Read Undercover Attraction Online

Authors: April Rankin

Tags: #erotica, #sex, #anal, #cop, #stripper, #vibrators, #handcuffs, #kinky sex, #modern romance

Undercover Attraction (4 page)

BOOK: Undercover Attraction
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A really young dancer walked over to them,
the first out earlier tonight. He looked only about eighteen, but
he had moves. He politely asked if they wanted refills, and they
all declined.

“I want a private dance, though, sweetie.”
Mackenzie piped in.

He grabbed her hand and led her towards
where the soldier had disappeared with his woman.

Grrr. No not his woman. A woman. And
haven’t they been back there forever?
Jenna stamped down the
jealousy again.

A new dancer jumped on stage, easily going
into the rhythm of the music. She finished off her drink, feeling
the alcohol take her over. Yeah, she was good and drunk now,
watching everything as if it were surreal.

Shea’s dancer came out into the crowd, and
she motioned him over before he could go anywhere else.

“Hey, no fair. I wanted him, too.” Taylor
said to Shea, swatting her arm over Amy and Jenna.

Shea smiled over at Taylor. “Why don’t we
see if we can both go?” Taylor nodded with a big smile on her

They talked for a moment with the new guy
then he led both Taylor and Shea to the back.

Good Lord,
Jenna thought,
wants a piece of these strippers.

She looked over in time to see the woman her
soldier had taken back-
Whoa! Her soldier? Where had that come
walk from the little corridor to take her seat again.
She looked flushed, and well, hot. The woman fanned herself with
her hand and began telling her girlfriends about the

Well, where was Soldier Boy- what’s his
name? Jacob?- He had yet to come out.

“Uh huh. You want him,” Amy said, dragging
Jenna’s eyes from the spot where he had disappeared.

“So, what if I do? It’s not like there is
anything I can do about it.”

“Yeah, there is. You are just too scared to
go for something you want this badly.”

“Am not. He’s just a stranger, that’s

“Jenna, all men are strangers until you get
to know them.” Amy patted her hand. “I think you deserve one night
where you don’t have to worry about giving anything. Just let him
show you that you are still human. I promise, you will feel much
better tomorrow, but it is up to you to take the first step towards
what you want.” Sometimes Jenna thought Amy was too wise for her
own good.

Jenna worried her lip for few moments,
letting her drunken brain comprehend what Amy had been saying.
Basically, she should try to seduce her soldier because she wanted

Mind made up, she went to the restroom to
check her makeup. Granted she was slightly wobbly now that her legs
had been filled with rubber, but she wasn’t falling over drunk.

She did her duties in the nice restroom and
hurried back to her sister, who was ordering another set of

She’s trying to kill me,
thought to herself, trying to remember how many drinks she had
drank tonight. Unfortunately, she couldn’t quite count them, her
mind was too fuzzy.

She sat back down, well, more like plopped
down, once again scanning around for her hot stripper. He still
wasn’t out yet.

She looked over at Amy, who was pulling
bills from her wallet to pay for their drinks. The waiter/dancer
shook his head, “They are on the house, compliments of Jacob. He
said to get you ladies whatever you want tonight.”

Amy gave him a tip anyway and graciously
thanked him, then looked over at Jenna. “Honey, if you don’t give
him some to thank him, I will.”

Jenna smiled at her sister, “Back off. I
have resolved myself to my fate. At least for tonight anyway.”

A huge smile split her sister’s face. “Thank
God. I thought you would never get any and become an old spinster
lady with fifty cats and spider webs that a gynecologist couldn't
clean out. At least this is a good first step.”

Jenna didn’t bother to answer her; instead,
her hot soldier came out from the opposite side, apparently having
gone all the way around behind the stage. And he was ignoring the
other women, making a line straight to her.

Jacob had gone to the back after lap dancing
for his customer. First off, his mind just wasn’t in the dance this
time, he kept thinking about Jenna, wondering how he would get her
back there to himself for few minutes. His body was already acting
on its own, disobeying his command to not get all hot and bothered
before his next set.

