(2 Book Box Set) Loving The White Billionaire: 2 & 3

BOOK: (2 Book Box Set) Loving The White Billionaire: 2 & 3
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The White Billionaire: 2 & 3 (Bundle)


Monica Brooks

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“Loving The White Billionaire”

“Loving The White Billionaire: 2”

“Loving The White Billionaire: 3”

“Loving The White Billionaire 1, 2 &
3 (Box Set)”

Copyright © 2014 by Monica Brooks

This is a work of fiction. Names,
characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s
imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any persons,
living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely

Loving The White Billionaire

All rights reserved.

This book is protected under the copyright
laws of the United States of America. No part of this work may be used,
reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording and faxing, or by any information
storage and retrieval system by anyone but the purchaser for their own personal

This book may not be reproduced in any form
without the express written permission of Monica Brooks, except in the case of
a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages for the sake of a review written
for inclusions in a magazine, newspaper, or journal—and these cases require
written approval from Monica Brooks prior to publication. Any reproduction or
other unauthorized use of the material or artwork herein is prohibited without
the express written permission of the author.

Book 2: Loving
The White Billionaire II


Monica Brooks

Copyright © 2014 by Monica Brooks

This is a work of fiction. Names,
characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s
imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any persons,
living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely

Loving The White Billionaire II

All rights reserved.

This book is protected under the copyright
laws of the United States of America. No part of this work may be used,
reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording and faxing, or by any information storage and
retrieval system by anyone but the purchaser for their own personal use.

This book may not be reproduced in any form
without the express written permission of Monica Brooks, except in the case of
a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages for the sake of a review written
for inclusions in a magazine, newspaper, or journal—and these cases require
written approval from Monica Brooks prior to publication. Any reproduction or
other unauthorized use of the material or artwork herein is prohibited without
the express written permission of the author.

Chapter One

he rising and falling of Axel’s chest gently
stirred me from my slumber. His heart beat was slow and steady, and I knew
without looking at him that he was still sleeping. I gently lifted my head to
look down at his sleeping face. This man was gorgeous.

The sun had just begun to peek over the horizon, casting
ribbons of oranges and red across the room. They illuminated his face and
danced on his hair. His eyes fluttered momentarily before they finally opened.
His smile was soft and warm as I bent down to kiss it. He ran his fingers
through my hair as I broke the kiss.

We’d made love several times through the night, and we were
exhausted. But I could still feel his want for my body as I felt him harden
against me. I shook my head and chuckled; he mirrored my actions before he

“I just can’t get enough of you,” he said softly kissing my

“And I you, but I can’t go for another round; I’m sore,” I
said poking my bottom lip out. 

“Aw, aren’t you adorable,” he said softly pinching my bottom
lip between his fingers.

“I don’t even feel like moving today. I want to just lay
around all day with you,” I said as I lay my head back on his chest.

“How about this; I order us some breakfast, and we can find
a movie on pay per view. We can decide what to do from there.”

“That sounds perfect. I actually am hungry,” I said just as
my stomach growled in protest.

“Good, go freshen up while I order for us,” he said patting
my bottom.

Rolling off of him before he stood up, I watched his muscles
ripple beneath his skin as stretched them. Yawning, he turned around to wink at
me before he made his way towards the bathroom. I did a stretch of my own
before joining him in the bathroom to freshen up.

Turning on the faucet, I stuck my hands beneath the rush of
the warm water. Axel kissed my neck before rubbing his palm gently against my

“How about that breakfast?” I asked as his hands began to
reach the swell of my bottom.

“Right; I almost forgot,” he said with a chuckle before
backing out of the doorway of the bathroom.

“Order me some bacon!” I called after him.

I didn’t catch his response before I hopped in the shower.
As I stood under the heavy spray of the warm water, I thought about the future.
What was it to hold? Sure we were great here on the island, but how were we
supposed to get along outside of paradise? Were we considered a couple?

As I began to lather the soap, I thought about how my family
would feel with my relationship status. Would they be ok with Axel being white?
Besides the fact of race, would they be ok with the fact that I was no longer
with Ethan? They’d grown pretty attached to him; we were together for a long
time before we split.

Then it hit me. I hadn’t told my parents about Ethan and I.
I’m pretty sure that they knew, but the fact that they didn’t hear it from me
bothered me. Had I been so lost in the sauce that I’d completely forgotten to
tell my parents? And then I thought to myself, who told them? Ethan? Josie?

