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Authors: A. A. Dark,Alaska Angelini

BOOK: 24690
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“Spread your legs wide for me, baby. Give yourself to me.”

A gasp left her as I withdrew and plunged even deeper. Her legs lifted to my hips and I buried myself, holding still while she clung to me.

“Admit it.”


I let my length slide out halfway and held. The throbbing was excruciating. All I wanted to do was fuck her, but I couldn’t. Not until she came clean.

“Admit it.”

“There’s nothing to admit.”

My fingers wove through Everleigh’s hair, pushing through to cradle and lift her head so I could make her face me. “Enough,” I said, softly. “Look at me.
At what I took for you.
Tell me.”

Tear clouded her eyes, racing along her cheeks as her stare cut over to the side. “You’ve hurt me so much.”

“And I’ll hurt you again. That’s a guarantee. But look us right now. Look at how we’ve been since the lashing … God, doing that to you. I’ve never loved anything more.”

Horror swept over her face as she jerked it to me and I rolled my eyes. “It’s because you gave it to me. I didn’t have to threaten you. You knew what was coming and you didn’t back down. Even after the first three, you gave me more. You didn’t try to escape or beg me to stop. You’re mine, just as much as I’m yours. Think about how I treated you afterward. Did I not give you extra care? Did I not show you how much it meant to me by stopping the oil? I couldn’t do it knowing how you truly felt. I shouldn’t care, but I do. I think I lost myself to you and maybe I’m a fool for telling you, but I know you feel something for me. Admit it.”

“I feel …” She sniffled. “Something.”

One of my hands left her head while I moved it around to trace over the still welted lashes. “You’ll always be mine now. This says so right here. These scars, you’ll carry me with you forever. And I’ll never forget it.”


Chapter 42



Eating was almost impossible. Sitting at the table with the main masters as West’s wife was hard, but not like it should have been. It was the menu. It was what was not three feet from where I was sitting that made me fight the constant need to throw up. I could smell the meat. Practically taste it as the aroma seemed to stick deep within my lungs.
My sweet Julie.

I swallowed back the bile, taking West’s hand as he held his out for me. Cannibalism. West told me not to think about it, but I just wasn’t sure how much longer I could last.

“Tell me more about how your face got all busted up?”

I turned, seeing West smile. One of his eyes still had a dark ring around the bottom, but his lip had pretty much healed. He rubbed his thumb along mine as he spoke to Master Yahn. “Battle.”

“Battling for what? Who?”


Confusion drew in the master’s expressions, but he continued. “What are you saying? You battled your wife? Like, she beat you up?”

He smiled bigger, bringing my hand up to his lips. “Not like that. I allowed her to release her frustrations after I lashed her. You can say she didn’t enjoy getting the scars as much as I did the beating. But that’s okay. Hers on my face will fade. My marks never will. Everleigh is mine now, as much as she can ever be.”

“Wrong,” Master Kurken said, raising his fork.

.” I moved in, keeping my voice low as I tried not to be ill all over myself. “May I please be excused? I know you all have business to discuss. I would hate to be in the way of that.”

He nodded, bringing my hand closer. “What will you do?”

My eyes took in the elegance of our new dining room. The wing was like a castle all into itself. I hated being alone anywhere in this place. It was big and cast shadows I wasn’t sure were there. Even now, my mind wasn’t right.

“I planned to read, but … may I please have permission to visit the children? I’d like to read to them instead. Maybe put them to sleep. Their bedtime is coming up.” I looked over toward the door. “Eli can escort me to keep me safe if you’d prefer me not go alone.”

“You never go anywhere alone. You want to go the Cradle?”

I nodded, cautiously. “You know how much I liked being there. We talked about it last night. May I please go?”

Concern flashed within his depths and he glanced up to Eli before coming back to me. “A bedtime story and that’s it. Don’t be long.”

“Thank you.” I threw him a smile, turning to look down the long table. “If you all will please excuse me; I’ll be taking my leave. I’m sure there’s business to discuss. Have a wonderful night, Masters.”

“Husband,” I said, standing and kissing West’s cheek. “I will see you again, soon.”

Fingers gripped into my bicep as I went to leave. My eyes shot back to his as he pulled me slowly down. My pulse was racing as he continued to bring me in closer.

“I want a better kiss than that. That’s how you kiss an old man or a child. I am neither.”