He had gotten her birthday package, which he
knew for a fact held some sort of love kit, condoms, and a stuffed
bear with ‘Happy Birthday’ across its chest.

Candy had the same gift for the
bachelorettes, substituting the birthday bear with a little bridal

He carried the gift bag over to the girls,
handing it to Jenna and then taking a seat next to her, once again
putting his arm round her.

Amy leaned up so she could thank him for the

His response was “My pleasure” but his eyes
were glued to Jenna.

“Are you ladies staying for my next two
routines?” he asked them, not wanting Jenna to slip between his
fingers before he could sate his curiosity.

“Oh yeah,” Jenna said, then quickly flushed
when she realized she had spoken aloud.
Stupid alcohol.

“Great. I am up again in about five minutes,
so I should get to the back to change. Enjoy the show, and I will
be back shortly.”
Up again? If only they knew
, Jacob

He usually didn’t have a massive hard-on
until his third set, but it was becoming impossible to keep his
dick from twitching every time he looked at Jenna.

He couldn’t even keep his mind on looking
for the drug deals he knew would happen tonight. All he could think
about was
Those luscious lips that could wrap him in
bliss, those long legs that could hug his hips as he thrust into

Yeah, he was definitely in trouble here.
Especially since his blood had deserted his brain much earlier than
any of the previous nights.

Jacob went to the back and began preparing
for his next routine. The fireman.
This was dumb
. He wanted
to get to his last routine, the cop. He knew he could then get out
of this place for some peace and quiet, or hopefully, some naughty
sex with Jenna.

His music cued up again, and he swore if he
never heard that damn country song “I’m your fireman” again, it
would be too soon.

He danced for Jenna. All the others faded
into the background. His eyes came to rest on her each time he
looked out.

And Jenna’s eyes were locked on him.

She was watching him watch her. And he was
turning her on. Her clit throbbed against the silkiness of her
thong, and she craved to have him licking that part of her. Her
heart had started an insane rhythm when he jerked his pants off,
revealing his “hose” already long and filled in his flame

Women once again littered the front of the
stage, but every time he ducked into one of their cleavages, his
hot eyes remained glued to hers, beckoning her to come to him up

She decided to take his challenge, reaching
for her little clutch, and pulling out a ten. Of course she was
nervous, but the alcohol in her blood wouldn’t let her back down.
She walked up to the stage, waiting her turn behind the throng of
women who wanted a piece of him.

His eyes still remained on her, a smile on
his face when he realized she was coming to him.

And then there she was, in front of him,
offering him money he didn’t want but would take just to touch

She was nervous. She knew he could tell, but
all thought fled her mind when he touched her.

He bent her backwards over the edge of the
stage, her feet on the floor, her head between his legs where he
knelt above her. Her little top rode up above her belly button,
giving him an eyeful of sexy flesh he then wanted to taste.

He guided the bill down, down, having her
tuck it low in the waistband of her jeans.

Jenna had an eyeful of man-parts from her
perspective. He grinned down at her, his eyes glittering with lusty
intent, as he slowly began to lick and nibble from her neck down,
slowly climbing down her body until his cock was positioned
directly above her face.

Her breaths became pants, little bursts of
air that seared his cock right through the thin fabric of his

He groaned, his mouth slowly teasing her
below her breasts. He leaned lower, licking a line down her belly,
feeling her smooth skin tense with each brush.

God she was so hot. She was burning him. Her
breath got hotter and hotter the lower he went, bringing him closer
to her face, making him swell with each breath she panted out
against him.

He dipped his tongue under her waistband,
making her moan, sending thrilling vibrations throughout his
engorged dick. He bit her gently on her lower belly, a promise that
this wasn’t over, and swooped in to take the money with his

He helped her stand back up, her eyes as
lust filled as his surely were, and planted a kiss on her full
lips. She walked back to her seat stunned, and sat back in her
designated spot.

Shea, Mackenzie, and Taylor were back, and
all of them gave her loud whoops and cat calls.

