2-Bound By Law (15 page)

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Authors: SE Jakes

BOOK: 2-Bound By Law
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Before Law could answer, Styx came into the room. Paulo got off the couch, took the phone from him, and Styx took his place next to Law.

Paulo spoke before Law could try to persuade him not to resign. “Hey, it’s Paulo. I’ve already got a resignation letter written.”

“Keep talking about that and get someplace where Law and Styx can’t hear or see you,” Tomcat instructed and Paulo did, telling him some bullshit and managing to sound completely normal until he got to the front room.

If Tomcat wanted him to keep something from the other men, it had to be serious, which really worried Paulo. “I’m good—tell me what’s wrong.”

Tomcat was nothing if not a straight shooter. “Styx’s father contacted yours. Threatened the hell out of him and the rest of your family.”

Paulo’s blood chilled. “Why? What’s the point of that?”

“To scare your family. To draw you out.”


“Yep, that’s what I said.”

“How do they know I killed two of their men?”

Tomcat hesitated for a moment and then, “I’m thinking Styx’s father was watching us at the restaurant. As for the second man, it doesn’t matter. But you have family who can be threatened—Styx and Law only have each other and so you make the better bet. He’s hoping you’re the weak link. The one who’ll break.”

“What do they want?”

“To turn yourself in to them. You’re supposed to meet these guys to give them intel on Styx. What do you want to do? We’ve put protection on your family for now, but your father’s not happy.”

“I’ll do it, but not for my family. I’ll meet with them—and then I’ll kill them,” Paulo said, hearing the deadly tone to his own voice.

“Pretty much what I thought you’d say. I’ll help you with the kill part, but you’ve got to help me figure a way to get you out of there without making the other two suspicious,” Tomcat said. “Styx would have my balls for this.”

“Then why are you doing it?”

“Because you can handle it. Because I think it’s our best shot at getting Styx’s father.”

Paulo glanced toward the living room, but the men had moved into the bedroom, which was good—bought him some time. “I can do this.”

It would rip his heart out to leave them, but he could.

“I’ll pick you up in the morning. Around ten or so.”

“I’m going to insist Styx call you in the morning, then—tell him I want out.”

“Gonna let me in on the plan?”

“I’ll take care of it,” Paulo said, but the pain came through in his voice.

“Ah, okay…you’re gonna break their hearts. Well, hell, eventually they’ll get it.”

“I hope so,” Paulo said, the unspoken hanging between them. For all his bravado, it could be the last night he spent with the men.

There was another pause and then Tomcat admitted, “Styx’s father put a hit out on him this time.”

The breath caught in Paulo’s throat. “What?”

“I didn’t think he’d tell you.”

“He said that his father wants him back.”

“If that were true, I’d be calling him now instead of you. I think we can work with this. I’d asked Law to help as well, because there was no one better during his Delta days, but Styx would get too suspicious.”

“I’ll do it,” Paulo assured him, and he and Tomcat talked for a little longer before they hung up. Paulo stuck his hands in his pockets and remained in place for a few minutes, letting the enormity of what he needed to do wash over him. The fact that Styx’s father had placed the hit on Styx this time meant those shots at the first safe house weren’t for Law.

For Styx to carry all of this around and not tell them…well, it made sense as to why Tomcat wanted Styx to hide with them. Styx wasn’t only there for protection—he was being protected as well.


Law had watched Paulo leave the room with the phone pressed to his ear and cursed silently. Wished the man didn’t have to resign—for any reason—and then he got up and moved toward the bedroom.

He was so goddamned restless—he’d been that way all day although he’d done his best to hide it and not worry Paulo—but it was the kind of thing that a good fucking would only half cure.

He hadn’t needed something this badly since…shit, since forever. If this need came up, he could usually tamp it down. The few times he attempted to get what he needed, he’d asked Damon to set him up with a Dom. And while Damon’s choices were always good and did everything in their power to make Law comfortable with them, he’d never been able to let himself go that way he wanted to.

But Styx would notice the agitation, if he hadn’t already. No doubt he was waiting for Law to approach him, but if Law didn’t, Styx would simply take over. His instincts were so finely honed to everything that Law both envied and pitied him.

The man was never off. Although now Law understood why.

