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Authors: A. A. Dark,Alaska Angelini

BOOK: 24690
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“I’ve loved my niece since she was a toddler bouncing on my knee. I watched her grow. Fucked her before she was out of junior high. Some things should not be made for public entertainment, Main Master. Death is a special lover. It is to be cherished. Savored between killer and victim. What you’re doing, I do not condone.” He gave a hard shake to Julie’s lifeless body, moving them to the side as a scrapping sound drew me from the girl’s stoic face. The guard stopped the two hooks just over the tub and instinct had me yanking against West’s hold. But he wouldn’t let me go. And he wouldn’t let me turn into him to hide from the gruesome sight before me.

“Watch,” he growled in my ear. “You are the Master’s wife. You will not balk from intimidation.”

“Intimidation?” Master Kunken, repeated, shaking his head. “I offer no such thing. This is beauty at the purest form. I’m not trying to prove a point to you. I’m merely showing you what will soon litter our once semi-peaceful circle. You offer a massacre to these men. The buzzards will be seen from miles at the amount of blood they’ll soon spill. Better take that into account, Master Harper.”

The guard rushed over, tying a loop around each of Julie’s feet. He helped Master Kunken lift her limp body upside down, onto two separate hooks that were a good three feet apart. The popping as they forced the hook behind each of her Achilles’ tendons left me lightheaded. When they began cutting off her clothes, I couldn’t stop myself from looking up to West.

“Please,” I mouthed. “I can’t watch anymore …”

The hard expression only increased as he held my gaze. When his eyes narrowed, my stomach rolled with the need to be sick. I’d come to know that look. He planned to make me pay for not being strong.

“I’ll be sure to have a group a guards ready to shoot the majority down. The others will … what did you say? Something about a feast of food and sins? Sounds fitting for the scavengers. They can help with the torture.”

“What an evil mind you have, Master Harper.”

“Some would think so. I know Everleigh does. She seems to be having a problem adjusting to our ways.
To mine.
Maybe if you allowed her to take the lead in helping you prepare your … dinner, it would help her accept the role she’s been given as the main master’s wife.”

“W-what? Oh, God. Please. Please don’t make me—”

West’s hand slapped over my mouth, but he kissed my forehead so lovingly. “This is to be expected of your status,” he said, softly. “You will not cower to death. You will not stir or cringe at the sight of blood or gore. Skinning and gutting your friend will be good for you. Attachments to anyone or anything is useless. Let this be a lesson,


Chapter 35



The internal smile wouldn’t leave me as I kissed Everleigh’s forehead. Tighter, she gripped to me and I couldn’t get enough of it. Her body trembled and each little shake hummed through me like a magnifier to the sadist within.

“Let go,” I said whispered. “It’ll be okay. Just follow Master Kunken’s orders.”

“But …” She swallowed hard, gazing up with terrified eyes.

“Let. Go.” I pried her hands from my lapels, where they had risen in her fear. I could see my slave changing the longer I projected my authority. The walls inside of her were lifting. The little signs started out with her fists unclenching. Then her shoulders widening. She was either going into shock or numbing out. But I cared not of her mental stability. It was pleasing me to see her squirm. To see her so afraid. “That’s my girl. Shh.
Do it.
Stand tall, turn, and obey Master Kunken.”

Dark hair rubbed against my jaw as Eveleigh’s gaze went from the master, to the girl’s strung up body. Her arms dropped to her sides and in slow steps, she broke away from me and walked forward. A weird sense of pride began to make my heart beat faster. This was Bram’s sweet Everleigh. The love of his life. And she was mine to destroy or love any way I saw fit.

Master Kunken pointed. “Take her hand and place it in the loop of rope hanging down from her ankle. We want her arms, as well as her legs, spread.”

Shaking shook my wife’s chest, but no sounds left her as she obeyed and lifted Julie’s wrist. Once she had it in the rope, the guard pulled down on the knot, tightening the hemp to the dead girl’s wrist.

“Now, I want you to rub your hands down her leg, toward her head. Like a massage. Can you do that, Mistress?”

A ragged breath left, Everleigh, but she didn’t so much as glance or address the master. Her hands rose and she turned her face away from the body, staring at the wall while she rubbed her way from the top of the calf to her upper thigh. The color dropped from her face, but she stayed erect, going through the motions as the minutes went by. When she reached for Julie’s arm and began doing the same thing, the master threw me an approving smile. She didn’t have to be told, which he seemed to like.

