24690 (26 page)

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Authors: A. A. Dark,Alaska Angelini

BOOK: 24690
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“We have a situation at the main hall. All active guards head to the Harper Wing!” The guard shouted into his radio, swooping me in his arms as he took off in a sprint toward the far side of Whitlock. It didn’t take but a few minutes for him to arrive. Guards were already outside the door and West pushed them out of the way, allowing room for me to be brought in. The worry on his face left me internally smiling as I was lowered to the floor.

“What the fuck happened?” He yelled at the guards, but no one knew. They stared amongst each other like lost little sheep, unaware that they all catered to the wolf. “Everleigh, baby, what happened? Where’s Eli?” When I didn’t answer, he got louder. “Where’s Eli? He was supposed to be protecting you.”

“Dead,” I forced out. “I killed him.”


Pressure pushed against my arm and I sobbed letting my new manipulative personality take me over. “He hit me and killed the guards. He took us.”

“He what?
You’re not making sense!

I took a ragged breath, breaking down even more. “I told you! I told you someone was going to take me. I woke up and he was carrying me. The kids were so scared. Some man kept pushing them along. They took us to some dark place. A r-road. The man got the kids in and Eli tried to have them take me too, but I didn’t want to go. I told him I didn’t want to go, but he wouldn’t listen to me. He kept saying I was safer away from here. I didn’t think. I managed to get my knife and I stabbed him in the back a few times. When we fell, the van took off. He tried to wrestle me for my knife and that’s when I got cut. Somehow, I broke away, but he c-caught my leg. I … I slit his throat,” I sobbed.”

“Son of bitch.
That motherfucker!

I let the sobs grow louder as he pulled me in his arms. Someone was applying even more pressure to my wound, but I barely felt it as my mind swallowed me even more. My body kept going through the motions, but I wasn’t there. Not really.

“I have to get her to Medical. I want all men on this. Go down and find out what you can. Some of you hit the road and look for the van.” He pulled back enough to gaze down at me. “What kind of van? Do you remember?”

I shook my head, letting confusion play out on my face. “I’m not sure. It all happened so fast and I was over his shoulder. It was dark. I think it might have been black or blue? I don’t know.”

“It’s okay,” he said, lifting me. “You’re safe now. I got you. I won’t let anyone take you away.”

“You promise?”

His lips kissed my cheek and I immediately lowered my head to rest in the crook of his neck. “You better believe it.”


Chapter 43



Back and forth, I paced, getting angrier with every minute. How in the fuck had this happened? And the bigger question was, why the fuck had I put my trust in a man I was so uneasy about? I saw the way he had been overprotective of Everleigh. Especially when it came to the lashings. But hadn’t I thought I put an end to that with showing him who owned her? I never expected him to try to break her free. Did he not think I’d know he was responsible? He was the high leader and her personal guard. With the children and my wife kidnapped, what made him think that I wouldn’t have killed him for letting them get taken in the first place? Even if he was innocent?

I glanced to Abbot, the new high leader, glaring before I took in the computer technician who had been trying to crack Bram’s password since we’d been back. It was fucking impossible. He was the best, and he still couldn’t get in.

“Tell me what the hell has to be done. Can we trash this system and put in a new one? Maybe somehow tie the new one into the cameras already set up?”

The red haired boy looked up from the screen, shaking his head. “If it was that easy, I would have suggested it weeks ago. They’re encrypted. Everything encrypted. Without the password, everything is useless.”

“God … dammit!”

“Sorry, I’m trying.”

“Try. Harder. I’m not paying you a fucking fortune to type in random words. Use that brain of yours and all your fancy equipment and get to cracking. You,” I said, turning to Abbot. “Tell me you have something on who Eli was working with. Anything. Tell me something. It’s been three fucking days.”

“We’re working on it, Main Master. I have people out right now trying to find everything they can about the van. We have the files on all the children, and men are already staking out their homes.”

