2-Bound By Law (21 page)

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Authors: SE Jakes

BOOK: 2-Bound By Law
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Law stared at Paulo. “Do you want this?”

“You know I do,” Paulo told him. “You know you do, too. Can you let it happen? Because this is a fantasy I’ve had since I saw you. Tying you down…making you helpless to stop me from fucking you.”

“Tie him down,” Styx told him and Law swallowed hard, but he didn’t protest. Not out loud, anyway, but his muscles tensed and his eyes flashed with a slight panic that Styx quickly smoothed over with a kiss and a murmur in his ear.

Law moved to the head of the bed, put his hands up to grab the headboard and Paulo accepted the handcuffs from Styx.

“It won’t hold him otherwise,” Styx said, and Law nodded.

“Do it, Paulo. Quickly.”

Paulo didn’t hesitate. Cuffed Law’s wrists and had the chain snake through an opening on the headboard. And then sat back, admiring the man all stretched out and waiting. “You ready?”

Law gave a small smile. “No.”

But he spread his legs anyway, as Styx stayed close, smoothed his hair from his forehead as Paulo mounted him. The younger man leaned in and kissed Law, so sweet and still hard enough to show Law that he meant business. He wasn’t letting up until he’d gotten all the way in—literally and figuratively—and Law finally gave up the ghost and let it happen.

Law was already sore, and even though Paulo went slowly, he still froze up for a few seconds.

“Breathe, baby,” Paulo whispered, and Law nodded and swallowed and closed his eyes. Willed himself to relax and felt Paulo push fully inside of him. But the younger man waited for Law to move before he did. Bucked his hips up to see how it would feel, and Paulo groaned his name.

It felt damned fine. Paulo began to rock against him and the resistance fell from his body as Paulo’s cock bumped his prostate a few times with a calculated move meant to take the breath from Law’s body.

Success, and in those seconds, Law forgot everything—that he was supposed to not want this, that he needed all the control, and he let Paulo take him. Styx undid the cuffs at some point and Law put his hands on Paulo’s shoulders. His legs wrapped around the younger man’s waist, and he was vaguely aware that he was telling Paulo to go faster. And then someone called him bossy and it became a tangle of arms and legs before Law could say anything more. Styx moved behind Law, leaning in to stroke Law’s cock as his own erection rubbed Law’s back, while Paulo continued fucking him.

Law came hard, felt himself spurt on his stomach—it hit his chin and someone licked it off and then he was turned and put on his hands and knees again, and Paulo was back inside him, riding him, and by the end he’d collapsed on his elbows, ass in the air.

And after Paulo came, Styx entered him. Law could feel the difference with the piercing and he moaned and accepted the fucking as Paulo moved behind him, and God, it was Paulo’s cock against his back and Styx inside of him and he was between the men he loved.

Chapter Sixteen

The plan had been to let Styx’s father get comfortable again—Tomcat hadn’t wanted him suspicious, and so the three men remained at the cabin together for several more days as Paulo healed and their bond grew tighter.

Now, with Styx on the phone with Tomcat and their supervisor in the living room, Law finished a sandwich and Paulo sat across from him, drumming his fingers on the table.

“He’ll tell us everything,” Law said.

“I know. I just hate waiting.”

Law nodded. “You still planning on going private after this?”

“Yeah. I don’t want to do bail bonding. PI seems the best route, and I can take the cases I want.”

“I could work with you,” Law said.

“You, a PI?”

“I was in the Army, you asshole.”

Paulo laughed. “I know—I just like hearing you say that. You said that on one of the nights I cornered you outside the club. You know, when you were playing one-man Army.”

“I wasn’t playing.”

“You’re serious? About the business?”

“Yeah, I am. I’m betting Damon would be too. We definitely don’t want to do the club thing again.” And Damon doing this could help ease the times when Tanner was away.

“What about Styx?” Paulo asked. “Do you think…?”

“Do I think he’ll stay in the CIA? Maybe. I can’t ask him to leave.”

Paulo nodded, obviously agreed, but it was definitely something to consider and worry about. Styx would be gone for long periods of time without either man knowing where he was or when he was coming back—Styx’s position in the CIA was like Delta Force on steroids.

He heard Styx wrapping things up on the phone, and told Paulo, “I need your help. I’ve got an idea for back-up for me and Styx, and I need you to distract him for a while so I can call Damon.”