My lips met his and I closed my eyes, trying to keep the stiffness from my body. I had to keep telling myself that West had believed me when I said I had feelings for him. I did, but not like he thought. For weeks I put my plan into motion. From the manipulation, to the nightmares. I couldn’t afford to screw this up.

“I’ll be back soon. I’ll be waiting for you in the room when you finish.” My teeth tugged against his lip and West pulled me in one last time to press his lips into mine before releasing me. The moment I approached Eli and the door, the smile was long gone from my face.

“It’s cold in the halls, tonight. Maybe you should grab a sweater.”

I didn’t stop or say a word to Eli. I continued to walk until I reached the main door. It was swept open by my guard just before I could arrive. Eli was right at my side. I knew he was excited to help his sister and the children escape. I was as well. I just hoped everything worked out the way I had planned.

“Is it all ready to go?”

The door shut and Eli stayed even with me as we headed deeper into Whitlock. A chill crept up my spin and I held to my arms. It was indeed cool. Winter was fast approaching and I could feel it in my bones. The frigid chill hadn’t left me since we returned. With the ice running through my veins, maybe it never would.

“Everything’s ready,” he confirmed. “The van is parked on the abandoned road, ready to transport the kids to random locations.”


He swallowed hard, staring ahead. “Oklahoma City. I have an aunt there. When her identity is placed, my aunt will be able to go to her. She’ll be there for Sheree until my parents can arrive.” He glanced over at me. “Thank you. Thank you for this. I owe you so much.”

“Don’t thank me until they’re loaded up and leaving.” I kept my voice low as we broke around a turn. “You’re positive the cameras aren’t working there?”

“No way. I made friends with the technician that was supposed to be installing them. He can’t tie them into the main line until the password on Mr. Whitlock’s computer gets broken. Whitlock is running blind until them.”

“Not blind,” I corrected. “Everything’s still being recorded. We just can’t get in to watch it.”

“With Bram dead, we may never be able to.”

My hands shoved into his side on instinct, knocking him into the wall. “Don’t you ever say his name.

Regret flashed on his face as he adjusted his shirt. “I’m sorry. Sometimes I forget about your love for Bram. You’re so convincing lately with West. It’s hard to tell it’s a lie.”

“A wise man once told me, you play the game here, or the game plays you. There’s no room amongst the masters for slaves. You are either on the top, or you’re not. I will not be a slave to these savages a moment longer.”

“What about West? He’s going to know you were involved. Even if I do hit you and you knock me out. He’s going to know this was our doing. He’s not stupid.”

I stared ahead as we made our way down the last curved hall. The Cradle was ahead and I was ready to break these children free. To put a new future in their path that was different from mine. If I could do that, they stood a chance. My days here might have very well end tonight.

“Leave West to me. I will convince him, and he will believe. If he doesn’t, he may find himself not waking up come morning. That would have already been the case if I knew the masters would let me be free. I’m working on that. I will never be owned by another one of these devils again. At least this one I can somewhat control.”

We slowed and Eli’s hand moved to the knife on his hip.

“I don’t blame you. I hate this place. I don’t know why you don’t leave with the children. You should. You should escape and start over.”

My head quickly shook. “We’ve talked about this. I belong here.” Bram was here … or at least his memory.
His ghost
. I felt and
him everywhere. “Let’s get this over with.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

He threw me a grin, but I couldn’t return it. I headed for the entrance with Eli following. A guard was outside the door and another was just inside. The children were scattered through the large main room. Some were reading, while others were watching a DVD that was playing in the corner.

“Mistress Harper.” The guard smiled at me and I beamed one back at him. Almost instantly, the sound of a grunt had him turning back to the door on alert. I didn’t wait, I jerked up my knee length dress, pulling the knife from my thigh and plunging it into his chest. And I didn’t stop stabbing. The guard wasn’t good. He was one Eli suspected of molesting the children while he put them to bed. I couldn’t let that go.

Weight hit the floor and I slid the knife back in the holster, waving my hands at the children. “Come on. It’s time to go home.” For a few seconds, all they could do was stare in horror and shock. I rushed forward, hating that they had to witness this side of me. “Jessie, Renee, come on sweeties, we have to go. Your mommy and daddies are waiting.”

As if reality dawned, the kids began rushing toward me. Eli raced for Sheree, a little blonde girl who was barely five. He placed her on his hip, helping me guide the children to the door. I held two of the little girl’s hands, running as fast as their little feet would carry them. When the hall turned off the way we’d come, I took a right instead, weaving through the labyrinth I knew were empty of masters.

