Authors: Vallen Green

101 EROTICA STORIES (22 page)

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“Oh, Mr. Johnson...” He sucked my breasts then and drank my milk. He licked and sucked non stop, causing me to moan and moan. His hands caressed my waist and fumbled on my skirt. “No one will hear us here. Make all the noise that you want.”


I straightened up and stopped him. He looked at me, surprised. I attacked his pants and gripped his now bulging rod. I played with him with my hands, squeezing him ardently, loving the way he groans. “See how much I want you?” He teased.


I nodded and wanting to do this since the first time, I took him and teased his rod with my lips. I kissed his silky head, using my lips to make light suction that made him groan even more. He held my head tight and pushed me closer to him and he slid deeper into my mouth. I licked him again and again and enjoyed his silken flesh.


He moved in and out of my mouth. I pulled him out, reached for my coffee and took a big sip, letting it warm my mouth. I quickly took him in again and he groaned even louder as his cock felt the warmth caused by the coffee. He quickened his movements, moving his hips to the rhythm that pleased us both. I used my tongue to tease him even more as he slid in and out of me. It was the most amazing thing, really and I have forgotten how good it feels to please a man this way. He fucked my mouth again and again and he stopped me all of a sudden. He lifted my skirt and went on top of me, his hands all over my body. “Spread your legs.”


He slid quickly inside me and it took no effort at all as I am already dripping wet. I must have gotten so aroused as he was licking and sucking my breasts. He took me slowly at first, then kissed my mouth. As I adjusted to his pace, he quickened his rhythm and moved his cock wildly inside me. He held the armrest of the couch for support as he continued to take me. It was the beginning of a very long and steamy night.











The Boss and I

When I came to, the boss was on top of me. He was sweating, grunting, and breathing in short, sharp bursts. His dark hair, already thinning at the top, was matted with sweat and sticking to his bulging forehead. He was in his late forties, and he had long abandoned taking care of himself in the last decade. His belly bounced along as his hips made thrusting motions. It made an ugly sight. The sight of his disgusting gut bouncing along to his motions brought a fresh wave of loathing in me. But beneath the loathing, there was also pity. He was getting older, yet his daughter was still so young.


He had married quite early, but his wife had conceived very late. They were overjoyed when their daughter came into the world, but fate can be terribly cruel. Their daughter, Isabella, was only three years old when the boss’s wife had a fatal heart attack. Since then, he had been raising Isabella on his own. The tragedy happened five years ago. Isabella, now eight years old, had grown as a sweet, cheerful child. I know this because we’re next-door neighbors and I babysit her regularly. Yes, the boss and I live next door to each other, but it wasn’t until I was twenty-one when he started to hit on me and we began this so-called sexual affair.


The boss may be round and bulging, but he wasn’t bad looking. His face, just like his brown eyes, was clear and smooth. He had large yet surprisingly gentle hands. His cock wasn’t the biggest I saw, but it was one of the fattest, and it fit perfectly inside me. The boss sometimes made me do crazy acts in bed, but he never hurt me. He always made sure I was okay and comfortable with something before he made me do it. I don’t love the boss. I don’t think I’ll ever love him. But in his own twisted way, he was a kind man. He’s all I have for now, and that is good enough for me.


The whole thing began innocently enough. It was a usual Saturday afternoon. My mother was out shopping. Elle, my younger sister, was out with her friends. I was all alone. The afternoon was sticky and heavy with humidity, so I decided to hang out in the backyard to cool myself off. Since I had the pool all to myself, I decided to swim a few laps. I changed into my favorite black string bikini, which also happened to be the skimpiest pair I own. I don’t wear it often, only when I’m at pool parties with my closest gal pals. My friends have seen the bikini plenty of times, but they always gasp and gush over it every time I wear it. Yes, it’s that scandalous. Throw in the fact that I have an amazing hourglass-shaped body, and there’s your lethal combination.


