Read Triple Play Online

Authors: B. J. Wane

Tags: #Erotic

Triple Play (17 page)

BOOK: Triple Play
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She gasped loudly as the leather snapped against her flesh, panted heavily as the pain built with each stroke, along with the heat and the pleasure pulsing through her. She whimpered as he whipped her thighs, cried out and spread her legs further when he aimed between them. The bite of the strands against the sensitive, swollen folds of her pussy pushed her closer to climax and made her ache to be filled. Her ass was lifting for each stroke, her mind reeling with the onslaught of emotions coursing through her as she gave herself over to the inevitable and tumbled into climax. Shuddering, she shook with the pain induced pleasure.

She had no time to come down from the unexpected high before she was lifted, stripped, and blindfolded. Mac and Sam hoisted her onto the padded seat, raised her knees to her chest, securing them in place before strapping her wrists to the sides. Perched right on the edge of the short seat, her cunt and ass were exposed and easily accessible.

“Remember, Blondie,” Sam whispered in her ear, “Mac and I will be right here.” He kissed her hard, followed by Mac, before she felt them move away.

She had no time to dwell on the pain from her whipping as she felt a hard body move between her spread thighs. Large hands cupped her breasts as a hard cock filled her cunt in one smooth thrust. Crying out, she lifted toward the intrusion, eagerly accepting his invasion, another orgasm rippling through her with the force and speed of lightning.

What followed was a combination of erotic pleasure and total submission as she allowed herself to be publicly fucked by this stranger, followed by another in her cunt and then another in her ass. The seat back was lowered enough for her to take the cock that was prodding her mouth while another entered her pussy. She was extremely grateful for the lubed condoms and that none of them were too rough. She came several times, her body covered in sweat, her breathing labored as she struggled to accept the part of her that was enjoying this perverse pleasure, and fought to suppress the part that wanted desperately to call a halt.

Sam and Mac were watching her closely, waiting for any little sign that she wasn’t willing to continue. Finally, it was Sam who couldn’t stand to see her take another cock; and, by the look on Mac’s face, he was in agreement. With a silent motion, they each raised a hand, calling a stop to the initiation. There were moans of disappointment from a few men who didn’t get their turn; but, all in all, everyone was okay with their decision.

“That’s it, sweetheart,” Mac told her quietly as he and Sam worked to free her. “Can you walk?” he asked with concern as Sam removed the blindfold.

Ella just nodded as they slipped her dress over her head. She was sore and wobbly but nothing she couldn’t handle. Her body was flushed, her hair damp with sweat and clinging to her, and she reeked of sex. Suddenly, her emotions took a nosedive. She felt used and degraded as the club’s patrons went about their entertainment, forgetting her as easily as they had fucked her. She couldn’t explain why that bothered her or why she wanted to flee to the comfort of her apartment. For the first time since she had taken up with both Mac and Sam, she felt like a slut. Afraid of what she would see on their faces, she kept her eyes downcast as they bid farewell to a few friends and led her out the back way.

“I’ll get the car,” Mac stated when they reached the bottom of the stairs.

“You need to soak in a hot bath when you get home, Ella, and don’t worry about anything. We’re going to stake out your place the rest of the night. All the other girls were abducted sometime after they returned home. If anyone approaches your apartment, we’ll be able to see them, but they won’t see us until we’re on them.”

“Relax, Sam. I’m fine, and I’m not worried. I know you’ll be there,” Ella reassured him without looking at him. For some reason, she was finding it difficult to face them, afraid of what she would see.

Mac pulled up and they drove back to her place in silence. At her door, Mac kissed her lightly and Sam hugged her. “You did great, Ella,” Mac said. “Let’s hope your sacrifice was worth it.”

She finally got the nerve to look at them. Although self doubts about her actions tonight were plaguing her, she drew some comfort from the approval and concern she saw on their faces. “Yes, let’s hope so. Good night.”

“She’s feeling insecure,” Sam commented as they walked back to the car.

“Yeah, she should never play poker. She wears her heart on her sleeve.” Mac pulled out of the parking lot and drove up the street to Sam’s truck. “We’ll check on her after this case is closed, make sure she’s coping okay.”

