1415: Henry V's Year of Glory (117 page)

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Thomas of Woodstock (1355–1397), earl of Buckingham (1377), duke of Gloucester (1385) 254, 552, 554
Thomas, Stephen, shipmaster 177
Threll, Richard, victualler of Calais 82
Thresk, Robert, exchequer clerk 197, 583
Titchfield 198, 256, 279
Tille, John, Dominican friar, confessor to Henry IV 486
tin, smelted 583
Tiptoft, Sir John (
. 1378–1443),
Lord Tiptoft (1426), Speaker, treasurer of the household (1406–8), treasurer of England (1408–10), seneschal of Aquitaine (1414) 180, 188–9, 192, 200, 208, 224, 243, 249, 355
Titchfield Abbey 256, 279
Tonge, Simon 230
Topsham 501
Torcy, seigneur de
Estouteville, Nicolas d’
Totty, John 231
Toulon, Bishop Vitalis of 91
Toulon, Peter of, clerk 486
touneying, tournaments 21, 25, 46, 85, 87, 98, 301
Tour, Henri de la 225, 229
Touraine 40, 117, 276; duke of
Tournai, bishop of
Thoisy, Jean de
Tramecourt 429, 431–2, 439–40, 565
treasurer of England
Scrope; Fitzalan
Trent 478; bishop of
Liechtenstein, George of
Tresham, William, clerk 146, 170
Trevor, John (d. 1410/12), bishop of St Asaph (1394) 26, 29
Trompenell, Thomas, royal minstrel 84
Troyes 484, 485, 498, 504, 517
Truces, statute of (1414) 43, 83, 145, 146, 494, 522, 542
True Cross, the
tuberculosis 128
Tuilliers, Robert 488
Tulle 268
Turgess, John 499
Tusculum, cardinal bishop of
Tweed, River 221
Twickenham 102
Tybouville, Guillaume de 446
Tyndale, Richard 493
Ulm 157
Ulster and Connaught, earl of
Mortimer, Edmund
Umphraville, Sir Gilbert (1390–1421), sometimes called ‘earl of Kyme’ 297, 326, 361, 394, 411, 442
Umphraville, Sir Robert (d. 1437), custodian of the castle of Roxburgh 104, 161, 181, 188, 195, 234, 247, 285, 292, 299, 305, 310–11, 318, 370, 511, 580, 588
Cambridge; Oxford; Paris; Prague
Juvenal des Ursins
Usk, Adam (
. 1350–1430), chronicler 24, 132, 204, 370, 477, 479, 482, 485, 562
Usk, battle of (1405) 27
Vadstena 101, 159, 194
Vailly, Jean de (d. 1434?), president of the French
357, 484, 504
Valencia 466
Vallée, Colin de la 381
Vaudémont, count of
Ferry of Lorraine
Vendôme, count of
Louis de La Marche
Venice 80, 171, 195, 196
Verdun 340
Vere, Alice de (d. 1452), countess of Oxford 320
Vere, Margaret de (d. 1413), countess of Oxford (1360) 245
Vere, Richard de (1385–1417), earl of Oxford (1400) 149, 240, 293, 316, 320, 324, 393, 394, 561, 592, 593
Vernon-sur-Seine 360, 363, 366, 378, 393
Vertus, count of
Philip of Orléans
Victore, John 236
Vienne, Guillaume de (1360–1444), seigneur de St-Georges 498
Villebresme, Jean de 148, 244
Visconti, Filippo Maria (1392–1447), duke of Milan (1412) 10, 50
Visconti, Gian Galeazzo (1351–1402), duke of Milan (1395) 14
Visconti, Valentina (d. 1408), duchess of Orléans (1392) 10, 14
Vittore, Giovanni, Florentine merchant 169
Vosken, Gobelet (d. 1415), chamberlain of the duke of Brabant 443, 455
Waghen, John de 53
Wakeryng, John (d. 1425), keeper of the privy seal (1415–??), bishop of Norwich (1415) 214, 232, 242, 249, 486, 592, 603
Walden Abbey 502
Wales 9, 21, 27–9, 37–8, 43–4, 65, 69–70, 79, 82, 96, 104, 150, 156, 166, 173, 192, 206, 210–11, 232, 245–7, 250, 286–7, 290, 305–6, 310–12, 324, 368–9, 389, 436, 511, 539–40, 554–5
Wallenrodt, Johannes von (d. 1418), archbishop of Riga (1393) 219, 224, 228, 272
Waller, Sir Richard (d. 1462) of Groombridge 446
Wallingford Castle 260
Wallopforth 293
Walsh, Richard 87
Walsingham, Thomas (d.
