1#Awakened by the Vampire Prince (Rosebud)

BOOK: 1#Awakened by the Vampire Prince (Rosebud)
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Awakened by the Vampire Prince

Part 1


Charlene Hartnady


Copyright and


Copyright © June 2015, Charlene Hartnady

Cover Art by Melody Simmons

Copy Edited by Kimberly Reichmann

Produced in South Africa


Published by Charlene Hartnady

PO BOX 456, Melrose Arch,

Johannesburg, South Africa, 2176

[email protected]



‘Rosebud’ is a work of fiction and
characters, events and dialogue found within are of the author’s imagination
and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or
persons, either living or deceased, is purely coincidental.

With the exception of quotes used in
reviews no part of this book may be reproduced or shared in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including but not limited to digital copying,
file sharing, audio recording, email and printing without prior consent in
writing from the author







Part 1

Chapter 1


help him
. Xavier sighed. At this rate he would die of a
heart attack. Since he was a non-human, that was saying something. Even though
she was at least a foot shorter than him, Xavier had to pick up his pace to
keep up with the elven princess. Her long golden tresses flew about her face as
she purposefully strode across the field in the direction of the forest.

she insisted on wearing those blasted silken robes was beyond him? The fabric
clung to her enticing curves, the hem rode high on her creamy thighs. Then
again, he didn’t like it when she wore dresses or shorts either. He sighed
again. She could probably wear a hessian sack and still draw the eye of those
around her.

passed by various groups of males who were busy with their training sessions. As
they caught sight of her, they stopped what they were doing so that they could
stare open mouthed as she walked past. Some stopped mid fight, allowing their
opponents to hit them, while others fumbled and even dropped their weapons. None
of them dared to say anything or to approach her. At least his regularly swollen,
bleeding knuckles had not been for nothing. Xavier narrowed his eyes at those
who dared look his way and was content when they dropped their gazes in a show
of submission.

the time they made it to the edge of the forest, Xavier realized that the
princess planned on entering the thick undergrowth and he ground to a halt. “This
is far enough, princess.”

turned on her heel, putting her hands on her hips. She had to look up to
maintain eye contact with him. “How many times do I need to tell you that I’m
an elf? We need to be out in the open. To be one with nature.”

is my duty to protect you.” Xavier tried to keep himself from growling.

then, you’d better follow me.” Like a leaf in the wind, she turned back to the
forest and was gone in what felt like an instant.

had to run to catch up with her. He gripped her lightly by the elbow and spun
her back to face him, keeping his hand on her arm. Her cheeks were pink. Her
large blue eyes wide. “I don’t like to stray too far from the castle, princess.
If anything should happen…”

sure that you’re more than capable of ensuring my safety, especially
considering you take your duty so seriously.” She chewed on her lower lip for a
few beats. “Please, Xavier. The walls are closing in on me. I need to spend a
little time out here.” She opened her arms forcing him to release his light
grip on her. The nimble elf spun around in circles and when Esral laughed it
eased something inside of him. She lifted her eyes to the thick canopy
overhead, a radiant smile graced her beautiful face.

shook his head and sighed heavily. “We really shouldn’t.” How the hell could he
deny her?

her eyes locked with his once again, he knew that it would be hopeless to try
and dissuade her. Besides, he didn’t really want to. “Fine. One short walk and
then we have to go back”

didn’t think it possible but her smile widened and her blue eyes sparkled brightly
even in the shadows. “Let’s go then.” Using long graceful strides, she skipped
and danced her way through the thick undergrowth, leaving him cursing as he stumbled
behind her. It was impossibly thick in this part of the woods. Thankfully he
was in his leathers because the thick branches would’ve cut his arms and
snagged regular fabric. How in the name of blood did she move so quickly? The
only thing that kept him sane was listening to her odd peal of laughter. At
least someone was having fun.