“Then let’s get this son of a bitch. I’ll relieve Jacobs on the north. I’ve got my transmitters on.” Sam got in his truck and went to relieve the watch they had on Ella’s place while Mac snuck back around, traded vehicles, and then returned to the parking lot to relieve that watch. They didn’t trust anyone but themselves to keep an eye on her tonight. Neither of them admitted their reluctance to end their relationship with Ella.

Chapter Fourteen

An hour later, Ella was relaxing after a long, hot soak in her bath. Wearing nothing but a pair of boxer shorts and a t-shirt, she sat flipping through channels on the television. Though physically tired, she couldn’t turn her brain off to go to sleep just yet. Now that the ‘big event’, as she labeled it, was over, she felt let down and out of sorts. She had spent weeks preparing for tonight, both physically and mentally. That she had enjoyed the prep for her undercover debut went without saying, that she had come to care more for her two instructors was nothing short of idiocy. Now that it was over, she felt strangely let down. She knew her time with Mac and Sam was at an end, just as she knew she didn’t have the heart or the nerve to continuing patronizing Legends or
The Loft
without them by her side. They are the ones who made her experiences there exciting, who made her heart pound with longing, and her body vibrate with need. They are who she wanted and who she couldn’t have.

She had no idea what they thought of her now. They were regular players at
The Loft
, so tonight was nothing new to them, an acceptable and enjoyable sexual indulgence. Though she had enjoyed being bound and fucked anonymously, had come several times in fact, she knew it was not an experience she wished to repeat. All she needed, wanted, was her boys. Unfortunately, their solicitous, but unemotional attendance of her afterwards spoke volumes. They accepted her participation in their plans reluctantly and with coercion on her part. At the time, she couldn’t see past her need to avenge Melanie, but now she wondered if the pain of having everything she ever desired in a relationship, times two, and then losing it would be worth the sacrifice, especially if their seed didn’t bear fruit.

Ella was just wishing she could call or see Melanie when a knock on her front door startled her, drawing her out of her quiet contemplations. Setting the remote down, she warily padded to the door. She knew it wasn’t Mac or Sam. They would have called her first. She also knew they had her covered, so obviously who ever it was wasn’t a threat. Still, it was after one a.m., an odd time for someone to be calling. Peeking through the peep hole, she was surprised to see Carly from the club standing there.

“Carly, hi,” she greeted her as she opened the door.

“Ella, I’m sorry to drop in so late, but I’ve been thinking about you all evening, wondering if you were okay and couldn’t help but stop to check on you.” She shrugged a little sheepishly. “I know it can get pretty intense upstairs.”

Ella smiled, stood back, and waved her in. She wasn’t Melanie, but it would be nice to just chat with another woman. “I was just watching some late night TV before I turned in. Come in. Can I get you anything?”

“I’d love a cup of hot tea, if it’s not too much trouble. Will you join me?”

“Sure,” Ella replied leading the way into the kitchen. “Have a seat. Did you get off early tonight?” The club closed at two a.m., and she assumed Carly usually worked until then. Setting the kettle on to boil, she set down two mugs, placing a teabag in each.

“Yeah. I had a headache and it had slowed to a trickle so I talked Manny into covering for me. I’ll owe him one, but that’s all right. Thank you,” she replied as Ella set a steaming mug in front of her. “Do you have any milk? I like mine creamy.”

As Ella turned to retrieve the milk from the refrigerator, Carly quickly emptied a small packet into her cup. Pasting on a smile, she thanked her for the milk. She waited until Ella had taken several sips of her tea before asking, “So, do you want to talk about your introduction into
The Loft

“What’s she doing here?” Mac questioned, his irritation coming through loud and clear on Sam’s mike.

“I have no idea, but she’s going to deter our guy if he’s near. Shit,” he added as he watched Ella invite Carly in. “What the hell is she thinking?”

“She’s not, dammit. We didn’t cover any ‘what ifs?’ with her and she doesn’t think like a cop.”

“Because she’s not a cop. Let’s hope they don’t chit chat too long. Maybe I should call her and tell her to send Carly on her way.”

“Hold on, Sam. Let me run a make on Carly. Something’s not right here.” Mac quickly put a call into the precinct, got a hold of another member of their task force and explained the situation. “See what you can find out about her and get back to me ASAP, Will. Thanks.”

Ten minutes later, Will reported back to Mac and had both men cursing, reaching for their weapons and heading to Ella’s apartment just as her door opened. Leaning heavily against Carly, she appeared sick or drunk. Or drugged. Before Carly spotted them, Sam maneuvered around the side so he could come up behind them.

