Read Stiletto Secrets Online

Authors: Bella J.

Stiletto Secrets (8 page)

BOOK: Stiletto Secrets
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He laughed. “Well, Cinderella, you are the first, and will probably be the only woman I will ever allow to speak to me like that.”

”Lucky me.”

“Indeed, lucky you.”

Emma stalked toward where Nicholas was sitting. She swayed her hips—again, not like he could see her—but she was just so captivated inside this role she was playing. A role Emma knew she would love too much while she played it around
. Her mind, her body, everything screamed out to him, yearning for him in ways she had never experienced before. What she was doing was incredibly stupid, but incredibly necessary since her body might never forgive her if she didn’t.

When she rounded the chair, she cocked her head to the side and stared at him. Emma knew the beauty that was hidden behind that black blindfold. She knew the brilliance of the color of his eyes, the swirls of blue that had the power to hypnotize you. She had looked into them mere days ago, yet he had no idea that the eyes that stared back at him were the eyes of the Cinderella he claimed to have been thinking about during the last week. Such beautiful deception.

“I can feel you staring at me, Cinderella.” His tone was soft, enticing, and he licked his lips like he could taste her presence.

Entranced by the seduction that hung like poison in the air, she leisurely placed her legs on either side of his thighs and put her hands on his shoulders. Slowly she lowered herself onto his lap and the second she felt him beneath her, they both inhaled sharply.

Emma felt him move his arms, but caught his hands just in time.

“Na-ah. You know the rules, Mr. Blake. I have to guide you.”

He leaned forward and his musky scent instantly surrounded her. It was rich, sexy, sensual, and it had the power to drive her wild. His compelling scent was masculine in every sense, and she felt drawn to him like a bee to a blooming flower—hungry and needy.

“Then you better start guiding me, because my hands are practically aching to touch you right now.” She heard every tone of sexual desire in his voice—and she loved it.

Taking his hands, she lifted his arms and spread them wide. “Keep them there.” Since he was wearing the blindfold, she decided it safe to remove the gloves. Even though this was the touch show, Emma needed to feel him. She needed to feel his warmth seep through her fingertips. She imagined that every inch of him would feel and taste even better than she had imagined.

She reached for his hands again, and when she curled her fingers through his, she heard him suck in a breath.

“What’s the matter, Mr. Blake? You haven’t even touched me yet.” She smirked, loving how her simple touch affected him.

“I don’t know what it is about you, but you do things to me woman.” His voice sounded hard, heady and it fueled her hot desire even more.

Taking his one hand, she gently placed it on top of her right thigh, flattening his palm against her skin. “What does
do to you, Mr. Blake?” She felt his fingertips draw circles on her thigh.

“It makes me hungry. Hungry for a lot more.” He licked his lips and brought his face closer to hers, like he wanted to smell her.

She guided his other hand to her waist and his fingers curled around the curve. “More, like this?”

His grip tightened, and she gasped. He smiled. “Yes. Like this.”

With his hand gripping her hip he urged her to move.

“More,” he demanded and she complied willingly.

Emma moved his palm slowly, leisurely up her thigh, his touch leaving a trail of burning flesh in its wake. Up, up his touch went until both his hands were placed on her waist. Her hands never left his as he tightened his grip.

Emma gasped when she felt the softest touch, the most delicate movement of both his thumbs over the fabric of her panties. That unexpected touch caused her to throw her head back as the sensation spread like wild fire through her veins.

“I’m pretty sure you’re enjoying my touch as much as I enjoy touching you, don’t you, Cinderella?”

Abruptly he pulled her closer against him and she was unable to think about anything other than what her body demanded. She inhaled sharply and closed her eyes for a second as a sharp, electric ache shot up her spine, her body starting to beg for more of what he seemed so willing to give.

“You feel it too, don’t you, Cinderella?” His lips came closer to hers, and she knew she needed to pull away. Kissing was a big rule breaker, but she was too intoxicated by him, too swept up in the moment.

“Feel what?” Her voice was nothing but a whisper.

