2-Bound By Law (14 page)

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Authors: SE Jakes

BOOK: 2-Bound By Law
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“I guess I’m going to be in this state all the time,” he muttered.

“Hope you can handle it,” Law told him, and Styx in turn grabbed at him and brought him close for a kiss, ground against him until Law groaned in his mouth. His hands trailed down Law’s back to his ass, a finger rubbing between his cheeks.

“The young one’s getting himself in trouble,” he murmured, and Law looked over his own shoulder to see Paulo pouring tequila shots.

“The lemons aren’t going to last for much longer,” Paulo pointed out, and Styx looked between him and the window, where the snow was blizzarding by, before he downed three in a row and then kissed Law again.

Tequila, lemon, salt and man—oh yeah. Law pushed a little so he and Styx went down on the bed, and then he urged Styx to sit up against the headboard.

“What the hell are you two planning?” Styx asked but didn’t have to wait for his answer, because Law and Paulo each took one of his wrists and cuffed it to the headboard. Styx lounged like the king that he was against the pillows they’d set up, and Law sat back on his heels and surveyed the man.

Age had done nothing but been kind to him. The hint of roughness that had been there in his youth was in-your-face, rugged and it turned Law the hell on.

Paulo too, since the younger man was already between Styx’s legs, mouth around Styx’s cock, and the big man groaned with a rumble in his chest, deep satisfaction. Law ran his hands over Styx’s chest, sucked his nipples until he was practically vibrating underneath them.

When he felt Paulo move away, Styx lifted his head.

“Come on, someone take a ride,” Styx urged, his grin easy thanks to the shots. He was always relaxed during sex but this was different.

Paulo got on first, and Law watched Styx’s cock disappear up his ass and then watched the men together. Paulo was holding Styx and even though Styx was cuffed he was completely, utterly in control. That’s who Styx was, what he liked. Bottoming wasn’t in his repertoire—he didn’t need to give it up the way Law had. And Law was grateful that Styx could be the constant in all of this, although Law knew that if he needed to take Styx, the man would relent.

It would take some coaxing though, and Law wasn’t ready for that yet. There were still other hurdles, and for now he just wanted to wallow in the pleasure and forget all the other shit still out there.

He watched the younger man’s ass clamp around Styx’s cock, his arms wrapped around Styx’s shoulders, and Paulo shuddered through his climax. Law tried his best not to come immediately.

Paulo pulled back and kissed Styx, breathing soft moans into his mouth, and Styx kissed him back. When he eased off, Styx surprised him—but not Law—by unlocking the cuffs and coming at Law.

Styx turned him over, put his mouth to his ass and began to fuck it with his tongue as Law begged for mercy. He’d get none, even when he grabbed for the sheets in a frenzy as the sensations grew nearly too much to bear. And then he was calling out Styx’s name and some other choice words, even as Styx held his hips fast and ate his ass.

And then there were two tongues—Styx and Paulo working together, licking and laving and driving their tongues inside, one of them licking and sucking his balls…a hand around his cock, stroking firmly and he was going to come, shoot all over himself and the bed. No way around it.

“Not done with you,” Styx murmured against his ear, and he just groaned in response, let Styx enter him and ride him hard. He had a fistful of Law’s hair in his hand to jerk his head back, exposing the grimace of pain mixed with pleasure he wore…the sounds coming out of his mouth were almost inhuman. Styx held his cock so Law couldn’t come until Styx allowed him to, and putting all his pleasure at Styx’s disposal made everything even more intense.

He gasped as Styx bumped his prostate hard, held his cock pressed there, and then he released Law’s cock. His climax spiraled out of control, made him half collapse. He reached for Paulo’s hand even as Styx continued to pound him, Law’s ass contracting around his cock as he pulled Styx to an orgasm with him. And he knew he never wanted these men to be done with him.


Paulo tried to picture Law and Styx as younger boys—imagined them together in the kind of frenzy that only youth could bring to sex.

When they finally collapsed and caught their breath, Paulo told them, “I can’t imagine the type of heat you two generated when you were younger,” because it was still off the charts.

“I think he’s calling us old men again,” Law said, and Styx gave a slow smile.

“I think he’s due for that spanking.”