Since my mom wasn’t around, I figured it was perfectly safe to wear the string bikini. My mom was far from being a prude, but she had her limits, and I know the too-revealing bikini went past her limits. As I strutted across the kitchen to the pool, I felt bold, confident and, yes, sexy. I looked down at myself. My firm medium-size breasts stared back, straining against the small fabric that held them in place. My stomach was flat as a board, and my legs were almost a mile long. I looked good, and I knew it. I had smeared some tinted sunscreen on, and the liquid made my skin look golden. For a brief moment, I thought of Victor, my ex-boyfriend. He would die when he saw me in my bikini; I just knew he would. Then I snapped out of my thoughts. Victor didn’t matter now. He was a thing of the past. I swept thoughts of him off my head and focused on having some fun and quality me-time instead.


There were two lounge chairs on each end of the pool. I chose the one that was placed directly across the boss’s house. I liked seeing their property. Their house wasn’t spectacularly big, but it looked neat and trim, as if it was built with a purpose in mind. The house looked professional, and the land around it was dotted with greenery: trees, vines, shrubs, the works. My mom had told me the boss had told her he wanted to be surrounded with everything green. She thought it was weird for a man to like so much green, but I didn’t mind. All that green was relaxing, which was why I decided to sit across all that green view in the first place.


I sat on the lounge chair, donned my sunglasses, and lay back on the chair. The afternoon sun felt good on my skin and made me feel sleepy. Before I drifted off, I applied some more sunscreen lotion on my body. I rubbed my hands and spread the lotion on my neck and down my collarbones. Then my hands made their way to the tops of my breasts. As my palms made contact with my tits, I suddenly felt aroused. There was something about touching myself that felt incredibly sexy. Inspired, I ran a flat palm over my right breast. The nipple almost immediately sprang to life. I rubbed for a few more times until my nipple was a hard erect nub. Then I had an idea. I reached out behind me and undid my bikini top. My breasts were bare in no time, and I dropped the bikini top to the ground.


I wasn’t worried about being half naked. Our house had high imposing walls around it. Also, I was in the backyard! I stared for a few minutes in the direction of the boss’s house, trying to see if anybody was home. I’d just die if Isabella, whom I’m babysitting a few times a week, would see me half naked and in a skimpy bikini bottom. The house appeared empty, though, so I went ahead and slathered some more sunscreen all over my body.


When I was covered in sunscreen, I lay back again. The plastic chair was slightly cool against my bare back, which I arched a bit more than usual so I could catch some more sun on my breasts. I shifted around until I found a comfortable position. I felt incredibly at ease, so it was no surprise I fell fast asleep several minutes later.


I didn’t know how long I had been out. All I knew when I opened my eyes was that someone was standing over me. I removed my sunglasses and squinted against the shadowy figure. It was too fat and wide to be mom’s or my sister’s. Who could it be? I started to sit up straight, and that was when the figure spoke.


“Jessie,” the shadow standing over me said in a pleasant-enough tone.


My eyes flew wide open, and I hurriedly sat up. My suspicions were right. The figure belonged to our next-door neighbor.


It was the boss.


“Hey, you’re trespassing!” I exclaimed, too surprised and angry to remember to cover myself up. I disliked the boss in my younger years. He was always so leery, so mysterious. He didn’t do anything to me. He just stared, but I think it’s bad enough. I could almost picture him undressing me mentally. I liked his wife and kid, but the boss himself is another story. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to him around.


Then I remembered I didn’t have anything on top. I reached for my towel and wrapped it around myself. I felt like smacking myself for forgetting to cover myself the second I woke up. Now he’ll have something to remember me by at nights, I thought bitterly. How I loathed that man!


The boss laughed when he saw me covering myself. “I don’t think that’s going to be of any use,” he said, his voice still pleasant. “I’ve seen all I’ve needed and wanted to see, Jessie.” His voice turned serious. “Well, let’s do away with the formalities now, why don’t we?” He reached down, and in one quick motion, the bath towel covering my torso was now on the ground.


I glared up at him, not trying to cover up anything now. I’m too pissed off to be embarrassed. The nerve of him to step without permission into my property and act all haughty and stuff! I got off the lounging chair and stood up to face the boss, my hands on my hips. His eyes went to my chest. He reached out and playfully squeezed my left breast. I was still angry, so I swatted his hand away.


“Get out of here,” I said through clenched teeth. “In case you’ve forgotten, you’re in my property. Who do you think you are, acting all high and mighty in my territory?”