His hands started to move up her side causing her body to tremble under his touch. Even though her hands were still on his, she was no longer guiding them. She didn’t want to.

“The electricity pulsing all around us.” He continued to move his hands, and then she could feel his thumb brushing against the sides of her breasts. “The intense, magnetic pull between us—a sure sign that our bodies would be dynamite together.”

Oh Emma didn’t doubt that one little bit. By what she was feeling right now, she was sure the end result of them being together would be explosive.

Nicholas sat up straight, pushing his chest against hers. “Guide me, Cinderella,” he urged.

Suddenly she wasn’t the one in control anymore, and she wondered if she ever had the control to begin with.

His lips were inches from hers. She could smell the expensive scotch on his breath and Emma had never wanted to kiss a man so much or desired to taste a man’s lips so badly.

Nicholas moved beneath her, and she moaned.

A playful grin spread along his gorgeous face. “I love that sound.”

Emma couldn’t talk, she didn’t have any words. All she had was this undeniable urge to let this man consume her completely.

She knew he expected her to move his hands to her breasts but not yet. She needed to tease him just a little more, giving, but not giving quite enough.

Lifting his right hand, she placed it on her cheek and he felt her mask.

“You’re wearing a mask?”

“I am.”

“Then why can’t I take the blindfold off?”

With a gentle touch, she guided his hand down and took his middle finger between her lips.

“Fuck.” He exhaled, his face contorted like he was in agony. He laid his head against her chest as she swirled her tongue around his finger. She felt the rest of his fingers spread along her jaw and chin, tightening.

“Dear God,” he whimpered, and then without warning he flexed beneath her—hard. “I need so much more of you right now.”

And so did Emma. She needed much, much,
more. Her body demanded it.

She pulled his finger out of her mouth, the pop echoing between them. His grip didn’t loosen as she dragged his hand down her neck, and she loved the pressure of his touch, the way his fingers pressed into her skin.

Down…down…down, she took his hand.

“How much more, Mr. Blake?” she asked while his fingers continued down between her breasts.

He jerked forward. “Everything.”

He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her harder against him while he flexed, creating that enticing, intoxicating friction both their bodies demanded.

God, they were breaking all the rules. This was such a dangerous game they were playing.

“Mr. Blake…”

“Don’t. Fuck the rules. I want to touch you like I want to touch you. I want to feel you like I want to feel you. Do you know why, Cinderella?” His hands curled around her ass, and he jerked her forward, letting her feel exactly how hard he was for her. “Because I’m a selfish bastard.” And then he slammed his lips against hers, kissing her like she was the oxygen he so desperately needed.

Emma had lost all her resolve, all her control the second she tasted him, felt his tongue move inside her mouth. It was the most delicious kiss she had ever tasted. It was like heroin, ecstasy, her own drug, and after just one taste she knew she would be addicted forever.

His tongue didn’t play, it didn’t dance against hers, it claimed. It took what it wanted. The smacking sounds of their lips crashing against each other, and the moans that escaped them both filled the room. And together with the sexy rhythm of the music, it was seduction all around them, crackling and buzzing. Both of them continued to move, giving and taking equally, wanting, needing release.

“I want to feel you and move inside you,” Nicholas panted between kisses. He moved and cupped her breasts with both hands and Emma gasped, arching her back, pushing the flesh deeper into his palms. “I know you want it too. Your body is already primed for me to take you, isn’t it, Cinderella?”

She weaved her fingers through his hair. “You’re not playing fair.”

“Playing fair isn’t something that I know how to do.”

Nicholas kissed up her neck and nipped at her ear, causing her to shudder. Emma flexed her hips, pressing hard against him.

A guttural groan came from the back of his throat.

“Shit, are you trying to kill me?”

Again his lips found hers. Greedy and all-consuming. With the same amount of fervor she kissed him back—hot, heady, sultry lips craving him in ways she knew would have her risking everything. As Emma continued to move against him, and Nicholas kept on flexing, rubbing and pushing against her, she moved closer to the edge…closer, closer, closer to the release that had now completely taken possession of her body.

