193356377X-Savage-Shores-Wildes (5 page)

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still possible between us, so we need to be scrupulously fair.”

Both men looked at him expectantly in a way he was becoming

accustomed to. Rubbing his jaw, he murmured, “I think we should

make it simple. She belongs to one man each day, say from

midday—which is when it is hottest and she prefers to bathe, to the

next sunrise. That man fulfills the role of guarding her, just as we

have been doing now, but with the added bonus of enjoying her

favors. He exclusively gets to woo her, and share her bed. Always,

of course, only when she wishes it.”

“That sounds fair, though the whole notion, when I think of it

rationally, is too bizarre for words.” Reeves muttered, “Are we

animals or men?”

“Unfortunately, both.” Jonathan gave a humorless laugh. “Like

you Major, I wish I could refuse her. But, it is impossible, I’m


Charles looked at him with a small grin. “She favors you, my

lord. Also, since you were the one to actually rescue her, I think

tonight should be yours.”

Reeves nodded curtly after a moment. “Go ahead, join her.

Blake and I will work out tomorrow.”

Thank heavens
, Jonathan thought, he was already so tightly

wound with need he wasn’t sure he could wait another day

anyway. Inclining his head, he said, “I will see you in the morning



Emma Wildes

Chapter 3

Jenna lay, her heart pounding, wondering if she had completely

lost her mind. The suspense over what was going to happen had

her practically shaking, and not knowing which man was going to

make love to her was even more nerve-racking. The truth was, she

liked them all. Charles; with his boyish smile and lean body,

Anthony Reeves; with his strict sense of honor and blond good

looks, but she was unwillingly fascinated by Jonathan Richmond.

He was the least kind of the three on the surface, starkly

aristocratic and confident, but he had certainly saved her from

disaster and he was considerate in small ways without drawing

attention to it. She noticed that she was served none of the yellow

fruit that she could hardly stomach this evening, but he had

brought her some steamed fish and sweet berries instead, his

wicked smile recalling their earlier kiss.

That kiss…she quivered just thinking about it and the

sensations it had evoked. The handsome lord certainly knew how

to use his mouth to render a woman breathless…

There was a sound outside, a light footfall muffled by the sand,

and she swallowed, lying back on the pallet made of interwoven

leaves. Somehow she was not surprised that it was Jonathan who

pulled back the curtain of fronds and stepped inside. Not by any

means a large space, still he filled it. His head touched the ceiling

so he had to duck to enter. He said, “I hope you are not

disappointed that I am the chosen one?”

“No,” she admitted, but didn’t add that she had hoped it would

be him.

Savage Shores


He dropped down beside her, an enigmatic look on his face,

just visible in the light that came through the chinks in the ceiling

of the makeshift dwelling. “You are a virgin. Can you accept I

want to give you pleasure? Will you allow me that much so I wont

hurt you needlessly? The last thing I want is you to be frightened.”

His voice was soft, almost pleading as he looked down at her.

“I am nervous, my lord, but not exactly frightened,” Jenna said

truthfully, gazing at him. She realized that compared to what she

had seen before he was extremely more aroused. The impressive

bulge between his legs, lifting the material of his breeches, was

intriguing, but intimidating as well. She knew how people came

together in the act of sex, but not the exact mechanics of it.

“Here.” He reached over and tugged up the hem of her

chemise, pulling it over her head, leaving her nude in front of him.

“I am glad there is enough starlight still to see you,” he whispered,

“though I have seen you naked before and wanted you with a

powerful hunger. My God, Jenna, you are too beautiful. No

wonder we are all half-mad.”

Since she had been practically naked before all three men all

week, she wasn’t as embarrassed as she should have been. In fact,

she reveled a little in the stark yearning of his glittering gaze. He

touched her lightly, running his fingers over her cheek, down the

line of her jaw and neck, until he cupped one breast in his warm

hand. Compliant and almost holding her breath, she let him fondle

the pale mound. His tanned fingers were dark against her pale flesh

as she watched him touch her. It felt sinful when he rubbed his

thumb over the crest and she was surprised at the sensation of

enjoyment she experienced. Leaning forward, he kissed her, his

mouth as gentle as his hand holding the weight of her flesh. She

opened at once to his tongue, putting her hands on his shoulders,

shifting closer and inviting further intimacy.

Her senses seemed alert all at once, her body registering both

the kiss and his insidious caress with a slow drifting pleasure. He


Emma Wildes

felt male; he smelled male, and his size dwarfed her much smaller

body and made her welcome the coming possession. It felt good to

be desired, good to know this man wanted to pleasure her, and

their primitive surroundings suited the moment. She touched his

hair, weighing the silky texture, liking the difference between the

soft thickness and the heated strength of his neck. Over and over,

he kissed her mouth, her throat, the curve of her eyebrows…and all

the while his hands wrought magic with both breasts, making them

ache strangely, the flesh beginning to pucker and grow taut. He

finally lifted his head and stared into her eyes, his hand still

cupping one tight breast, the nipple tingling where he touched it.

“You respond to me,” he said with obvious satisfaction. “Do you

feel how your body betrays your growing arousal, just as a male

will become erect around a female he desires? Your breasts, they

are swelling and your nipples turning into hard buds. You will feel

it between your legs also, my sweet castaway. Your sex will soften

to welcome me, lubricating itself as your body readies for me.”

Jenna said, a dreamy note in her voice, “I feel as if I want

something but am not sure what exactly it is.”

