Read 12-Alarm Cowboys Online

Authors: Cora Seton,Becky McGraw,Sable Hunter,Elle James,Cynthia D'Alba,Delilah Devlin,Donna Michaels,Randi Alexander,Beth Beth Williamson,Paige Tyler,Sabrina York,Lexi Post

Tags: #Fiction, #cowboy, #romance, #Anthology, #bundle

12-Alarm Cowboys (146 page)

BOOK: 12-Alarm Cowboys
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itan was restless. Tossing
and turning, he seemed to fight the flames even in his sleep. Makenna watched over him. For most of the night, she kept her hand on him, wanting the connection as much for herself as for him. She felt no need to abandon the bed for the floor, rather she served as his guardian angel while he slept. Before dawn she dropped off, only to awaken with her head resting on his outstretched arm.

Studying his face, Makenna felt an overwhelming tenderness. He was such a good man. He groaned, bending one leg and shifting his body. When he did, she saw that he was erect. Awareness tingled through her pussy. He was big…bigger than…

Makenna refused to finish the thought.

Titan would never hurt her.

Yes, she was nervous. Sex for her had always been something to dread, just an act not a celebration. She never expected pleasure and usually received pain, for there had been no arousal and no affection. But this…this was something else entirely. Just lying next to Titan had her breasts throbbing. Her nipples were pebbled so tight they ached. Makenna wanted him to the depth and breadth of her soul. She’d survived life with Damien by escaping in her mind to be with this man.

And here she was in bed with him, wasting time by being afraid.

How silly was that?

Edging over next to him, she lightly placed her hand on his chest and waited. He didn’t move, he was still sound asleep. “Cowgirl up, Makenna, you can do this. You’ve rehearsed it a million times in your dreams,” she whispered to herself. Strategizing her moves, she eased over and touched her lips to his broad chest, sprinkling butterfly kisses all over his skin. Her hand slid gently south, tracing his abs. Encountering the sheet, she slipped her fingers beneath it and tentatively continued her downward approach. Radiant waves of arousal surged through her body, making her clit swell and her body flush with heat.

Would he welcome her? Every indication he’d given her told her he would.

Soft touch. Tender lips. His cock straining to greet the caresses that were coming so close to where he craved them to be. At first Titan thought this was another of his dreams about her. But when he opened his eyes, it was to find her kissing him, touching him—Makenna was making love to him.

Maybe if she hadn’t been so into what she was doing, his swift intake of breath and the tensing of his muscles might have clued Makenna into the fact that Titan was wide-awake and fully engaged. But she was busy with open-mouthed kisses on one flat male nipple and her fingertips brushing the very tip of his hungry cock.

“Morning, beautiful.”

Whoa! Her head jerked up, her hand jerked back and a surprised look came over her face like a little girl caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

“Oh, hi.”

Titan was thrilled. He wanted her so much, he’d been afraid he would let his desire override his restraint. Erring on the side of caution was preferable over making her uncomfortable. But now…now she was about to…take matters into her own hands. “Please don’t stop.”

The almost desperate expression on his face obliterated any hesitancy she might have had. Sharing a bed with someone she didn’t fear was fun. “You have morning wood.”

Her slightly naughty comment took him by surprise. “I’m in bed with the sexiest woman in the world. Of course I’m hard.” He ran his fingers through her hair, loving the freedom to touch her. “What should we do about it?”

“I was taught waste not, want not.” With a mischievous grin, she answered matter-of-factly, her questing fingers inching a few millimeters lower.

Jerking back the sheet and shucking his shorts, Titan invited her to do what she willed. “Far be it from me to contribute to an erection shortage.”

Makenna gasped. “Oh, there’s nothing short about your erection.” Quickly, her eyes darted back to his, needing to remember who she was with.

Seeing her apprehension, Titan came over her, sheltering her body with his own. “You know I’d never hurt you. Never.” Cupping her face, he caressed her cheek with his thumb. “You don’t ever have to fear me. What you can expect from me is not pain, but pleasure.”

“I know.” She could feel the length of him pressing against her hip.