“We have to hurry,” Eli whispered, loudly. “The guards have to check in every fifteen minutes. From the time, I figure we have less than ten.”

I swept the smaller girl in my arms, clinging to the other as we increased our speed. Time seemed to drag on, and yet I felt like we were flying. To stay out of view, I knew we were taking the longer way, but it was the only chance we stood at not being seen.

“Devon, pick Casey up. We have to go faster,” Eli urged.

The hall came to a fork and I took a quick glance down the hall to the right, jerking to a stop at the face that glared at me. A hand pushed hard into my back and I held in the tears as I sprinted straight.
. Each time I got a glimpse of him, it got harder. Elevation began dropping and I knew it wouldn’t be long now.

“Wait. Wait. There will be a guard ahead.” Eli had me pulling to a stop as we neared the last turn. He placed Sheree next to me and withdrew his knife as he crept forward. When he disappeared around the corner my heart was in my throat. I looked behind me, half expecting to see those narrowed blue eyes projecting their hate—their love. Nothing.

Within moments, a voice echoed in the distance. Instinct had me pulling the kids in close as I waited. Their little breaths were ragged and I knew they were just as afraid, if not more. Seconds passed and my hands were shaking as I reached out and tried to touch each one to add comfort. Footsteps had me stiff as I waited.

“Hurry.” Eli appeared, waving us forward.

Blood covered his hands, but I pushed the sight away as we began moving forward again. He picked up Sheree, leading us through a door that cloaked us in darkness. Deep pants echoed and my fingers broke from Renee’s palm as it shot up to add cover from the blinding headlights, not feet away.

“Thank God.” I breathed out. “Hurry, let’s get them loaded up as fast as we can.”

The van door was already opening and panic left me scooping up the first little girl in my arms as I raced over to stick her inside. One by one, Eli and I handed them over to a man inside. Nothing I did felt fast enough. I knew we had to hurry, I just feared any minute West would be barging through the doors after me.

“I’ll see you soon, baby.” Eli sniffled, hugging his sister tightly before he lifted her from in front of him. My stomach twisted into knots and I blinked passed the tears.

“Let them go,” I whispered. “She’ll never be safe if you don’t. Hurry, we have to leave.”

“Give momma a kiss for me.” He squeezed one last time, stepping back. The door immediately slammed closed. Red lights flooded the area as the van switched gears and I felt my pulse increase even more as it sped away. Darkness once again enveloped us, dying out as a glow emitted from Eli’s phone.

“I can’t believe we did. Son of bitch, I can’t fucking believe it.”

“It’s not over yet,” I said, shaking my head. “Hit me. And do it hard.”

There was no hesitation. No going easy on me. Lights flashed as the back of his hand connected against my cheek. I could feel the blood gush from my nose as my body spun at the force.

“Fuck, I’m sorry. Are you okay? Can you walk? We have to try to get back fast enough for you to tie me up. We might have a five-minute window before they suspect something may have happened. They know it’s bedtime.”

Eli turned to lead at my nod and all emotion drained from me. Just like it did on almost everything now. I grabbed my knife, taking three fast steps forward before plunging it into his back.
Once. Twice. Three times.
Just like with the man I loved. Eli fell to his knees, hitting hard.

“Your sister will never be safe if you’re in the picture. They won’t even know about the relation. I won’t put her in danger because of you or anyone else. But this,” I said, twisting the knife as he cried out in pain, “is from Bram and Lyle.” I removed the knife, reaching around and slicing his neck. The hard thump reverberated through the room, and with it, the pitch black sense of calm appeared. With it, I retreated inside myself even more. I couldn’t see, but I didn’t care as I brought the knife up, dragging the blade slowly over my shoulder.

The halls, nothing focused as I let myself disappear into the void. Blood was dripping from my fingers and it didn’t take long for lightheadedness to overtake me. I knew I’d sliced deep. Maybe deeper than I should have, but I was past the point of caring. I took my time, staying in a daze until I finally reached the main hall. I knew the van needed time to get away, but the guards would be aware soon, if they didn’t already.

“Mistress Harper?”

I blinked heavily at my name, feeling my legs buckle as the guard approached and caught me.

“My husband. T-take me to my h-husband.”

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