(2 Book Box Set) Loving The White Billionaire: 2 & 3 (2 page)

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Chapter Three

es, I knew that Axel was a very wealthy. No, I
did not realize that he owned his own private jet. Why he chose to stay at a
resort and not something more secluded while he was here, I will never know.

Either way I wasn’t complaining. I went from driving in a
Kia to cruising the skies in a private jet. Though that’s not what shaped him
in my mind, I did find it impressive that at just thirty five, he had helped
build an empire. Taking his hand as he led me to the jet, my eyes widened when
I took in the view of the interior of the jet.

A dark reddish brown carpet set a beautiful contrast against
the crème colored seats that were adorned with red and brown striped travel
pillows. In front of the super plush and seemingly reclineable seats stood
built in foldable tables that held small appetizers and three white roses in a

“Color me impressed, Axel. This looks super comfy,” I said
before taking a seat in one of the chairs.

“Thank you, just make yourself comfortable. If you need
anything, just let me know and I’ll fix you something to eat.”

“We have smoked salmon?” he said coming over to place his
hands on either armrest of the chair.

“Sounds delicious,” I said before he kissed my lips.

“Let me grab dinner, and I’ll be right back,” he said before
kissing me two more times.

I watched him as he walked deeper into the plane before he
disappeared behind a curtain. I was still in awe of my surroundings and looked
away from him momentarily as I studied the interior. Looking out of the window,
I noticed the palm trees that I grew to love while I was here. I then thought
about my comment about Godzilla when Axel and I first met.

My mind flashed back to the first time in the lobby, just before
our date. I remembered that moment when I was about to turn around and leave
because I was starting to break down. Tilting my head to the side before
twirling one of my curls between my fingers, I thought about that embarrassing
time when I actually did break down and spilled water all over his pants.

How humiliating to have to walk around with soaking wet
pants? But he didn’t get mad
instead he came to my room to comfort me. I smiled slightly at the thought of
it. Where did they make men like Axel? And how in the world had I lucked out
the way I had?

“What are you dreaming about over there?” I heard Axel ask
as he carried a small platter towards me.

“You…?” I said teasingly.

“I am irresistible,” he said jokingly as pretending to flip
his hair over his shoulder.

“Axel, you’re too much!” I said as he sat before me at the

“So Mr., tell me more about your childhood,” I said before
taking a bite of smoked salmon.

“Well, what do you want to know?”

“Well, I know your mom called you sausage and that you were chunky
but, I want to know more.”

“I was actually big into dogs when I was about fourteen. I
loved Beagles. My Dad bought me one after I told him that I hated dogs. I never
felt the same about dogs after that, Beagles, in particular.”

At that moment, the pilot entered alerting us that we would
be taking off soon and that we would be landing in Spain in about eight hours.
Axel reassured me with the promise of in-flight movies, plenty of food, and of
course all of the time with him that I wanted. When the pilot left, Axel
continued with his story.

“I went to a dog show once; we won first place. And then he
got hit by a car.”

“Oh my goodness!” I said nearly choking on my sashimi.

“Sorry, that was meant to be a joke,” he said standing up to
pat my back.

“We’re about to take off, please remain seated and buckle

Listening to the instructions, Axel sat back down in his
seat and buckled himself in as I did the same. I was about to say something
when the jet jerked into motion, ceasing my words for a later time. I placed my
hand on my chest as I saw the airport start to move around us as we began to
take flight. Soon we were off of the ground and into the air. I was afraid of
heights yes, but I wanted to remember this moment.

“It’s astounding isn’t it?” Axel asked as he reached across
the table to hold my hand in his. I looked away from the window and smiled.

“It really is. The world looks so small from up here,” I
said as the objects on the ground became smaller and smaller.

