The Witch, the Wolf and the Snowstorm: (Book 6, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas) (5 page)

BOOK: The Witch, the Wolf and the Snowstorm: (Book 6, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas)
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, man of mystery
.  “So does he live there with his mate, his wife, his girlfriend?”  Kayleigh eyed them all closely waiting for the answer.  Melanie was frowning at her.  Melanie could tell there was something up with her.

“No he lives alone.
  I heard a rumour he had a mate years ago but it ended badly.”  Answered Carly.

gasped but before she could react Terri lifted her head and looked around the room.  The bell on the Diner door jangled and she snapped round to see who it was, she squealed in delight.

Her mate Mal filled the doorway. 
“Hey baby!”

  Terri ran into his arms and he pulled her into a devastating kiss.

Finally letting her go he said. 
“The dragon at the library told me you’d be here and I wanted to surprise you.”

Terri ran her fingers through his thick hair.  “You’re
back early... not that I’m complaining I missed you like crazy!”

“Not half as much as I missed you!”
  He planted another kiss on her lips.  “Don said we made such good progress we could come home a day early.”  He told her boastfully.

“That’s wonderful sunshine, I’m so proud of you.”

He beamed at her like a puppy dog.  “I thought we could get lunch together.”

She looked at him sadly.  “Oh I’m having lunch with the girls... but I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if you joined us right?”  She turned a pleading pout to the table.

“Wellllllll...”  Began Melanie.  Terri’s eyes went wide.  Melanie sniggered.  “Of course we don’t mind, come on grab a seat.”

Mal sat down grinning, pushing a chair up as close to Terri’s chair
as humanly possible.  She was practically sat in his lap,
which might have been what Mal intended

“Also, I invited Don to join us.”  Said Mal helping himself to a big guzzle of Terri’s drink.  “That’s okay right?”

The other women agreed it was fine.  Kayleigh froze.  He was coming here, he was coming to share a meal with her.  She was sat there with hardly any make up on, no contact lenses, wearing dowdy shoes and an old bobbly jumper dress. 
Crap on a cracker! 
He was going to see her looking like a total frump. 
Did she have time to go home and get changed?

The bell on the door jangled and of course in strode Don. 
Damnit she didn’t even have time to go to the bathroom to sort out her frizzy hair
.  It had been a disaster that morning so she just pulled it back into a clip without even trying to style it.

Don moseyed over to their table.  “Ladies” he drawled tipping his hat.

The three other women, including Terri much to Mal’s annoyance, simpered and giggled at Don.  Kayleigh scowled.  Apparently she wasn’t the only sucker for a strapping cowboy.  She knew that at least two of the women were definitely off the market, but she couldn’t help feeling ire at their fluttering eyelashes.

Which was ridiculous, Don wasn’t hers.  She had Greg. 
Why did she have to keep reminding herself of that fact?

Don came and stood next to her, his hand on the back of the empty chair.  “Mind if I sit here?”  He rumbled, cocking a crooked smile at her.

“No, no, not at all, please do.”  She gushed. 
Get a grip girl!

Don lowered himself into the seat. 
Kayleigh felt herself tingle as his arm brushed against hers.  She swore if her dress hadn’t got sleeves he was so hot he would have left a burn mark. 

She glanced at him out of the corners of her
eyes, she didn’t dare to look at him in the eyes.  Not after the things she’d been dreaming of...  She focussed on keeping her breathing even.  She felt herself becoming wet between the legs and her nipples pebbling. 

She had to relax.  She was getting over
stimulated, she was having lunch with three wolves who had senses of smell a bloodhound would envy.  She did not want them sniffing out her arousal.

Don was just a guy, just like any other guy.  Okay so he was the sexiest guy she ever met, and just a look practically had her shuddering from head to toe in orgasmic release but... she forgot her point.

She thought about what
Carly had said, about him having a mate.  If he had found his true mate and lost her it would certainly explain why he chose to live so far removed from his pack mates.  Wolves were social animals, but shifters who lost their true mates often became withdrawn and sometimes unstable.  A twang of jealousy pulsed through her at the idea of another woman owning Don’s heart.

came back over and took the men’s orders, bringing them drinks a couple of minutes later.  Kayleigh scratched at her neck, maybe she was getting hives from her anxiety.  Her elbow jostled Don’s, sending a warm current through her body. 
Damnit the table wasn’t meant for six people

“Oh I’m sorry.”  She said hurriedly, blushing.

“Not at all.”  He murmured softly.  The smoothness of his voice made her sex flutter. 
She wondered if you could come just by listening to someone’s voice...

Don took the opportunity to study
Kayleigh, she was quiet and withdrawn.  Did she somehow know about the lewd dreams he’d had about her. 
Perhaps she thought he was a dirty old wolf...

Every night since they met he’d endured, or rather enjoyed, the strangest yet most satisfying lascivious dreams about her.
  Each night he dreamt up a new scenario, there was the cattle rancher, the farm hand and the farmers daughter, the boss and the secretary, the professor and the student and his favourite the doctor and the nurse.  They always ended the same way, but damn had they been fun.

But after spending his nights dreaming of taking pleasure in
Kayleigh’s body he wasn’t sure how to act toward her in real life.

And damn did she look pretty.  She was wearing a clingy dress that accentuated every glorious curve.  He was glad she was wearing her glasses, those contacts distorted her eye colour a little, making her eyes seem darker than they were.  He could now see they were flecked with dashes of amber. 
It’s like she was made for a wolf

She had on less make up than last time, letting her natural beauty shine through, and her hair was simply pulled back allowing him to admire the grace of her creamy neck.
What he wouldn’t give to sink his fangs in there...