“Very good. Now we’re going to pump the stomach. This will remove more of the blood. Give me your hand and we’ll begin.”

Bloodshot blue eyes turned to stare at me and she held my gaze as her hand came out robotically before her. Master Kunken flattened his palm over hers and placed it against the lower part of the girl’s stomach, pushing in with enough force to have him holding at the small of her back so the body wouldn’t rock. Blood gushed from the mouth and the wound at Julie’s neck making plopping sounds as it rippled the thickening dark liquid.

Lower, Everleigh’s lids dropped. It was as though she was glaring, but something told me she wasn’t here. Over and over the master pressed, lowering toward her head as he did so. When he pulled back, he grabbed the knife from his guard, crouching.

“Now, we remove the head,” he said, looking up at her and drawing her attention. “I’d let you do this part, but I’m afraid you’re not going to have the strength to twist it free.”


Everleigh swayed as he sawed through. When his fingers weaved through the saturated hair and he began to jerk and twist, I wasn’t even sure my wife noticed. She was still looking down. But … devoid of everything, like a statue.

The crack of bone sounded and blood ran down in a stream as he passed it to the guard.

“Now comes the fun part,” he said, grabbing a smaller knife. “Although, perhaps this is where we should say goodbye, Mistress.”

“Mrs. Harper,” I corrected. “And, she’s fine. She can go a little while longer. Can’t you, wife?”

Everleigh blinked hard, looking between me and the master. “I can go longer.”

Her hand extended with the monotone words and faster my heart raced. I took a step closer as Master Kunken walked around the body to come stand behind Everleigh. He started the skinning by himself, peeling back the layers until he got it level with her face. When she took the knife, his hand held around hers, moving the blade in slow slicing motions while he worked the skin toward the knee. More and more muscle became exposed and minutes passed as Everleigh’s breathing increased and decreased. 

“You’re doing wonderful,” he said, moving their hands toward the dead girl’s inner thigh. “You have a very steady hand. Perhaps … you’d like to come over and help me from now on?”

The softening of the master’s tone had all fascination leaving me. I took in his position and closeness behind her, suddenly seeing the intimacy he was experiencing. The jealousy inside of me raged as I came even closer.

“You’re done,” I ground out. “It’s time to go.”

A grin appeared and Master Kurken went to remove the knife from her hand. Her grip was so tight around the small handle that he had to force her fingers open. She didn’t seem to want to let go of the weapon. When Everleigh turned, I knew she was gone. Her face was pale and the blacks of her eyes were huge. Where it would have worried most people, it didn’t bother me. I’d seen her like this before—after the rape.

“Come, wife. It’s time I get you back home so you can relax.”

Seconds went by before she came forward.

“There we go.” I placed her hand around my bicep. “You did great. I’m very proud of you.” I kissed her head, glaring at the master. “Next time I say to be somewhere, obey. You’re my second.
Act like it
. I don’t give a shit if you approve, or not. You miss anything else and I’ll kick you from the board so fast, it’ll make your head spin. I don’t give a shit about old policies. I’m the Main Master now, and I make the rules.”

I led Everleigh out, letting my guards who waited outside shut the door behind us. Blood was still covering her hands. Her fingers kept twitching against my arm as we headed down the hall. I couldn’t stop stealing glances at them, or my wife.
She’d done it.
She proved to be worthy and so much more.


Blue eyes shot up at the address. I knew that’s where her mindset was. Had I of called her my wife, or by her name, the act would have been drawn out. Right now, she wasn’t Everleigh. She was no one. A shell.

“Yes, husband?”

“Do you want me?”

She blinked slowly and a muscle in her cheek jerked. “If it pleases you.”

“Don’t give me that generic response. I asked you a question. Do you want me?”

“I … I …” Everleigh heaved, grabbing to her stomach as she spun to brace herself to the white wall. Blood smeared and her fingers clawed down the length as she continued to head toward our apartment. “You … know … I do.” She managed. “I’m just … unwell right now.”

Deep breaths left her as I swept her into my arms roughly and stomped toward our door.

“And you were doing so well handling your lesson. I see it’s catching up to you.”

“I …skinned.” She gagged and I cursed under my breath.

“Get over it. It happened and you did beautifully. Your mind is just weak. We’ll fix that, though. You’ll be better than ever by the time I finish with you.”

