1415: Henry V's Year of Glory (114 page)

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Milan, archbishop of
Milan, duchy of 80–1
Milan, duke of
Minoresses 71
Miraumont 417, 418
Mitton, Hankyn de 176
Mladoňovice, Peter of 59, 186, 190, 191, 208, 222, 228
Moigne, Sir John (1354–1429) 478
Mold 170
Molyn, Nicholas 240
Monchy-Lagache 412, 415
Mongeham 160
Monmouth 12, 553, 554
Mons 419
Monstrelet, Enguerrand de (d. 1453), Burgundian chronicler; 54, 85, 95, 169, 215, 277, 307, 344, 349, 368, 373, 375, 380, 400–1, 416, 451, 453, 493, 560, 561, 562, 563
Montagu, Jean de (d. 1409), Grand Master of the French royal household 11
Montagu, Jean de (d. 1415), bishop of Chartres (1389), chancellor of France (1405), archbishop of Sens (1406) 11, 455
Montagu, Thomas (d. 1428), earl of Salisbury (1409) 147, 149, 161–2, 171–2, 211, 214, 260, 316, 328, 393, 514, 580, 592
Montébourg 71
Montereau 517
Montferrat, Sir Bernard 94
Montivilliers 329, 350, 356–7, 383, 394
Montjoye herald 360
Montreuil 117, 215
Moravia 209, 381
More, Thomas (d. 1421), treasurer of the household (1401–5, 1413) 214, 311, 572
Moresby, Christopher 404
Morgan, Philip 68, 86, 94, 106, 116, 147–8, 166, 199, 220–1, 322, 393, 396, 508, 597
Morley, Thomas (d. 1416), Lord Morley (1379) 156, 161, 580
Morocco 293
Morstede, Thomas (d. 1415), royal surgeon 173, 198
Mortimer family, earls of March 22, 546
Mortimer family of Helpston, Northants 571
Mortimer, Anne (d.
. 1414), sister of Edmund, earl of March 150, 245
Mortimer, Sir Edmund (1376–1409) 246
Mortimer, Edmund (1391–1425), fifth earl of March (1398) 33, 246, 472, 592, 598, 599; betrays the earl of Cambridge’s plot to Henry 306, 316, 535; claim to the throne of England 22–3, 61–2, 150, 245, 510, 514, 518; claim to the throne of France 61; documents in his favour 61–2, 187; invalided home from Harfleur 383; involvement in the earl of Cambridge’s plot 245–7, 250–1, 255, 285–7, 289, 290, 292, 298–300, 303–6, 309–12, 318, 590; kept prisoner in his youth 62, 93, 149–50; knighted 62, 573; marriage to Anne Stafford 61–2, 285, 318, 467, 533, 542; named in Henry’s will 296, 298; not named in Scrope’s will 254, 256; pardoned for plotting against the king 320–1
Mortimer, Elizabeth (1371–1417), Lady Percy, 246, 599
Mortimer, Sir Edmund (1376–1409), brother of fourth earl of March 246
Mortimer, Hugh (d. 1416), chamberlain to Henry as prince of Wales 34, 94, 199, 242, 291, 514, 570
Mortimer, Sir John (d. 1415) of Martley, Worcestershire 404, 442, 499, 598, 600
Mortimer, Sir John (d. 1424) 321, 598
Mortimer, Roger (1256–1326), Lord Mortimer of Chirk 598
Mortimer, Roger (1287–1330), first earl of March (1328) 2
Mortimer, Roger (1393–1413?), brother of fifth earl of March 62, 93, 149, 553, 573
Morton, Robert 138, 591
Civitatis Regis Iusticie
Deo Gracias
Fluminis impetus letificat civitatem dei
Gloriosa dicta sunt de te, civitas dei
Soli deo honor et gloria
Une sanz pluis
97, 109, 541
Mount Grace Priory (Charterhouse) 101, 137, 259
Mowbray family 245, 259
Mowbray, Joan, sister of Thomas Mowbray (d. 1399), duke of Norfolk 245
Mowbray, John (d. 1368), Lord Mowbray 245
Mowbray, John (1392–1432), earl of Norfolk, Earl Marshal (1405),