“And you’re not telling Styx? Because remember, that didn’t end all that well for me last time,” Paulo said, and Law nodded.

“I know, but I’m doing it anyway. Styx would never want it like this, but we’re going to need all the help we can get.” Law looked at Paulo. “Think you’re well enough to keep him busy?”

“I think I’m up for the job.”

“A real hardship.” Law smirked as Styx ended his call and began to work on stoking the fire. Paulo waited until Styx finished and sat back on the couch. The throwaway phone was on the counter, and Paulo watched Law pocket it and then go into the bedroom on the other side of the cabin—the spare room they rarely used—and he heard the TV go on.

Paulo wandered into the living room and stared out the window.

“Hey, you all right?” Styx asked and Paulo shrugged.

Styx was by his side immediately, looking so concerned Paulo felt guilty.

“Pain?” he asked.

“A little.”

Styx’s arms went around him. “Where’s Law?”

“He’s watching a movie. Figured he needed a little space.”

“He’s always liked his alone time—don’t take it personally,” Styx told him.

“I don’t. I mean, I haven’t known him that long but—”

“You know him well enough. That’s what intrigued him about you from the start.”

Paulo turned to look at him. “That simple?”

Styx shrugged. “Not many people took the time to find out about him…they always wanted to fuck him, to get fucked by him. But they never took the time to know him. And although he always protests he doesn’t want that, he really does.”

That made Paulo smile. “I’ve never done that for anyone. Never wanted that.”

“There’s something about him.”

“There’s something about you too.” Paulo reached up and touched a small scar above Styx’s eyebrow.

Styx leaned in and kissed him, long, slow hot kisses that made Paulo immediately forget the reason he’d actually started this and made him fall into the natural rhythm being around this man always put him in.

Styx pulled Paulo’s sweats down easily and then worked on his own jeans, stepped out of them and urged Paulo toward the bedroom.

If that bed could talk…holy shit.

Styx sat against the headboard, and as Paulo watched, he lubed his condomed cock and then motioned to Paulo to come closer.

Paulo straddled the man and Styx fingered his ass. They hadn’t been inside him since before he’d left them…but Paulo was more than ready.

He let Styx drive him in and out of his mouth—it was alternating fingers to prostate, tongue inserted into his piss hole until he was ready to climb out of his skin it felt so good.

Styx was smiling around his cock and Paulo hadn’t realized how loud his moans were until then, and his cheeks heated, but he didn’t stop. Couldn’t.

“That’s it, baby, climb on,” Styx urged, and Paulo did, taking Styx inside of him, inch by inch, reveling in the slow burn, his fingers digging into Styx’s shoulders.

When he’d taken Styx’s cock to the hilt, Paulo stayed still for a long moment, adjusting to the girth. Styx played with his nipples, sucked on one while teasing the other between his thumb and forefinger.

Paulo buried his face in Styx’s hair and began to move up and down, enjoying the delicious friction—part pain but mostly pleasure. Styx’s hands moved to Paulo’s hips to rock him faster and faster until Paulo spurted, coating both their stomachs…and moments later, Styx let go, holding Paulo tightly as his orgasm pulsed into the condom, still deep inside Paulo.

They remained like that for a long time, Paulo unwilling to move and Styx simply holding him.

“Thanks,” Paulo whispered finally. It was the first time he’d been fully alone with Styx before, during and after a sexual encounter…and he guessed they’d needed this. It was easy to be compatible in a threesome—and Paulo had known there were sparks between them, but now he knew there was more, for sure.



“Not done.” Styx stood with Paulo still in his arms and Paulo didn’t protest when Styx walked him to the bathroom, sat him on the edge of the tub and let the water run.

It was a large, Jacuzzi-like tub, and Paulo climbed in at Styx’s urging, and Styx joined him, the two men sitting opposite each other, legs twined together, the water bubbling up around them like a warm embrace.

“Feeling better?” he asked, and Paulo nodded.

“I get tense when you plan with Tomcat,” he admitted, and Styx could appreciate both the sentiment and his honesty.

“Tomcat’s really impressed with you,” Styx told him. “I am, too. In all different kinds of ways.”

“Now that I’ve cleared your background check, right?”

“You haven’t forgiven me for that yet?”