down, princess,” he called after her. Insects buzzed around his neck and face.
The undergrowth crunched beneath his boots. Sweat trickled from his brow. He
shook his head, the little elf was wearing a silk robe, and no shoes. By now
she should be scratched up and bleeding. The garment torn from her body. He
almost groaned aloud at the thought of her exposed feminine curves. Hopefully
he wouldn’t have to look upon her naked flesh or all bets would be off. His
willpower was at an all time low as it was. He made out a blue flash in the
distance and then another. His view mostly obscured by bushes and branches.

moved forward, he cursed as a thorny branch sliced across his wrist. It healed
almost instantly. Using the back of his hand, he wiped his brow and continued
to pick his way through the dense undergrowth. He cursed again when his boot got
snagged on a gnarled root. A seasoned warrior, one of the elite, a vampire
fucking prince yet he failed to keep up with the petite, elven beauty and almost
fell flat onto his ass as he stumbled into a clearing.

air seized in his lungs as he took in the view. A waterfall fed into a crystal
pool which was surrounded by scattered pebbles. Water lilies floated gently
across the rippling surface. Though the only thought that passed through his
mind at the moment was that Esral had the sexiest ass he had ever seen in his
life. When she turned towards him, he all out cursed.

that.” Her eyes narrowed at him. “Why do you have to be so vulgar?”

taken off your clothes.” Xavier had to work hard to keep his eyes on hers.

going for a swim.” She gestured to the water behind her. “For the record, I’m
wearing a swimsuit.”

his will and better judgment, his eyes dropped to the two scraps of tight
fabric she wore. The bottom part barely covered her pussy.
For fuck sakes!
It would be so easy to sweep aside the material and gain access. He already
knew that her ass was exposed for all to admire. Heart shaped, perfect for
holding while plowing into her…
Lord give him strength
. He lifted his
eyes to the second scrap of fabric. One sneeze and her ripe for sucking tits
would spill right out.
He had to hold in the expletive. Xavier felt
his jaw lock and his eyes narrow as he noticed how her nipples pushed against
the fabric. Why had she even bothered to put anything on? He felt his dick
twitch and anger churned in his gut.

dressed right now.” His eyes locked with hers.

narrowed hers, gritting her teeth for a few beats before shaking her head. “I’m

are putting your robe back on and we’re going back to the castle.”

folded her arms, causing her breasts to plump up and her cleavage to deepen. It
was one of the most enticing things he had ever seen in his whole entire
existence. His anger increased.

now, princess. I mean it.” This time he couldn’t help but to growl at her. His
voice came out sounding husky, belying how much he wanted this female. He hoped
she wouldn’t notice.

Her face turned pleading. Her plump bottom lip puffed out in a semi pout.

could arrive. Do you really want males to see you naked?”

not naked.” She raised her voice at him, not taking her eyes off of him for a

might as well be. You are a princess and a virgin. It’s not right to go around
flaunting yourself.” He knew he sounded petty but he really needed her to get
dressed before he did something stupid like peel off the bikini and ravage her.
Rutting the princess would be the same as agreeing to mate her. The two went
hand in hand. As much as he would like to do many things to her, things that
didn’t even necessarily involve his dick inside her pussy, he had to hold back.
This female was different. She was sweet, sensitive, caring. She was an
innocent and deserved more than what a male like him had to offer. She was
saving herself for that one special someone. Esral had told him so and he
believed her, could see it in the way her eyes had that far away look as she
spoke of that special male. He had to suppress a growl just thinking of who he
might be.

gasped. “How dare you? I’m not flaunting anything. There is no one here. Who
would come out here?”

had to agree with her on that one but he wasn’t about to admit it. Xavier
needed her clothed. The sooner the better. “You never know, princess. What if
those young males decide to come for a swim? I need to keep you safe. You are
making my job difficult. Get dressed.”

shook her head. “You are being a bit over dramatic. No one will venture out
here. I could’ve had my swim by now.” She turned, putting a toe into the water.
“You should join me.”

