Unfinished Business (Erotic Reunion) - a SEXY romance short (4 page)

BOOK: Unfinished Business (Erotic Reunion) - a SEXY romance short
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Oh, Brent
,” she moaned, her back arching
in sensual delight as his large hands squeezed hard upon her aching tits. “I
can’t stop it…I can’t help the way you make me feel when you touch me. It’s
like I’m under your spell.”

I’m under
spell,” was his husky
rejoinder, and she let out a half-sigh, half-groan. There was no way she could
take much more of his hands on her body. Her full tits felt even heavier as
lust brimmed and overflowed within her. His palms scooped and fondled, pumping
up the flames that once again flickered against her sodden sex.

think I like the fact that you’re cuffed to my bed, Miss Diane Wilson,” he said
softly, feathering one hand down her belly to smooth over the apex of her
pussy. Diane’s teeth sank into the pillow to hold back her sobs of bliss. “And
if I have my way, I’ll keep you here for a long, long while…punishing you and
pleasuring you in turns…”

” she gasped, throwing her head back
as he pierced into her with two knowing, questing fingers. He stoked her like a
crackling log till she was blazing into flames beneath him. Deeper and deeper
he shafted her, those ever-loving fingers bringing her to yet another
tumbling-down climax.


It took
a few sharp smacks to her ass to bring her jerking back to earth again, and she
blinked, and then whimpered with agonized delight as she felt the flat of his
palm strike upon her soft, bouncy flesh.

Diane began, straining against her cuffs, shocked
at her own wantonness. It was then she remembered he’d asked her if she was
okay. Swallowing moisture down her throat, she told him, “Yes, Brent, I…I think
I am.”

think?” he asked on a chuckle that was deep and gravelly. Once again, he lifted
his hand and then brought it back down with an even louder “thwack”.

Diane sprang
up despite herself, savoring the sensation of those hands connecting with her
flesh. There was a fevered thrum within her pussy as even after two very
intense orgasms, she was voracious for more. The sweet
from his spanking only made her feel
more vitalized, more willing for
whatever came next. The blood had never rushed so fast through her veins; she’d
never felt such a volatile mix of joy and torment.

bottom wobbled and tingled as again and again he smacked her flesh, sometimes
unto the more sensitive area right beneath her ass. She cried out somewhat
helplessly, torn between lust and torture. She stung with the force he put into
each blow, but with every volt of pain there was an echoing edge of bliss. She
loved it, begged for it; ached for more…

don’t want to stop, baby,” Brent growled, though his hands stilled for a moment
to slide soothing over the pinked globes of her ass. “You feel so good. It
makes me so damned hard to lay my hands on you and make you squirm and moan…”

He bent
low till she could feel his lips moistly trace the shape of her raised behind.
“But now I’ve only managed to work myself up the more.” He chuckled deeply, and
she sighed, about to say something like she was glad he was finding some humor
in the whole situation…

“Brent…” She couldn’t help the sound of
sensuous anticipation in her voice.

ready, baby,” he told her gruffly, before seizing hold of her long hair and
wrapping it round his wrist till she was arched half off the bed. He turned her
face to the side so their lips almost touched as he breathed out in a raspy
voice, “The question is…are you?”

ready,” she replied, aching for his
lips to meet hers. But he merely laughed – the devil! He’d find some way
to punish her, she knew. Even as at the same time, he prepped her up for


legs were pulled together till they almost met, and her smarting ass was raised
upon the pillows to make an inviting hump. She felt his body settle heavily
upon her from the back and she welcomed the weight, welcomed the sensation of
his cock sliding up and down her ass cheeks. She shuddered at the erotic
sensation. Soon, she’d have that hot plank of flesh spearing into her throbbing

teased her some more with the tip of his shaft, making her shudder and strain
even more against her cuffs. Oh, how sweetly and wickedly he tormented her.
Keeping her imprisoned beneath him, unable to move or touch him, forced to stay
on her back while he slowly positioned himself on his knees on either side of
her closed legs.

expected it, sensed it even. But she wasn’t prepared for the surge when it
finally came.

every thick, long inch of him, gliding between the globes of her
bum which
parted for his deep, powerful penetration into her

was…magnificent. Everything she’d ever dreamed. Wedged beneath him, she could
do no more than take what he had to give. And he gave so much. He pounded his
groin against her ass and sent his cock as far into her sheathe-like cove as
far as he could go. The smack smack smack of their bodies was like a symphony
in tune with her moans and his grunts. He
her, took her – owned her. In that moment, Diane forgot every lover she’d
ever known.

Lost in
the sea of bliss, it was all she could do to keep from screaming as suddenly,
he thrust incredibly deep. There was that magical spot, right there…no there…
was everywhere, and still he managed to hit them all.

couldn’t stand it; couldn’t hold back. His powerful arms were braced on either
side of her, the perfect muscles standing out in detail as with every stroke of
his shaft, he jolted her. His thrust grew in speed and precision and Diane knew
he was close. Just like her, he was standing on the needle-thin rim, ready to
tumble into the waiting waves.

she felt him bend over her shoulder and sink his teeth into her sensitive
flesh. It was a honeyed bite, tipped with just the right edge to push her over
and over past the point of no return.

whole body splintered and spasmed, and deep inside her, she convulsed around
his cock. She heard his muffled groan as he too, succumbed to the power of his
thunderous release. His hips pumped those few times more and then he stilled,
his shaft throbbing within her walls and making her whole body vibrate around
him. It was

He must
have said the words in her ear, because she smiled, unable to speak because she
was speechless, boneless. He fell upon the bed beside her, freeing her from the
cuffs and then tugging her up to him for a hot, claiming kiss. Best reunion sex


Bonus Story!