I quickly shut the water off and grabbed a towel as I
stepped out of the shower. Wrapping the towel around me as quickly as I could,
I made my way hastily towards the door. As I rounded the corner of the room, I
nearly ran into the still naked Axel. He caught me in a hug, which forced the
worries out of my mind and a smile across my lips.

“Where’s the fire?”

“Oh,” I suddenly remembered, “I didn’t tell anybody.”

“Tell anybody what?” he asked confused.

“I left in a flurry of tears and stupidity! I didn’t tell my
parents, anything,” I said ashamedly.

“Why don’t you just call them now?”

“That would be super expensive.”

“Honey, you’re still technically in the US. You should be ok
to call. I’m surprised you didn’t get any while you were here.”

“It’s because I put my phone on airplane mode. I feel stupid,”
I said slumping my shoulders.

“Don’t; it’s a common misconception,” he comforted before
rubbing my arms and kissing my forehead
“I’ll be back in a moment,” Axel said as he walked away and towards the

Realizing that my phone was in my suite, as well as a new
change of clothes, I decided that the best thing to do, was simply wait for
Axel to get out of the shower. I would make him go and get some clothes for me.
So in the meantime, I stretched out on the mattress and made myself

“You can start picking a movie out while I shower!” I heard
Axel call out.

“Ok!” I answered back.

Grabbing the remote control, I started flipping throughout
the channels. How did pay per view work anyhow? I’d never had the luxury of
using it myself. I was totally content with basic cable. Finally finding the
right station, I selected a light comedy before settling back onto the bed. The
pillows comforted me as I took a deep breath.

Axel came out of the bathroom, donning only a towel, and
carrying the fresh scent of his body wash behind him. He was just in time too;
the room service just knocked at the door. Watching his sturdy form as he made
it to the door, I heard a thick Spanish accent float past. It wasn’t familiar,
but it sure was happy after he received his tip.

Upon return, Axel puckered his lips at me as he carried the
platter of food like a waiter. The goofy side of his personality was in full effect
as he presented the delicious food beneath the platter’s cover. His body looked
absolutely delicious, but I couldn’t help but tear my sight away and to the
food that was presented before me. God did it smell divine! Bacon and eggs
Benedict! Fruit and grits! And fluffy pancakes that called my name as I took a
deep breath.

I was in heaven, and Axel was an angel! Fork and knife in
hand, I began to dig into the meal in front of me. Every bite was bursting with
flavor. Every morsel of fruit, and every chew of bacon sent me to heaven and
back. Licking my lips as a droplet of syrup lingered, I closed my eyes in
delight before opening them to look at Axel. His expression said it all.

“Are you not entertained?” I asked with a wink in his

“Oh, I’m entertained! Look at you, you’re amazing,” he said
pointing at the food before I stuck the fork in my mouth.

“You like a girl who can put it away, huh?” I asked him
after swallowing that last bite.

“Oh yes; that’s one of my favorite things about you.”

I smiled flirtatiously before looking away and for something
to wash this last bite down with. But before I could ask, as I turned my head
towards Axel, he held out a large cup of orange juice. I caught myself before I
could say a playful “I love you”, you know the kind of I love you mention to
random good Samaritans for holding the door open for you on a rainy day. But
some guys took it too literally and I didn’t want to ruin this moment.

“You really know how to make a girl happy,” I said; like
that was any better.

“That’s only the beginning,” he said gently pecking me on
the lips.

“Here I was thinking that I’d just made the situation
awkward; thanks for saving me,” I said sheepishly as I bit my lip.

“Anytime. Now let’s take a look at that movie you picked

Chapter Two

t was early afternoon by the time Axel finally
made his way over to my room. We’d made love that entire morning, after the
food, but before we’d even reached the mid-point of the movie we’d rented. I
was so turned on by him that I couldn’t keep my hands off of him. I knew the
feeling was mutual, and that made it harder to resist one another.

When he came back, I noticed that he’d been gone for a
little longer than I’d anticipated. But when he closed the door behind him, I
looked down to notice that he had packed all of my bags. I smiled. He knew that
after what we’d experienced last night that I wouldn’t want to return.

“I also packed your phone, here, it’s in this bag,” he said
unzipping the luggage and handing me my phone. I instantly switched the phone
off of airplane mode and waited as the signal bars reached three.

Now it was time to wait for the barrage of tests and calls
that my family were bound to send me. At first, I thought that maybe they were
just going to give me some space; I was being impatient waiting for the
messages to work with my signal.