“You’re made for me. Never doubt it. You’ll fit me like a glove.” Makenna was holding him tightly, her palm flat on his pec, her fingers flexing and kneading like a little cat. Titan dropped his mouth to hers and claimed the kiss he’d been dying for.

“Titan, I want…” She gave herself over to him, allowing him to slip his tongue inside and taste her sweetness.

He was wound so tight, he had to fight to keep from revving the kiss up, but he knew she needed and deserved his patience. So for now, Makenna was in charge. Whatever she wanted, she’d get. They’d only go as far or as fast as she wanted to go. “What do you want, baby? Soon I’m going to take you in every way imaginable and you’re going to love every one of them. But for now, I just long to make you happy.”

“I want to touch you.”

Her breathy request almost made his heart stop. “Please do—however, wherever…”

When she pushed on his chest to get him to lay back, he followed her every direction. “Lie down and let me make you feel good.”

“I’m a ladies’ first kind of guy,” Titan protested.

“This is easier for me,” she whispered. “Let me do this for you.” Lying beside him with her head on his shoulder, her left leg hooked over his. The delicate weight of her body felt like heaven. She took him in hand, all nine inches and began to stroke up and down, and all he could do was close his eyes and enjoy.

At first, she kissed his neck and his chest while she fisted his manhood. Titan wasn’t still. Every muscle was reacting to the hand-job she so willingly gave him. His breathing quickened, his heart hammered, and within the grasp of her palm, his cock swelled. Soon she had to watch, needing to see how he looked as she jacked him off.

It was an incredible sight. He was so thick, she couldn’t reach all the way around. And he was hard as steel, yet the skin stretched over all of that rock-hard flesh was as soft as velvet. Makenna was amazed at the life she held in her grasp. He was so powerful, so commanding—yet here she held all of that primal maleness in the palm of her hand. Titan was totally at her mercy, open, unguarded and she wanted to be worthy of that trust. Between her legs, her sex throbbed and she could no more keep from pushing her hot core against his leg than she could stop breathing.

“Makenna, baby,” Titan moaned, feeling his hips buck helplessly.

He sought her lips and she kissed him, then decided it was time she kissed him somewhere else. With one last sweet layering of her mouth over his, she rose, and with the seductive look of Eve on her face, she went down on him.

Taking it slow, she licked her way down to his groin. Titan held his breath as she brushed her lips just above the base of his dick. Every cell in his body was begging for her, Titan was insane with need and anticipation. The moment Makenna’s lips circled the tip of his cock, his whole body tightened with ecstasy. Her eyes darted to his, seeming to seek approval. Titan gave it to her. “So good, your mouth is so sweet.” If he lived to be a hundred, he’d never take this for granted. Mesmerized, he ran his fingers through her hair as she took him deeper in a warm wet slide. The suction of her sexy lips was so much better than he’d dreamed. Reality was always better, he guessed. Dreams were only necessary when you couldn’t have the real thing.

And the real thing in this case was fuckin’ unbelievable.

Each time she bobbed her head, his hips lifted unwilling to give up paradise. She was kneeling between his legs, her fingers clutching his thighs as she drew him in, the tip nudging the back of her throat. Even at that, she couldn’t take him all. But that didn’t keep her from trying.

“So sweet, suck me, baby.” Makenna’s eyes closed as she breathed through her nose, swallowing. Titan hissed when he felt her throat muscles kissing his shaft. This was the most exquisite pleasure he’d ever known. She let her lips glide back up again, licking every inch. “Makenna, my Makenna.” He had to touch her, his hands sought to connect, rubbing her neck and shoulders.

With every bit of strength he had, Titan held still, letting her give to him. This was her gift. There was little doubt how difficult it must’ve been for Makenna to initiate this. And that fact made it all the sweeter for him. He savored the knowledge, letting his body bask in the pleasure. As she sucked and licked, he ached to have her. Titan touched every bit of her he could reach, from the side of her neck to the delicate line of her collarbone. Beneath the soft material of the T-shirt, he could see her breasts sway and he lusted for them, wanting to mold and suck his fill. “Makenna, I need you.”