“Jesus. I should have slaughtered the entire fucking Cradle when I had the chance. That, or had the auction earlier. Something. If one of those kids says

Abbott’s head shook. “Won’t happen. If the van is taking them home, we’ll put a stop to it before they ever get within feet of the door. If it’s law enforcement, we’re tapped into scanners all over the place. One mention of a missing kid and we’ll get in and take care of it. Even if we have to put a bullet in their head right there in the station. The identity of Whitlock won’t get out.”

“You better pray to God that it doesn’t. I’m heading back to check on my wife. She’s terrified if I’m away from her for long. If she wakes up and doesn’t find me there, she’s going to be upset, and then I’m going to be upset for making her upset. Then you’re really not going to want to bring me any bad news.”

“Yes, Master.”

I barged out of Bram’s door, walking right into Everleigh’s panicked frame. Her good arm flailed and I barely caught her before she collided with the wall.

“Jesus, what are you doing walking out here by yourself? Did you learn nothing?” I ground out, hugging her into me tighter. “Are you hurt?”

“N-no. I couldn’t find you. I got scared.”

“So you decided to come here? To Bram’s?”

She paused, stepping back from my arms. “I was actually headed to the meeting room when one of the guards told me you were here.”

“And the idiot didn’t accompany you to make sure you made it to me safely?” I placed my hand on the middle of her back, leading her back toward our wing. “You’ll show me which one it was so I can remind him why the fuck I keep him around.”

“Please, don’t. I told him not to escort me. It’s my fault. I didn’t want him to get in trouble for leaving his post.”

“To protect the Master’s wife? Eveleigh!”

At the sobs that burst from her, I couldn’t help but clench my teeth. Today was not good. Not for the guards, or for her. I had to get her back to bed and try to avoid her as much as possible until this passed. If not … I knew what was going to happen. All of my hard work I’d put into my wife would be for nothing. I’d tear it apart, just like I wanted to do to her. And God did I crave it more than anything. I wanted to hear her screams. Her cries. I wanted her fear. Her fight as she tried to struggle away from me. Most of all, I wanted to be the one to physically induce a pain so great inside of her that it sated the evil in me.

“I’m sorry. I … I don’t want anyone around me. Only you. I don’t trust anyone here.”

“Not all the guards are like Eli. You have to trust them. They’ll look out for you. That’s one of the main things they’re supposed to do. Speaking of which …”

I picked up my pace, letting the rage build and burn inside of me. The moment we rounded the turn, my eyes locked on the guard’s. He took one look at me, and then Everleigh. His mouth parted and he shifted nervously as I approached.

“How did she get out?”

“I-I was only gone for a moment, Master. I promise. The restroom and right back.”

“That’s not the way it works! If you leave, you call in for someone to replace you until you’re back.”

The guard looked between us nervously. “There’s no one else, Main Master. Everyone is either on patrol somewhere else or gone on the search.

Heat bubbled within me and all I wanted to do was choke the life from him. “I’ll deal with you later.” I threw the door open, pulling Everleigh through the large living area until we were back in the room.

“Will you be leaving me, again?
You’re not going to leave me

“Only for a little while. I need to …” I pulled at my hair as sweat began to coat my skin. “I have to go.”

“Well … if you have to … may I have my book, then? The one you took when we returned. I think I’d like to read some of the poems if that’s alright.”

I stopped dead in my tracks, glaring over my shoulder. “Bram’s book?”

“It’s just poems.”

I turned, slowly, walking toward her. My anger knew no bounds as it surged through me like scorching lava. And she saw it. With each step I got closer, she pushed further into her pillows. “Are you sure that’s why you want it? Maybe you just miss him and you want to take a trip down memory lane. Just like with your dreams. Like with the popcorn. Do you love him so much that you can’t let him go!”

“I did love him, but—”

My slap to her face was automatic.