“Nicholas,” she breathed out as the last bit of control slipped away from her. But he didn’t stop. He kept on moving, going faster, pressing harder.

“God, I think I’m about to lose it in my pants like a fucking teenager.” His tongue glided up her chest all the way to her throat. “And at this point I really don’t care.”

Emma was about to explode. She could taste her release, feel it starting deep inside her which made it impossible for her to stop moving along with him.

“Take off your mask, Cinderella.”

He dropped a hand from her breast to her waist, curling his palm down and over her ass. The pressure between her hips, the need that throbbed with so much intensity was so overwhelming, she had to force herself to breathe.

“Not tonight,” she replied and placed her hand over his that was still kneading her breast, urging him to touch her harder.

Nicholas traced his tongue around the edge of her ear. “I want to do things to you, hear you scream my name as I give you every inch of my cock, see the pleasure plastered all over that sweet face of yours.”

Holy hell, Emma was so close. She was so close to tossing her resolve along with all her rules to the wind just to be able to take from him what she wanted—which was all of him.

A shiver moved all the way up her spine, and then all the way down when he traced a fingertip from her ass, around her waist, down her hip until he lightly brushed it over the lacy underwear she was wearing.

“Oh yes. You’re really turned on, aren’t you, Cinderella?” He took her earlobe between his warm, wet lips while moving his fingertip in circles against her. Emma dropped her head back, closing her eyes as his touch lit a fire inside of her that felt like it would erupt into a raging inferno at any second leaving nothing but cinders in its wake. He traced his tongue over her collarbone while he started to push her panties to the side. “Let me show you how quickly those rules of yours can be shattered, how easy it would be for me to make your body shake with a kind of pleasure that will blow your fucking mind.”

And then she stilled, his words ripping her out of the moment, pulling her back to reality.

“Don’t stop, Cinderella.”

But everything inside of her had gone cold, every trace of the scorching flames he had set alight inside of her gone. She was about to crush every single rule she had made ever since she had stepped into this world of lust and seduction, rules that were meant to protect her. And if there was a time that Emma ever needed protection, it was now, protection against this man who was currently breathing headily, panting and moving like it would mean death if he didn’t.

What was she doing? If she crossed this line with Nicholas now, there would be no going back. She was already in too deep, feeling more than she should. And the reality of it all was that she was a stripper by night, a maid by day, and none of those labels would be good enough for him. She would never have more of him than what she was getting right now. Sheer lust and a need for release.

To him she was nothing but a distraction, and if she went any further she would no longer be satisfied with just being a mere

“Our time is up,” she snapped and jerked off his lap.


“Don’t take off your blindfold,” she warned, still struggling to catch her breath.

“What just happened?” His head moved in different directions as he searched for her.

“I said our time is up.” Emma paced up and down, her palm on her forehead as she tried to regain control, her body screaming at her for not letting it have what it needed.

Nicholas got up from the chair, and Emma stepped back. “Do not take off that blindfold, do you understand me?”

“Our time is not up. And why are you so hell-bent on me not seeing you?”

Emma’s eyes narrowed. “Why do you say our time isn’t up?”

“Because I paid a fuck load of money to cancel each and every appointment you had for tonight.”

“You what?”

“Are you pacing? Would you please stop pacing, you’re making me dizzy trying to keep track of where your voice is coming from.”

Emma stopped and glared at him even though he couldn’t see it. “Why would you pay to cancel all my other appointments?”

Nicholas got a lock on her position as he followed her voice and gave a step toward her. “Like I said earlier, I’m a selfish bastard and I want you all to myself.”

Emma recoiled, and then felt something a woman in her position should never ever feel. Affection, hope for…more. No, no, no. She was a fucking stripper. He was a player. This was one giant setup for an inevitable heartbreak.

Pulling together every ounce of strength and courage inside of her, she stepped forward, now standing just inches from him. “Here’s a newsflash for you, Mr. Blake. I’m a stripper. I belong to every fucking man that walks through that door.”

BOOK: Stiletto Secrets
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