Read Take Me Down (Suits in Pursuit) Online

Authors: Lauren H. Kelley

Tags: #Interracial Contemporary Romance

Take Me Down (Suits in Pursuit) (10 page)

BOOK: Take Me Down (Suits in Pursuit)
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Candor stared him in the face. Ashley placed a small hand on his shoulder. “We’re all trying to find our own version of happiness. Work on not being such an asshole first.”

A wide grin stretched his lips thin. Sebastian’s left hand stroked Ashley’s cheek. He stepped closer. Leaned down. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, an inch from her ear. Whispered words that forced a gasp from her.

Slowly his lips soldered her tender flesh. From the ball of her shoulder, his lips traveled to her neck. Her skin smelled so good.

She lifted her chin, exposing her neck. His tongue swirled and licked, sucked her tender flesh. Her salty sweetness tantalized his taste buds and made his head swim. Inch by inch, a trail of kisses led his lips to hers.

He devoured her lips. She fed him more. Their tongues collided in passionate rage. Greedy fingers traced her spine. His hand rested at the small of her back and then cupped a voluptuous ass cheek.

“Ahhh,” she moaned.

Sebastian pegged Ashley to the wood-paneled wall. His large masculine body commanded her to his will. She groped his shoulders with one hand. The other hand inched down his chest, passed his stomach, and stilled on his groin.

His right hand hoisted her leg high. He fiddled with his belt buckle, unzipped his pants. Her foot hooked around his thigh. His stiff cock rested at her heat.

A single finger glided up her leg, found the end of her dress. His hand dipped beneath the floral fabric. He massaged her thigh, worked his way up between her legs. Anxious fingers pushed aside the passion-soaked thong. He buried his fingers between her soft, fleshy folds, eager to dip into her sweet spot.

Breathless, Ashley panted wildly. “Sebastian, what are you doing?”

Teeth sunk deep into her neck. He smiled and then lifted his face to hers. “What you’ve wanted me to do since the day we first met.”

Her small hands strained against him. “Stop. We can’t do this here.”

He captured her wrists. Stared into her eyes. Buried his face in her bosom.

Lost in the moment, lost in Ashley, Sebastian forgot where he was. He hadn’t been with a woman in months. That tight, curvy body made his testosterone boil. He needed Ashley. He wanted Ashley.

Heart racing, Sebastian pried hot lips away from Ashley’s breast. “You’re right. Not like this. Can you give me a moment?” He peeled himself away and walked down the narrow hallway toward the restroom. Glancing back, he watched Ashley nibble her bottom lip. A pained expression erased her look of passion. She wanted him too.

Ashley stood at the opposite end of the room. The smell of impending sex emanated, their hot musky scents lingered in the intimate space. Her eyes darted around. Red robins painted in the mural scene covered every wall and haunted her. She gasped for air, forcing away the panic that threatened to attack. Sebastian’s surprise had been either an act of fate or irony. Tears stalled behind cold eyes too stubborn to leak.

She felt his presence drawing near, pulling her to him. Ashley turned. Every breath in her body had been forced out. Her chest pounded hard. Moonlight streamed in from the picture window, illuminating Sebastian’s heavy steps. His cocky swagger, his lustful gaze, captivated her as he approached. She hoped she could carry out the plan.

His gray eyes pierced her, locked her in place, motionless. “Ashley? Ashley?” Worry etched across Sebastian’s face forced her back into the moment.

Had he been calling her name for long? She couldn’t remember a time when she had been under any man’s spell. She blinked rapidly, wouldn’t look him in the eyes. Ashley steadied herself against the wall. “Ouch. It hurts. Oh, my ankle,” she groaned.

Sebastian’s lips pressed thin. He crouched down, lifted her right foot, and examined her ankle. “Hmm. Looks fine to me. Exactly how did you injure yourself in the three minutes that I stepped away?”

Ashley’s eyes darted from side to side, avoiding his stare. “I… um… I don’t know. I… I…” she stammered. “My ankle just hurts. I… I saw you heading this way, and I took a step, and, well… oh, the pain. I think we should leave now.”

