12-Alarm Cowboys (181 page)

Read 12-Alarm Cowboys Online

Authors: Cora Seton,Becky McGraw,Sable Hunter,Elle James,Cynthia D'Alba,Delilah Devlin,Donna Michaels,Randi Alexander,Beth Beth Williamson,Paige Tyler,Sabrina York,Lexi Post

Tags: #Fiction, #cowboy, #romance, #Anthology, #bundle

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“Where are we going?” she asked.

“I thought we’d go to the lake.”

“Oh, you have a lake?”

“Yup. It’s a popular spot during the parties. We have a little cabana set up with a bar and a grill. There’s a rope swing too. If you want, we can go swimming.”

She made a face. “I don’t swim.”

He gaped at her. “You…don’t swim?” Such a thing was unthinkable.

“No. I never learned.”

“I can teach you that too.”

Though her eyes glimmered, she said, “Besides, we don’t have swimming suits.”

He stilled and shot her a scorching gaze as the image of Lisa, naked, frolicking in the lake, filled his mind.

As though she knew exactly what he was thinking—or she was thinking it too—she pinkened. Either by accident or intent, she kicked Kate again and increased their pace.

Chapter Twelve

h lordy.

She’d been missing Cade all morning, frustrated and annoyed that they’d had to part so soon, before they really had a chance to talk about last night…or repeat it. And now, judging from his expression, he was leading her to a spot where they could do just that.

The thought thrilled her.

thrilled her.

There was something about him that pushed all her buttons. Something about him that made her want to gobble him up, sink in, wallow in him. Maybe it was his smile or the look in his eyes or the calm, steady energy he projected. Maybe it was his voice or his scent or the way he touched her, treated her. But when she was with him, the sun shone brighter and the birds were…chirpier. Everything was clearer. More pleasant. The rustle of leaves in the breeze, the smell of the loam, the movement of the horse beneath her.

She liked spending time with him and, more than that, she liked who she was in his presence.

As they rode, he told her about the ranch, how it had been built by their grandfather, who got it in his mind that his children and their children would never leave the Double S, so he built a house large enough to accommodate them all. They had moved away, though. All of them, until his father was the only one left. He talked about the day his father died. About learning the ranch was near foreclosure. About how Cody had come up with a crazy idea to save it.

And they talked about her life. How her father had broken her mother’s heart. How her parents had divorced and she’d had to leave this town and move to Dallas. About meeting Guy. Her dreams of opening a bakery.

He appeared somewhat annoyed when she mentioned that Guy hadn’t supported her career. She liked that. She liked that a lot.

When they came out of the trees to a clearing nearly filled with a sparkling expanse of water, her breath caught. “Oh, it’s lovely.”

“We like it.”

He slid to the ground and then came around to help her down. As much as she considered herself an independent woman who didn’t need a man for anything, in this instance she really appreciated his help. Also, his hands on her waist were warm. She loved the way his hold spanned her. She tipped up her chin to thank him and he took a kiss instead.

He tied up the horses and then took her by the hand and led her to the charming gazebo at the far side of the lake. It was a whimsical confection of curlicues and lattice and inside there were several lounges, chairs and tables sprinkled about. The bar took up one side, but the others were open to the air and the front arch looked out on the lake.

It really was beautiful, the water tempting.

The day was warm. Sweat gathered on her brow. A dip would be wonderful.

She leaned against the colonnade and glanced up at him with a flirtatious smile. “About those swimming lessons…”

He stilled. His gaze locked on her. “Do you…do you want them?”

She shot a look around the clearing. “This is private, isn’t it?”

“Very. The crew is on the other side of the ranch. Cody’s in the shop. Claire’s working in the office. We’re all alone.” The lilt of enthusiasm in his tone was stirring, as was his expression.

Tempting. Tempting indeed.

Without giving herself a chance to think about it, she pulled off her t-shirt. His eyes widened. He stared at her. Then he scrambled to catch up. They pulled off their clothes and dropped them where they stood, then raced each other to the shore. Laughing, Lisa plowed into the water, catching her breath at the cold kiss on her heated skin. Cade was right behind her; he grabbed her, swung her around and then turned her to face him and kissed her.

As always, the kiss heated them.

As always, it lasted longer than intended.

Lisa didn’t care in the slightest. She gloried in the feel of the sun, the feel of his skin against hers, his hands on her body. The nudge of his erection.

That he wanted her as much as she wanted him invigorated her. Beyond that, it was glorious and illicit, being nude outdoors, in the daylight.

He walked her deeper into the water; as they submerged, it crept up her back like silk. All the while, he kissed her, stroked her. When they were as deep as her chest, when the play of water lapped at her pebbled nipples, he stopped and raised his head.

“The first lesson in swimming,” he said, “is learning to float.”

She blinked. Something that resembled disappointment skittered through her. Surely not because his tone was avuncular and pedantic. Surely not because he’d been serious about swimming lessons. Surely not because she’d really been expecting something else.

“Seriously? We’re going with swimming lessons?”

He grinned. “I did promise. And I always keep my promises.”

“You do?” That was good to know.

“Of course. I’m an Eagle Scout.” He said this as though it were a given. “Besides, everyone should know how to swim.” He winked. “It’s as easy as riding a horse.”

“Humph.” No doubt it was. But she’d really had something else in mind. She set her hand on his chest and thumbed his nipple in an attempt to distract him. It didn’t work.

