Read Take Me Down (Suits in Pursuit) Online

Authors: Lauren H. Kelley

Tags: #Interracial Contemporary Romance

Take Me Down (Suits in Pursuit) (6 page)

BOOK: Take Me Down (Suits in Pursuit)
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Ashley sat there mortified, especially since her panties were moist. She’d completely humiliated herself, having drooled all over a complete stranger, both literally and figuratively. He was the main feature in her naughty dream.

Sebastian stood, about to make his way back to his seat. The glint in his eyes and the crooked twist of his wry smile told her that he held a secret. Ashley had heard from multiple people that she talked in her sleep. Her heart raced.
Oh, crap! What did I say?

He placed his large hand on the leather headrest, leaned in, and whispered, “I’m not the only one taking liberties with a stranger. My name sounds so good coming out of those lovely lips in the heat of passion.” The smirk planted on his lips stretched into a full grin. “I’ll see you later, Ashley, in your dreams and in Key West.” He gave a slight head nod and darted off.

Chapter Four

The gritty granules settled between Ashley’s toes as she dug her feet into the sandy shore. Lying on the beach, hundreds of miles away from home and away from the troubles that plagued her, proved to be therapeutic. She couldn’t remember a time when she felt as relaxed and at peace. The sound of the waves beating against the shoreline soothed the anxiety that haunted her.

“Hey there. You look relaxed for once.” Kerrigan rolled over on her oversized beach towel and faced Ashley.

Ashley angled her head toward Kerrigan’s voice. “I could get used to this lifestyle. I didn’t know Key West would agree with me this much.”

“Yeah, this is nice.” Kerrigan sat up and planted her chin on her knees, peering down at Ashley. “Ash, did you call Sebastian?”

“And good-bye, relaxation.” Ashley lifted her head up and faced Kerrigan. “Are you seriously encouraging me to call that ass of a man?”

“No. I just wondered how he knew where to find you. He’s jogging toward us.”

Ashley bolted up. “What!” She whipped her head around, spotted the shirtless sex god glistening in the sun, running toward them. “Crap! Come on, Kerri. Let’s go. Let’s go now.”

“Ash, we won’t get back to the house before he reaches us.”

“Quick, toss that other towel to me.” Ashley clambered for the towel and covered her head. “Cover your head too. Maybe he’ll jog past us without stopping.”

“You’re ridiculous, Ash. Playing ostrich won’t stop Sebastian from seeing you. Besides, he’s almost here, and now he’s waving.”

Without warning or hesitation, Ashley leaped up. She wrapped the towel around her waist and sprinted toward the house. Her chest heaved, and her knees buckled as she reached the path that ran alongside the beach house. She landed ass up in a sand dune.

“Hmm. What a view.” The thick, deep voice rang out, sending quakes rippling through Ashley’s stomach.

“Ugh! Can you go away and leave me alone?” She righted her position, sat in the mound, and covered herself with the towel.

“I’m afraid I can’t. We have a date tonight.”

Ashley’s fingers twitched. She wanted to slap that gorgeous, victorious grin off his smug face.

“Sebastian, I never agreed to go out with you tonight.”

“You never disagreed either.”

Her fist pounded the sand, and then she stood. The towel that had been so carefully wrapped around her fell to the earth. “This,” hand mounted on her hip, “is me disagreeing. Excuse me, this conversation is over.” His greedy eyes roaming her curves in the skimpy orange bikini she wore made her insides tingle.

Returning his inspection, Ashley’s eyes fixed on the six-pack on his stomach, slid down past his blue trunks, and landed on golden, toned legs.
Damn, he’s fine.

She whirled around, stretched a leg forward, eager to escape. Before she could flee, a strong hand grabbed her wrist.

Sebastian pulled her toward him. “Ashley. Stop running. I promise to be on my best behavior if you’ll allow me to enjoy your company this evening. I’ll pick you up at seven.” His pleading eyes flashed with uncertainty.

She snatched her hand out of his. “No.”