‘Sexed Up,

(Book 1 of ‘
Up Series’



Damn it,
she was running off again.

didn’t understand it. Anytime he caught a glimpse of his beautiful, elusive
neighbor, she seemed to be scuttling away before he could even say hello.

was it about him that scared her so much? More to the point, what was it about
that intrigued him beyond belief?

had only seen her properly
. And
yet that one time had been enough to be embedded in his memory. Slim, almost
painfully so, and dressed in heavy, dark clothes. Her hair, long and ash
blonde, was shaved down to a buzz on half of one side, while the rest of her
silky looking locks cascaded over the other side of her face. Their eyes had
caught and held as he’d been coming into the elevator and she’d emerged. They’d
all but bumped into each other, but she’d righted her balance in time before
they could collide.

about that, mister,” she had mumbled, and her voice had been slightly deep,
very sexy. He’d looked into her jewel-like green eyes for that split second
before she brushed past him.

turned and watched her walk off quickly out of the apartment building, moving
through the revolving doors without a backward glance. He’d stepped into the
elevator and it was only when the doors closed that he suddenly remembered he’d
stopped breathing.

she was beautiful. Those haunting green eyes, her full, puffy lips with the
natural glow of pink in them…her unblemished though somewhat pale skin…She
looked quite young, perhaps early twenties – which made him at most ten
years older than her. But then surely that wasn’t such a turn off, was it? Not
like he was some perv stalker-to-be. But it would have been nice if she stopped
to say hello each of those times they’d
run into each other again.

she was more content to do the scampering thing and disappear round the
corridor or down the stairs before he could say a word. Damn. He’d really have
liked to know her better. There was something different about her.
A bit of an edge, a hint of the exotic in her beauty.

then Ethan had to remind himself that an involvement, even fleeting, with a
female at that moment was out of the question. For one, he was monumentally
busy with keeping his lucrative publishing business on track – and in
addition, there was the very recent, very messy break-up with his ex, Leanne. He
still wasn’t completely over

fact, he should be shuddering at the thought of even getting near a woman right
now. Hadn’t Leanne proven that the species were hardly to be trusted? Not only
had she tried to steal from him via his company’s funds, she was also a
self-confessed gold digger whom he’d overheard telling her friend she was only
with him for all that family money.

, he thought, with an actual
shudder this time. To think of how close he’d been to getting married to the
seemingly career driven, glamorous and sexy Leanne Wilbur. Her family was old
money, though from the way she’d been desperate about getting her claws into
his cash, then that old money was all but crumbling into non-existent smoke by
now. Not that he felt sorry for her. With her sophisticated good looks and
lofty aura, she’d be finding another rich sucker soon enough.

his hand through his short raven black hair, he forced back those thoughts and
finally stood in front of his door which he unlocked before he went in.


drew in a relieved breath as she shut her door behind her. Still not quite
sure, she twisted to look through her eyehole. Okay, not that she really
thought he’d follow her, but…

just couldn’t understand why that guy got to her so much. Well, apart from the
fact that he was sexy as sin and undeniably gorgeous, of course. The fact that
he seemed several years older did nothing to detract from her attraction, it
heightened it. He had to be above thirty and yet he had the whipcord build of a
guy ten years his age. Every inch of him had been impeccable.

ago, they’d very much almost run into each other – again. It was like
fate was being deliberately cruel. Either that or he’d somehow mastered her
routine and knew just when she’d been coming in or going out –

she thought to herself, finally moving from the locked door and advancing into
her very nicely furnished, open plan apartment. Well, not exactly hers, but,
well, it already felt like home. There was something to be said about living in
a plush
, spacious abode with every needed gadget
available and to top it off, the best view of Manhattan a soul could wish for.

was why she’d rather not do anything to jeopardize that. Which meant, of
course, keeping a low profile in the building so that no one could guess that
she had no right to be there.

Samantha, her best friend, had allowed her to move in while she was away in
Barbados with her fiancé, she’d made Hailey promise to be careful. For one
thing, squatters and sublets were not allowed. And certainly, people who
weren’t the exact tenant weren’t allowed to actually live on the premises.

Hailey had been broke, not to talk of out of work for the past few months. And
short of going back to stay with her uncle and aunt (lord forbid), she’d had to
ask her best friend the favor of allowing her stay in the exclusive apartment
till she could get back on her feet. And that meant finishing the many
freelance web content projects she was handling for some online businesses
– as well as maybe working on some new titles to show a publisher.

that would have to be soon, she told herself with a deep sigh. She hadn’t
written anything in ages. Working under the pseudonym Faye Harley, she’d
published a few things independently which weren’t exactly bringing in the
bucks. It barely paid enough for her to feed and clothe herself and pay for her
transportation. And short of taking charity from her eager to help, well
meaning friends, Hailey knew she’d better work on something good enough to show
some decent publishers or she’d starve.

Well, a
voice told her, you could always get a normal job…

But for
some reason, Hailey cringed at the idea. She’d worked for people before and
hadn’t liked it. Also, she hated the conformity of it, not to mention the
drudgery, of waking up to do the same thing every day. Unless, of course, it
was something she absolutely adored doing. And if it paid
well, of course.

BOOK: Unfinished Business (Erotic Reunion) - a SEXY romance short
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