She heard him, for she acknowledged his words with a locking of their eyes. But she didn’t know he meant that he needed to hold her, fill her, please her. Instead, she tried to give more—sucking, licking, moving her hands to grasp his shaft and rub his balls. Titan could feel his orgasm building as she slid her mouth up and down his cock, her tongue teasing the underside. “Fuck, baby, fuck,” he groaned as his climax boiled up, exploding in her mouth. He should’ve warned her, should’ve pulled out—but God, it felt so good.

He arched his back, pushing his head into the pillow and still she didn’t stop, swallowing, sucking, worshiping every inch. Nothing and no one had ever come close to this and to Titan, that was no surprise at all. “I knew,” he whispered. “I knew it would be like this.”

Gently, she let him go and sat up, staring at him with a look of wonder on her face. “Did I please you?”

She already knew the answer, but he gave it anyway, knowing that her life had been a series of tests, most rigged so she would fail. “More than you’ll ever know.” He held his arms out for her and she came to him, giving him a contented smile. “Can I have you?” he asked, wanting to bestow upon her the same ecstasy she’d given him.

Makenna sank into his arms, commanding her body to calm down. Yes, she wanted him, she ached for him. But she was still afraid of doing something that would mess things up. So, she’d better stop while she was ahead. “Can this be enough for now?”

Titan held her, cradling her to him. “Yes, for now.” He kissed her face, her eyelids, before tenderly taking her mouth. “Know this, though.” He framed her face, making sure she heard every word. “I want you and I intend to show you how good it will be. You’re mine, Makenna.” With that announcement, he rose from the bed and walked across the room naked and her hungry eyes followed his every move.


A few hours
later, Makenna sat atop a horse that Titan swore to her was as gentle as a lamb. “Are you sure I won’t be in the way?”

“Nope. I meant it when I said I want you with me.” He put a small cowboy hat on her head, then grinned at how cute she looked in it. “We’ve got to find where the fence is down. Two of my bulls were found wandering on the highway right-a-way. A neighbor got them back in, but I can’t afford not to find the gap and repair it.”

“Okay, head me in the right direction and I’ll help you scout for downed fence.” Makenna squeezed her knees together the way Titan had shown her and was rewarded when the horse began to move in the right direction. “Yay!” she said. “If I make it today, I want some boots to go with this hat.”

Titan smiled indulgently, enjoying the sight of her ass as she sat in the saddle. Her jeans were just tight enough to distract him. “What color boots would you like to have?”

As if the idea required pondering, she considered it. “White, I think.”

“White?” Titan asked, giving Valiant the lead so he could guide Makenna’s mount toward the right path. “Doesn’t sound very practical.”

“Maybe not.” Not wanting to scare him, Makenna didn’t tell him about the wedding fantasy. “I saw an ad in a magazine at your house this morning. This girl was wearing white cowboy boots. She looked happy.”

Hearing the wistfulness in her voice, Titan vowed to check out the ad. “Which magazine?”

Makenna cast him a sideways glance. “One with a very politically incorrect title.”

“Ah, I know what you’re talking about. That’s my sister’s magazine, Cowboys and Indians.”

Forgetting all about the boots, Makenna honed in on the sister part. They had left the barn, ridden through the paddock and were now heading up a small incline behind the house. “You have a sister?” The idea brightened her day. “Will I get to meet her?” Damien had limited her contact with other people so severely, she had no friends until Allie moved close and he limited Makenna’s contact with her. He’d always insisted on being present and that made a girl’s night out fairly awkward.

“Sure.” Titan watched her face. “I’m sure you two would get along great. The woman loves to shop.” When she didn’t respond to his comment, he broached an uncomfortable topic. “Wade didn’t give you money for clothes, did he?”

His statement made Makenna jerk in the saddle and her horse reacted, dancing sideways. She panicked, gasping as her horse took off down the hill at a fast clip. Her riding skills weren’t up for this. The angle was steep, her foot slipped from the stirrup and Makenna found herself tumbling headfirst off the horse Titan called Luna.

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