Read Triple Play Online

Authors: B. J. Wane

Tags: #Erotic

Triple Play (13 page)

BOOK: Triple Play
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“Does that mean I don’t get punished tonight?” Ella couldn’t help asking even though she already knew the answer.

“Not hardly. Come on.” Holding out his hand, he led her to Mac’s car where he waited for them.

“You look nice, Ella,” Mac complimented her as he held the door open.

“Thank you.” Smiling, she scooted into the middle of the seat thinking this was almost like an ordinary date where the guy picked you up, complimented you, and held the door for you. That notion was squashed as soon as Sam sat next to her, lifted her leg over his hard thigh and shoved her dress to her waist as Mac pulled away.

“You remember the rule about not coming without permission, don’t you, Ella?” he asked as he slid two fingers into her thong and casually stroked the smooth folds of her cunt.

“If you want me to obey that silly rule,” she answered breathlessly as his fingers slid easily inside her, “then quit playing with me.”

Both men chuckled at her frustration. “Be nice, Sam,” Mac admonished, his eyes glancing between her splayed legs, catching sight of Sam’s glistening fingers as he pulled them out of her. “She’s got enough frustration coming her way.”

Sam casually wiped his fingers on her silk thong, leaving a damp spot, lowered her dress and lifted her leg off him. “Okay, but I get to frustrate her later.”

“Do I get to know what these plans are that include me?” she questioned, knowing the answer.

“No,” they both replied simultaneously, making her laugh.

“Dave and Beth are married and friends of ours. They met at
The Loft
several years ago and still play there once or twice a month. All they know is that you’re interested in being introduced to the lifestyle and have invited us to their home tonight. Behave, do as you’re told, and I think you’ll eventually enjoy yourself,” Mac lectured her.

Fifteen minutes later, they pulled up in front of a ranch-style home set on a large, tree filled lot. Dave, a tall good looking man in his mid thirties with dark wavy hair and dark eyes, greeted them at the door. His petite wife stood behind him, her black hair cut short and her grey eyes friendly and welcoming.

“Sam, Mac, come in. And you must be Ella,” Dave held out his hand in greeting.

“Yes, hello.”

“Beth, pet, say hello to our guests.” As if she had been waiting for permission, Beth stepped forward, kissed both Mac and Sam with a familiarity that wasn’t lost on Ella before turning to give her a warm hello.

“It’s nice to meet you, Ella.”

Ella said hello, trying not to stare. Beth was dressed in a simple, sheer sheath that barely reached her thighs. When she had stood on her bare toes to kiss Mac and Sam, they had gotten a good look at her naked pussy and buttocks, something she seemed completely at ease with, and excited by, if her pointed nipples were any indication. A very pretty silver collar adorned her neck, a diamond ring gracing the middle. Ella knew it was a symbol of her complete submission to Dave but was surprised by how natural, how right it looked on her slim throat.

“Ella, would you mind helping me in the kitchen?” Beth asked before turning to the men. “We’ll meet you downstairs in a few minutes with some snacks.”

Sam gave her a nudge, and Ella followed Beth into a large, airy kitchen. “You have a beautiful home,” Ella said as Beth loaded two trays with chips, dips, pretzels, and nuts.

“Thank you. Do you have anything you want to ask me before we join the men in the playroom?”


Beth smiled ruefully. “Mac and Sam really left you in the dark, didn’t they? That’s where Dave and I entertain each other and friends. Mac and Sam have been here several times.”

“You’ve fucked them,” Ella voice was neutral, but she couldn’t help the brief flare of jealousy in her heart.

“Several times. They’re wonderful Dom’s as I’m sure you know.”

“I’m still new at all this. I take it your husband doesn’t mind you seeing other men?”

Beth laughed. “I only fuck other men when Dave says I can and then it’s only a few, like Mac and Sam, who are allowed to fuck me. And Dave is always there as a participant. Do you want to fuck my husband, Ella?” she asked, smiling.

Did she? Dave was good looking and sexy. She knew she wouldn’t mind having sex with him, but she had never stooped to sleeping with married men and didn’t know if she could break that hard and steadfast rule.

“Your husband is very attractive, as I’m sure you know,” she replied evasively.

“But he’s married,” Beth answered knowingly.

“Well, yeah.”