“I can understand why you felt the need.” Paulo stared into the dark green eyes. “Law would’ve found out eventually.”

“Tomcat said you want to open a PI business.”

Paulo nodded. “I figured I could do some good. I didn’t want to deal with bail bonds shit, but I could do some side work for the department this way. Keep my hand in it.”

“The CIA’s been asking questions.”

Paulo raised his eyebrows. “About me? As in, recruitment?”

“Yes.” Styx’s gaze was steady. “As much as I don’t want you in this game, it wouldn’t be fair not to let you know. Your past wouldn’t matter in there. It’s only about you and what you can do for the agency.”

“It was never like that on the force. It was all about your past—who you were. What you were.” He shook his head. “It’s a whole different world.”

“Sounds like it.”

“I spent too much time trying to fit in instead of just finding someplace…people who accepted me. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.”

“No, it’s not.” Styx rubbed his calf with his foot. “Were you ever close with your father?”

“I used to try—especially when we’d go hunting together,” he said. “That was a big thing in my family—the fact that my father finally had a son to hunt with after three daughters.”

“Did you like it?”

“I did. Mainly because I thought…I thought maybe he’d be so close to me that when I came out, it wouldn’t matter.” He paused. “He used to talk about it all the time—fags. But his bigotry really knew no bounds—race, creed, religion…unless you were exactly like him and his cop buddies, you were out.”

“Took a lot of courage to come out with him like that.”

“I figured the longer I took to make the break, the more it would hurt. There was no way I could’ve lived a lie forever. I’d rather be alone.” And that’s what he’d been for a long time.

“Even your sisters wouldn’t speak to you?”

He shook his head. “Nah. They were my father’s babies, you know? Did what he said, thought what he thought. I mean, hell, I guess life is pretty easy when it works out that way. I’m just glad those teenage years are dead and buried, because those memories…” He trailed off and Styx understood.

“My first memory was waking up on a park bench. Less than twenty-four hours later, I’d fallen in love and I never stopped.”

Paulo smiled. “Law’s special—it’s easy to recognize.”

“And you were going to give him up for me.”

“If it made him happy.”

“What about your happiness?”

“That’s never mattered much.”

“It matters to Law,” Styx said. “Matters to me, too.”

“Why didn’t you ever ask your father about your past?”

“Don’t want to know,” Styx said. “It was bad enough that I know what I know. If he’d never found me…if he’d just let me go…”

Then he would’ve been with Law, still. Maybe, or maybe the Army and the CIA would’ve still been a part of their lives, tearing them apart anyway. He usually avoided the what-ifs, the regrets, because it was an unchangeable force and why waste energy?

But sometimes, in the dead of night, when he was all alone, he let it creep in and nearly strangle him.

“Don’t go there,” Paulo told him now and shit, he usually had a much better poker face. But the younger man was rising, water rippling off his still bruised and battered body. He wrapped the towel around his waist and moved to sit on the tub ledge behind Styx in order to massage his shoulders.

“I’m supposed to be making you feel better.”

“Who said?” Paulo dug his fingers into the muscles in his shoulders until Styx was practically purring. “I didn’t mean to bring up memories. It’s just…sometimes I wish I had none.”

“I’m sure there are a lot of people who wish they could wipe out some memories.” Styx ran his hands through his damp hair while watching Paulo balance on the edge of the tub. “The thing is, I could’ve done anything during that time. What if I took after my father? What if I killed people and I don’t remember? It’s a big, scary black hole and I don’t know if I’m ever going to get it back.”

“What do the doctors say?”

“They tell me that the mind’s a funny thing. That my memories could show up at any given second, or they might never come back at all.”

“So basically, they have no clue.”

Styx snorted, leaned back and closed his eyes, the warm jets massaging his body. He was hard, which seemed to be a perpetual state while he remained around these two men.

His hand moved to Paulo’s thigh as Paulo’s hand went to the back of Styx’s neck, giving a slow massage to the knots of tension he couldn’t seem to get rid of.

“Nice,” Styx murmured.

“Lean up a little,” Paulo urged, and Styx did so, let Paulo move behind him to put his feet in the water on either side and begin massaging Styx’s slick back with capable hands. “You know what, Styx? You’re nothing like your father—no memory of yours could ever make me believe that.”

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