He looked out the window, hadn’t realized his fists were balled in his pockets, hadn’t realized he’d let the frustration level climb, despite all the release he’d had. And Styx was behind him, nipping his shoulder, the back of his neck. Pressing his body against Law’s.

Styx knew what he needed—the man always did. And while Law had been reluctant to ask for it—and Styx no doubt reluctant to push—when left alone, Styx didn’t hesitate.

Talking to Paulo about spanking earlier had made Law squirm—both with anticipation and a sliver of fear. He didn’t ask for it often, but for him, it was the best kind of relief.

Now, Styx ran a hand along his shoulders, his slightly callused palms rubbing, and then his fingers kneaded. “It’s okay to ask. It’s okay not to ask.”

“After all these years, you still know.”

“Yeah. You haven’t changed all that much, Law, and I mean that as a compliment.”

“You haven’t either, even though you think you have.”

Styx bowed his head and for a long moment, they remained like that. And then Styx lifted his head and told him, “Strip. Then get on your hands and knees on the bed.”

Law swallowed hard, but after a few seconds of hesitation, he did what was asked. Took his shirt and jeans off and left them on the floor. The walk to the bed seemed to take forever although it was only a few feet. His skin tingled, his breath came fast, and he wasn’t sure he’d be able to hold still.

But he tried.

Styx approached, rubbed his back, spoke to him softly, like he was some kind of wounded animal and fuck it all, in so many ways, he was.

“Spread your legs, Law. Wider.” Styx got off the bed, stood over him as he tried his best not to tremble. “Good, that’s good. Head down.”

At Styx’s words alone, Law could come. The command in his voice was something he craved and even though being submissive wasn’t something he wanted long-term, when he needed it, he really needed it.

The first smacks came hard and fast, right and left cheek, and then there was a pause. He heard himself whimper and it would be really easy to turn over, to leave the room, to not need this right now.

But oh, how he did. And when Styx paused to check if he was all right, he heard himself beg roughly, “I need more, Styx…please…”

And Styx gave it to him, forced him to stay still while the smacks came and sent him where he needed to be, with no break in between, no light touch, just the hard, fast whacks of pain that made him curse and moan.

When he came, it was with a white hot, blinding light, his orgasm causing his entire body to spasm, taking with it the stress of the past days completely. The release was incredible. Necessary.

He half collapsed and Styx helped him all the way down, held him tight, whispered to him and Law didn’t even have the strength to cry.

No, he didn’t need to.


Paulo didn’t want to make Styx or Law suspicious by lingering and trying to put on his best poker face. Luckily, judging from the sounds he heard from the back bedroom, neither man was paying his call much mind at the moment.

He walked toward it and paused a few feet away. Through the open doorway, he saw Law on his hands and knees on the bed in the hottest fucking display he’d ever seen, with Styx’s hand coming down on Law’s bare ass…and Law howling in pleasure.

He wasn’t tied down and that made it even more intense. Styx didn’t need to bind Law—he just used words and Law was still as he could be, muscles bulging, breath coming fast.

Watching Law submit to Styx was a turn-on, but this was beyond. And when Law finally came, the orgasm going on for what seemed like forever, Paulo knew why he’d been so intrigued by this kind of play.

It was the kind of release Paulo needed right now—what he’d craved and never knew. But Law and Styx both had, and how both men knew what he needed amazed him.

And tomorrow, he’d leave them, safe in the knowledge that he’d done the right thing.

He hovered near the open door, not wanting to intrude because the moment they were having was obviously emotional, but Styx had noticed him already. Law shifted and saw Paulo, and his cheeks reddened.

He looked away, like he wasn’t sure how Paulo would take what he’d just seen, so Paulo came forward and touched the man’s shoulder. “Should I be embarrassed to want that?”

“No,” Law said, his voice hoarse.

“Then why should you be?”

“Because I like control. I’ve shown you that need.”

“We’ll work on that,” Styx told them both. “But there’s some other business first.”

Styx was staring at Paulo when he spoke and Paulo tensed, because he knew what the man was talking about. And the thought of him spread over Styx’s lap, unable to escape…Jesus Christ, he almost came in his pants.

