Read 12-Alarm Cowboys Online

Authors: Cora Seton,Becky McGraw,Sable Hunter,Elle James,Cynthia D'Alba,Delilah Devlin,Donna Michaels,Randi Alexander,Beth Beth Williamson,Paige Tyler,Sabrina York,Lexi Post

Tags: #Fiction, #cowboy, #romance, #Anthology, #bundle

12-Alarm Cowboys (76 page)

BOOK: 12-Alarm Cowboys
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Wow. How…? Jeez, they worked fast

“Thank you. Thank all of you,” she said. “But…how did they get here so fast? And how did you know what size?”

A lopsided grin tugged his dimples to life. Damn, the man should’ve been in pictures. “Trust me, darlin’, I can afford it, and I’m good at sizing people, especially women.” He released her and brought a finger to his mouth. “Shh…my wife knows, but she gets a little jealous of my past. It’s the red hair.”

His wife walked over and laughed. “Don’t listen to him, Gwen. Your sister told us what sizes to get. My husband likes to think he’s still a ladies’ man.”

“But I am, darlin’. You’re a lady, and I am your man.”

Shayla rolled her eyes, but there was nothing but love in her gaze. “Oh, boy. I’m glad I didn’t eat yet or I’d be tasting it twice.”

Gwen was still smiling an hour later when the last of the pizzas disappeared. It was nice to be surrounded by good people. The genuine honesty and emotions passing between them was real enough to feel. It was refreshing. She was coming to realize the only bullshit in Harland County came from the bulls on Connor’s ranch.

“Well, I think it’s time we all get out of Gwen’s hair.” Jordan rose to her feet. “She can handle the rest of things from here.”

She rose, too, and hugged each of them. “Thank you all so much for everything. I can’t even contemplate what has gone on today.”

“No worries,” Kerri said. “Just remember, no work until Monday.”

“Yes, ma’am.” She nodded and followed the crowd outside, watching them walk to their cars parked across the street at the Tex Pub.

All but three. Brandi had stopped to stare at the charred cottage, and Gwen’s heart busted at the anguish that crossed Kade’s face as he pulled his wife in close. It was obvious the man was grateful Brandi hadn’t been in there last night.

Gwen had never felt so horrible in her life. Well, maybe once before, and she still hadn’t recovered…

“Come on inside,” Tanner said, his warm, sure hand clasping hers as he tugged her back into the house.

It would be so easy to lose herself, to beg him to hold her until she couldn’t remain conscious. But, the poor guy didn’t deserve her wigging out on him. He’d been a rock, going beyond the call of any type of duty to help her today. And she knew, she could tell by the exhaustion lining his face, and slump of his shoulders, that he hadn’t slept last night, either.

She pulled free and headed to her bedroom to put away the new wardrobe still littering her bed. After stacking the shoe boxes in the closet, she grabbed a garment bag. “You should go home, Tanner. Lord knows I’ve taken up enough of your time.”

And energy.

And strength.

And kindness.

Too tired to care what was inside, she hung all four bags in the closet without opening them.

“Not until I know you’re okay.”

A half-giggle, half-hiccup bubbled up her throat. That wasn’t going to be anytime soon.

“Gwen.” He stopped at her side. “Look at me.” Tanner cupped her shoulder and turned her around. “Gwen?”

If she did what he said, she would most certainly lose it. In spades. “I can’t.” She began to shake. “Please, just go…”

He crooked a finger under her chin and tipped her head back, muttering a curse when she met his gaze. “It’s okay. Let me in. Let me hold you.”

She was shaking in earnest now, but held her ground. It wasn’t too late. He could still leave and not have to put up with her. Tanner was such a great guy. Why did he want to put up with someone like her?

“Gwen, please,” he said, gaze dark and tortured like he was barely able to hang on himself. “Don’t you see? I need to hold you, too. I need to know, to
that you’re all right.”

The honesty in his voice matched the purity of his gaze and wiped away the last of her restraint. She burrowed into him, wrapping her arms up around his back and sighed into his hard chest.