But when they came, it seemed like they never stopped. Text
after text popped on my home screen. I had missed about twenty calls and had
fourteen voicemails. Three of which from my mother. Josie and texted me about
seven times, while both of my brothers called and texted a few times.

I instantly felt like dirt. What if no one had told them and
they showed up to the wedding? I decided to throw on some clothes, and head out
into the heat. As I rounded the corner, I spotted the place where Axel and I
had met for the first time, and decided to go and hang out there.

My first call was to my mother. She didn’t pick up the first
time, but before I could call my dad, her incoming call had stopped me. I took
a deep breath; I was not prepared for the lashing.


“Don’t you Mom me! Where the hell have you been?!” She
yelled into the phone.

“Mom, I’m fine, I-“

“You had all of us worried sick, you’re lucky Ethan called
to tell us that the wedding was off! I’ve been calling you for three days
straight!” she said, I could hear the tears building up behind her eyes.

“Mom, let me explain,” I paused to see if she would
interrupt but went on when she remained silent, “I went on our honeymoon
without Ethan. I just needed to clear my mind, ok? My boss gave me more than
enough time off.”

“Ok, and where’s the part about your fingers being broken?”
my mom asked sarcastically.

“I should’ve called, but I wasn’t thinking about that at the
moment. I mean, the man that I’d given two decades of my life to call off our
wedding the day before! He cheated on me Mom!” I said choking back some of the
old tears.

She grew deadly silent for a moment before she took a deep
breath. When she did talk, it was too low for me to understand exactly what she
was saying, but I knew that she was cursing. I heard a few loud bangs, possibly
the pots in the kitchen before she excused herself before the Lord.

“Baby, had I known that I would’ve given that bastard a
piece of my mind!” she nearly shouted.

“It’s ok Mom, just don’t talk to him at all.”

“Oh you don’t have to worry about me! It’s your brothers who
are going to want a piece of him!” she said truthfully.

“Oh no! Mom, please don’t tell them! I know that Ethan is a
low down dirty dog, but please; my brothers already have too much to live for.”

It had taken them a good part of their lives to get on track
with going to school. My brother Lucas, Luke for short, decided to pursue a
career in Pediatrics while my brother Samuel decided to go for his business degree.
They were almost finished, Samuel more than Lucas, but they were really
thriving in life. But I know that something like this could bring out their
violent streak, and one more strike would send them back to prison.

“I won’t, I won’t! But come on now, I got to tell somebody!”
my mom said. She was such a gossiping old lady.

“You can tell the ladies down at the shop. Luke and Sammy
hate those ladies, so I won’t have to worry about them hearing anything from

“No, you know how word gets around. I’ll keep it quiet for
now. I’ll just wait for you to be ready,” mom said in a disappointed manner.

“I still have to tell Dad.”

“No you don’t! You’ve been on speaker this whole time!” I
heard dad call out, most likely from the living room couch.

“Hi, Dad! I’m sorry I didn’t call you…I’m just trying to
clear my head.”

“I understand, just don’t wait so long next time. Your
mother and I are on the way to the airport you flew from. We don’t need to know
everything, but it would’ve been nice to know what was going on with my little
girl,” he said.

“You’re right. I’m so sorry,” I said trying not to cry.

“Enjoy your vacation, ok? And come see me when you get back,”
he said choking back a cough.

“Don’t worry about that cough, your father is trying to get
over that cold he had about a week ago.”

“Oh, make sure you get vitamin C dad! I’m going to call
Josie and my brothers just to let them know I’m alright. I love you both!”

“We love you too!”

After hanging up the phone with Mom and Dad, I dialed Josie.
I wanted to save my brothers for last. I knew they would try anything to get me
to tell them anything they possibly could. Josie always knew how to screw my
head back on tight so that I wouldn’t lose my mind and spill the beans.

“I knew you’d call me when you were ready to talk.”

“Josie! Those words made my day,” I said feeling a huge

“I mean now, it would’ve been a different story if you
hadn’t told me anything, but I understand.”

“Thank you so much. My mom was so upset at first, but then
she calmed down when I explained it to her.”

“You better be glad she didn’t come through the phone!”
Josie said causing me to laugh.

“You know you’re right!”

“So, where are you?” she asked.

“I’m on my honeymoon,” I said full of sarcasm.

“Ha! At the fancy resort in Puerto Rico?”

“The one and only!”

“Oh, I am so excited for you! You deserve it. Did you have
to fight for that room?” she asked concerned.

“Not at all, I didn’t even get a phone call after we last
saw each other that night.”

