Read Undercover Attraction Online

Authors: April Rankin

Tags: #erotica, #sex, #anal, #cop, #stripper, #vibrators, #handcuffs, #kinky sex, #modern romance

Undercover Attraction (3 page)

BOOK: Undercover Attraction
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Jenna sighed, and nodded to Amy reluctantly.
“I’ll try, I promise.”

And the show began.



Chapter 2.

Nichols hated his job.

Oh, now don’t get him wrong, he loved being
an undercover investigator, but this was ridiculous. He shouldn’t
have to be undercover as a stripper in this club.

Both he and his partner had been chosen for
this assignment because of their looks and moves. Most of the other
guys on the force were middle aged, married, and no longer could
move it and shake it like this establishment required.

His partner, Rhonda Dobbs, was working
undercover as a stripper next door, checking out the other

The clubs were owned by the same woman, who
called herself Candy. She had called the precinct one day, giving
them the opportunity to work in her clubs to investigate a drug
bust they had been working on for months. She had told them that
she thought some of her dancers were somehow dealing while on the
clock, but had no idea how, or who. She had also told them that she
would allow an undercover cop in each of her clubs, but they had to
be sexy and know how to move it the way women and men wanted to

Granted, he knew he had moves and Candy even
paid him the same as she does the other dancers, but this was week
two, and now he had become their main attraction, much to Candy's
delight and his own misery.

Rhonda also had yet to learn anything and
frankly, Jacob was getting tired of playing man machine to the many
women who came to drool over hot guys. Not to mention, he was
feeling guilty about some of the lap dances he had to dish out,
especially when the woman had a ring on her finger as he gyrated on
top of her.

But here he was, still waiting for someone
to slip up.

Oh, he had a fairly good idea who was
pushing the drugs, but no evidence yet. And until then, he had to

Here we go again,
he thought, looking
down at his costume. Ironic, he thought, that Candy would dress him
as men in uniforms. First a soldier, then a fireman, and lastly, of
course, a cop.

He was thirty two, by God, not twenty, and
every time he left this place at night, he had a massive hard-on
that was rapidly becoming the norm for him.

He had avoided relationships for years,
other than the occasional no-strings-attached fuck that would ease
his aching balls and give him a sense of companionship, if only for
a few hours.

He had never wanted to bring a woman into
the kind of life his job demanded of him. Late hours, always on
call, gunshots, and all of the things a good woman could do

His mom had taught him that, when she left
him and his brother because she couldn’t deal with the
responsibility that came with his dad being a cop.

Jacob refused to let a woman have his heart,
and then break it when she couldn’t deal.

So here he was: thirty-two and single, with
the only thing to look forward to when he got home was a cold
shower most nights and a cold beer.
Yep, life was great

He heard the music for his first routine cue
up, and Candy shouted out his intro over the mic.

He had to cease his thoughts and get into
the mental state to dance. He didn’t mind shaking his dick in
women’s faces. Hell, he was proud of what he had, it was just the
hard-on, the blue balls, and the aggravation of knowing there was
no one at home to soothe the ache for him.

His intro was over, and his music was turned
up, the sad and forlorn military “Taps” blaring throughout the club
to mesh with his soldier uniform.

He came out onto the stage, plastic rifle at
his side, his head down, supposedly looking as sad and forlorn as
the music.

As soon as the last sad note was hit, a drum
cadence began, and he began to move his arms to the beat, the rifle
flowing through his hands in a rhythm he had learned just out of
high school, his few years in the Air Force.

Throughout it all, his eyes remained on the
floor, until he knelt, at the last note, setting the rifle next to
him. His next song began, Fifty Cent’s “She Wants It”, and he moved
around the stage in a seductive dance, scanning the crowd with his
senses to see if there were possibly any deals going on.

Of course not.