He also wanted to get the hell out of there, but it was like Law knew that. And it was Law’s turn to comfort Paulo, and he did by putting a hand on his thigh and rubbing. “Don’t worry, Paulo…you’re going to love it.”

Paulo couldn’t choke out any words, couldn’t take his eyes off Styx, who got off the bed and walked over to a chair in the corner of the room.

“What did I tell you I’d do?” he asked, his voice predatory, matching the look in his eyes, and Paulo had to fight not to take a step backwards.

He opened his mouth to say no, to tell Styx to back off, but what came out was totally different. “You want to put me over your knee.”

“Yeah, I do. You deserve it for that smart mouth. And I know you want it.” Styx sat with his thighs parted, heavy sex jutting up.

Paulo swallowed hard, because he did. Had, from the moment Law mentioned it, and there was no more denying it.

All he could do was nod.

“Good boy. Then come on over.” Styx rubbed his thighs with his palms but it was like Paulo was stuck to the floor. Tried to envision what it would be like, what it would feel like, and found himself shivering a little. Wanting it, but unable to move toward it, like so many other things he’d let slip by in his life.

But these men wouldn’t let him skate away—not that easily…not at all.

“I’ll come get you, Paulo, if that’s what it takes.” Styx didn’t bother to wait for an answer. He got up and closed the gap between them, pulled Paulo in for a deep kiss first and Paulo was grateful, because it helped him to relax. Styx’s hands were in his hair, running along his back, gripping his ass and somehow they were walking and kissing without falling, in the general direction of the chair.

But Paulo pulled back. “Will you stop if I need you to?”

“I don’t play like that,” Styx told him. “These are my rules. You can handle it.”

“What if I don’t?” Paulo asked and Styx gave him a half smile.

“You’ll come, Paulo. And you’ll come apart—that’s the goal. And you will handle it—how you do, well, that’s up to you.”

Styx sat in the chair then, and Paulo remained standing next to him until Styx tugged him to a kneeling position. He’d been naked in front of Styx for days now, it seemed, but he’d never felt more naked or vulnerable than he did at this moment, kneeling in front of Styx.

From where he knelt, Paulo had a close up view of Styx’s cock. Couldn’t help but lean in and use his mouth to make a slow up-and-down drag over it, spinning the piercing slightly with his tongue.

Above him, he heard Styx groan, “You little shit,” and he smiled with his mouth full of cock and did it again and again until Styx was holding his head in place, thrusting his hips up to fuck Paulo’s mouth.

The air in the room changed, and Paulo could feel Law’s eyes on him.

“You’re not getting out of it,” Styx told him after he opened his eyes. Paulo looked up at him and across the room at Law, who sat at the edge of the bed, jerking his own cock.

“Definitely not,” Law breathed.

Styx urged Paulo to lie across his lap so his hard cock pressed Styx’s thighs, and holy shit, the friction would kill him instantly. Fear gripped him hard as he tried to close his eyes and wait for the first strike of Styx’s hand, but the struggle inside him wasn’t waning.

It was growing stronger. “Styx, I can’t,” he whispered.

But Styx’s only answer was to hold him fast and then bring down a palm on his bare ass. The sharp crack reverberated in the room, inside his mind, and he knew he was lost.

The next two came down in rapid succession and he still fought because it was humiliating and hot and necessary. Because he knew there was nothing he could do to stop it…had to lie here and take everything Styx gave him.

Because it had never felt so right and still, he heard himself beg Styx to let him go before things went too far.


Styx had paused after a few slaps, watching to see if Paulo would sink deep into the submission, or if he’d need more.

“Do it,” Law practically whispered, his voice raw. Watching Styx balance Paulo over his knee as the younger man squirmed with embarrassment and impatience and fear…and arousal as well, was making him want to throw himself on Styx’s mercy again.

Styx had a way of taking away all the pain and hurt with a few strokes. He would’ve made a good Dom but never had any interest beyond doing his own thing with Law. And now, with Paulo.

“Let me go, dammit.” Paulo was really struggling, until Styx brought a bare hand down on his ass a few more times and then he stiffened and went strangely silent.

Law had seen it happen before, mainly between Damon and the men who wanted to sub for him. The art of surrendering, of submitting, could be a beautiful thing if done well…and Styx always had the right touch.

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