Sebastian narrowed his eyes into a squint and looked up at Ashley. “All right. We’ll leave now.” He stood and swooped her into the cradle of his arms. “Do you have all your things?”

“My handbag,” she said, pointing to the chair. Being in his powerful arms had her nearly hyperventilating.

Sebastian eased her down into the passenger seat. Clinging to him, Ashley’s hands glided over his sculpted muscled arms. She ignored the tingling sensation that flowed through her core.

He rounded the Jeep Wrangler and hopped into the driver’s seat. A crooked smile emerged. “An evening in won’t be so bad.”

Ashley jolted forward. Turned to face him. “No, please. I don’t want to inconvenience you. Take me home. We can go out some other time.”

He leaned back casually. “There’s no inconvenience.” He smiled. “I mean other than my wasted effort and money I put into planning this evening.” He glanced at her and then started the engine. “Would you look at the time? I think you’ll need to spend the night.”

A hard lump formed in Ashley’s throat. Rendered speechless for a moment, she took a deep breath and ignored the nervous energy rattling her body. “My ankle really hurts. I should go home and nurse it.”

Sebastian reached over and squeezed her hand. “Nonsense. I feel terrible. You’re going back to my place.” Fire flashed in his eyes. “I’ll take care of you, all night.”

Ashley swallowed the lump. “Kerri will worry.”

He stayed focused on the road ahead. “Then call her and tell her not to worry. You’re in expert hands.”

Sebastian turned the Jeep left and stopped at a traffic light.

“Sebastian, I’m afraid to be alone with you,” Ashley blurted out. She closed her eyes and blew out a hard breath. She hadn’t meant to say that aloud.

He leaned his head back against the tan leather headrest. “Ah, finally. The truth. Is that the reason you faked a sprained ankle?”

“I… I didn’t fake a sprained ankle.”

“Of course you didn’t.” Sebastian’s tone softened. “You have nothing to be afraid of. We’re both adults. We both know what we want. What’s wrong with that? Let’s have fun while we’re here. I swear you’ll never have to see me again after this trip.”

Her elbow positioned on the door panel, Ashley rested her chin in her palm. She stared at a group of people waiting to cross the road. Tourists wearing flip-flops, tacky floral shirts, and bright neon colors walked up and down Duval Street. “We both live in the Carlisle building. I’m sure we’ll run into each other at some point,” she said.

“I moved out about two months ago. Problem solved,” he fired back.

“Oh. You did? Where… never mind.”

Sebastian grinned. “I don’t mind telling you where I’ve moved. I bought a house in Inman Park.”

She let out a loud sigh. “There are probably hundreds of beautiful women in the Keys. A good-looking guy like you should have no problem finding a date who’s DTF.”

“Thanks for the compliment, I think. What is DTF?”

She huffed. “You’re kidding, right? Everyone knows what DTF stands for.”

Sebastian shook his head. “Not everyone.”

Ashley rolled her eyes. “It means ‘down to fuck.’ Like I said, you should have no problem finding a date who’s DTF.”

“Weren’t you DTF?” he asked.

The vehicle turned down a familiar road. Ashley frowned. “Haven’t we already discussed this subject? I won’t have this conversation again.”

Sebastian cleared his throat. “You sure seemed DTF at Robin’s Nest,” he said under his breath.

Her chest tightened. She turned away. Silent for a moment. “Nothing happened.”

The Jeep came to a near halt on North Roosevelt Boulevard. The sign in front of the building read Key West Oceanside Resort and Villas. Ashley remembered the name of the hotel where Sebastian had been staying. She sneaked a sidelong glance at him. Did he really think she would spend the night with him?

Inspiration struck. Ashley raised slouched shoulders. Poked out her chest, boobs thrust forward. Her plan to teach him a lesson took a dark turn. Since Sebastian had been fixated on getting her into bed, she would give him what he wanted.
What the hell! I am DTF.

He glanced at her. “I’m attracted to you. Sure, I could chase other women, but you’re interesting to me. You’re witty. Strong. Bold. Annoying.”