“Let her go, Carly,” Mac ordered, his hand steady as he aimed his weapon at her.

“I don’t think so.” Carly’s left arm was wrapped tight around Ella’s waist. Bringing up her right, she pushed a small pistol against Ella’s temple. “I thought you were through with her, Mac? After all, you dumped her off after spreading her legs for all your friends. You don’t care about her one way or the other.”

“And you do? Is that why she’s drugged?”

“Hell no, I’m just ridding the world of another slut. Now, move aside, or I’ll kill her here and now.”

Mac saw Sam moving in quietly behind Carly and knew they would only get one chance at taking her down. Both men were prepared to act when Ella surprised them all by driving her elbow sharply into Carly’s stomach, causing her abductor to double over and loosen her clutch around her waist.

“Mac!” Ella cried out as Carly’s gun went off and she felt a searing pain in her arm as she dove for the ground. Mac and Sam fired simultaneously, both hitting Carly, who was dead before she hit the ground.

“I’ve got you, Blondie.”

Sam’s worried voice permeated the fog clouding her brain and slowing her senses. Her arm burned where the bullet had grazed her, and she was starting to feel nauseous from whatever drug Carly had slipped into her tea. Thank God she had become suspicious of Carly’s actions before she had drunk the whole cup.

“I’m okay,” she managed to croak as Sam checked her pupils and then her arm. Mac knelt beside them and the concern in his blue eyes warmed her. “Carly?”

“No. I’m sorry, baby, we had no choice.”

Ella felt tears threaten and didn’t know why. Carly had been a serial killer and was responsible for Melanie’s attack. She had really fooled them all, especially her. “Just so you know, my days as a super agent are over. I’m going to stick with nursing,” she managed to slur as she heard sirens approaching and felt herself slipping into unconsciousness.

“Damn right they are,” Sam grumbled as he lifted her in his arms and handed her over to the paramedics.

“That could’ve ended a lot worse,” Mac said as they watched the ambulance drive off and turned to wrap up their crime scene.

“And it could have gone a lot easier if she hadn’t invited Carly in, hadn’t drunk whatever she gave her, and hadn’t tried to help us by attacking Carly. That woman needs a fucking keeper,” Sam griped in frustration.



“I said,” Mac stated emphatically, “she needs two keepers. Do you really think either one of us can handle her single handedly or that either one of us is going to step aside?”

Sam looked at his partner and best friend for a minute before smiling and slapping him on the back. “Looks like we have some things to discuss and maybe some vacation time to put in for.”

“Works for me, but I think that time is going to have to wait a week or two until we get this case wrapped up. We still have a lot of unanswered questions that will need some closure.”

“Yeah, unfortunately, with our suspect dead, some of them may remain unanswered.” They joined the crime scene unit in the hopes of piecing together the actions and motives of Carly Stanton.


It was late the following morning before Ella woke and was back to her normal self. She vaguely remembered the ride to the hospital and the pain and indignity of having her stomach pumped. Her doctor had just left and she was grateful to learn that she had ingested only a minute amount of the date rape drug, the same one that had been responsible for several deaths and Melanie’s coma. Her arm had needed a few stitches and would probably leave a small scar; but, all in all, she had been extremely lucky and an end had been put to Carly’s madness.

A rap on her door drew her attention as a female police officer peeked in. “Ms. Ward? I’m Officer Daniels. I’m here to take your statement. May I come in?”

“Yes, of course,” Ella answered as she struggled to sit up. She tried not to let her disappointment show that Mac and Sam had not come personally to speak with her.

“You have a guest waiting for you, so I’ll be quick. Detectives McIntyre and Shadetree gave a detailed account of what went down last night, so I just need you to fill in on what transpired between you and the suspect before leaving your apartment.”

Ella waited while she took a seat and got out her notepad, wondering who her visitor was. Probably someone she worked with, she thought, as no one else knew she was here yet. She slowly recounted everything she remembered about last night, including pretending to be more drugged than she actually was until she knew Mac and Sam were there to take charge. Reliving everything made her realize how lucky she was and how dumb some of her actions had been. She didn’t need a ton of bricks to fall on her to show her she wasn’t cut out for police work. She accomplished what she had set out to do, find the person who had so badly injured her best friend, and it felt like a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

BOOK: Triple Play
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