Our door was opened and I headed straight for the bathroom. The sound of the water hitting the bottom of the tub sent Everleigh flailing in my arms.

“I don’t want t-to. I don’t want—”

. You will bathe and you will relax.”

For the first time, sobs left her. Her fist swung in my direction and I grasped her wrist, expecting it. I spun her, trapping her arms against my body. At the restraint, her legs went wild, kicking while she screamed. I barely managed to get to the oil before I heard the hard sound of boots rushing in my direction. Eli burst through the door, pausing at my glare.

“Well? What is it?” I snapped.

In jerky movements, his stare went from Everleigh to me. “Your … needed.”


Again he hesitated. “City Center. You’re going to want to see this.”


Chapter 36



Eli saved me once, but I knew it wasn’t going to be long before West returned. When he did, he’d want to continue. He’d want to rape me while I was drugged. I couldn’t let that happen. To have me sober was bad enough, but under the influence while I couldn’t move was something I refused to endure again. That’s why I’d showered as fast as I could while he was gone. If I could offer an excuse, it was better than nothing.

My mind drifted into the haze of what I could only assume was insanity. My actions, my thoughts, raced. Focusing didn’t last for long. I couldn’t stop shaking. Every time flashes of what I’d done surfaced, the sickness I felt was overwhelming. I had helped prepare Julie. I had cut and peeled down the skin of a girl who had trusted me probably more than she did anyone here. My brain wouldn’t accept what I was becoming.
couldn’t accept it.

Faster, I paced the length of our living area.

What was I going to do? If I killed West, I’d go to the White Room to await my death in City Center. If I managed to somehow do it without bringing suspicion on myself, I’d go to Slave Row to be sold again. My next owner could be Master Kunken. And then I’d be Julie …

My hand pressed against my mouth as nausea had me nearly becoming ill.

Get over it. It happened and you did beautifully. Your mind is just weak.
West’s words came floating in out of nowhere. He was right. Where I had moments of strength, I had moments of weakness. Crippling moments that stole away reality. It left me here, blurring through this fog until my wits returned. I didn’t like it. I wanted to be stronger. To have nothing affect me so West couldn’t find ways to hurt me anymore.
I wanted the blurring to stop from the corner of my vision. It kept stealing my attention.
It was like someone was there, even though I knew no one was.

Clips of me and the temporary high leader’s conversations somehow surfaced. He talked of games. Of control, when I’d spent time in The Cradle. Even though I knew the significance, I couldn’t process it in the moment. All I was beginning to feel was anger from the way my life was turning out. Anger and hatred toward West for the things he’d done. It ruled me in the moment … and tempted me to do things I shouldn’t.

A dark blur had me jerked my head to the side. I froze at West standing in the doorway. I hadn’t even heard it open, I was so lost within myself.

“Who am I looking at, my wife, or the fragile, little slave?”

I stood taller, keeping my eyes on his as I walked forward. “Your wife. I must apologize for my behavior. You were right. My mind is weak. Forgive me.”

The door shut at his push. The glare he cast followed me as he walked over to the bar and poured himself a drink. When he shrugged his jacket off, the blood splattered across his button-up shirt caused my entire body to twitch. I tried to push away my reactions as I licked my lips, braving closer.

“What happened down there?”

“Games.” He paused, throwing back the shot. The annoyance disappeared as he placed down the empty glass. “The Masters have quite the affinity for violence. More so than I could have hoped. They’ve taken to this change with open arms. Their imagination surpasses anything I could have hoped. It seems one of the masters here is a professional fighter. He’s taught his slave some of his skills.” He laughed, shaking his head at whatever he was thinking. “Apparently, he told another master that his slave could kick the master’s ass. It started as a joke, but long story short, the crowd went wild and began to instigate the situation with yells and remarks. The master didn’t take well to that and hit the girl. He broke her nose, but the moment Master Max gave the command, the girl demolished him. It was outstanding. Like nothing I’ve ever seen before.”

My stare dropped back down to his shirt.

“Did you …?”

“Fight her?”

“Yes,” I said, taking in the pleasure on his face.

