travel all the way down her inner thigh which was right there—
right fucking there
. It was so damn close to his mouth. Why did he suddenly have the urge to lick it?

The second he saw that she was indeed wearing the shoes he had picked, he stopped breathing. The sharp heel was pressing hard into his thigh, and he had to force himself to take a breath while his cock suddenly decided to join the fucking party.
Pun intended

“Are you satisfied, Mr. Blake?” She moved the blindfold back down. He was no longer able to see anything, and that sucked.

“Oh, I’m far from satisfied.”
Which was so true.

Breathe, Nicholas…just breathe.

Since his vision was restricted, the only picture he could formulate in his mind was the picture of having both legs that looked like
wrapped around his neck
. It was such a pretty picture.

Then the very distinct sound of a zipper caught his attention. His head jerked to the side. “What was that?”

“That, Mr. Blake, was the sound of me zipping up my corset.”

“Zipping up?”

“Yes. I’m busy getting dressed,” she replied softly, so fucking seductively.

“Getting dressed? That means you were naked before?” Suddenly his spine felt like one giant ball of tingles that was spreading straight down to his groin in waves.

“It would seem that way.” There was a hint of humor in her voice. Was she smiling?

Hold on one cotton picking minute.

“Wait, that means that you were naked when you had your leg around my shoulder just now?”

The sound of soft clicking heels came closer, stalking toward him.

“Indeed,” she whispered against his ear, and he felt her warm breath dance across his cheek again, sending a powerful wave of unadulterated lust crashing against every corner of his body. This woman hadn’t even touched him properly yet. She hadn’t even grinded against him yet, and here he was already bursting at the seams.

“Fuck me.”

“Oh I’m sorry, Mr. Blake, I don’t offer that kind of service.” He could hear the little smirk in her voice.

“Cinderella, are you being a smart-ass?”

Hands wrapped around his knees, and he felt her thighs brush against his lower legs.
Oh my God
. Was she crouching in front of him? Why couldn’t he see? He wanted to see dammit.

Those hands slowly, leisurely moved up his thighs making him need them to go higher…higher, a lot more fucking higher.

“My ass is a lot of things, Mr. Blake.”

“Oh I’m sure it is.” Nicholas struggled to sound composed since his body was coiled so tight, he could hardly take a breath.

His entire body stiffened when she climbed on top of his lap, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

With slow, rhythmic thrusts she moved against him, threatening to embarrass the crap out of him since he was finding it increasingly difficult to not start acting like a raging, horny animal.

“How does it feel, Mr. Blake?”

How does it feel? What kind of a fucking question was that? Nicholas was on the verge of losing control, and that was a new feeling for him, and he didn’t like it one little bit. Nicholas needed to take back the reins,

“I’d be in a much better position to answer that question when you loosen these cuffs.”

Abruptly she scooted up, applying more pressure to his groin.

Nicholas bit his lip.

“Nice try. But you know the rules.”

“The one thing I know about rules, Cinderella, is that they are at their best when broken.”

A warm, soft cheek hovered close to his, teasing him with a feel. “Here in my booth, rules are meant to create more pleasure,” she murmured into his ear, and he kind of wished she would trace her tongue up his neck. Just the thought of what her tongue would feel like against his skin—wet, warm and divine, made everything below his hips throb.

Unable to take it any longer, he jerked forward, wanting to get closer, to taste those lips he could only imagine would taste as delicious as her voice sounded.

She jerked back. “Na-ah. That kind of behavior just won’t do, Mr. Blake.”

“I happen to think that bad behavior is the best kind in situations like these,” he whispered, his voice matching her allure.

She gave another powerful thrust, causing him to throw back his head and groan in the back of his throat. “And what kind of situation is this exactly, Mr. Blake?”

Nicholas took a breath and lifted his head again. “The kind where a man and a woman are both extremely turned on, and have the means to help each other out.”

He felt her long fingers lace through his hair at the back of his head, and he involuntarily leaned a little into the touch. God it felt good, her nails softly tracing against his scalp.