His teeth gleamed in the gloom of the hut as he smiled. “Let

me show you what you want, my lady. Spread your legs for me

and let me touch you.”

It was wanton to obey, but it was also extremely wanton to

offer her body to three virile men. Jenna closed her eyes and did as

she was told. Opening her thighs, she surrendered to the glide of

his fingers across her sensitive flesh and gasped out loud. He

ignored the fact that she had gone very still at that shockingly

intimate touch, rubbing her in her most private place, stroking her

labia with his long, skillful fingers until she could feel the very

effect he had described. Like a flower opening in the morning, her

cleft seemed to slowly become receptive to his touch, growing

slick and hot as her breathing quickened and her legs fell further

apart. When he touched her in a certain spot, parting her folds and

Savage Shores


circling it, she moaned out loud, the sensation intense and joyous.

Breathing in her ear, he said, “I need to taste you, my sweet.

Hold still and do not be shocked. This will be sublime. Think of

nothing but what is happening between your legs. I have never

known a woman who did not love it.”

Already panting, a fine sheen of sweat over her body, Jenna

didn’t quite understand what he meant until he removed his hand

and replaced it quickly with his mouth. He moved his body to lie

between her open thighs, gently licking where he had touched her


At the first brush of his tongue her breath seemed to catch in

her chest—the world tipped sideways and she slid off into some

unknown paradise of physical bliss. He teased and probed her

folds, suckling gently until her body arched involuntarily and

stiffened. Rapturous pleasure invaded every pore, making her cry

out as she shook and trembled in unmitigated joy.

It was savage erotic sin, she decided when he finally withdrew

and she lay in sated weakness, to feel such utter wild happiness in

such a scandalous kiss. No wonder his lordship had a reputation for

seduction. It was well deserved.

And she was utterly glad he was the chosen one.

* * * *

Jonathan stripped out of his breeches, smiling despite his

throbbing and insistent cock reminding him that the woman they

both desired lay with her legs still open, her beautiful body covered

with a gleam of fine perspiration from her first orgasm. Fighting

the request for instant penetration and release from the sexual

tension of the past days, he tossed aside his trousers, staring down

at her. The apex of her legs was golden and gleaming with the

fluids of her sexual release. Jenna had been very aware of him as a

man all along. He’d known that from the beginning. Not


Emma Wildes

experienced enough to be completely coy, she had been unaware

of the way she looked at him, laced though it was with uncertainty

and virginal innocence.

Innocence due to be lost at this very moment. Moving over her,

he pushed her legs a little farther apart with his knees, taking his

penis in one hand and finding her vaginal entrance with the

swollen tip. She was very wet from her climax, unresisting even

though her eyes came open as she felt him poised there. Her pink

mouth parted and her eyes were very wide. Testing the tight

opening with a slight push, he said, “You are as ready as any

woman can be for this moment. Don’t tense up on me, but instead

keep your knees apart as wide as you can.” Leaning down, he

kissed her lightly, savoring her soft lips, and began to enter her.

She was tight, but hot, and so soft he closed his eyes in sheer

carnal bliss. Not rushing even though his body was clambering for

him to simply pump inside her and find relief, he invaded her

passage inch by slow inch, pausing to kiss her again, braced above

her, watching her expression for a signal that he was hurting her.

She did stiffen when he reached the barrier he had to breach to

proceed and found himself checked, but he chided, “It will be over

at once, relax, my dear.”

Pushing inexorably forward, he felt it give and slid farther in, a

low whimper from her the only indication of the passing from

girlhood into glorious woman.

“It stings a little,” she whispered, her throat a pale arch in the

darkness beneath him. “But it is negligible. Tell me, my lord, are

you overly large or do you simply feel that way?”

He laughed. Her body was so soft and tempting around him he

could hardly breathe. “When erect we are all about this size, I

think. I haven’t done a study on the matter, but I have had no

complaints, either. Are you all right, Jenna? I am almost there.”

Pushing in another little bit, he finally found himself

completely embedded in her body, delicious satisfaction gripping

Savage Shores


his senses. When he began to slide backwards, she sucked in a

breath, letting it out slowly as he sank back in.

It was too good, he thought hazily, and she was simply too

perfect for him to last long. Her heated walls held him closely, her

breasts pale and trembling with each thrust as he moved forward,

her long lashes veiling her dark eyes. He pushed in and out with

measured urgency, not able to find his usual finesse and stamina,

his need amazingly adolescent and swift. Lifting her hips to accept

the rhythm of his lovemaking, Jenna didn’t help matters with her

small breathy cries..

“Jonathan,” she moaned when he drove in deep. “Oh…it’s

happening again…I feel it coming …”

So did he, in a relentless tide that consumed his body.

Reaching between them, he fingered her swollen bud as he pushed

forward once more, stroking her cleft with a practiced touch,

hearing her choked scream with relief as she shattered around his

surging cock. Her vagina clenched in small waves as he erupted

inside her, his release so infinitely pleasurable that he groaned and

locked his muscles, rigid and pulsing for what seemed a blissful

eternity, spilling his seed deep against her trembling womb.

Gradually he began to be aware again of the restless sea

outside lapping the shore, the cries of night birds and rustling of

the animals in the jungle not far from them…and the woman still

beneath him, her luscious body damp with his sweat, her thighs

quivering against his hips. Gently withdrawing, he gathered her

into his arms, kissing her lips, his body satisfied and replete. “You

are a passionate woman,” he murmured against her silky hair.

“And infinitely generous.”

With a sigh, she turned willingly into his embrace, putting her

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