“By the way, as soon as we reach our cruising altitude, I’m tearing
those clothes off with my teeth,” he said seductively shocking me by the

Before I could say anything he’d already, purposely,
continued on with his story. I laughed at the point when he told me Smeagle,
the beagle, used to pig out with him when his friends were out playing sports.
He said that a lot of times, Smeagle would be there when his human friends

Although he’d been joking before about Smeagle being hit by
a car, his canine companion did actually die. Apparently, the foods that he
gave his dog started to slowly poison him until Smeagle’s heart finally
stopped. I comforted him when he told me that it was the saddest day of his
life. Smeagle was only three years old when he’d passed.

“That’s a sad story,” I commented.

“My dad didn't think so. He was actually angry. He told me
that’s how I was going to end up. He didn’t even give him a proper burial. Just
threw him in the bed of his truck and went for a drive. When he came back…no

I could still see the slight twinge of pain in his eyes at
the memory.

“I’m sorry to hear that Axel. I wish I could relate to you,
but I’m allergic to animals with fur.”

“Well then,” he said before popping a piece of sashimi into
his mouth, “Good for you,” he said sincerely before chewing.

“On a happier note. How old were you when you had your first

“Actually, I was thirteen. Her name was Candice,” he said.

“Candice?” I asked with interest.

“Yes, Candice from Cambodia, or so she thought. Yes she did
look the part but her parents always gave her that look when she would bring it

“That, we hate covering up your lies that you’re using to
impress your boyfriend, look?” I said hitting it right on the head.

“Exactly. But other than that, I was head over heels for
that little girl. She was much shorter than me at only four foot ten, but she
was such a fireball. She thought she was bigger than she was and she would
actually stand up for me. We got into a lot of fights because of her short

“Her parents finally had to pull her out of school and
forbade us from ever being together. She always used to talk in gibberish and
tell me that it was Cambodian for ‘we will never be apart’. I used to laugh on
the inside because she would change the words every so often!” he said as we
both burst out into laughter.

“That’s so funny! How long were you two together?” I asked,
unbuckling my seatbelt before coming over to sit in his lap.

“One year. That was just before my dad got me Smeagle.”

“He probably felt sorry that you’d lost your girlfriend,

“Come to think of it, probably,” he said as he smoothed out
the material of my pants along my thigh.

“Any other girlfriends after that?”

“Not even one. I’d gotten my heaviest by then and felt
ashamed. Not until I started hitting the gym did I even think about getting
another girlfriend.”

“Wow, then you were single for twelve years? Does that actually
happen to guys?” I asked astounded.

“It did for this guy. I mean I went on dates that were
usually set up by my college buddies, but, they never went any further.”

“Aww, they didn’t give themselves the chance of knowing you
for who you were.”

“College girls are into muscles. I honestly didn’t have
enough confidence or self-esteem to blame them.”

“Well, you do now. I would’ve given you a chance. Well,
probably not, but not because you were chunky.”

“But because I’m white,” he said bluntly.

“Ain’t that a shame?”

“I wouldn’t have ever been able to approach you when I was
younger. Not because you’re black, but because you are an amazing woman.”

His words rendered me speechless.

“I mean it’s not just your looks; you’re the whole package,”
he said giving my hips a playful pinch.

“Axel…you’re going to make me attempt to blush,” I said
causing him to burst into a fit of laughter.

“That was a good one! But,” he said lifting me, and carrying
me to a wider more comfortable seat. “I did say that I wanted to tear those
clothes off with my teeth as soon as we reached our altitude,” he said before
laying me down.

“That’s true,” I said eagerly.

“Aren’t you happy I’m a man of my word?”


When we reached Spain, it was just
starting to get dark. The sunset was so beautiful, as its light danced on the
surface of the rustic buildings. I thought to myself, as we ventured through
the streets of Barcelona on the way to our hotel from the airport, what must
people from Spain think of the US? After being surround by such amazing
buildings, they must think we live so plain.

We trekked up the stairs after we checked in and passed the
lobby, and finally made it to our room. Our bags were already in place as the
bell boy had already visited our room. All that was left to do was enter. And
what a room it was.