Again she tried to explain her emotions to Bram, and once more I struck her. And I would have done more had I not wanted to injure her and put her healing time back even more.

“Save your excuses for someone who gives a shit. You want your stupid book, it’s in my library. Let’s see you go get it.”

Her head shook and I knew she was aware I was wanting more of a fight.

“If you don’t get up and go get that book right now, I’m going to go in there and burn it. How much does it mean to you? How badly do you want it?”

Everleigh threw the covers back, pushing from the bed. Not once through her light steps, did she turn her back to me. She was ready to run. Ready for me to attack.

The door opened and the white nightgown she wore wisped around her ankles as she picked up the pace. The moment she made it through the living room and entered the hall, she spun, sprinting for my library door. And I was on her before she could make it through. My fingers wove in her hair and I drug her into the large room, not stopping until we reached the bookshelf behind my desk.

“Middle shelf, right in front of you. Take it. Pick it up.”

“Don’t do this, please.”

“Do what? This?”

I spun her around, pushing the top of her body over the desk. Everleigh’s legs went wild as she fought to turn over. I ripped up her nightgown hearing the fabric tear in my haste to be inside of her. This way.
My way.

“Stop it! Stop!”

My hand lifted from her back, jerking the panties down. The screams that tore through the library left me going faster, feeding my impatience.

“That stupid book was so important that you risked this? Risked us!”

I locked my arm around her throat, tearing at my belt. Within moments, I had my slacks undone and my cock out. I shoved my hand in her face, grinding my length against her ass as I put my palm in front of her mouth.

“Spit.” A loud cry echoed while she shook her head. “Spit!”

“No! It’s not too late. Stop this right now. Please. You don’t have to do this.”

I grabbed hair bringing my other palm down hard on her ass.
Whack! Whack! Whack!

Again my hand went in front of her mouth.

“Fuck you! I’ll kill you! I’ll rip you to pieces if you do this.”

A smile came face and I spit in my own hand, securing her with my arm around her neck again while I stroked my cock. Still, she went crazy, kicking and trying to claw at me. I pulled her back toward me and pressed against the entrance of her ass. Slowly, I eased in, letting her fight help force my way through the tightness.

“Let’s see if you make good on your threats. Let’s see who rips the other apart first.”

My bicep flexed, muffling her scream from the pressure while I thrust forward with everything I had. Her body jolted, going rigid through the agony I knew she had to feel. With a single breath, her legs tried to draw up on the desk, knocking over papers as she fought for some sort of leverage. But I wouldn’t give it to her in her desperate search for escape. I kept her under my control as I eased out and basked in the warm wetness that made my thrusts easier.

“I do believe you’re bleeding again, wife. Does it hurt, horribly? Do you still love me?
God, I love you
. I swear I do.”

Everleigh’s arms were slowing as she reached for open space. With how high I had the top of her body, she had no room to grasp anything. 

“K-ill you.”

“Oh, here.” I eased the grip on her neck. “You were saying?” The gag cut off her words before she could repeat them, but I didn’t need to hear her threats. I let my thrust carry me home. Carry me to the place where everything was perfect.

“God, you feel so good. I think it’s been too long. We’re really going to have to do this more often. Do you want to know what I also miss?”

“You’re going to be dead before I leave this room. I’m going to—”

I tightened my arm again, choking her as I began to pound my cock in hard. “I know you’re upset now, but don’t worry. I’ll have you relaxing in no time. Soon, this will be like a dream.” I pushed more of my weight on her back, leaning us forward. Pain shot into my side from her elbow and the moment I loosened on her neck, she threw herself to the side. Before my hand could connect with her, she twisted the top of her body and pain exploded on the side of my forehead.

I blinked, barely feeling my arm rise as I reached up to the blood that was already pouring down my face. Everleigh lay there frozen, holding a large metal paperweight fisted in her palm. I could feel myself stumbling back and falling, but I was already gone. I was already being taken over by the void of unconsciousness.

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