“I’m not annoying.”

Sebastian chuckled. “Yeah, you are.” The SUV continued down the street.

Ten minutes later, the Jeep came to a stop in front of the Christensen house. Sebastian strutted to the vehicle’s passenger side and opened the door. “Be ready tomorrow night at eight.” He extended his hand and helped her climb out of the Jeep.

Ashley shook her head, frowning. “Sebastian, I shouldn’t.” She climbed down from the vehicle and walked briskly toward the house and away from him.

“Looks like that ankle is feeling better already. Tomorrow, Ashley. Eight o’clock.”

Chapter Seven

A rerun of a late-night talk show greeted Ashley when she waltzed into the living room. Kerrigan sat coiled up on the sofa. A bowl of popcorn rested in her lap. “How was your date with Sebastian?” she asked.

Ashley breezed past her friend, yelling over her shoulder, “That man is the biggest asshole I’ve ever met. He has some nerve. The evening was a huge disappointment.” She disappeared into the guestroom.

Seconds later, Ashley stomped back into the living room, fists balled up and propped on her hips. “I’ve let Sebastian Stone get the upper hand for the last time. He’s obnoxious, arrogant, and…”

Kerrigan sat up, swung her feet down to the tile floor. She interrupted Ashley. “And hot as hell. You’re pissed because all those things about him turn you on.”

Ashley’s mouth fell open. “Uh, whatever!” She stomped off and headed to the kitchen. The scent of burned popcorn overwhelmed Ashley. She pinched her nose.

Kerrigan followed. “Come on, Ash. Is he really that bad?”

Ashley threw her hands up in the air. “He’s the worst.”

Gathering the silk tie around her waist, Kerrigan tightened her robe. She sat at the kitchen bar, elbows rested on the granite countertop. “I’ve seen you handle far worse than Sebastian. What’s this really about? Something happened.”

Ashley joined Kerrigan at the bar and buried her face in her hands. “Yes, shomthin hoppened,” she said, muffled words uttered into her clammy palms.

“What? Tell me!” Kerrigan nearly bolted from her seat.

Ashley rocked back and forth, shifting in her seat and tumbling her hands. The uneven barstool wobbled, clobbered the tile floor beneath with a loud tap, tap, tap. “He took me to a place called Robin’s Nest. Red robins were on the walls, on table linens. Everywhere.”

Kerrigan’s eyes grew wide. “Really?” She squealed.

Recalling the evening, Ashley shook her head. “We made out. We went too far.”

She cupped her mouth. Her hand fell away, eyes wide. “Ash, you didn’t have sex with him in a restaurant, did you?”

Her fist struck the countertop with a loud thud. “Hell no!” she belted out. Ashley lowered her voice, slowed her pace. “Almost,” she conceded, guilt tinting her words. “He rented the entire restaurant. The room was beautiful. No one has ever done that for me before. You should have seen the place. That part was very…”

“Romantic.” Kerrigan finished her sentence. “Ash, Sebastian doesn’t sound like a bad guy. Why are you fighting him?”

Like a hot-air balloon deflating, Ashley let out a long sigh. “Sebastian has been very clear that he only wants one thing from me. His obnoxious outbursts are a constant reminder.” Tears burning inside her eyes broke free. Ashley sniffled and wiped her runny nose. “I’m not like you, Kerri. A man looks at you and he sees a lifetime. A man looks at me and he sees the next thirty minutes.” Ashley tossed her head back, released a snort-cry-laugh. “I mean the next ten minutes.”

Kerrigan grabbed a handful of tissues and placed them in Ashley’s hand. “I still believe there’s more to Sebastian Stone than you realize. He likes you.”

Dabbing her damp eyes, Ashley leaped down from the stool. She jutted out her behind. “He likes this,” she pointed to her backside.

Kerrigan swatted at Ashley’s rear end. “He’s a man. That’s what men like, at first. Show him that there’s more to you than your body or your booty.”

BOOK: Take Me Down (Suits in Pursuit)
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