He stepped back. “I thought you were up for a little fun. Don’t tell me you’ve chickened out.”

She shook her head. “Nice try, but that won’t work. I’m allowed to change my mind.”

“What must I do to get you to go out with me just once? Or if you prefer, I can resort to stalking you.”

Ashley laughed. “You’re relentless. If I go out with you once, will you leave me alone?”

His perfect white pearls gleamed at her. “See you at seven, darlin’.” A triumphant grin glued to his face, he turned and jogged off.

With Sebastian out of sight, she screamed until her lungs emptied. “Ugh! I can’t believe that guy. Why me? What am I supposed to do now?” she muttered, pacing back and forth along the path.

Kerrigan strolled up in time to hear the last bit of Ashley’s rant.

“Ash, are you okay? What happened?”

The calm before the storm raging inside Ashley had come to an abrupt end.

“Ash, what’s the matter?”

Slowly Ashley lifted her head from her chest, blinking rapidly. Nervous, uncertain eyes stared back at Kerrigan. A surge of feelings overwhelmed Ashley, and shaky legs forced her collapse to the ground. “Kerri, I can’t do this. I don’t know how to move on.”

Ashley riffled through Kerrigan’s closet, searching for the perfect outfit to wear on her evening out with the one man who knew exactly how to irritate and intrigue her. The conflicting feelings that Sebastian stirred inside Ashley made her head spin.
One night. One date. Done,
she vowed, and continued her search for just the right outfit to wear.

Racks of clothes hung along two long walls on either side of a walk-in closet larger than Ashley’s entire loft apartment. She sucked in a deep breath. Her eyes glided over clothes and more clothes and shoes and bags.

“I can’t believe you have this much stuff in your vacation home. Truly sickening.” She poked her head out of the closet and yelled into the bedroom. Her voice reached Kerrigan, who huddled in a corner, deep in conversation with Axel.

Kerrigan lifted her head and covered the phone’s speaker. “Well, you know how Axel can be. He arranged for everything, including my wardrobe, when we stayed here for our honeymoon.”

Ashley rolled her eyes. Long fingers rummaged from one garment to the next. Fabrics in an assortment of styles, patterns, and colors lined the walls. The whole experience of finding an outfit overwhelmed Ashley. “I don’t want to wear anything too revealing. That would send the wrong message.”

Kerrigan strutted in and pursed her lips. “Why not wear a shower curtain?”

“Ha. Funny.”

“Wear what makes you comfortable. Whatever you decide to wear, you’ll be beautiful.”

“I’m not trying to look beautiful. Sebastian doesn’t need any reason to hope.” Ashley pulled out a strapless dress. Her eyes roamed the piece with caution. “This one. Simple. Elegant. Not overly stated. Yep, I’ll wear this one. What do you think?” She held the dress high and twirled the hanger around for a full 360-degree assessment.

Kerrigan’s eyes sparkled. “Perfect. That’s a great choice. Pink looks great against your skin. Sebastian will be awestruck.”

Ashley frowned, remembering the lusty look he wore when he appraised her on the beach. “On second thought, maybe this dress isn’t right.” She extended her arm, attempting to hang the frock back onto the rack.

Kerrigan snatched the garment out of Ashley’s hand. “Wear the dress, Ashley.” Laughter, like sunshine bursting through dark clouds, met Kerrigan’s seething scowl.

“Who are you?” Ashley questioned, amusement edging her words. “I swear, you sound like your damn husband.” She grabbed the hanger, tossed the dress over one shoulder. “All right, I’ll wear the dress,” Ashley said and then headed toward the closet door to make an escape.

In the solitude of her private guest suite, Ashley’s hard facade faded. She leaned against the strength of a tall teak armoire. Her back level against the side of the large wardrobe, she leaned back, head pressed flat against the hard oak wood, and closed her eyes. Lying on the bed across from Ashley, the pink dress taunted her. She couldn’t believe that Kerrigan had convinced her to wear such scandalous attire.