Fuck, he had to get a grip!  No, there would be no sinking of fangs into anywhere. 
.  Kayleigh was not his and she never would be.  His wolf whined in irritation. 

Don felt himself paling.  No, if that was the way the wolf was leaning he could forget it.  They already had a chance to be with their true mate and they lost her.  He would not drag
Kayleigh into a relationship to be his pseudo true mate. 
No way

Having been with his true mate, having known the all encompassing love of having one, he could not allow
Kayleigh to be a substitute for her, knowing he would never love her as much. 
Kayleigh deserved better

“You okay Don?”  Asked
Carly sat to his left.

He groaned
, damn the little Omega probably sensed his emotional turmoil.  “I’m fine thanks.”  He said stiffly.  He tried to clear his mind, thinking of the least sexy thing he could to drown out all thoughts of the hot blonde on his right. 
Baseball, there we go, he always found that incredibly boring.

Terri and Mal were kissing and canoodling, everyone else ignored them assiduously.  Apparently six days was too long to go without your mate. 
Try twenty years thought Don sorrowfully

, the sweet new member of the pack brought over their food.  Don took the opportunity to ask her how she was doing.  She’d had a rough time and he was keen to see her settled.  True he wasn’t exactly social, preferring to live almost like a hermit, but he cared about his pack members.

Turning back to the table he caught a captivating little smile from
Kayleigh, full of pride.  Which quickly turned to an embarrassed frown when she saw him.  It delighted him no end to see her looking at him like that.  He was already aroused just by her nearness, but that darn look sent his desire off into outer space!

“So,” said Melanie loudly making Terri jump, “
Kayleigh have you set a date yet?”

blinked looking at her friend through a mouthful of beef stew.  “Hmmmm?  What for?”

Melanie creased her brow whilst picking at her steak. 
“For the wedding of course numbskull!”

Oh crap!  Right, yes of course...
  “Actually no, Greg and I haven’t discussed it.”

felt Don stiffen next to her.  She glanced in his direction, he held himself very still, his face looked grim.  Was he annoyed she was getting married?  Excitement bubbled within her. 
Did he feel attracted to her too?

Melanie looked at her in disbelief.  “You’re kidding right?  You’re telling me you haven’t already beaten Greg down to get
exactly what you want for the wedding?”

flushed.  “You make me sound like such a harpy!”  She complained heatedly.

Melanie held out her hands in placation
.  “Of course you’re not!  You’re just ballsy, it’s one of the things I love about you.”

, much to Mal’s chagrin, disentangled herself from his embrace, wanting to join in the conversation.  “So you really haven’t talked about the wedding at all?”

shrugged, she desperately wanted to change the subject.  “Nope, it’s not a big deal.”

Melanie pointed her fork at her.  “Just remember
if you want to book me as your maid of honor you need to let me know in advance, I have a busy social life I can’t promise I can fit you in.”

bellowed with laughter.  “Yeah right Mel, I’ll bear that in mind.”  She said sarcastically.

“Ooh, and me too, for bridesmaid that is.” 
Added Carly shyly.

looked to Terri.  “Anything from you?”

Terri chuckled.  “No ma’am.  I’m guessing by the time you get married I’ll be big as a house, you won’t want me waddling down the aisle after you.”  Terri rubbed her belly and Mal kissed her on the temple
, a punch-drunk look on his face.

Melanie turned to Terri and Mal.  “So guys, when do we find out whether it’s a boy or girl?  We’re taking bets over at Pizza Moon...”

Kayleigh breathed an inward sigh of relief.  Shouldn’t she be happy and excited about getting married?  The old Kayleigh would have been.  She would have gone out and bought a dozen bridal magazines and been nagging Greg to visit potential wedding venues every second of the day.  The old Kayleigh probably would have already found her dress and been wearing it round the apartment to do the vacuuming! 

What had happened to the old
Kayleigh?  It was obvious. 
She’d met a man she preferred to her fiancée.
  A man sat right next to her, smouldering away. 

But it was just a crush surely.  This was only the second time they’d ever been face to face
, most likely if they spent some more time together she come to see that was just animal attraction.  Hot, steamy, animal attraction... that ultimately paled compared to the love she shared with Greg.  Right? 

Don nodded to two of his fellow pack mates
and Sheriff’s Deputies, Gabe North and Jake Foreman.  He was pleased at the distraction.  On hearing Kayleigh talking about her upcoming wedding to that idiot human his wolf had gone wild, howling in fury.  It had taken all his discipline not to allow a partial shift. 
The wolf had tried to push his claws out.

watched with interest as Gabe flirted awkwardly with Kira, whilst Jake stood by tapping his foot impatiently.  Melanie caught her eye and grinned. 
Definitely a spark between those two
.  After a few irritated coughs from Jake, Gabe pried himself away from Kira and they left.

The rest of the meal turned out to be uneventful.
  Terri and Mal gushed about the baby and discussed potential names.  Carly talked about the plans she had for their Alpha’s wedding cupcakes, the wedding was two days before Christmas and Carly had been charged with creating all the cakes and desserts. 
It was Carly’s dream to open a cake shop
.  Melanie told them funny stories about patrons at Pizza Moon. 

Don and
Kayleigh remained quiet, only chipping in to the conversation now and again.  Not unusual for Don but Melanie worried that Kayleigh was seriously ill. 
She was normally such a chatterbox

After they had finished eating the group split.  Mal escorted Terri back to the library, trying to persuade her to take the afternoon off.
  Carly left to do some grocery shopping. 

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