Authors: Vallen Green

101 EROTICA STORIES (7 page)

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“And that you’re unabashedly in love with Christian Bale,” he quipped.


“See,” she said with a scoff. “Marshall doesn’t know these things, yet you do.”


Anthony kept silent as he watched her press her fingers against the jewelry. He had decided to buy her something that would have meant more than just some shiny new thing that she could show off, but he should have known that it would be so very uncharacteristic of a gift that supposedly came from Marshall Brooks. It was in having that thought in his head that realization dawned on him – Cassandra knew that it was him, and not her husband, who was behind all the other gifts as well.


“I’m pretty sure that he thinks that a wedding, paying for gifts and having sex on occasion is all that comprises of a marriage,” she said, an edge to her tone that made him feel sorry for her. She raised her head to meet his gaze, a watery smile on her lips as she asked “Will you help me put it on?”


He gently pried the box away from her grasp and plucked the delicate chain from where it sat. She lifted her arm and held her wrist out, her eyes cast down as he fastened the bracelet around it.


“There you go,” he said, patting the back of her hand and guiding it to sit against her lap so she can see how the jewelry looked on her.


“Thank you,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “It means a lot that someone actually listens to me.” Anthony opened his mouth to say something but opted to shut his mouth when she shot him a look. Cassandra touched the bracelet with her other hand, a wistful smile coming across her lips as her fingers traced each of the charms. “I’m not even sure if Marshall’s aware of these things, especially the Batman thing, or maybe even the Irish connection. My maiden name doesn’t exactly scream Irish, does it? Cassandra Adams – no, definitely doesn’t sound Irish.”


Again, he wanted to go on his boss’ defense. The way she sounded as she talked made him think that sooner or later, she was going to end up saying how she wanted out of the marriage. And he could only imagine what it would be like once Marshall returned from his business trip only to find out that he was soon to be without wife number five. And given that he would have been the last to see her, Anthony mind end on the receiving end of his boss’ wrath. But while he felt a sense of fear in having to deal with his boss at a later date, his sympathy towards Cassandra kept him from speaking. So instead of saying anything, he kept all of his thoughts to himself as he listened to her talk.


From how one upstart photographer met one of the most successful businessmen in all of the United States, to how he had pursued her, to how she had fallen in love, to how he proposed, to their wedding, and all the way down to how their marriage had come to a standstill – Anthony just took it all in without a single word escaping his mouth. He figured that in a marriage where it seemed that only one person gave a damn, what Cassandra needed most was someone who would just sit with her and listen to what she had to say and understand how she felt. And that’s what he did.


At some point in their long conversation, they had moved from the bay window over to the couch; the almost empty bottle of wine she had taken from dinner turned into three empty bottles shared between them. Perhaps it was their inebriation or the intimacy of their conversation or perhaps even sheer stupidity, but the two found themselves engaged in a heated kiss that neither wanted to break any time soon.


Their lips met fervently, his moving over hers almost as if to swallow her whole. When his tongue darted out to trace at the seam, she easily parted her lips to give him access. His tongue delved into the warmth of her mouth, exploring every crevice before engaging in a battle for dominance with her own tongue. Not one to quickly succumb, Cassandra pushed at his shoulder just enough to make him lean back, giving her enough space to maneuver her body to straddle his lap. The moan that bubbled up from her throat as she settled against him brought him back to reality however, as he was made painfully aware of the predicament they were in.


“Wait,” he said breathlessly after tearing his mouth away from hers. “What are we doing?”


Letting the effects of the alcohol she consumed take over, she brought her head back down, wanting to catch his lips in another kiss. She was stopped from doing so when he took both of his hands and placed them on her shoulders, keeping her at a distance.


“We can’t do this,” he said in a rush. “You’re married to my boss for fuck’s sake.”


She smirked at his choice of words. “Fuck is what I think you wanna do,” she said huskily, rocking her hips against his lap, feeling his erection against her center.


Anthony groaned at the delicious friction she was creating. He couldn’t hide how much he was turned on when he was standing right at attention against her ministrations. Hell, even without alcohol, if this kind of situation presented itself to him and a woman as beautiful as Cassandra was involved, he wouldn't hesitate to take part in it. But she was still Marshall’s wife, rendering her beyond off limits.


“Marshall isn’t here,” she said, as if she had managed to read his thoughts. “He’s not gonna be able to stop us. No one’s here to stop us.”


He tried to protest once again, but he was quickly becoming weak against her actions, his hands leaving her shoulders and falling limp by his sides. He stiffened when she leaned down and spoke into his ear, her hot breath fanning against his skin. “I know you want me, I can feel it. And I definitely want you. So what do you say Anthony? Let’s do this, you and me. No one has to know. ”


What little fight he had left in him was quickly forgotten when she reached behind her and untied the straps that were holding up her dress, the top half falling to reveal her naked chest. His eyes darkened with lust as he feasted at the sight of her creamy flesh. His hands reached up to cup a breast in each palm, slowly kneading them. He rolled the dusky pink nipples between his fingers, hardening them into peaks. She gasped at the sensation, a curious mixture of pain and pleasure.