“God, Gwen.” He buried his face in her neck and sucked in a breath. “When I drove up last night and saw those flames and thought you were inside…”

She squeezed him tighter, letting him know she was fine, she was there. “It’s okay. I’m okay.” And in saying this, she realized it was true. She was okay. “I’m alive. And unharmed.”

“I know.” He nodded, drawing back slightly. “But I wasn’t sure if you did.”

Smart man. “I do now.”

Especially with his body so near, pressed close, heating her from within. Any last bit of chill she’d had just vanished. Poof. Up in smoke.

She yawned.

A smile tugged his mouth, his very close mouth. “Come on. You’d better lay down before you fall down.”

He drew back the covers on the bed Jordan and Shayla had made with a luxurious plum comforter and matching sheets, then turned to her and brushed a strand of hair back from her face. “Get some sleep. You look exhausted.”

Gwen grabbed his wrist and held his hand to her face. “Okay, but only if you stay with me.”

He swallowed and took a moment before he spoke. “I’d love nothing more, but you need to get some rest.”

She turned her head and pressed a kiss to his palm. “What a coincidence. So do you. Stay with me. To
, Tanner. I know you didn’t get any last night either.” When he remained quiet, concern and heat fighting to claim possession of his gaze, she smiled. “I promise I won’t jump your bones. We’ll just sleep.”

His lips twitched. “What if I
you to jump my bones?”

She chuckled. “Then you’re shit out of luck, pal.” Another yawn threatened. She released him, kicked off her flip-flops and crawled in bed. “I’m exhausted.”

He stared down at her a moment, then turned and left the room. Disappointment stung her eyes, but before she had a chance to wallow in self-pity, he returned.

“I locked your door. No telling how long we’ll be out.”

. She hadn’t thought about her door. Or the lights. Or much of anything. She’d just gotten so tired all of a sudden, it was becoming difficult to keep her eyes open.

“Thanks,” she said, then nearly swallowed her tongue when he yanked his shirt over his head, reminding her just how delectable his tan, sinewy muscles were and his sinfully sexy tattoo. The one that had made her a little bit stupid back in PA.

The eagle clutching a fiery twig with its talons made a whole lot of sense to her all of sudden. That was Tanner. He was just. And strong. His version of serve and protect.

And just like that, she was a wee bit more awake. Her pulse even kicked up when he sat on her bed to take off his boots. She didn’t care how much her eyes were burning, or head was pounding. The man was about to drop his jeans, and she was totally on board for the show.

Tanner could feel Gwen’s gaze as if it was a tangible caress. Hot and strong, like the blood rushing through his veins. She was killing him. Killing his restraint. Killing his good intentions of holding her close while they both got some much needed sleep, leaving him to deal with the burning need to be inside her.

Muttering a curse, he rose to his feet, forcing those thoughts to the back of his mind. Sleep first, then they’d see what happened. He shucked his jeans and crawled in bed without looking at her. That would be his undoing. As it was, he was going to have a hell of a time behaving with her soft body pressed against him as he held her close.


He swallowed then cleared his dry throat. “Yeah?”

“I’m not so sleepy right now.” Her warm fingers suddenly slid down his chest to his abs.

He grabbed her wandering hand and held her still. “Don’t. I’m trying to behave, but I’m barely holding it together here, Gwen.”

She lifted up on her elbow and stared down at him. “What if I don’t want you to?”

Chapter Seven

omentarily closing his
eyes, Tanner swallowed another curse as heat shot straight to his groin. “Gwen.” He sucked in a breath before opening his eyes. “You don’t know what you’re saying. You’re still suffering from shock. I can’t take advantage of that. Of you.”

She shook her head, gaze glinting blue steel. “Don’t tell me what I’m feeling, Tanner. I know what I’m feeling, and yeah, shock is probably part of it, but you and I both know this chemistry existed between us way before that damn fire.” Her chin lifted defiantly, her gaze hot, daring him to deny it.

No need. It was true.

“Yes, it has,” he said, sitting up to cup her face. “And I do intend to explore more of that chemistry real soon. But first, you need rest, because what I plan to do will make the Poconos look like a picnic.”