“That’s nice, Ella, it really is. Dave would never go behind my back and have an affair and neither would I. The occasional times we party with others, it’s always more for my pleasure, indulging me with a ménage every once in a while, whether it’s with men or women. He gives me structure, discipline, pleasure, and most importantly, love.”

Ella imagined herself with Dave, Sam and Mac, or her and Beth while the men watched, and her misgivings disappeared. She wanted that, and them, and if they were okay with whatever transpired, then she could be also.

“I envy you. You sound very happy.”

“Well, neither of us will be if we don’t get down there. I’ve already had a taste of Dave’s belt today. I’m ready for my pleasure.”

Taking one of the trays, Ella muttered, “I’m afraid my pleasure is going to wait. I haven’t had my second punishment yet from some infraction a week ago that I can’t even remember.”

Beth laughed with her as they headed downstairs. “I’m sure you’ll get reminded. And, whatever you did, thanks. You’re error gives me another chance to fuck your men. They are soooo hot.”

“Yeah, I know. And they’re not my men. I’m just using them for kinky sex.”

“If you say so.”

Chapter Eleven

The lower level of Dave and Beth’s home had been transformed into a huge room to indulge every whim of Beth’s dominant husband. Interspersed with the traditional pool table, fully stocked bar, card table, and big screen television were apparatus’s Ella had only read about. A wide padded bench complete with four padded cuffs stood next to the television. Ella imagined Beth, or herself, strapped over it, hands and feet cuffed wide apart, bare, reddened bottoms left on display while the men casually watched a football game. The picture excited her, as did the sight of the large cross with more straps, and the array of floggers, straps, and dildos on blatant display. Large, comfortable leather furniture was dispersed throughout the room including around the game table where the men were seated and already involved in a hand of poker.

“Set those down and come join us.” Dave waved them over where they placed their trays on the end tables. Dave grabbed Beth and pulled her into his lap just as Sam did the same with Ella. “There,” he said smugly. “We’ll see who has the better good luck piece.”

“What about me?” Mac complained.

“I’ll share,” Sam offered magnanimously.

Ella relaxed against Sam’s wide chest, enjoying the feel of his hard thigh beneath her, the press of his crotch against her buttocks, and the sound of his deep voice reverberating above her. She enjoyed watching them play and listening to their good natured ribbing when Dave won the next three hands.

“Ella, sweetheart,” Mac said casually. “Bare those pretty tits of yours for us. That should be enough to distract Dave and give us a chance to recoup.”

One look at his face and then a glance at Sam told her they were serious. Reminding herself this is what she wanted, she slowly lowered her straps, dropping the bodice of her dress to her waist. Her bare breasts swayed and her nipples puckered as all their eyes went to her nudity. Sam reached up and ran his hand lightly over her nipples before kneading her flesh.

“Aren’t you going to deal, Dave,” Sam smirked as his friend ogled Ella’s impressive chest.

“Not until I even the playing field. Beth, pet, remove your shift now.”

It wasn’t lost on Ella the way both Mac and Dave had instructed them to bare themselves, letting them know they were not asking. Was that part of the thrill, she wondered as she watched Beth slip her sheath over her head, baring herself completely without reservation. Not being given a choice made it so much easier to comply, so much easier to accept what she wanted and needed from these two.

Beth’s body was lovely with her full breasts and Brazilian wax job on her pussy. The small straight line of hair was sexy and left her plump folds bare, her excitement evident by the dampness coating her lips. Dave kissed his wife on the neck while his fingers went to that damp flesh and spread her pussy open.

“I think we’re done playing cards for now,” Sam quipped, his eyes hot on Beth’s pink, wet flesh.

Ella squirmed in his lap, both excited and envious at the feel of Sam’s cock hardening beneath her, his fingers pulling roughly at her nipples, not knowing who he was lusting after. Mac’s state of arousal was just as obvious as Sam’s, his eyes just as hot on Beth as Sam’s were.

“What did you have in mind?” Dave asked, eyeing Ella.

“We thought we’d let you mete out Ella’s punishment tonight, if you’re willing?” Mac said, knowing full well Dave would be agreeable.

Pushing his chair back from the table, he replied, “I can handle that. Beth, you see to Mac and Sam while I take care of Ella.”

“Yes, Sir,” Beth complied eagerly, sliding off her husband’s lap.

“Ella, go to Dave and do what he says,” Sam instructed, nudging her up.

