Unfinished Business (Erotic Reunion) - a SEXY romance short (3 page)

BOOK: Unfinished Business (Erotic Reunion) - a SEXY romance short
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rolled her eyes dramatically. “Excuse me?” Was he always going to begin a
conversation with that?

don’t show your face for two days, and then suddenly you’re here, mingling.
What do you think you’re up to?”

you like to know?” she asked sweetly. Gosh, she could kick him where it hurt!
And yet…he looked so damn hot when he was angry. But then he was
angry, it seemed. Standing there
in his light blue shirt tucked into his snug jeans, his black scuffed boots
making him look like something from a very hot, spicy Western…Diane found
herself turning to gulp quickly from her drink once again. Damn she needed a


is your problem with me?” she asked on a deep sigh, finally facing him again.

do you think?” was his pointed, laconic reply.

Diane was really getting pissed off too. “Oh…so just because I didn’t stay
around to be your small town missy…”

wish,” he cut in coldly.

wish,” she gritted out, thunking
down her glass with force. She’d shown up here specifically to let him see that
he didn’t scare her. She’d been hoping he’d be present and she’d been banking
on riling him up, especially after his comment about her leaving town. He had
to see that he couldn’t intimidate her and certainly couldn’t make her feel
unwelcome in her own hometown!

continued on an angry breath, “You could never forgive me for leaving Hollows
– leaving you. Well get over it, Brent. I’m sorry if I hurt you but
that’s life. The sooner you put it behind you, the better it will be. Carrying
that huge chip on your shoulder…”

“Oh, I
think I know what I’d rather be carrying over my shoulder,” he broke in once
again, eyes smoldering into hers as he looked into her furious face. She
stopped short, surprised by his swing of mood. Why didn’t he ever stick to one
emotion? One minute he was tearing into her, and then the next, he looked ready
to throw her on her back, spread her wide and…

shook her head at him. “I think I know what’s biting you,” she said sagely,
slipping off her stool and standing face to face with him. Well, face to chest
considering that even in her
high heeled
boots, she
was more than a head shorter, but still…

what could that be?” he asked, tipping his head in exaggerated interest.

smiled thinly. “I think you know, Brent Harper. You and I…we have some
unfinished business. Maybe it’s high time we brought things to its logical

“I have
no idea what you’re talking about,” he said, and her smile merely widened. She
leaned closer, near enough so that her body was not even an inch away from his.
She let herself into his personal space, teased him with her softness, her
sweet heat. She looked way up into his eyes and saw them darken and flash with
instant awareness.

grew breathless just standing this close to him. Everything else seemed to fade
around them; the other patrons, the music, the sounds of glass against glass…It
melted away beyond time and space till Diane could swear she could hear the
distant thumping of his heartbeat banging in time with hers.

tells me you do. You need to get me out of your system, Sheriff Harper. That’s
all there is to it,” she purred, shocked by her own audacity. But heaven help
her she was sick of skirting around; they had this thing burning between them
and it
needed to be fed and
extinguished so they could
move the hell on. Or so she told herself….


seemed to hiss in a breath as she pressed forward till the curve of her breast
was all but magnetized to his hard-packed torso. He didn’t say a word
his eyes watchful, blazing. Filled with cautionary glints
that warned her she was stepping on dangerous ground. But he didn’t scare her,
uh uh.

looks like you’re off duty for the night, Sheriff,” she went on in a soft,
stirring tone while her hand slid up his arm.
Just a light,
feathery touch that teased the dark hairs swirling there.
She swallowed
at the hint of sensation beneath her fingertips, and bit on her lip for a
moment before adding, “So maybe you and I can go someplace and get
this…settled, once and for all.”

think?” he finally growled, but Diane could hear the husky depth in his voice.
She sensed the powerful heat he gave off that was all masculine energy just
seeking to spill itself into a willing receptacle. She had to smile wickedly to
herself that in this case, she wouldn’t mind doing the honors, so to speak…



another word, she turned smartly away from him, walking off and taking the path
through the tables to the back where the restrooms were located. As she
remembered, it was also the way to the exit
door which
led out into the alley. Diane didn’t need to look around to know that Brent was
following her – as she intended.

But she
couldn’t be totally sure – not until she’d reached the exit into the
alley and was about to duck into a doorway, when she felt a strong hand tug on
her arm.

shoved her into the nearby wall with just enough force to make her gasp.
Instantly, she felt his solid, throbbing body pin her back against the wall.
Their lips met in a kiss that needed no preamble before it corkscrewed into
hot, lustful passion.

moaned as he took hold of her wrists and held them up on either side of her
head, keeping her prisoner so he could rampage the insides of her mouth with
his firmly demanding lips and moist, sweet tongue. Unable to help it, she
rubbed up against him with her lower body, and felt that tell-tale stiffness
that meant only one thing: she just might be getting what she wished for


me you were just talking crazy,” he growled minutes later, when he peeled his
lips from hers to look down into her glazed over face. She could feel his
fingers tighten around where they restrained her against the wall, and she
shook her head firmly.

wasn’t.” Her clear brown eyes held his with equal amounts of purpose and
desire. “It’s always been there, Brent. The ache.
You and me.
Well, it’s time we scratched that itch or else it’s never going away.”

that what you think this is? An
Brent said in his gruffest voice yet, and her heart pounded the more. “You
really think a romp in the sack is going to cure everything that’s happened? Is
that the miracle pill, Diane?”

