Authors: Vallen Green

101 EROTICA STORIES (11 page)

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Instead of giving a verbal response, Lauren leaned up to capture his mouth in another searing kiss. Matthew responded by lifting her off her feet and setting her on top of the counter, allowing them to virtually be on the same level. Her arms went around his neck as her legs locked around his waist, heat from their bodies seeping into each other’s skin, though neither complained about the temperature rising between them.


His hands traveled up her sides and slipped under her bra, pushing it up and over her head. He growled almost inaudibly at the sight of her perky breasts. Reaching for another piece of ice, he smirked at her before dragging the cube across her chest. She sucked in a breath as he circled her nipples, hardening them to peaks with the cold. As he moved the cube to her right breast, his mouth came down upon the left, his tongue lapping at the cool flesh. He repeated the action on the other breast before moving further down her body with another piece of ice.


By the time he had reached the top of her panties, she was a writhing mess of limbs, almost making her regret the idea of using the ice cubes to cool down. But at the same time, she relished in the amount of attention he was giving her and anticipating the sensations he was making her feel.


Lauren leaned back on her hands as his fingers dipped into the waistband of her underwear, her hips rising slightly off the counter so he can pull them down her legs. He held up a finger, silently telling her to wait as he moved back towards his table to pull his seat. She threw her head back in laughter as she realized that Matthew had pulled it up so he can be more comfortable as he settled back between her legs.


With another smirk, he popped a cube into his mouth swirling it around with his tongue. She bit down on her lip in anticipation of what was to come, trying to imagine what it would feel like. When his mouth finally descended on her, she couldn’t suppress the squeal that bubbled up from her chest. The cold was definitely a shock to her system, but add the ministrations of his mouth and tongue, and she had no chance. Her hips bucked wildly when he inserted a cool finger into her hot center, the odd sensation only serving to turn her on even more. Soon, her squeals dissolved into moans as he expertly gave her head.


He licked, probed and suckled on her pussy until she came, his mouth greedily feasting on whatever she gave him. Pulling his fingers out, he lifted his hand to her mouth, eyes darkening with lust as she licked his fingers clean of her own essence.


“Hey Matty,” she said huskily as she jumped down from the counter. “Turnabout’s fair play.”


He spun his seat and casually leaned against the counter, eagerly waiting on what she was going to do. He kept his gaze on her as she plucked a cube from the bowl, her fingers dripping with cold water from the melting ice. She quickly popped the cube into her mouth and straddled his lap, his hands flying to her hips to help keep her steady.


He hissed when her wet hand dipped into his boxers and grabbed onto his cock. One might think that the cold would take away from the mood but the relief it provided from the humidity had him wanting more. His grip around her waist tightened when she leaned down to place wet kisses along his neck, her mouth sucking on the tender flesh. He groaned as her hand started to stroke his member. He could barely contain himself when it was him doing the teasing. He wanted nothing more than to fuck her senseless now that she was causing the delicious torture.


It seemed that he wasn’t the only one thinking and feeling that way however, his eyes shooting open when he felt her guide the tip of his cock along her wet center.


“Please tell me you’re on something?” he asked lazily, growling when she nodded her head against his neck just as she rolled her hips, pulling herself down onto his cock.


Planting his feet firmly on the floor, he guided her hips into a steady rhythm up and down his cock. Her arms went around his shoulders for support, pushing her breasts against his face. He greedily took a nipple into his mouth, his tongue licking around the hardened peak. He could only take so much of the slow pace that their current spot restricted them to before he decided that he wanted more.


Without pulling out of her warm depths, he stood up and made his way to his table, impatiently swiping at whatever things were on top, not caring if he tore through projects or ended up breaking his tools.


Lauren chuckled when Matthew moved to adjust the angle of the table. “My, my, aren’t we a smart one?”


“Don’t tell me you never thought of that?” he teased back.


“I did,” she started, a sly smile creeping up her lips. “And interestingly enough, I always thought of you and your table too.”


“Yeah?” he asked, smirking as he looked down at her with heavy-lidded eyes. “What else did you think about?”


“I thought about how you’d fuck me slowly, grinding your hips against mine to tease me,” she said huskily. Her teeth bit down on her bottom lip as he started to do just what she had described, taking in the experience before continuing with her thoughts. “Then you’d pull out agonizingly slow, making me feel every inch of you until just your head is left inside my pussy.”


He swallowed thickly as he listened to the sound of her voice, the low tone making his cock twitch. Again, he did just as she described, waiting for what was next.


“Then you’d thrust right into me so fast that you make the table shake,” she said, gasping as he did just that. Her gasp dissolved into a moan as she felt him buried all the way to the hilt, filling her up completely.


Without saying anything else, he repeated the actions. Pulling out slowly before suddenly thrusting deep, over and over until her head thrashed from side to side.


