102 Minutes: The Unforgettable Story of the Fight to Survive Inside the Twin Towers (42 page)

BOOK: 102 Minutes: The Unforgettable Story of the Fight to Survive Inside the Twin Towers
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Entries in
refer to diagrams and captions.
Abelians, Ana
Abruzzo, John
Aguiar, J. J.
air defense system
airplanes, hijacked, not tracked
air-traffic-control system
Alcamo, Nat
Alderman, Jane
Alderman, Peter
Al Qaeda
Ambrosio, Michael
ambulance staging area
American Airlines Flight
American Bureau of Shipping
Amoroso, Christopher
Andreacchio, Jack
Andrea Doria
Aon Insurance,
Apocalypse Now
Arce, David,
Ardizzone, Lenny,
Arnone, Victor J.
Arrowsmith, Mary Jo
Ascher, Tom
August 6, 2001, memo
Aviation 6 (police helicopter)
Aviation 14 (police helicopter)
Aviation Emergency Preparedness Working Group (1990)
Aviation Unit, 1993 rescue and
Aviles, Ezra,
Aviles, Mildred “Millie”
Baccellieri, Capt. Joseph
Bailey, Brett
Banks, Jerry
Barnum, P. T.
Bear, Stearns
Beast Financial Systems
Benfante, Michael
Berry, Joseph
Beyea, Ed
Beyea, Janet
Biegeleisen, Marion
Biegeleisen, Shimmy
bin Laden, Osama
Billy, Rich
Birns, Harold
Bitwinski, Peter
Bloomberg, Mayor Michael R.
Bloomberg L.P.
Boyle, Michael
Brady, Greg
Bramante, Anthony
Bramante, Jack
Braud, Roselyn
Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute
Brown, Lt. Raymond
Bryan, Rick
Bucaretti, Frank
Bucca, Fire Marshal Ron
building code
of 1938
of 1968
of 1984
roof access and
Bukowski, Richard W.
Burke, Capt. William, Jr.
Burns, Deputy Chief Donald
Bush, George W.
Butler, Billy
Buzzelli, Pasquale
Byrne, Robert
Caffrey, Phillip
Cahill, Joseph
Calderon, Ed
Callan, Assistant Chief Joseph
Camaj, Roko
Canary Wharf bomb, City of London
Cantor Fitzgerald
Capriotti, Richard
Carpio, Ivhan
Carr Futures
Carter, Abigail
Castellanos, Elsie
Cava, Raffaele
Cerquiera, John
Chanfrau, Nelson
Charest, Steve
Chase Manhattan Bank
Cheney, Dick
Cherry, Stephen
Chiafari, Lt. Joseph
Chuo Mitsui Trust
CIA offices
Ciccone, James
Ciffone, Ed
Clark, Brian
Clearstream Banking
Clinton, Hillary Rodham
Coll, Bobby
commodities markets
communication problems.
See also
between firefighters and commanders
between firefighters and police
lives lost by
Connors, Jim
Cosgrove, Joe
Cosgrove, Kevin
Cosmos International
Coughlin, Dennis
Coulthurst, Dana
Cowan, Donovan
Crédit Agricole Indosuez
Crown, Keating
Cullen, Patricia
Curci, Michael
Curtin, Sgt. Michael
Custom House (6 World Trade Center)
Dack, Caleb Arron
DeCosta, Carlos
D’Agostino, Sal
D’Allara, John
Data Synapse
Day, Jace
Dechalus, Sarah
“defend in place” strategy
DeFontes, Dianne
Delendick, Rev. John
Delgado, Manuel
De Leon, Marcia
DeLuca, Peter
De Martini, Frank
De Martini, Nicole
Demczur, Jan
DeRiso, Will
DeRosa, Deputy Chief Steven C.
Devery, Fire Marshal Jim
DeVona, Sgt. Al
DiFrancesco, Ronald
DiFulco, Pasquale
DiGiovanni, John
DiMola, Frank
Dinkins, David N.
Dolan, Brendan
Dowdican, Dennis
Doyle, Frank
Doyle, Kimmy
Drinker Biddle & Reath
Drohan, Gerry
Duch, Elaine
Dunn, Chief Vincent
Eckert, Beverly
Edelstein, Ed
Egan, Cardinal Edward
Eisenberg, Eric
Eisenhardt, Robert
Eisenstadt, Bob
blind shafts and
building codes and
cars found working
doors don’t open
failure of
fireballs through
people stuck in
rentable space vs.
sky lobbies and
Emergency Medical Services
emergency response
failures of communication and coordination and
hearings on, of 2004
Emergency Services Unit (ESU police)
Emery, Ed
Emery Roth & Sons
Empire Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Empire State Building
Eng, Doris
Engel, Rev. Paul
Engeldrum, Christian P.