The crowd was bigger than usual, though, at
least by half. Every place to sit was taken, and Jacob figured
something was going to happen tonight. There were women everywhere,
there to see his sexy routine, to fawn over his glistening muscles.
He heard them screaming “take it off”, and when he did a back flip
onto the pole standing in the center of the stage, they went

He noticed a group of women just beyond the
edge of the stage. He couldn’t see them clearly because they all
had their heads bowed together talking to one another. But
something drew him. He felt a tug that way, and kept his eyes on
them the entire time he slid down the pole to flip again onto the

He began to unbutton his shirt, and the
women once again went wild. They always did. He knew he was good
looking, but Jesus, these women acted like they had never seen a
hot man before.

Sometimes it embarrassed him. Not tonight,
though, when he had to keep his eyes open for anything

He had to flip onto the pole again, upside
down, spinning and making sexual innuendos against it.

One of the women in the group he had been
watching threw her head back, laughing at what one of her friends
had said.

He almost fell off of the pole.

There in the center of those women was a
rare diamond. No, not a real diamond, but a captivating woman. His
eyes wouldn’t leave her face and he had to make a genuine effort to
focus on the rest of his dance.

Nelly’s “Tip Drill” began, and he ripped his
pants off. He vaguely heard the roar of the crowd as he watched the
reaction of the captivating woman.

He noticed her eyes widen and her mouth drop
open. Her friends were screaming and clapping, while she just sat
there, stunned.

He went back to the pole, flipping and
climbing and even rubbing his scantily clad package against the
cool metal.

Women came in droves to the edge of the
stage with bills in their hands. He hated this part. Well, sort of.
He grabbed the first woman, turning her around to face away from
him and bending her back over the stage. He guided her hands to her
cleavage, stuffing the bill into the crease between her

Her breathing hitched as he slowly skimmed
his mouth down her neckline and then into her shirt for the money.
He pulled it out with his teeth and kissed her cheek in thanks.

Yeah, he knew that almost every female in
here would be horny after the dancers did their seductive “money
grab” from various parts of their bodies. Many of them would ask
for lap dances and then he would be grinding against them for an
hour until his next routine.

He went from one woman to another,
collecting bills, tucking them into the almost non-existent
camouflage bikini g-string he was wearing. Yeah, like any man would
really wear these unless they had to. Talk about a permanent
wedgie. Not to mention the lack of support for his boys.

His last song cued up and he grabbed bills
as he danced along the way. He couldn’t help feeling disappointment
that the woman he really wanted to put his mouth on didn’t come.
One of her friends did, though, but that wasn’t good enough. He

His music ended, his closing announcement
boomed over the speakers, as well as an invitation for private lap
dances. The women clapped and yelled, blowing him kisses as he
walked off stage, past Drake, the next to dance.

Jacob slid on his military cargo pants and
proceeded into the crowded area to serve drinks and entice women
for lap dances. He really hoped no one would want one, unless it
: the woman he headed to first.




Jenna was about plastered. She had drunk
another three drinks once the first stripper had come out, she'd
been so embarrassed.

Now she didn’t know if she was still
embarrassed or elated. Especially after that last dancer. There was
something about him that called to her. She just wanted to stare at
him, but had tried not to seem so obvious. Amy noticed her staring
and commented on it, asking her if she wanted a lap dance from him.
Of course she had screeched “No!” and tried to act like she was
indifferent to his looks.

But she wasn’t. He was perfect. He had the
type of body that was often in a gym. Not stacked like those buff
body builders or anything, but cut enough that his individual
muscles were easily discernible.
Begging to be licked

And she had heart palpitations when he
ripped his pants off. I mean,
Oh My God!
Shouldn’t it be
illegal for a man that hot to wear such a small piece of fabric to
cover his goods? Her hands itched to touch him, and she had curled
her fingers into her hands, her fingernails pricking her palms.

Shea leaned over towards her. “Your hot
soldier is coming this way, Jenna. You should get a lap dance from

“What?” Jenna shrieked. “No lap dances.
Watching them all up there naked is bad enough; I don’t want them
to rub their stuff all over my body.”