. 1422), chronicler 24, 41, 133, 204, 214, 307, 315, 354, 362, 432, 492
Walsoken 77
Bishop’s Waltham; abbot of
Warde, Thomas (d. 1414), of Trumpington, impostor 246, 248, 305, 310, 312
Ware Priory 137, 198
Waring or Waryn, Joanna, nurse of Henry V 221
Warkworth Castle 194, 338
Warwick, earl of
Beauchamp, Richard
Waterton, Hugh (d. 1409) 202
Waterton, John (d. 1417), royal master of horse 289, 297, 303, 496–7
Waterton, Robert (d. 1425), constable of Pontefract Castle (1399) 478
Waurin, Jean de (c. 1394–
. 1471), Burgundian chronicler 400, 421, 450–1, 520, 536, 563
Wele, John 192
Welton, Robert 197
Wenceslas (1361–1419), Holy Roman Emperor (1376–1400), king of Bohemia (1378) 58
Wenceslas of Dubá 58, 63, 126, 186, 222, 224, 271
Wenslowe, John, clerk 146, 170
Werchin, Jean de (d. 1415), seigneur de Ligne, seneschal of Hainault 215, 344, 412, 415, 428, 455
West, Sir Thomas (d. 1416), Lord West (1405) 320
Westminster 4, 17, 20, 29, 35–6, 43, 45, 47, 51, 53, 63, 70, 73, 76, 83, 85, 87, 91, 109, 112–13, 148, 160, 165, 169–70, 172, 175, 181, 193–4, 208, 224, 241, 243, 249, 252, 255–6, 258, 260–1, 279, 287, 383, 390, 396, 459, 460, 462, 467, 469, 477–8, 483, 497, 507, 509–10
Westminster Abbey 18, 24, 35, 45, 47, 55, 100, 105, 138, 144, 295, 296, 360, 462, 483, 548, 549, 554, 575; abbot of 66, 483; Jerusalem Chamber 18, 35;St Benet’s chapel 36
Westminster, Palace of, 45, 138, 156, 490, 491, 557;bell tower 47; Jewel Tower 210–11;Painted Chamber 47, 467;Prince’s Palace 29, 45, 572;Privy Palace 45–7; Queen’s Palace 47, 491; royal chapel of St Stephen 47;Star Chamber 148, 187;Westminster Hall, 29, 33, 47, 568, 569; White or Lesser Hall 47, 569
Westmorland 292, 474, 511–12;earl of
Neville, Ralph; sheriff of 143
Whittington, Richard (d. 1423), merchant of London 240, 354
Whyscheton, manor of 488
Whytlock, John 36
Wickham, John, royal chaplain 297
Widdrington, Sir John (1371–1443) 195, 247, 310–11, 318, 588
Widmore, John, joiner 252
Wigton, recluse at 255
Wilcotes, John (d. 1422), receiver general of the duchy of Cornwall 171, 194, 244, 587
William (d. 1417), duke of Holland and Hainault (1404) 9, 93–4, 106, 116, 161–2, 169, 500
William, king’s fool 20, 34
William, master gunner 61
William the Conqueror (1035–87), king of England (1066) 327
Willoughby, Robert (d. 1452), Lord Willoughby (1409) 316
Wiltshire, sheriff of 198, 256
Wiltshire, Sir John 587
Winchelsea 36, 68, 146, 188, 221; mayor of 159–60, 187
Winchester 182, 193, 241, 243–4, 249, 251–3, 256–60, 269–70, 279, 281, 289, 479, 486, 496, 587, 589
Windsor Castle 35, 62, 138, 160–3, 212, 260, 407, 467, 555, 558, 572, 581
wine 48, 52, 105, 170, 175, 187, 195, 205, 223, 231–2, 236–7, 259, 269, 300, 321, 349, 352, 355–6, 389, 397–8, 402, 407, 470–2, 477, 480, 509, 512, 533;Beaune 471–2
Wingfield, Suffolk 263, 365, 454, 492
Wisbech 77
Wolf, William, esquire 446
Wolmere, forest of 221
Wolvesey Castle 257, 260, 262, 269–70, 278
Woodhouse, John, chamberlain of the exchequer 214, 256, 291, 297–8, 588
Woodville, Richard, castellan of Dover Castle 189, 191, 241
Woodward, William, founder 42, 61
Worcester 67, 315; prior of (either John Malvern or John Fordham) 66
Wormingay, priory of St Cross and St Mary 591
Wotton, Nicholas, alderman and mayor of London (1415) 403, 459–60, 462, 479
Wyche, Richard, Lollard 52
Wycliffe, John (d. 1384), theologian 31, 52, 57–8, 111–12, 141, 157, 179, 208, 222–3, 227, 230, 272, 274, 300, 359, 513, 547, 549, 550
Wyghtman, William 588
Wykes, John, marshal of the household 240
Wyrom, John 497
Wyse, John, of Pembrokeshire 130
Yate, John, corvisor 591
Yeavering 292
York 206, 255, 285, 318, 322, 478; archbishops of
Bowet, Scrope; convocation of (January 1415) 56, 104, 544, 547; dowager duchess of
Scrope; dukes of
Edmund, Edward; recluse at 255; St Mary’s, abbot of
York Minster 255, 317, 318
Yorkshire 100, 103, 279, 462
North Riding, sheriff of 143
Young, Richard (d. 1418), bishop of Bangor (1398–1404), bishop of Rochester (1404) 149
Ypres 576
Zabarella, Francesco (1360–1417), called ‘the cardinal of Florence’ (1411) 92, 127, 134, 141, 157, 163–4, 185, 190, 191
Zajic, Zbynňk (1376–1436), archbishop of Prague (1402) 190
Zeeland 105, 139, 191, 581
Zouche, William (d. 1415), Lord Zouche of Haringworth (1396) 316, 467, 505, 592

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