Ensler, Keith
Equitable Building fire of 1912
Erdey, Richard
Esposito, Chief Joseph
Euro Brokers
evacuation chair (evac-u-chair)
Evans, Robert
Fabiano, Michael
Falco, Tommy
Farrell, Kristen
Farrell, Sgt. Tim
Feaser, Tom
February 26, 1993 bombing
building collapse threat and
communications failures and
De Martini and
danger of attack considered after
drills ignored after
elevator blind shafts and
evacuation and
evacuation orders criticized after
evacuation through shopping concourse and
evacuation uncertainty and
evac-u-chairs and
fire wardens and
helicopters and
KBW and
memories of, and south tower evacuation
memories of, jolted when first plane hits
Mizuho evacuation and
OEM bunker and
Sandler O’Neill and
stairways and
uncontrolled evacuation and
Federal Aviation Administration
Feeney, Garth
Feeney, Judy
Fern, Richard
Fetchet, Bradley
Fetter, Rich
Fiduciary Trust
fire alarm system, automated
fire command centers
West Street
fire command desks, in lobbies
fire command post, near fire
Fire Department of New York (FDNY)
communication and information problems
coordination problems with NYPD
deaths in
evacuation order authority and
February 1993 bombing and
firefighters unaware of situation before collapse
helicopters not controlled by
impossibility of fighting fires in WTC and
interagency radio problems and
manual, on controlling evacuation
nomenclature and rank
oral histories
roof access and
roof rescues and
tall building safety problems and
WTC safety and
Fire Engineering
See also
Fire Department of New York;
and specific firefighters
aggressiveness of response of
climb up, during evacuation
communication failures and
equipment carried by
floors collapse and
lack information from high floors
lack way to reach people on higher floors
in north tower
ordered out of north tower
from outside Manhattan
respond to distress calls and evacuate floors
in south tower
building code and
early debate over
evacuation policy and
federal investigation of 2004 and
tests on, apparently not done despite concerns
“fire tower,” code of 1938 vs. 1968
fire vehicle staging area
fire wardens
Fischer, Lt. John
Fitzpatrick, Deputy Fire Commissioner Tom
Fitzpatrick, Mike
5 World Trade Center
booster installed at
PAPD calls, and instructions to people in south tower
police desk in
Flaherty, Liam
Flores, James
Foodim, Anne
4 World Trade Center
Frank, David
Fred Alger Management
Fredericks, Susan
Freeman, Tamitha
freight elevators
Friedenreich, Harry
Frost, Frederick G.
Fuji Bank.
Mizuho Capital Markets/Fuji Bank
Fuller, Irma
Fusco, Chief Anthony L.
Gabrielle, Monica
Gabrielle, Richard
Gaeta, Gerry
Galvin, Deputy Chief Tom
Ganci, Chief Peter
Garban ICAP
Gartenberg, James
Gentul, Alayne
Gentul, Jack
George, Linda
Geraghty, Battalion Chief Ed
Gertler, Jeff
Giardina, Anthony
Giuliani, Mayor Rudolph W.
Gladstone, Dianne
Goldwasser, Nathan
Gomez, Manny
Gorsuch, Jennifer
Goya, Yuji
Greene, Ken
Griffin, John
Grogan, Thomas
Guzman, Genelle
Hachinski, Katherine
Hagerty, Karen
Hall, James
Halper, Sean
Hanley, Christopher
Hanna, Mak
Hansen, Tina
Hansson, Lt. Gregg
Harris, Josephine
Harvey, Emeric
Hayden, Deputy Chief Peter
Hayes, Det. Timothy
Hayes, Phil
Heeran, Bernie
Heeran, Charles
communication failure and
February 1993 rescue and
firefighters and coordination problems and
information on status of towers and
lack of, for roof rescue
predict collapse of north tower
told not to allow plane to hit towers
Herold, Gary
Hessic, Norma
High Rise/ Fire & Life Safety
Hingson, Michael
Hoerner, Ron
Hoey, Patrick
Holder, Eric
Holland, Joe
Hult, Bill
Hurley, Michael
Hutton, Elnora
Ill, Capt. Fred
I.Q. Financial Systems
Ito, Akane
Iyer, Shivam
Jacobs, Mike
Jacobs, Richard
Jacobson, Steve
Jakubek, Mark
Jimeno, Allison
Jimeno, Bianca
Jimeno, Will
Johnson, Ann
Johnson, Eric
Johnson, Scott
Jonas, Capt. Jay
Jos, Mary
Judge, Rev. Mychal
Julian Studley real estate
Kahane, Meir, assassination of
Kane, Howard
Kane, Lori
Karnes, Staff Sgt. David
Keane, Sue
Keefe, Bruyette & Woods (KBW)
Kelhetter, Yvonne
Keller, Joe
Kelly, Kathleen “Kitty”
Kelly, Pat
Kelly, Tom
Kelly, Vickie Cross
Kelly, William
Kemper Insurance
Keslo, Edward
Kestenbaum, Howard
King, Robert, Jr.
Kirkpatrick, Bob
Knapp, Steve
Komorowski, Matt
Kopytko, Scott
Kornblum, Barry
Koskuba, Stephanie
Kravette, David
Kravette, Janice
Kross, Lt. Mickey

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