Shea laughed as Amy said, “They aren’t
naked, and if you watch him like you did last time, you’re getting
a lap dance before we leave here.”

Mackenzie leaned over Shea so she could be
heard also, “I am getting one from the first dancer later. He was
like ‘whoa’. So, yeah, definite hottie-factor on me tonight.”

They all laughed. Well, until Soldier stood
in front of them.

Jenna’s mouth watered. He was even sexier up
close. Her heart started thumping as he introduced himself.

Jacob was polite to them. Introductions went
around and he knew her name. Jenna Howell. Of course women used
code names lot here in Vegas, so he didn’t know if it was a real
name or not, but he thought it suited her.

She licked her lips and he felt his dick
start stirring. She had luscious lips. Full and dewy, perfect for-
never mind

The girl directly to Jenna’s left- her
sister Amy- if names were correct, ordered four drinks. He noticed
Jenna groaned when she did, and almost smiled to himself.

Not a drinker, huh?

Oh well, he was going to make sure she had a
good time tonight. He brought their drinks back, on the house, and
noticed Shea had scooted over a bit to allow him room to sit by
Jenna. He liked her immediately.

He sat, putting his arm around Jenna,
carrying on senseless conversation, absently rubbing his fingers
along her bare arm. He felt goose bumps rise and thought,
I am affecting her.

He watched her take a huge gulp of her drink
and supposed she was trying to drown out the effects he was
causing. He wished he could drown out what she was doing to him,
but unfortunately, he had to stay alert, despite his aching

He did find out it was Jenna’s birthday, and
decided to incorporate that into one of his dances, mainly so he
could get close to her, try to seduce her.

“You know, we have a gift for you,” Jacob
said. They always kept little gift bags of goodies for those women
who come in celebrating their birthdays and bachelorette parties.
“I will bring it to you before you all leave, but for now I must
visit with the others.”

Jenna felt a pang of jealousy, even though
she knew she had no reason to. He was a stripper, for God’s sake,
so she knew he had to mingle and touch on other women.

Within moments, she saw him leading a woman
towards the side door, no doubt heading into a personal room for a
lap dance. His eyes rested on hers the entire time he walked past
her, burning a hole into her, sending her a silent invitation.

“You are eating him up, honey.” Jenna opened
her mouth to deny what Shea was saying, but her sister held up her
hand, cutting her off.

“Don’t deny it. We all know the look, sis,
and you got it.”

“What look? I don’t have a look,” she told
them all, which got a huge round of laughs.

Amy put her arm around her, “You know…
The Look.
look. You were so giving him
the look

“I was not. You are all out of your

“Nope, but the good news is that he was
giving you the look right back. I bet he wants to be your birthday
present.” This from Mackenzie.

“So what? He's a stripper, and I think all
of you have fallen off a turnip truck.” She took another long swig
of her fruity drink.

Amy couldn’t let the issue drop. “You need a
man, one for the night anyway, just for fun, no strings attached.
You are both attracted to one another, so why not have a lap dance,
then go from there? I may take the hot little doctor home with me,
if his lap dance proves promising.”

“Amy! You wouldn’t.”

Amy just smiled at her with that evil glint
in her eye, which meant she was considering her options.

The current dancer dipped and threw himself
against the pole, practically wrapping his scantily clad package
around it. Shea screamed and began digging into her little clutch
for some bills.

Jenna watched as she walked to the stage,
letting the dancer pull the scrap of money from her low-cut bra. He
kissed her on the lips and she walked back to them in a daze.

Shea sat with a huff, simply saying “Oh. My.
God. He’s mine.” Her eyes were glued to him as he finished up with
his music and walked off stage.

Jenna just laughed, “You girls have

Mackenzie leaned over. “You mean you aren’t
horny as hell and wanting a good time? If not, you have the issues,
hun. I am about to get my lap dance either way.”

BOOK: Undercover Attraction
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