I couldn’t say that I should’ve been surprised, but I was.
Not matter how many flashy things I’d seen since meeting Axel, I wouldn’t be
able to get used to them anytime soon. I realized that we were in the penthouse
suite, but I’d never had the pleasure of experiencing one in person.

I felt like a celebrity as I walked through the doorway and
onto the solid marble floors. There were columns that framed the solarium, and
also the huge glass doors that lead to the incredible garden balcony that was
illuminated by soft glowing lights. The resting area donned enormous and plush
brown suede couches, a modern glass coffee table, and a huge eighty inch flat
screen television. I heard a soft trickling coming down the hall, and looking
back at Axel, I noted that my suspicion of his actions wasn’t entirely
irrational. The look on his face said it all.

“Did you have someone run the bathwater?” I asked as we made
our way down the long and extravagant hall towards the sound.

“It’s possible,” he said as he turned me towards the

I was shocked by the romantic glow of the candles that
flickered around the room. On the counters, on the walls, and even around the
large bath filled with red rose petals. I smiled as I took in the scent. There
was nothing like smell of freshly plucked rose petals.

“Axel, you did this for me?” I asked as he turned me to face

“I’m a hopeless romantic,” he said before pressing his lips
gently against mine.

“This is all so amazing. Come in with me,” I said as I began
to take off my clothes.

“Really? You don’t want to bathe alone?” he asked as I stood
naked before him before reaching for his own clothes.

“Why would I want to?” I asked before pausing to look in his
eyes. My fingers were on the buttons of his shirt.

“Nothing. I’ll go grab some wine.”

“No, no wine. I just want you,” I said pulling him back into

He smiled as he took my face between his hands. He stroked
my bottom lips with his fingers twice before replacing his thumb with his lips.
As I broke the kiss, I smiled and led him towards the steps of the tub by his
hand. As we settled in, I smiled at his reaction to the heat of the water. He
finally adjusted to the temperature before I settled my back against his chest.

“Oh! This feels so good. This is perfect Axel,” I said
leaning against his thick forearm and kissing it, “It really is.”

He chuckled. “I’m glad I did this. I have to say, I wasn’t
expecting you to want me to join you, but I sure am glad you did,” he said
snuggling me against his chest.

“Why would I not want you to enjoy this with me?”

“I’ve had experiences in the past where the woman wanted to
bathe by herself.”

“Bathing in what you could give her,” I stated.


“I don’t understand that, Axel. I mean, you’re incredibly
handsome, and you’re such a gentleman,” I said kissing his jawline.

“A lot of women have been treated like trash, so much so
that they end up turning into trash.”

“That’s the sad truth,” I said resting my arms on his knees.

“I’m not saying that all women turn out that way. You’re
like a diamond, baby,” he said against my ear.

“Thank you, Axel. It feels so good to hear you say that.”

“It’s nothing but the truth,” he said as he lay his hand
intimately on my breast.

His touch wasn’t in a sexual manner. It didn’t make me feel
like at any moment he would flip me over, and bury himself inside me. It made
me feel, safe, protected, and warm. I’d been an adult since I was eighteen, but
Axel truly made me feel like a woman.

I watched his hand as it began to slowly wander away from my
breast and down my torso. He then moved his hand down my legs, caressing them
gently before finding my hand. He entwined our fingers and kissed them one by
one. He studied me like I was a book with all of his answers.

I then felt his other hand reach up to touch my neck as I
rested my head to the right side. His finger traced an invisible line down my
shoulders to my wrist and back. I found myself wanting to turn and face him.
When I did, I could see the raw desire and passion in his eyes. They bore into
mine and knocked my breath away. I’d never had a man look at me that way

“What do you see when you look at me?” I asked in a voice
barely higher than a whisper.

“Something that scares me. Something that captivates me.
Something that moves me in a way that I’ve never experienced before,” he said
leaning towards me as he ran his fingers down my face.

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