licked on her suddenly parched lips and tried not to think how good he felt
pushed up against her. The buttons of his shirt bit into her soft flesh, making
her involuntarily squirm against him.

woman stop moving!” he rasped, and she went still, even as her insides turned
to jelly at the fiery look of desire in his eyes. He went on thickly, “Yes,
it’s true that I want you. Yes, it’s been biting into me all these years till
every woman I ever bedded just seemed like a shadow of what I could have had
with you…
this isn’t happening. This isn’t how I
want it to happen.”

tell me how,” Diane said on a breathless sigh. “Because now I know deep down
why I needed to come back…why everything suddenly seemed empty and unstable all
around me. I needed to be safe. And that’s how I feel when I’m around you,
Brent. I feel like I belong. When you touch me…something melts deep inside.
It’s always been like that. Back then…and even more so now.” She inhaled
raggedly, adding with soft ache, “Deep down, I never forgave myself for
throwing away my chance with you. And I wish I could turn back time but…”

eyes held his imploringly, wanting, needing him to understand. He burned her with
as he seemed to want to pierce through to her
soul. At last, she felt a shuddery sigh escape him as his forehead rested on
hers for a moment.

make me so mad with wanting you…and since I knew you were back, I don’t think
I’ve had any decent sleep. I’ll wake up rock hard in the middle of the night
and all I can think of is how I want to possess you…own you till my name is the
one thing you’ll have imprinted in your brain.”

whole body shuddered at the intensity in his voice, his words. She felt the
lips of her pussy swell and strain against the crotch of her tight jeans,
making her press her knees together to repress the ache.

happens now?” she asked softly, her chest heaving as she gave her lips another
moistening lick. His eyes followed the movement, and she could swear she heard
a feral groan rumble in the base of his throat.

starters, I’m not going to let our first time happen here in some cramped back
alley,” he said with certainty. He released her wrists, before grabbing her
round the waist for one more deep, eating kiss that held enough sensual promise
to make her weak at the knees…



It took
Diane several moments to even remember where she was or how she’d got there.
Lying prone, with the pillow propped beneath her belly so that her ass was
raised in a hump.

She was
naked, of course. Though she couldn’t recollect exactly when her clothes had
been separated from her body. She tried to move her arms, but then felt the
slight scrape of metal on her wrists and she raised her head to find her hands
were handcuffed on either end of the bed.


it all came back in a rush. Her whole body thrummed in total recall…and all at
once, she became aware of the soft, teasing lips running up the slope of her

you okay
” Brent’s voice tickled upon the tiny hairs
on her flesh, and she shivered.
Holy cow
must have passed out that last time when he’d brought her to yet another
universe-blasting climax…


the very first kiss when they arrived past the door of his place, it had been
like setting off an explosive.

barely made it to the bedroom before ripping out of their
suddenly seemed to be on fire. Impossibly aroused by the sight of
his gorgeous, toned body with its near zero percent fat, not to mention his
rock hard, purple tipped cock that rose impressively to point at his chin…
she couldn’t help herself from
lowering to take him into her mouth.

his considerable girth in both hands, she’d made him groan out loud as she
sucked on his cock, bobbing her head steadily over his thickness so that every
time she went down on him, he bumped against the back of her throat. Then she’d
slide up again, and then down…coating him keenly with her slippery saliva while
pumping on his base with firm, ravenous strokes. She heard her name spill from
his husky tongue again and again as he’d cupped the back of her head, rocking
his hips in time with her sucking motions.

And of
course she couldn’t resist those rugby balls that hung so deliciously in his
sac. She took those in her mouth as well, tenderly rocking them on her tongue
and finally forcing him to the brink. By this time, he’d gripped her by the
shoulders and drew her up to cling to her lips in the most passionate of

Brent had swung her in his arms before he unceremoniously dumped her in the
middle of the bed, making her squeal. In seconds, he’d got her face down and
kicking, and she’d giggled and squirmed till suddenly, she heard the “chink” of
metal and looked up to find he’d handcuffed her left hand to the left bedpost.


he’d taken her other hand and did the same, effectively shackling her to his
bed. Instantly, a rush of red-hot excitement had rippled through her frame…

with utter care, he began to work his way all over her from neck to toe. His
lips, his tongue, his hands…they’d done things that no man had ever known to do
to her. Diane had lain there with her face pressed in the pillow to muffle her
cries of bliss as with every lap of his tongue, with every stroke of his
fingers and with every touch of his lips, he drove her insane.

It had
been amazing to feel him bury his face in the cleft of her ass cheeks and suck
at the juices frothing from her pussy. He’d spread the luscious orbs wide so he
could access every inch of her swollen cunt, chewing ravenously on her folds
and then sipping on her clit till it throbbed with a mighty rush of arousal. In
no time, she was racked by her first orgasm of the night, so impossibly powerful
that she’d thrashed and shuddered for several minutes.

love it when I touch you…your body sings to every beat I strum,” Brent told her
with his own voice ragged with desire. His body pressed over hers and she could
feel his full length pushing her into the mattress. Bound by the cuffs, she had
nowhere to go as he sank his teeth into her earlobe. His hands slipped beneath
her to cup her breasts, tweaking the eraser-thick nipples till she felt another
fountain of want begin to bubble within her once more.

BOOK: Unfinished Business (Erotic Reunion) - a SEXY romance short
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