cock hardened up to the point of pain. Thankfully his leather body armor
covered the bulge. He’d taken to wearing it at all times for this very reason. He
made a snorting sound. “I need to secure the perimeter. I don’t have time for
frolicking. Besides, I don’t have a swimsuit,” he added the last because he was
sure that it would scare her off.

seriously naughty smile took hold of her full raspberry lips. “You could do a
much better job from in there.” She pointed to the middle of the steaming
water. “I’ll frolic and you can watch…the perimeter that is.” The sweet
innocent princess looked down at his crotch. “As to the swimsuit issue”—she
lifted her eyes and smiled sweetly—“I wouldn’t look. I promise.”

his eyes averted, he shifted his weight. He could picture her frolicking…only
too fucking well. “Get dressed. Do it now, princess.”

turned, giving him the perfect silhouette of her body. “One quick little dip.”
She chewed on her bottom lip.

could just picture what she would look like all wet. That blood red swimsuit
would mold even further to her every curve. Her nipples would pebble. The
picture she painted was damn near perfection but only because she wasn’t
completely naked. He had to swallow hard to keep himself from drooling. “No,” a
low growl so full of pent up sexual aggression that he was sure even a virgin
could pick up on it. “Get dressed before I make you and trust me, princess, you
don’t want me coming over there.” If he put so much as a finger on her, there
would be no stopping him.

She huffed, bending over to pick up her robe. “I don’t know what your problem
is but for the record”—she pulled the garment on—“it irritates me big time. I’m
going to request that I be assigned another guard.” She knotted the tie in
elaborate angry jerks.

shook his head. “No other male can be trusted with you.”

face scrunched up in confusion. The little elf really had no idea how
attractive she was. The princess was petite with flared hips and full mammary
glands, she was delicate and so beautiful it sometimes took his breath away. In
short, she was every male’s wet dream and he was sure that none would be able
to resist her allure. They didn’t respect her like he did.

not just going to let some big oaf rut with me. I’ve waited this long.” She sighed.
“I told you that I will wait until I meet my mate, I don’t plan on breaking my
thorn on just anyone.”

felt his brow crease. “Breaking your what?”

cheeks turned crimson. “My thorn. Forget I said anything. I won’t rut with just
anyone. You can trust me on that one.”

has nothing to do with trust, vampire males can be persuasive. We know what to
say and where to touch. A few kisses and you would be putty. You would beg to
be fucked.”

eyes flared a brighter blue for just a split second. “I’ll have you know that
I’ve been kissed before and I didn’t beg for…anything.”

wasn’t talking about kissing your pretty lips, princess, at least not the ones
on your face.”

gasped, covering her mouth with her hand.

you want to be safe, princess? With me, you have nothing to fear. I will make
sure that any suitors are sincere. That none of them try to touch you
inappropriately. I will ensure your safety at all times.”

wouldn’t try anything yourself?” She leaned forward, her eyebrows were raised.

he growled. “Never.” The poor female was probably fearful after his sexual
comments. He hoped his answer would put her at ease.

problem is that you won’t let any of the males even talk to me. How will I ever
find a mate?”

thought of the other males anywhere near this female had his blood igniting in
his veins. “I’m sorry, princess, it’s just that I know how the male mind works.
I know that they would like nothing better than to get under that robe of” —he
cleared his throat. “I will be more allowing in the future. I might let…certain
individual’s converse with you.”

looked down at her feet for a few seconds. She seemed sad. Then she looked up
and nodded, giving him a small smile that made him feel like a dirty pig for
thinking half the thoughts he had daily about what he wanted to do to her.

go, princess.”

told you to call me Esral.” She moved in next to him, her eyes firmly on the
forest ahead.

prefer princess.”

They began to move in the direction of the castle.

just do.” He sighed again as she darted up ahead. “Don’t go too far ahead.” He
growled after her, his heart rate picking up against his will. It had nothing
to do with the exertion though.

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