“Come on, Lisa. Lie back in the water.” When she resisted, he added, “Don’t worry. I’ve got you.”

Well, hell, she wasn’t worried. She could still touch the bottom, for heaven’s sake, but it seemed like a pretty good excuse to clutch at him.

She allowed him to ease her onto her back. His hands splayed out to hold her up and he began gliding her body through the water. “Focus on keeping your back slightly arched. Focus on staying buoyant.”

She watched his expression as he tracked her, making sure he didn’t move so quickly water splashed on her face. He was so gentle, so tender, so patient, she didn’t have the heart to tell him she already knew how to float. It was far too pleasant to allow him to continue.

“Now, close your eyes.”

“Close my eyes? Why?”

“Lisa.” He tsked. “Who’s giving these lessons?”

She huffed a sigh and complied. And oh, with her eyes closed, each glide of her body, each lick of the water, each touch of his hand was magnified.

Something warm and wet closed on the peak of her breast. Her eyes flew open and she lurched as the sensation seared her. She grabbed hold of his shoulders with a cry.

He lifted his head. His lips tweaked. “Close your eyes, Lisa,” he said in a low, languid voice.

It took every bit of her self-discipline to do so—she really wanted to watch—but with great effort, she closed her eyes and leaned back into a float. It wasn’t long before he touched her again, but this time with a finger, and not to her nipple. Instead, he drew tantalizing circles around and around, teasing her areola until it swelled to a painful point. She couldn’t hold back a moan.

She thought she heard him chuckle, but her ears were underwater so it could have been her imagination.

He continued his torment, alternately nibbling and plucking and sucking at her nipples until she wanted to thrash. With great force of will, she managed not to. She was about to congratulate herself on an impossible feat, when his palm scudded lower. She froze as he neared the crux of her thighs, shivered as he drew a light line along her crease.

She did open her eyes then. She couldn’t resist. And the expression on his face slayed her. His attention was locked on her mons. His features were tight. A muscle in his cheek bunched. What she saw there was pure, savage hunger.

And this time, when he touched her, he
her. It was like a bolt of electricity screaming from her clit to each and every humming nerve.

“Cade.” She took hold of his arm and used it to lever herself up, to fit herself against him. The hairs of his chest abraded her hard nipples. His erection thrust against her belly. She realized she could no longer touch the bottom, but she didn’t care. She was in his arms.

“Lisa.” While she clung to him, he cupped her cheeks and kissed her and then he folded himself around her. She wrapped her legs around his waist. Lifting her slightly, he entered her.

It was a slow invasion, but each nudge, each inch set off a shower of new sensation, new delight. Relentlessly, resolutely, he filled her. When he was as deep as he could go, he gave his hips a shimmy, circling in her, massaging her.

She couldn’t help but close on him at the wash of unmitigated pleasure.

He hissed a breath through his teeth and pulled out. As he moved, he held her gaze, spoke to her with his body and his eyes as he loved her, brought her to higher and higher pleasure.

She’d loved fucking him last night, and remembered it well, but this was even more glorious.

Maybe it was the sun on their skin, or the water teasing them, or the fact that he was controlling the thrusts, but it was more intense, more immediate, rawer than anything she’d ever experienced.

As their passion raged like a storm on the range, as it began to whip and scream and howl, his pace increased. He growled, feral beast that he was, and pulled out before thrusting again and again in a manic and perfect rhythm. They had no leverage but each other, so their lovemaking was like a battle, two bodies wrestling together, twined and entwined, each questing, searching, demanding respite.

As wild as it was, though it made her heart race and her body weep, though it made her quiver and quake, there was a thread of tenderness woven through it. A tenderness so sweet and poignant, it brought tears to her eyes.

When she came, it overtook her. It emerged from some place deep within her, some dark, secluded cave where she’d hidden a part of herself. It rose up, expanded and exploded into the light, arms wide, embracing the glory and the warmth of the day, this man, this moment.

He held her as she struggled for breath. Stroked her as she reclaimed her hold on this world. His chest surged as well. His pulse thudded against her cheek. His arms, strong and warm, held her. Held her up.

Which was a good thing, considering she was in way over her head.

As though he could read her thoughts, his hold tightened. “Don’t worry,” he whispered into her ear. “I’ve got you.”

Chapter Thirteen

he next week
was one of the happiest Lisa had ever spent. She baked like a fiend, trying new recipes—freezing what the Silvers and their ranch hands couldn’t eat—and creating a stockpile for the party scheduled for that weekend. There was nothing she loved more, she found, than exploring her passion.

Speaking of exploring passion, she spent the nights with Cade, usually in his room. With the door locked. And occasionally they didn’t wait for evening. There was a shocking tryst in the hayloft and another in the woods and another in his sauna, which had left them both limp as noodles.

Thankfully Cody and Claire accepted the blossoming romance with ease. Lisa had worried how Cody would react—and she was worried how she could face him knowing what he’d seen that morning in Cade’s room—but he waved her concerns off with an affable grin and never mentioned it again, other than to say he was pleased, that he’d never seen his brother so happy.

That comment tugged at her conscience. Lisa knew Cade was besotted with her. She was besotted with him too. She couldn’t deny it. But she also couldn’t deny that every relationship started out like this, full of hearts and flowers and protestations of absolute devotion. But at some point, they all went sour.

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