Her own hands busied themselves by unbuttoning his shirt, her fingers tracing the muscles of his chest and stomach as more of his flesh was uncovered. His hands left her body to shrug off the garment, leaving her whimpering at the loss of contact, only to moan when his warm mouth covered one breast, his tongue licking over the nipple repeatedly. He paid equal attention to her other breast before capturing her lips in another kiss.


She reached down between them to fumble with his belt, clumsily undoing the buckle and pulling it free from his pants. Popping his fly, her hand ventured into his pants and under his boxers, palming his erection, his hips bucking up involuntarily when the coolness of her touch spread across his hard on. Her fingers wrapped around his length and stroked him up and down, making him moan into her mouth.


This time around, it was Cassandra who broke free from the kiss, only to have her lips find their way down his neck, then down his chest, going further down as she slid off his lap and onto the floor. She pulled her hand out of his pants and hooked her fingers under the waistline, pulling them down along with his boxers. He kicked off his shoes so she can pull them off completely, leaving him with only a pair of socks on.


Her hands crept up to his thighs, nails lightly scratching his skin as her lips continued their assault down his body. She teasingly brought her gaze up to his eyes before her tongue darted out to give him the first hot lick against his erection. His cock twitched as the velvety texture of her tongue smoothed against his length over and over. A moan escaped his lips when she opened her mouth wider, taking more of him into its warm depths. His hands entangled themselves in her hair, guiding her head up and down to a pace that he found most pleasurable. It was taking all of his restraint to keep from bucking his hips upward and fucking her throat. She had a talented mouth that was for sure.


She pulled away from his throbbing member to catch her breath, one hand taking the place of her mouth to keep him satisfied. She crouched lower to lick at his balls while her hand stroked him at a fast pace, smirking to herself when another loud moan tore through his chest.


Anthony found himself growling at her ministrations, his desire for her building as the seconds ticked on. Lurching forward, he grabbed her arms and made her stand up, tugging at the fabric of her dress hard until it fell in a pool at her feet. He made quick work of her lacy underwear, smirking when he felt how soaked through they were. Without much of a warning, he inserted two fingers into her core, her hands flying to his shoulders for support as his hand assaulted her.


“Fuck, that feels good,” she said in a gasp. “Yes, don’t stop.”


His thumb found her clit and rubbed circles against the sensitive nub, causing her nails to dig in, marring his skin with half circles. His other arm went around her waist, pulling her forward, his tongue darting out to lick at her stomach while his fingers pumped continuously into her.


Her senses were being put into overdrive with all the sensations he was causing. Her head lolled back as she felt the familiar tightening building in the pit of her stomach, her grip on his shoulders growing harder in an effort to keep her on her feet.


“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” she said through clenched teeth.


His fingers quickened their pace, his thumb pressing harder against the tight nub of nerves, pushing her further closer to the edge. Her walls began to clamp down around his fingers, her legs shaking as her orgasm tore through her, a long moan escaping her lips as she rode the waves of pleasure.


Before she could gather her bearings, Cassandra found herself being guided to stand up on the couch, feet on either side of torso, hands leaning against the back of the couch as he settled his head between her legs. It took all of her strength to keep herself upright with the first languid lick to her pussy, his tongue lapping at her juices. He moaned at the taste of her, the vibrations sending a shiver up her spine.


His fingers soon found themselves within her honeyed depths once again as his mouth closed around her clit, suckling on the sensitive nub. It wasn’t long before she was sent hurtling over the edge once again, her second orgasm wracking through her body.


He eased her back down onto his lap, his hands cupping her cheeks as his mouth found hers. She delved her tongue past his lips, gathering her own earthy flavor from his tongue. She gasped when she felt the blunt tip of his penis teasing her entrance.


She pulled away suddenly and shook her head, causing confusion to cross his features. “Not here,” she said. On shaky legs, she stood up, tugging at his arm to pull him to his feet. She pulled her body flush against his and pressed a kiss to his neck. “Take me upstairs. I want you to fuck me in our bed.”


He chuckled from low in his throat, not quite expecting the vindictiveness in her voice. But he allowed her to drag him in the direction of the bedroom she shared with Marshall nonetheless. The idea of fucking his boss’ wife on their own bed was oddly enticing to him, and he voiced just that.


“Considering that this is the most excitement this bedroom has seen in a while, it’s making me giddy too,” she said in between giggles.


Anthony quirked an eyebrow upwards but thought better than to ask. Instead, he pushed her down onto the mattress, pausing for a few seconds to take in the sight of her with her hair splayed across the sheets, eyes hungrily gazing up at him as she waited for his next move.


He took hold of one of her feet, his head dipping down to place a kiss at her ankle, then to her calf and up her leg. A teasing kiss was left at the inside of her thigh, just a breath away from her center, before his lips traveled further up her body. Soon, his lips found hers, coaxing her mouth open with his tongue.


Just as he did earlier, he thrust into her without warning. They moaned into each other’s mouths at the feeling. She was incredibly tight and he filled her up completely. He stilled for a few moments, reveling in the feel of her surrounding him. She was hot, slick and so tight, it was almost unreal to him.

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