duke of Norfolk (1425) 149, 316, 370, 371, 383, 560, 561, 592
Mowbray, Thomas (1385–1405), earl of Norfolk, Earl Marshal (1399) 245, 605
Mowbray, Thomas (d. 1399), earl of Nottingham (1383), duke of Norfolk (1397) 245, 554
mumming 20, 47, 206, 256
music and musicians 20, 25, 32, 50, 87, 136, 205, 347, 365, 480, 482, 483; fifers 65; king’s minstrels 34, 173, 205; trumpeters 65, 362, 428, 443
Mynot, Nicholas, fletcher 215;
Nanterre, Simon de 504
Naples, kingdom of 81
Narbonne 465, 466, 478, 505, 506, 512
Nassau, Johan von, archbishop of Mainz (1396–1419) 114
Natervyle, Philip 591
England; France; Germany; Italy; Spain
Navarre, king of
Charles III
Navarre, kingdom of 81
Negella, Guy de, lord of Offemont 148, 244
Nelle, Bartholomew’s daughter 93, 94
Nesle 408, 409, 410, 411, 535
Neuenberg 167
Nevers, count of
Philip of Burgundy
Neville, Alice 244
Neville, Sir John (d. 1420), heir to the earldom of Westmorland, keeper of the West March (1414) 60, 192 234, 503
Neville, Ralph (d. 1425), Lord Neville (1388), earl of Westmorland (1397) 149, 156, 161, 178, 279, 291, 297–8, 498–9, 503, 505
New Forest, keepership of 477
New Years Gifts 46
Newark Priory, Surrey 128, 582
Newcastle upon Tyne 103, 146, 194, 229, 255, 314, 322, 488–9, 493–4, 497, 500, 503, 589
Newton, Robert, canon of the king’s chapel 462
Nezero, bishop of 209
Nice 91, 237, 284, 465
Nicolls, Benedict (d. 1433), bishop of Bangor (1408–18), bishop of St David’s (1418) 149, 365
Nicopolis crusade 301, 335
Nîmes 183
Nogent 117, 118
Nogent-sur-Seine 489
Noir, Alardin de la, valet of the duke of Bourbon 486
Norfolk 182, 284; earl of
Mowbray; sheriff of 283, 284, 495
Normandy 40, 117, 154–5, 159, 215, 276, 301, 327, 336, 346–7, 367, 384, 390–1, 398–9, 475, 517, 548
Norragh, Ireland 294
Norreys, Thomas,
Northampton 221
Northamptonshire 448, 492
Northumberland 244, 292, 312, 474, 500, 511; sheriff of 194
Norton, Richard, king’s messenger 176
Norway 178, 489, 505; kingdom of
Sweden, Denmark and Norway, kingdom of
Norwich 36, 486; bishop of
Courtenay, Wakeryng; Cathedral 467
Noyon, bishop of
objective correlative, the 530
Odivelas 284
O’Farrell of Annaly 541
Offemont, lord of
Ogle, Robert 188, 319
Oldcastle, Sir John (d. 1417), Lord Cobham (1409–1414) 36–8, 52, 95, 111, 125, 307, 315–16, 319, 512–13, 543, 547–8
Olivier, Lawrence (1907–1989), actor 1
O’More, Fachtna, of Leix 541
Oporto 226, 284
Order of St Saviour
Bridgettine nuns
Order of the Bath 379
Order of the Garter 31, 70, 97, 161–3, 318, 394, 407, 467, 549; list of Knights of the Order 161; list of Ladies of the Order 581
Order of the Knights Hospitaller 149, 156
Order of the Prisoner’s Shackle 48, 53, 335, 412, 472
ordinances governing behaviour of the English army 330–2, 395, 408, 410, 447, 524, 593, 594
O’Reilly of Breifna 541
Orell, Robert, forester of Snowdon 320
Orfordness 79
, the 358, 393, 458
Orléans 409
Orléans, duchess of
Visconti, Valentina; dukes of
Charles, Louis
Ormonde, earl of 569
Ormonde, James 404
Orsini, Giordano (d. 1438), cardinal bishop of Albano (1412) 141, 186
Ostia, cardinal bishop of
Otterbourne 303
Otterton Priory 159
Ottery St Mary 257
Oudenaarde 396
Outlaws 295
Owain IV
Oxford; countess of
Vere, Margaret de; Dominican friary 60; earl of