“No. After she won, a bigger fight broke out. One between the men who placed bets. It appears they weren’t clear on the rules. I took care of it.” Lust masked his face and West closed the difference between us, stopping to tower over me. “You see, wife, most of the men down here are all just dying to release the storm that churns inside of them. I’ve seen this for years. They didn’t have to physically fight to settle this, but that was their first reaction. The rage is who we are. It’s a living thing, seething within, and begging to be set free. I gave them that. We build, we erupt, and there we thrive. It’s the steps. Just like fighting, drinking, and fucking. Now, take off your clothes.”

I didn’t argue or focus on my need for revenge. I grabbed the straps to the loose dress and drew them over my shoulders, letting the material drift to my feet. West followed my action, ripping off his shirt and bringing his hand toward me. Cuts and dried blood were over a few of his knuckles. He groped my breast, rolling my nipple between his thumb and index finger as he massaged. When he gripped hard, I cried out, grabbing to his wrist.

“If you ever fucking fight me like you did before, I will treat you like the slave you were portraying. My wife listens. She obeys. When I tell her to get in the damn bathtub, she goes.” He spun me, dragging me to the sofa. Roughly, he pushed his hand on my back, bending me over the arm of the couch. “When I tell her I want to fuck her, what does she say?”

A million words whispered through my mind—a million manipulations.

“Don’t go easy,” I said, looking back at him.

A smile exploded across his face and his body lowered against mine. “You don’t have to worry about that. Maybe I’ll tear you apart.” Suction tugged at the junction of my neck and shoulder and I prepared as his fingers rubbed over my slit. My lids immediately closed and I drew far back into my memories. So far away that I could almost hear Bram’s moans surrounding me.

“Fuck yes. I knew you’d bounce back fast. I knew the woman I’ve seen in the last few days was stronger than some broken slave crying over a little blood.”

I barely heard West’s words. His fingers were pushing into me, moving faster as his arm locked under my chin. I didn’t grab at the hold. I didn’t even want to acknowledge the fear that spiked at the action. Let him choke me. Let him do whatever he wanted. Here, I had control. I could fight if it came down to it. More than I could, the oil. But I knew even though I could, I wouldn’t. Not if I wanted more power over him. And I could do it. I could rule him. Instinct told me it was possible.

“More,” I moaned.

My plea was demanding and he took the bait almost instantly.

West’s arm tightened and his fingers disappeared from inside of me. When his cock pressed against my entrance, my teeth clenched through the hate of my situation—of him—o
f myself.

“God … dammit!”

I screamed right along with his words, feeling my legs kick out as he plunged into me. His arm was like a metal collar around my neck. It was heavy against my throat, fastening around me like it was locking me in, promising a lifetime of no escape to the slave in my core. With each brutal thrust, it secured even more, cutting off my air. My hands shot up and I intentionally let my nails bite into his skin.

“More. More!” I thrashed in his hold, feeling like the mad woman I was becoming. I could barely catch my breath as he slammed into me, repeatedly. I didn’t think. I let my nails tear down his arm with all of my rage. Tears flowed from my eyes while I fought. The chuckling behind me was anything but amused. His arm dropped from my neck so fast, that I wasn’t prepared for the fingers that ripped into my hair, forcing my head down even more. If I had thought he was going hard before, I hadn’t a clue of his strength.

“You’re feistier than I gave you credit for. How much can you take before you go back on your ‘more’?”

“I’ll take what you give.”

West pushed into my back, harder, pulling my head more toward him. He was arching me so far that my hands shot out before me and I bucked to break his hold. When I drew my knee up and planted it in the leather, it took everything I had to wiggle free beneath him. His hands scrambled, catching my hips. He yanked back on me, surging deep into my channel. Maybe he saw it as a game, but I didn’t. I truly wanted to best him any way I could. The pure fact that I could get loose was enough to keep me from truly attacking him.

“Jesus. Get the fuck up here, wife.” West let go, grabbing my shoulder to pull me up so that I was back against him. The moment his chest connected, he wrapped his arms around tightly, hugging onto me as he slowed the pace. It was almost passionate—loving. “Kiss me.”

My head angled and his lips met mine with hunger that was almost impossible to fake. Deeper, he thrust into me, grinding his hips into my ass. I gasped, breaking away long enough to take in oxygen from the pain. His hand brought me back to him and his tongue pushed into my mouth while he held me there. I could feel him swelling inside of me, getting thicker as he got closer. Cries left me and he drank them in as he nearly crushed me with his arms.

“I could learn to love this,” he said, lowly, moaning next to my ear. “
Love you

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