Ella’s heart beat triple time as she approached Dave. She avoided looking at Mac and Sam, not wanting to see what they were doing with Beth. She was so excited her thong was wet and clinging to her, but her trepidation and envy were at odds with her excitement. Her emotions were so jumbled she didn’t know exactly what she was feeling.

Patting his lap, Dave instructed, “Bend over, Ella. We’ll start with my hand and go from there.”

“Yes, Sir.” Ella found herself replying easily to his demand as she lowered herself over his hard thighs, her head nearly to the floor, her breasts hanging down, her ass pushed high. Dave lifted her dress to her waist and stripped her of her thong before his hand came to rest on her right buttock.

“You have a lovely ass, Ella. No wonder my friends enjoy punishing you so much. Your skin is so pale, like your lovely hair. It ought to redden easily.”

Ella didn’t know what to say to that. She was getting turned on more by the minute, feeling both vulnerable and excited by having a stranger rubbing her naked ass, preparing to spank her. The sight of Beth being held by Mac while Sam knelt between her spread legs, his mouth licking her cunt, added to her excitement. Her jealousy was gone, replaced by lustful anticipation.

Dave ran his hand over her backside and then dipped between her thighs, his fingers spearing her pussy. “Is it the sight of Beth with Mac and Sam that has you so wet, or your current position?”

“Both, Sir,” Ella admitted, glad he couldn’t see how that admission embarrassed her.

“Well, you’re here to be punished, not pleasured, so maybe we better get on with it. I want you to watch them while I’m spanking you, understand?”

Ella didn’t have time to answer before his hand descended on her right cheek, causing her to cry out. He wasn’t wasting any time as he smacked her ass repeatedly, hard measured blows meant to cause pain and discomfort. Grabbing the chair legs, she braced herself for the next swat, gasped, then lifted eagerly for more. She must be depraved, she thought, as she wept in pain and mortification over the pleasure she experienced from that pain. The sight of Sam and Mac stripping, of Beth kneeling between them, taking their large, hard cocks in her mouth and hands, only fueled her desire, sending her senses reeling out of control.

Her buttocks were on fire, swollen, burning, leaving her shaking with the effort to keep from coming. She wanted to make Sam and Mac proud of her, show them she could handle whatever they dished out, even if it was the last thing she wanted to do. Her eyes locked on theirs, theirs on her ass, as the three of them strived towards some semblance of control. Tears of pain and frustration tracked down her face and onto the carpet as Dave continued to smack her, covering her entire backside and her thighs. Her only consolation was that his hand had to be hurting as much as her ass.

It took her a moment after he stopped for it to register. Mac and Sam were groaning, their hands clenched in Beth’s hair and on her breasts as she sucked voraciously on first one and then the other’s cock, her hands busy on their balls.

“Stand up, Ella,” Dave ordered, his breathing harsh. By the feel of the bulge under her, she knew just how affected he was by either her spanking or his wife’s talent at sucking cock.

Ella rose shakily to her feet, her face tear streaked and red, her hair a tangled mess. Dave smiled reassuringly at her as he rose, kissing her lightly on the lips. “Now, strip, while I fetch the strap, and we move to phase two of your punishment.”

Ella cringed at the thought of more to come but did as instructed. Dropping her dress, she stepped out of it and her thong and her sandals all at once. Dave returned carrying a long, wide leather strap. Taking her hand, he led her a few feet back until he had her positioned under a chain dangling from the ceiling with two cuffs attached. Raising her hands above her head, he attached the cuffs.

“Are they too tight?” he asked.

Her arms were stretched tautly, but her feet were still flat so she wasn’t uncomfortable. “No, Sir.”

“Good.” Setting down the strap, he retrieved something from a small table. Turning back to her, he bent and sucked her right nipple hard, his hand kneading her flesh, causing her to moan and arch into him. Lifting his head, he chuckled. “I don’t think so, honey.” Grasping her pointed nipple, he quickly attached a small gold loop, tightening it so she cried out. “Relax, it’ll ease in a minute.” He then suckled her other nipple before attaching the matching loop, leaving a chain dangling between the two.

He was right, the pain quickly ebbed, leaving her nipples pulsing in numbness. Dave then instructed her to spread her legs wide before he attached cuffs that were anchored in the floor to her ankles, keeping her spread. Between her legs he set a small stool with a feather attached straight up. The feather rested just inside her spread cunt; and, every time she shifted her hips, it brushed softly against her clitoris.

BOOK: Triple Play
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