Vere, Richard de; University of 25, 51, 52, 66, 86, 252, 512; University of, chancellors
Courtenay, Hallam
Oxfordshire 100, 252, 253; sheriff of 198
Oye Castle 233
Páleč, Stephen 59
Paris 8, 9, 47, 73, 87, 107, 155, 169, 225, 244, 269–70, 279, 305, 340, 344, 349–50, 357, 366, 403, 428, 462, 531; astrologers in 269; bishop of 389; Burgundian proctors in 78, 102, 522; burning of the
Justification of the duke of Burgundy
237; Cabochien revolt
Cabochien; captain of 504; Celestine monastery in 349; chapel of the Order of the Prisoner’s Shackle 48;chronicle written by a clerk of 421;Conciergerie
royal palace; council meetings in 52, 78, 215, 351, 474, 494, 506; English ambassadors in 69, 78, 85–6, 95, 115–6, 118, 122, 130, 133, 148, 165, 244, 275, 522, 524–5; English likely to march on 344, 356, 383–4; garrison of 423, 493;
hôtel d’Artois (tour Jean sans peur
hôtel de Bourbon
493, 509;
hôtel de Clisson
hôtel de Navarre
86, 575;
hôtel de Nesle
hôtel de Orléans
hôtel de St Pol
95, 300;John the Fearless approaches in 1414 53; John the Fearless approaches in 1415 376–7, 388, 398, 475, 485, 489, 493–8, 500, 503–4, 506–9; Les Halles 504; letter dated at 343; Little Châtelet 357;Louvre, the 169, 493;murder of the duke of Orléans in 6–7; Notre Dame 53–4, 347, 358, 508–9;Parisians 8–9, 54, 95, 102, 351, 366, 376, 381, 485;
Porte Montmartre
Porte St Honoré
503;provost of
Chastel, Tanneguy du;repair of the walls 388, 485;return of the French embassy 300; royal palace 115; rue des Blancs–Manteux 7;rue des Rosiers 7;rue St Antoine 87, 98;rue Vieille du Temple 6, 485; St-Cloud 16, 335, 403, 436, 451, 568; St-Denis
St Denis; St Martin des Champs 496; supporters of John the Fearless in 9, 11, 292, 351, 366, 381, 388, 475, 503–4;
tour Jean sans Peur
11, 567; tournaments in 95, 98, 133; University of 14, 53–4, 108, 225, 306, 389, 498, 500
(Paris) 357, 500, 504
parliament (English) 15, 18, 21, 38, 41–2, 56–7, 80, 110, 263, 368–9, 470, 473–4, 477, 489, 513–14, 545, 547–8, 554–5, 557, 583;1413 February (Westminster 18; 1414 April (Leicester) 43, 55, 71, 511;1414 November (Westminster) 56, 151–2, 169, 558, 583; 1415 November (Westminster) 467–70, 473
Patrington, Stephen (d. 1417), prior of the Carmelite Order in England (1399–1413), royal confessor (1413), bishop of St David’s (1415), bishop of Chichester (1417) 34, 52, 76, 88, 141, 149, 241, 249, 252, 296, 340, 579, 588, 599
Payne, Stephen, royal almoner 297
Peasholme, recluse at 255
Pedro the Cruel (1334–1369), king of Castile and Léon (1349) 287, 552
Pelham, Sir John (d. 1429), chamber knight, treasurer (1411–13), constable of Pevensey Castle 62, 99, 181, 282, 506
Pembroke, earl of
Pende, John, glasier 159
Peñiscola 466, 517
Penrith 292, 511
Percy, Henry (1341–1408), Lord Percy (1368), earl of Northumberland (1377) 184, 245, 306, 539
Percy, Henry (1393–1455),
earl of Northumberland (1416) 149, 184–5, 194–5, 229, 246–7, 285, 305, 310, 312, 502–3, 583, 588, 599
Percy, Sir Henry ‘Hotspur’ (1364–1403) 26, 28, 184, 245, 599
Percy, Thomas (1343–1403), earl of Worcester (1397) 26, 29, 184
Péronne 400, 402, 406, 410–12, 415, 418–19, 423, 437, 531, 599
Perpignan 465, 466, 495–7

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