“Are you turned on, Mr. Blake?”

“What? You can’t feel that? I say, Cinderella, that if I didn’t know otherwise I would have been offended by that question.”

She abruptly tightened her grip in his hair forcing his head back slightly. “You have a smart mouth, Mr. Blake.”

“I can show you what else my mouth is good for, other than my wise-ass remarks.”

“I’m sure you can.”

Nicholas flexed beneath her and he was sure he heard her inhale sharply. “Can you feel it now?”

She didn’t answer, instead she got up and he almost whimpered out of frustration. Nicholas could not remember the last time he had been this turned on. Everything about this woman had him wound up tight. It was insane.

But it was only a few seconds until she was on top of him again, her back to his chest this time. Firm, round ass cheeks worked their magic on top of his lap and another moan of pure pleasure rolled over his lips.

“Oh you are good, I’ll give you that,” he said when she reached back with her hands, her fingers twirling through his hair.

He couldn’t stop himself from nuzzling her neck—and she didn’t stop him either. Her sweet citrusy scent filled his nostrils. Mixed together with the glorious friction her ass was giving him, he was higher than he had been in months—years.

As he continued to concentrate on every move she made, every breath she took, he imagined that she had spread open her legs while giving him the fucking lap dance of his life. Her movements were timed perfectly with the rhythm of the music, giving him just enough to want more, but not quite enough to satisfy him. She pulled her fingers out of his hair and dragged her nails down his neck. Nothing could have stopped him from moving beneath her, not even the fucking apocalypse.

He flexed and heard her gasp, the sound something between a whimper and a moan, and that sound fucking owned him.

“You like it when I move too, don’t you, Cinderella?”

“This isn’t about me, Mr. Blake.”

“Isn’t it?” He rubbed his cheek against the soft skin of her neck smelling her intoxicating scent. “Uncuff me, and I’ll show you how quickly I can make this about you.”

“You know the rules.”

“I hate to break this to you woman, but you’re already breaking the rules,” he whispered, and he could have sworn he felt a shiver move down her body.

“How so?”

Nicholas moved some more, pressing himself harder against her. “I’m feeling you.”

“But that’s the idea.” Her sweet firm ass was still giving him exactly what he needed making him wish that they were both goddamn naked.

With his cheek still against her warm skin he tilted his head toward her ear. “Yeah, but I can smell you too.”

And then she let out a sound that shot straight to his dick, a good old moan that screamed sexual desire. Oh yes, he definitely affected her just as much as she had affected him.

But then suddenly with a jerk, she was gone, no longer occupying his lap, no longer giving him the movement and the pressure he really, really,
fucking needed. And it sucked. It was damn near painful.

“I’m afraid our time is up.” Her tone was no longer soft, but sounded slightly unnerved, unsettled.

“Oh come on, it was just starting to get fun.” Nicholas smirked, even though deep inside he was one raging animal wanting to charge and claim what he wanted.

“I am going to unlock one cuff, Mr. Blake. But you are not allowed to turn around until I have exited the room.”

Wow, now she even sounded slightly irritated. Well, he was the one with the very painful pulsing need in his pants, so why the hell was

Her soft hand brushed against his as she started to unlock the cuff. The minute he heard the click, he jerked off the chair and pulled off the blindfold, wanting to see her. But when he turned around and opened his eyes, all he saw was the swooshing curtain. She was gone. The only thing that stayed behind was her lingering citrusy scent, and then the stilettos she had obviously kicked off before she sprinted out of the room like a fucking Olympic medalist.

Nicholas tossed the blindfold to the floor. He was still finding it incredibly hard to breathe. Never had any woman elicited such intense desire in him before—and the best part? He hadn’t even seen her face.

“Fuck.” He pulled his hands through his hair then tried to straighten out the suit he was wearing. But then he had a thought…a very, very enticing thought.

Reaching for one of the white stilettos she had worn, he discreetly tucked it inside his jacket, underneath his arm, and then sauntered out of
Cinderella’s Booth.

BOOK: Stiletto Secrets
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