“Keep doing that,” she said in between gasps. “I’m gonna cum soon, just keep going.”


Just as she said, after a couple more thrusts in that pace, he felt her walls clamp down around his shaft. Their moans mingled together as she rode out the waves of her orgasm.


“Fuck me,” she said evenly after a few seconds. “I want you to fuck me fast and hard.”


“Your wish is my command,” he replied slyly. “You better find something to hold on to.”


Lauren wrapped her arms around his shoulders as James gripped onto the edge of the table for added leverage. He started off in a slow and steady rhythm, gradually picking up speed until he settled into a frantic pace.


He gritted his teeth as each thrust pushed him closer to the edge, the steady stream of obscenities rolling off her tongue representing his thoughts as much as hers. Not long after, he felt her walls start to tighten around him again, a telltale sign that she was close to another orgasm.


“Let it go, baby,” he urged. “Come on, cum with me.”


He risked letting one hand off the vice grip he had on the table and snaked between their bodies, his fingers easily finding her clit and rubbing it in circles.


“Fuck, fuck, fuck!”


With that exclamation, her body violently shook, her orgasm ripping through her body. Her nails dug into his shoulders as he continued his assault on her pussy but he could only hold out for so long until her walls milked him of his own climax, his hot seed spilling into her in spurts of creamy liquid.


His body fell slack against hers as they lay on top of his table while they desperately tried to catch their breaths.


“Now we have an even bigger problem,” she said with a groan.


Matthew lifted his head off her shoulder to look her in the eyes. “What’s that?”


“It’s still hot, I’m sticky and we’re out of ice.”


He shook his head at her response, and chuckled at how easy it seemed to be for her to jump right back to being her playful self with him. Flicking his wrist to get a glimpse of the time, a smile slowly made its way onto his lips.


“What are you smiling about?”


“Well,” he started, pushing himself off the table and effectively pulling out of her. He smirked as a whimper bubbled up from her chest. “It’s past three, and I don’t think we’ll be getting any calls or appointments for the rest of the day. What do you say to closing shop early and heading to my place?”


Lauren feigned a thoughtful look, appearing to mull over her options as he pulled his boxers back up into place and started walking around to gather the rest of his clothes.


Throwing a look over his shoulder, he added “Did I tell you that I had this waterfall shower installed two weeks ago and that I am quite fond of putting my air conditioning on high?”


“Let’s go!”




 Not long after the door was pushed open, Lauren found herself with her back against the wall, Matthew’s lips feverishly massaging hers. She let him take complete control over the kiss, moaning at how his hands groped whatever part of her he could reach while his tongue probed her mouth. She felt herself become weightless when he picked her up, her legs instinctively wrapping around his waist as he made his way around his own home.


The next time her feet found the ground, she found herself in the middle of his large master bathroom. Pulling his lips away from her, he made quick work of her clothes, stripping her down to her naked form before getting rid of his own clothes.


With a gentle tug on her hand, he led her into the shower. He pulled her back into his embrace, her body pressed flushed against his, before his lips descended on hers once again. He chuckled when she gasped into his mouth after, unbeknownst to her, he had turned the knob to turn the shower on bringing the cold water raining down on their bodies. He broke the kiss for a few moments to adjust the temperature to something more comfortable, smiling over her head when she burrowed further into his chest.


“We definitely should have done this a long time ago,” she mumbled against his skin.


While he knew that she meant it as a good thing, it actually served to dampen the mood. The fact that they were business partners in a startup firm quickly brought itself back to the forefront of their minds. Crossing the line of their partnership and friendship into something physical could mean trouble for them. They may have openly admitted to wanting the other, but it was strictly in a physical sense and said in the heat of the moment. What now when they seemed to have clearer heads and the weight of their actions was finally dragging them both back to reality?


“What are we doing?” Matthew asked, daring to break the silence that had washed over them.


“Showering,” came her lame response. Lauren sighed when she didn’t even get a hint of a smile. “I don’t think we fucked this up,” she began to say in a more serious tone. “At least, it’s not fucked up if we don’t allow it to get fucked up. Do you get what I’m saying?”


“So what are we doing?” he asked again, wanting a little more clarity.


“I guess it depends on what we both want,” she replied. “I like you,” she confessed. “I always have. But I guess we never had good timing when it really comes down to it. We graduated high school and moved off to different states for college. We dated other people and broke up with them. When does comforting the other after heartbreak really allow for feelings, right?”


“You liked me since high school, huh?”


“That’s what you took from that?” she asked, slapping a hand against his shoulder.


Matthew allowed a laugh to pass through his lips before calming down, figuring he needed to tell her how he felt too. “If you want to see where this goes,” he began. “I really would like to try.”

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