Amy laughed at her. “Oh. My.
That was like watching live porn.”

Jenna sighed at her sister. “I just might
take him home. That was amazing.”

Her sister just gave her the ‘I told ya so’
look with a raised eyebrow.

The hottie that had caught Mackenzie’s
attention came back carrying a tray of drinks, handing one to each
of the girls.

Jenna began sipping on hers absentmindedly
to cool her overheated body as she watched the remainder of the

It was rather awe inspiring. He even turned
the 'Happy Birthday' song into an erotic, sensual dance that made
her wonder if he could move like that horizontally. No one should
be able to undulate and gyrate their bodies like that. It defied
physics. It definitely had to be a crime in some states.

It was also very evident that the other
women appreciated his moves, if the yells and whoops were any
indication. Jenna was almost tempted to stand up and yell “He’s
mine, so back off” to all the other female patrons ogling his buff
body. But of course, she couldn’t do that.

His set ended and Jacob quickly cleared the
stage, pulling on his pants once he stepped off. He wanted to get
back out to Jenna as soon as he could. He went to the bar first,
grabbing the bottle of water Candy held out to him then went to the
sofa where Jenna sat with her buddies.

“That was the best thing I have ever seen.
Where did you learn your moves?” The woman sitting directly to
Jenna’s left asked.
Amy, the sister
, he told himself again,
just to remember her name.

“I can’t tell all my secrets. The next one
is even better, though,” he said. They all squished together to
make room for him, between Jenna and her sister. “Would any of you
like another drink?” he asked as he watched Jenna drain her

“Yes, please, except for Mac, she’s DD
tonight,” Amy said.

He held up his hand to signal the bar, and
Drake, one of the younger strippers-slash-bartenders hurried over,
asking what they would like.

“Surprise us,” was Amy’s answer.

Jacob crooked his finger at Drake, and
whispered something in his ear; the bartender nodded and ran off to
do his bidding.

Jacob rested his arm along the back of the
sofa, caressing Jenna’s bare arm. He noticed a few women trying to
catch his attention for lap dances, but there was only one person
he wanted to rub against tonight, so he ignored all others. They
would just get another dancer anyway, so no harm done.

“Where are you all from?” He was trying to
make small talk to keep his mind from thinking about how soft her
skin was. Already he could feel the inevitable hard-on stirring
again, just from being in her proximity.

“Boulder City for me, the university for all
of them,” Jenna said, looking directly at him as she answered. He
had the darkest eyes she had ever seen on a man. Dark gray with
silver flecks, intense, intelligent.

Jacob could drown in hers. Those green
depths held a lot more than intelligence. She had a way of looking
directly at him, as if she was trying to judge his soul by staring
into his eyes. Most of the other women he knew had shifty glances,
shielding their eyes, avoiding his when they spoke, but Jenna
didn't. She had a direct stare, as if she wasn't afraid of

Their drinks arrived, breaking the spell and
Drake handed them all out to the girls.

“What is it?” Amy asked as she took

Drake smiled, “Sex on the Beach for you
two,” Amy’s and Taylor’s. “A Buttery Nipple for her,” he handed
Shea one, “virgin Blow Job for you”, Mackenzie’s, “and a Wet Pussy
for you,” and he handed it to Jenna, who was fairly red in the

“Oh, my, it’s like an orgy!” Amy said,
laughing. “Drink it Jenna, don’t just look at it.”

“I’m almost scared of the results.” But she
drank it anyway, allowing the fruity concoction to dance on her
tongue for a few minutes, the alcohol in her blood allowing a pool
of wetness to gather between her thighs. Of course the sexy
individual next to her was helping matters along by rubbing his
hand along her arm, creating a trail of tingles.

There was more than just an answering call
of desire floating in Jacob’s veins. He wanted Jenna with more than
he could possess. He wanted to claim her, to make her know forever
that she was heating his blood, to mark his name on her soul.

He could feel
body answering
call, her arm breaking out in goose bumps where he
rubbed, her thighs spreading a bit to allow her leg to rest along

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