Ashley hated the feeling that settled deep in her stomach whenever she saw or thought about Sebastian Stone.
Downright pig.
His honest, yet disturbing, approach to the modern hookup repulsed Ashley. Her arms coiled around her waist, soothing the nauseous waves rippling inside her stomach. His charm, his charisma, what little he chose to display, excited her. The man played a good game, but her game would be stronger. Sebastian Stone never met a woman like Ashley Turner, and he wouldn’t soon forget her or the lesson she planned to teach him.

Ashley fiddled with the doorknob, anxious fingers sliding around the globe until the latch released. The heavy wooden door opened slowly. There stood Sebastian, dressed in relaxed khaki cargo pants and a breezy cream-colored shirt. The thin linen shirt, left unbuttoned enough to expose the arc of perfection, showcased his sculpted chest. Ashley watched his eyes rove her body. He didn’t attempt to mask his scope, probing her from head to sandal-covered toes.

Sebastian lingered on the front porch, both hands holding the doorjamb. “Wow! You’re beautiful.” The words oozed out of his mouth like sweet molasses poured over dung; the underlying taste foul despite the sugary sweetness poured on top.

Lips pursed, manicured hand pinned against one hip, and an attitude as sour as lime met Sebastian’s compliment. “I thought you’d be more original,” Ashley said.

Sebastian belted out a hearty laugh. “And I thought you’d be more appreciative. Obviously, sincerity and flattery doesn’t work for you. Let’s go, Cujo.”

Mouth opened wide, Ashley stood. Speechless. “Did you call me Cujo?” Ashley asked, her voice raised and wide-eyed glare locked on Sebastian’s impassioned eyes.

“Yup. Just like the 1980s movie about a rabid dog who attacked any and everybody for no good reason. Fitting, don’t you think?”

“Take that back or…”

“Or what, Ashley?” Sebastian stroked his chin. His patronizing tone made Ashley’s stomach twist.

He stepped back. His right foot teetered the edge of the wooden porch step. Both hands raised like a guilty man placed under arrest, Sebastian seemed to halt the tropical evening breeze.

Suddenly warm, she heaved hard breaths in the hall. Heavy legs anchored her there.

“What will you do if I don’t take my words back?” he taunted, eyes flashing with mischief.

Hands raised high, his defensive posture forced his shirt sleeves up the contours of his arms, his magnificent muscular definition displayed. Ashley’s eyes traced Sebastian’s every movement. Her eyes glued to him as his biceps stiffened into hard steel mounds. She sucked in a deep breath.

Her dress swirled in waves of fabric around her legs as she spun around and then stomped off. Words tossed over her shoulder, “I guess I’ll enjoy an evening of peace and quiet by myself. Without you,” Ashley cut her eyes at Sebastian, a sidelong glance. His eyes welded to her form as the sway of her hips moved in rhythmic harmony to their dance of words.

Sebastian followed her inside, paused his steps just beyond the threshold in the foyer. “I like you, Ashley. Does every encounter between us have to be a battle of wills?”

Her back to him, Ashley waved a dismissive hand. “Take it back, Sebastian, or leave.”

His footsteps tapped against the slick tile floor as he closed in. “I want to spend an evening with you. You’re beautiful. Complicated. Annoying. But goddamn, you’re sexy and interesting.”

Ashley rounded the corner and dipped into the kitchen. “Then you should have no problem apologizing,” she quipped.

“Agh! Ashley! I take it back. I’m sorry. Are you always this difficult?” Sebastian’s recanted words beat against her eardrums and satisfied Ashley’s temper.

Fingers curled tightly around the edge of the wall. Ashley poked her head out from the kitchen. “Difficult? I’m not difficult. I have no plans to lighten up, and I’m...” Ashley paused, frowning. “Sebastian?” she asked, peering into an empty hallway.

A warm sensation swept through her. Prickly stings radiated Ashley’s spine as hot breath singed baby-fine hairs at the nape of her neck. Her shoulders stiffened.

BOOK: Take Me Down (Suits in Pursuit)
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