“Quit acting like a brat,” the boss said harshly. “I’m going to cut to the chase, Jessie. I have you on tape and in photos. Topless, naked as the day you were born—save for your panties, of course.” He paused. “What are your folks going to think when they realize their golden daughter isn’t the sweet, innocent girl she portrays herself to be?” He grinned.


I was too stunned to speak. I felt like kicking and smacking myself in the head for being so careless and stupid. How could I have ever thought I could trust the boss? Now I was in deep shit. I’ve had my fair share of awful judgment, so my folks know I’m far from the angel that my looks portray. But I don’t think they know how daring I can be. They don’t know how I play with myself almost every night. They don’t know I sleep in the nude. They don’t know I own not just one but three vibrators. They don’t know I can orgasm through breast stimulation alone. They don’t know I have an exhibitionist streak in me. I know I’m old enough to worry what my folks think of my actions, but I love my parents. I know they’d still love me if they knew of my other side, but I’d like to spare them from that as much as possible. This was why I was horrified when the boss told me he had records, absolute proofs of me doing all sorts of . . . things.


“You’re crazy,” I whispered. I could almost feel my deep hate for the man shoot off from my eyes.


“I’m not. I just want to fuck you,” he answered. “So what do you say, Jessie? We could do it right here, and every time I want. You don’t have to do anything. You simply come to me when I call you, and I promise you your racy photos will never see the light of day.”


I laughed. “How do I know you really have those photos of me? I think you’re perfectly capable of lying.”


The boss’s eyes bore into me. “Do you really want to know if I have them?” he asked softly.


I got his point right away. I didn’t say anything. I eyed the boss shrewdly. Okay, so he’s an old goat, but he’s a rich old goat. Plus he always looks clean and freshly showered. The thought of me having sex with my old next-door neighbor was too gross to swallow, but what choice did I have? Much as I didn’t like to admit it, he had me in his power now. I swallowed. Am I really going to agree to his terms and conditions?


“Okay,” I said after a long pause. “I’ll have sex with you, and you make sure those videos and photos never get anywhere.”


The old goat nodded and got to work right away. As if some signal had gone off inside his head, he stripped off his clothes immediately. I admit I was nervous as I saw him shed those stiff-looking clothes off. I didn’t know what was going to happen.


I didn’t have to wonder long. The boss stripped down until he only had his briefs on. It was hard not to miss the huge bulge protruding from between his legs. He began to breathe noisily, and for a moment, I had to stop myself from laughing out loud. It was just so silly.


“You don’t say or do anything, Jessie,” the boss instructed. He leaned close until the tips of my breasts were touching his chest. We were practically the same height, making things easier for him. He stroked my cheek with his thumb. He leaned closer until his face was a mere inch from mine. His tongue flicked out and ran over my lips and chin. He smiled.


“I’ve been wanting to do that a long time,” he said. When I didn’t say anything, he licked my lips and chin again. “Well, Jessie, let’s get started. I call the shots. Remember that, or else.” His hand brushed against my pussy for a few moments. Despite my loathing for the boss, I began to get aroused when his hand lingered on my pussy. Sex is still sex, after all.


The boss got down on his knees in front of me. He didn’t do anything at first; he simply wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my flat belly. I stood rigidly, trying not to move as muscle as I was told. But there was something incredibly erotic about the position. I’ve never had a man do that to me before. Also, the boss’s nose and lips were almost at level with my pussy. I imagined him sniffing and smelling me there. The thought amped up my erotic levels, and I felt my pussy begin to get wet. It’s starting, I thought.


As if on cue, the boss began to move. He removed his arms from my waist and placed his hands on my hips. He buried his face on my belly, inhaling softly. His stubbles were sharp, but they added to my growing arousal. I struggled to keep still as my pussy shot off another load. My panties were getting sticky, and I couldn’t do anything to stop it.


Not that I wanted to stop it.


The boss rubbed my hips first. Next, his hands went to my buttocks, where they grabbed handfuls and squeezed vigorously. A moan escaped from my lips before I could stop it. As soon as it was out, I froze for a moment. Then I realized, why should I be embarrassed? The boss was going to see all of me, anyway. Might as well leave the so-called embarrassment behind as early as possible.

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