She sucked in a breath, along with her lower lip, before her heated gaze dropped to his mouth. “Damn, Tanner. You can’t say something like that, promise something like that, and expect me to sleep. I’m not made that way.”

Well hell.
Now he wasn’t going to sleep for sure.

“Don’t you see? I need you to hold me, to touch me, to make me burn so I could get lost, yet feel alive. I can sleep later.” Her warm, shaky hand trailed up his chest to stroke his collarbone. “I need you. Make me feel alive, Tanner. Remind me that I’m alive. Please…”

Her words were his undoing. Her pleading was too much; her trembling caught his heart and ripped him wide open.

To hell with sleep. They’d sleep later.

“I need all those things, too, Gwen.” He pushed her down into the mattress and captured her mouth, his control and all the reasons he should keep his distance going up in smoke.

A sexy sound rumbled in her throat as she opened up under him, brushing her tongue against his as he plundered inside.
. Her taste, her hunger, was so fierce and demanding he already broke out into a sweat.

Her hands stroked him everywhere as she rocked up into him, trying to kill him. Had to be, because he was dying. Of need. He wanted to slow down, to take his time with her. They’d gone at it like a pack of hungry wolves back in Pennsylvania, and again in Barry’s kitchen yesterday. Now, he was wondering if they’d ever be able to slow down and savor. Every damn time he kissed this woman, hunger consumed him until he couldn’t see straight, and he had to be inside her.

Maybe once they got fast and furious out of the way. Again.

He broke the kiss and sucked in air. “Lift up.” In one swift movement, he grabbed the hem of her dress and tugged it up over her head, revealing her braless form. His heart rocked. “You’re so damn beautiful.”

Bending down, he licked a delectable peak while he brushed the other with his thumb as he cupped the gorgeous breast in his hand. She moaned and arched up, testing his control.
So damn responsive
. He tugged her nipple with his teeth, his whole body tightening at the sexy as hell sounds leaving her lips. Her hands were busy, too, clutching his shoulders tight.

“Tanner…” She squirmed. “I need…”

He didn’t need to ask what she needed. He knew. Hell, he needed it, too. Releasing her nipple, he kissed a path down her soft belly, nipping at her hip as he wedged his body between her legs. She was so soft, and hot, and…had a frog on her panties?

A smiled tugged his lips as he stared up her gorgeous body to her face. “Ribbit,” he murmured, then bent down and kissed the green emblem.

Her chuckle turned into a hitched breath. He hooked his fingers under the panties and drew the green material slowly down her legs, looking his fill as he took his time. Delectable. Tugging them off the rest of the way, he kept his eye on the prize. She was so lush, and beautiful, and he couldn’t wait any longer. He had to taste her.

Starting at her ankle, he kissed a path up her leg, spurred on by her words of encouragement. Using his hand to stroke her other leg, he made his way to her quivering thighs, then drew back and looked some more.


He stroked a finger over her center and dipped inside, his blood heating as he found her wet.
So damn wet.
She lifted off the bed.

“Easy, I’m just getting started.” He pressed her back down, then stroked her again, and again, loving the way she clutched the sheet, sexy little mews on her lips.

He hadn’t had the opportunity to taste her last year, or yesterday, but that was about to change. Now. He leaned in, and while he continued to stroke, he licked her, relishing her moan and how her hands were suddenly on his head.

“Yes.” Her voice was hoarse and full of need, while she gripped his hair tight and thrust up. “Faster…I need…”

He slid another finger inside, changing the angle as he drew her into his mouth. She tugged his hair and cried out as she burst with a delicious heat, nearly taking him with her. Delicious and so damn hot. He fought for control while he slowly brought her down.

Still trembling and panting, she released his head and smiled up at him. “Damn, Tanner, what did you do to me? My body feels like goop without bones.”

“I can help you with that in a minute.” He smiled, slipping off the bed to dig a condom from his jean pocket.

“Is that right?” She lifted up on an elbow to watch him, her gaze heated, and smile wicked.

He crawled up her, dipping down to kiss and lick soft curves and valleys on his way to her mouth. “You doubting that?”

BOOK: 12-Alarm Cowboys
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