Paulo tried to breathe normally, because Styx was for sure not kidding, but Law let him off the hook a little. “We fucked like rabbits when we first met,” he admitted, and Styx laughed.

“Yeah, you couldn’t get enough of me once I broke you in.”

“Don’t flatter yourself. I wasn’t a virgin,” Law told him.

Styx’s face clouded for a brief second, until Law continued, “Dude, I don’t care what your memory says—you were not a virgin at all.”

That made Styx smile. “I suppose not. It was like riding a bike.”

“Or being ridden.” Law smirked. “My first times were crazy. In those days, it was all about club hopping and fucking as much as you could, good or bad. As long as you got off, it was all good. When I got older, my tastes got more discriminatory.”

Paulo snorted and Law shook his head slowly. “You’re in so much trouble, young one, you have no idea.”

But he did.

“What about you?” Styx asked Paulo.

“Ah, typical teenage shit.”

Law furrowed his brow a little. “Was it bad?”

“It was, ah…different.” Paulo squirmed as both men looked at him, and he was trying hard to keep this secret. He wouldn’t succeed. “I’m not going to be able to have any secrets around either of you, am I?”

“You don’t let us have any,” Law said mildly, but he was smiling as he spoke. “Spill.”

“My first time was with a teacher,” Paulo said, and both men simply stared at him. “I didn’t know he was my teacher at the time—a sub, actually. I was sixteen and I’d snuck into a club near my house. Up until that point, I’d just messed around—guys and girls, too—but that night I was pretty determined to finally get laid.”

“This oughta be good.” Styx settled back for the story.

Paulo could still blush thinking about how green he’d been. How, looking back, he was sure the bouncer let him in despite his crappy fake ID, probably because Paulo had been young and blond and tight. “I downed a few shots because I was so goddamned nervous. And then this guy came over and asked me to dance. He saved me from some…” he looked between Styx and Law, “…older guys.”

“So much trouble,” Law muttered, and Paulo ignored that.

“He was hot, too. We danced and after about half an hour, we ended up in the back room.”

“Your first time was in a club’s back room, with everyone watching?” Law asked.

Paulo nodded. There’d been something so forbidden about the whole thing that he’d had no problem getting fucked in front of other people. “The guy was decent enough—I didn’t have much to judge him on for a while.”

It had hurt like hell, more than he’d thought, but finally the pain had turned to something close enough to pleasure—and he’d come.

Of course, that wasn’t too hard for a fifteen-year-old boy.

“So no one ever offered to spank you?” Styx asked.

“They did.” Why he was admitting that was beyond him, but Law and Styx immediately perked up. There was no turning back from the story now. “I was nineteen. He was a Dom.”

He’d been involved in the club scene from his first time on, always selective, always careful because of who his family was. He couldn’t afford to be caught in a raid, because he was at the academy and he wanted a career in law enforcement.

“He was…” Paulo almost said older, but the two men in front of him would probably take him over their knees immediately if he made another smart comment about their age. Neither man was particularly vain, but passing thirty for a gay man was always a bit of a touchy subject…and neither Law nor Styx was immune to it. “Experienced.”

Styx snorted and Law muttered, “Nice save.”

“Anyway…he and I had hooked up a few times.”

“Like, Dom/sub hooked up?” Law asked.

“No. Not really. Just fucking around.” Literally. But the man—Dave—had always asked, would tell him he would take him over his knee and spank his ass red in front of the crowd. “That was his thing. The spanking.”

“And you never took him up on it?” Styx asked.

“No.” Dave had told him he could keep it private. Even had Paulo to his apartment, but in the end, Paulo wouldn’t let him. “I just…couldn’t.”

“He’s not ready.” Styx spoke to Law, although he never took his eyes off Paulo. “He will be, though.”

“Jesus.” Paulo ran a hand through his hair and wondered how the hell he could be that embarrassed and that turned on at the same time. He recalled watching a lot of the scenes play out at Crave with interest, had jerked off thinking about a few of them but knew he could never be that on display.

“Hey, you were the one at Crave,” Law pointed out.

“Yeah, looking for you.”

“You sure found him,” Styx said with a grin. “I’m starving. You guys hungry?”