“You know I’ve seen him around,” she said waiting for me to
jump on her bait.

I did. “Where?” I asked furrowing my eyebrows as I saw a
shadow out of the corner of my eye.

“At my house, girl.”

“Are you serious? With Michael? Does he know?” I started
feeling betrayed as the shadow became a figure that drew closer.

“Mmhmm. Turns out my baby didn’t even know. Ethan had the
nerve to tell him that
were the cheater!”

“That son of a bitch!!” I yelled outraged as I shot to my

“I know girl! I was pissed off and about to jump in my car
and find him!”

“I can’t believe he would do something like that!

“I know, but don’t let that ruin your vacation ok? If it
makes you feel any better, Michael cussed his ass out as soon as he found out
over the phone! He said if he saw him again, he would beat his ass for hurting
his little sister and lying to him!”

“He called me his little sister? That’s so sweet,” I said
turning into Axel’s arms.

“You know he loves you, girl. We all do. Now get back to
your vacation and call me whenever you need to.”

“I love you, Josie.”

“I love you too boo!” she said goofily making me laugh.

We hung up the phone, as I turned to look up at Axel. He was
smiling down at me before he kissed my cheek. He came up to touch my nose
gently with his forefinger before running his fingers through my thick hair.

“Let’s get some room service; I’m starving.”

“Me too,” I said as I completely forgot about calling my

A day had passed since our first night together. Realizing
that we’d missed the 4th of July special didn’t seem so bad, as I watched fireworks
explode from our window. I was dressed in a slouchy shirt that bared both of my
shoulders while it showed my heart shaped rump. The glow of the explosions
illuminated the room as the lights were off. My hair tickled my shoulder as
Axel came up behind me.

His hand was at the small of my back before his lips were
against my ear.

“How about we go away this weekend?” he asked me.

I laughed, “We are away.”

“Remember the first time you went to Italy?” he asked me
before turning me around.

His hand stayed at the small of my back as his other came up
to hold my hand as he began to sway me to the music that was playing outside,
almost as if on Que..

“Of course I do! Are you saying you want to take me to
Italy?” I asked not being able to contain my excitement. Italy was the most fun
I’d had in my whole life!

“I’m saying that I want to take you to Italy, Spain, and
France. But only if you’re up to it,” he asked me as we swayed
“I know we haven't known each other for
long at all, but I feel something for you that I haven’t felt before. I want us
to explore each other,” he said before twirling me around; the backs of my
knees were now against the bed before he held my back and dipped me.

I smiled when the plush of the bed surrounded me before Axel
covered his body with mine. He bent low to tease my lips with a gentle kiss.
His eyes were on mine momentarily before they shifted to my lips.

“I want to taste you in Italy,” he said before kissing my
lips deeply. “And I want to feel your body around mine in Spain,” his hands
roamed my flesh as if for the first time.

“Axel,” I whispered.

“And I want to hear you scream my name in France,” he said
as his hand slid between my legs in search of my pleasure spot.

“Oh, Axel,” I moaned through a smile as my hands came up to
twist the sheet above me in pleasure, “You really know how to make a girl


Morning came sooner than I’d
anticipated. I was used to getting to sleep, but Axel said the plane was
leaving the airport early. I threw together a comfy and cute outfit, and
decided to wear my curls in a bun on top of my head. Our bags were packed the
night before, making it easier to get the ball rolling.

I was ready to get going, but I needed to talk to Sonya
before I left. She had been such a good friend to me this whole time; I needed
to stay in touch with her when I got back to the states. I’d told Axel my
intentions, and he said that was fine with him, and stayed behind in the suite
as I made my way towards the front lobby.

“Are you leaving me?” Sonya asked as she read my expression.

“Yes, Axel’s taking me to Europe!”

“Euro trip!” Sonya exclaimed as I laughed along with her.

“I really need to keep in touch with you! Let me give you my

“Aw! Of course, you call me when you get back from Europe
and let me know how the trip went.”

“I definitely will. I really want you to meet my best friend,
Josie! You are her twin!” I said as we exchanged numbers.

“Maybe I could make a trip to where you live someday!” Sonya

“OH! That would be nice!” I said extending my arms as Sonya
came around the counter to give me a hug.

“Well, you let me know! Fue un placer conocerte! It was nice
meeting you,” she translated in English as I saw Axel come towards the counter
with our bags in tow

“I’m going to miss you, I’ll be sure to take plenty of
pictures while we’re on vacation. Bye Sonya!”


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