2#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance

BOOK: 2#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance
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His Last


Unlikely Mates

Part 2


Charlene Hartnady


Copyright and


Copyright ©April 2015, Charlene Hartnady

Cover Art by Melody Simmons

Copy Edited by Kimberly Reichmann

Produced in South Africa


Published by Charlene Hartnady

PO BOX 456, Melrose Arch,

Johannesburg, South Africa, 2176

[email protected]



His Last is a work of fiction and
characters, events and dialogue found within are of the author’s imagination
and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or
persons, either living or deceased, is purely coincidental.

With the exception of quotes used in
reviews no part of this book may be reproduced or shared in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including but not limited to digital copying,
file sharing, audio recording, email and printing without prior consent in
writing from the author




To my wonderful, amazing readers. For picking up my
books, for your words of encouragement. From the bottom of my heart…thank you.






Chapter 1


Zane wrapped his arms around his human, splaying his large hands on her slightly
distended abdomen. The male rubbed her belly, moving his hands in lazy strokes.

expected Tanya to slap his hands away as she had done every day for the past
week, but the female instead sighed while leaning back. She even closed her

halted, not wanting to intrude on the royal couple. The burning need to meet
with Zane kept him from moving away as he normally would.

king whispered something into the human’s ear and she giggled. Next, Zane slid
his hands up cupping her large mammary glands while continuing to whisper into
her ear. The giggle turned into a moan and despite the fact that they were
outside, the scent of arousal drifted across to him.

had to work not to back up. Instead, he averted his eyes by watching a pair of
majestic swans swimming across the large lake. He had read somewhere that swans
mated for life and his mind wandered to Becky.

still found it strange that he already considered her to be his mate even
though they had never even tested compatibility.

that he knew it to be true though, he couldn’t believe that he hadn’t reached
the conclusion sooner, no matter the odds against it. He had stopped rutting
with other females some time back. None had been able to stir his blood. At the
time, it felt like he had been afflicted with a curse. Unable to fathom why he
couldn’t become aroused. It had driven him to the point of insanity. Fortunately,
he at last had been able to put the pieces together.

hearing Becky’s voice the day that she had helped Stephany birth her babies had
given him a throbbing hard on. It was so inappropriate considering the
circumstances. Her sweet voice had drifted over to him along with her delicious
scent and suddenly his pants were too tight. His concentration, all but gone.
He recalled how she’d put Brant into his place, even kicking him in the shin.
Not many vampires dared to stand up against the male, let alone a delicate
human. Being it that he was a vampire king, the male exuded authority and a
fierceness that could turn even the most fearless warrior into a blubbering
coward. Her act of defiance against Brant had brought a smile to his lips and
had heated his blood. Just being near her did things to him that no other
female had been able to do for some time. When it hit him, it came with a sense
of clarity. Becky was the only one for him. How had something so simple eluded
him for so long?

she’d told him not to bother pursuing the petition to date vampires any
further, he actually felt his heart squeeze and for the first time in his life
he had felt real pain.

held joy or happiness. Even the taking of blood had become a chore. And now,
since hearing about how she’d rutted with a shifter, it was slowly destroying
him. Eating him up inside. He’d been unable to drink, unable to sleep. Based on
the telephone conversation he had overheard, it sounded like Becky had feelings
for the male as well.

eyes burned for a second and he squeezed them shut. The sun was bright this
time of day.

desperately needed to see his human. Needed to hold her. Needed to make her
understand that she was his.


fisted his hands at his sides. He planned on doing everything in his power to eradicate
the memory of that wolf from her mind.

when did the wildlife irritate you so badly? You look like you want to rip
those swans limb from limb.” His king’s deep voice invaded his thoughts.

forced himself to smile. “It isn’t aimed at the swans.”

didn’t think so,” Zane said.

is your female?” He asked, suddenly noticing that Tanya was nowhere in sight.

started back, then I realized that my guard wasn’t behind us. Lance has
escorted the queen back to our tower. I can tell that something is bothering
you, Ross.” Zane’s dark eyes regarded him. “I consider you to be more than just
a part of this coven and my royal most elite guard, I consider you to be a
friend. What is going on?”

glad you sought me out.” Ross paused, “I had planned on speaking with you.”

nodded. “I am here, but know that I do not have very long as my female plans on
starting without me.”

what?” He asked, regretting the words immediately.

eyes heated with what was clearly desire.

mind.” Ross held up his hands. He got to listen to the royal couple rut on many
occasions. That was enough without having to actually talk about it with his

sort of smiled. “I am desperate to get to her. She has withheld sex for over a
week.” The smile became a pained expression.