Both men nodded and Styx slipped on a pair of jeans and went to the kitchen.

“Handy that he cooks,” Paulo said, mainly because he couldn’t.

“He’s good to have around.” Law meant it sincerely, the warmth apparent in his eyes when he looked after the man. It was still there when he looked back at Paulo, and Paulo knew it was reserved for him, too.

Fuck, this was the craziest situation ever. “Have you guys…done this before? The threesome thing?”

“Yeah, we have.”

“With Damon?”

“Damon wasn’t ever a part of it—wasn’t even a thought. He was more into the D/s scene, even then. But Styx and I…we liked bringing a third person in, and it would be good for the night but no one ever really fit for longer than that. After Styx left, I had a few threesomes, but it was never the same. And in a weird way, it kind of solidified the fact that Styx and I belonged together.”

Paulo wondered if that’s what he was—a stranger they didn’t want coming between them—and then he refused to believe that.

“That’s not what you are,” Law continued, and Paulo really wished the man would stop reading his mind. “We were young when we were doing that.”

“But you liked it.”

“We did. It was hot.” Law paused. “I never thought it would be any kind of permanent situation. Then again, I never knew things would turn out the way they did in my life. If you’d told me I’d be going into the military when I was seventeen, even eighteen, I would’ve laughed in your face.”

“What changed? Was it only because Styx left?”

“I don’t think so. We grew up a lot in that year. Saw Greg get sicker, and we finally realized when he said that partying would only help the hurt for so long, he was right. We needed more. God knew I needed discipline, but a different kind than what I’d grown up with. It was hard as hell at first, but it was good for me—for Damon, too. We excelled. And we needed to do that.”

Paulo understood. When he’d passed the test to become a New York City Police Officer, he’d done so under his mother’s maiden name. From the start, none of the officers in training knew he was a son looking to follow in his father’s footsteps. No, that was the last thing he wanted at first and then especially after the scandal, because his career would not take the same path his father’s had and end in disgrace.

Now he knew he’d never escape that legacy, and that made him ache. Thought about all the times he’d run from something—toward an invisible something—and wondered if he’d finally be able to stop.

“You look sad.” Law’s voice broke through his reverie.

“I’ll be all right.”

“You fit with us, Paulo. You don’t need to run anymore.”

“We’re all running,” he pointed out, and Law tugged him until he was closer.

“You know what I’m saying. Maybe good is supposed to come from bad,” Law said. “What if we needed this time together to solidify us—all of us—together?”

Paulo could think of nothing more than how badly he wanted it to be that simple.

Chapter Eleven

A few more days passed in similar fashion—lots of sex and sleep and talking, and Paulo was beginning to think that Law was right about a bad situation bringing about something good.

The cabin had begun to feel like home and maybe it was some kind of Stockholm syndrome—without the kidnapping thing. But there was an underlying tension between Law and Styx, as if Law knew Styx was planning on leaving them to finish things with his father. He couldn’t hide with them forever—he had a job to do as an agent and sitting here with them wasn’t getting it done.

Then again, Paulo and Law didn’t plan on hiding forever, either. But until they discussed it openly, Paulo would dance around the subject as well.

God, there was so much up in the air…and if the sex wasn’t there to distract them, they’d probably kill one another.

Paulo hadn’t slept much the night before and he’d just started to nod off on the couch next to Law when Styx’s cell rang.

“It’s Tomcat,” Styx said, and they all tensed and didn’t bother to hide it. Normally, Tomcat’s calls were simply to tell them that everything was status quo, but that could change at any time. And although the men were relaxed, they were always ready to fight for their lives. They switched up guard duty at night. They checked the grounds during the day.

And they never, ever forgot the kind of man they were dealing with.

Styx paced into the kitchen, the way he always did when Tomcat called. Paulo and Law remained on the couch as Law flipped through the channels until he found a movie he liked.

“Paulo, Tomcat needs to talk to you,” Styx called. “Something about your captain demanding to know when you’d be back.”

Law glanced at him. “Are you giving notice?”

“I don’t think I have a choice.”

“There’s always a choice,” Law told him.

“If it means keeping you out of trouble, then I’m choosing to resign. How’s that?”

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