was upset with the two of you for what happened with Stephany.” Ross said,
having to suppress a smile. It had been nice and peaceful in the north tower
this last week since Tanya wasn’t talking to or rutting with either male. The
kings had even been forced to drink from each other for the first time since
before the three of them had mated. It was only the closest of the royal guard
that were even aware that this had ever even happened. All of them had been
sworn to secrecy.

pulled a face. “You don’t want to even know the shit storm that came down on us
when my little Ysnaar found out about how Brant treated Stephany. That he put
her wolf in the dungeon while she was in labor.” Zane sighed and then took a
deep breath. “I was in trouble because I stood by and didn’t intervene.”

Ross had to suppress a smile. “Well, it sounds like she has forgiven you.”

shook his head. “Call it a truce of sorts, my Ysnaar will let me rut her and
maybe drink from her but she is nowhere close to forgiving me. Brant may never
get to find pleasure with our sweet human ever again.”

humans that unforgiving or is it just your human?” Ross couldn’t help but to ask,
hoping that Becky would forgive him. Not that he had actually done anything
wrong though. His only crime was that of being a vampire and of following the
orders of his king.

think that it is a general human thing, although Tanya is particularly bad at
staying mad for prolonged periods. Do not tell her I said that, because she is
very sensitive.”


did you need to talk about?”

am going to see that human, Becky. I wanted you to know that—”

Zane growled. “You are attracted to her. One thing could lead to another.”

kept his eyes locked with Zane’s. “I do plan on rutting the female, but I will
not drink from her.”

cursed. “What is your fascination with this human?”

is your fascination with your human, my lord?” He quickly added the last when
he saw Zane’s jaw lock.

Zane growled. “Watch how you speak to me. You may be my friend but I am your
king first.”

wasn’t going to work. “Forget I said anything.”

are going to go to her anyway.”

nodded. “I am sure that the female is meant to be my mate.”

have hardly said two words to her, how can you say such a thing? She isn’t even
one of our own. You should be asha…” Zane pursed his lips.

were you going to say…ashamed maybe? Followed by embarrassed maybe?”

grit his teeth.

you ashamed of your human female?”

had him by the throat in a move Ross could have avoided but chose not to. He
knew it would be better to let his king blow off some steam. “For the record, I
am not ashamed of my human.” Zane squeezed tighter and Ross had to work hard to
keep from making choking noises. Then his king eased up on the pressure to a more
manageable level. “You plan on going to her whether I like it or not?”

tried to nod.

cursed again. “What the fuck am I going to do with you?” His king released him.

coughed twice, feeling the blood flow resume. Gulps of air filled his lungs but
all the while he maintained eye contact with the male in front of him. “No, I
don’t know her very well yet, but I still consider her to be mine.”

tell you what I told Lance. I think it’s bullshit. What you are feeling is a
simple case of lust for this female. You want her because you can’t have her. I
also believe that once you have rutted with her, that you will be able to move
on and forget about her.”

is only one way to find out if that is true.”

will not approve.” Zane kept his voice even.

when have we had to run everything by Brant?” Ross couldn’t help the outburst.
It seemed that Zane had been so close to agreeing before bringing up the other

turned hard eyes on him. “He is your king and best you don’t forget it.”

clenched his teeth to avoid speaking his mind.

should just forbid it and cut your dick off when you disobey me, but I am
worried that you might end up killing the female and bringing a ton of shit on
our covens and between Tanya and I. Becky is my female’s BFF.”

felt his brow crease. “My lord…BF…what?”

friend forever.” He pulled a pained face. “My Ysnaar would have my balls if you
hurt Becky in any way, both physically or emotionally, so think long and hard
before you go down this road.”

want the female.” Ross said without so much as a hint of hesitation.

will go with you.”

made a sound of irritation.

it or leave it. I’m not sending you out to rut a human”—Zane dropped his voice
looking around them—“without backup. You are not permitted to drink from her.
Get your fill of the female because I want you back tomorrow. No one is to know
about this…send Griffin to me in…” Zane looked at the watch strapped on his
wrist. “Half an hour…make that forty five minutes. I will brief him myself. If
Brant finds out about this, you are on your own. Are we clear?”


held up a hand, his eyes narrowed. “Don’t, it’s not like you left me with a
choice.” Then he sighed. “Go and have your female.”

though Zane acted like he wasn’t doing him any favors and that this was his
only choice, Ross knew better. His friend was granting him a favor, one he
would gladly take.

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